The Breakfast Club (Late Night)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club After Dark. A breakfast club Sunday edition published about twelve hours late.

AP’s Today in History for January 26th

Breakfast Tune Bluegrass Banjo solo phantom of the opera

Something to think about, Breakfast News & Blogs below


US citizen detained and interrogated by DHS agents about anti-war movement solidarity with Venezuela
Max Blumenthal, The Gray Zone

On his way back from a Christmas visit to his family in Nicaragua, 31-year-old US citizen Sergio Lazo Torrez was detained by Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) officers at Fort Lauderdale International Airport on January 20, then interrogated by Department of Homeland Security (DHS) agents who grilled him about his involvement in the US anti-war movement.

Torrez was a participant in the Venezuela Embassy Protection Collective, a group of activists and journalists formed in April 2019 to defend Venezuela’s embassy in Washington DC against a takeover attempt by the Trump-backed coup administration of Juan Guaido.

As The Grayzone reported, Torrez was previously detained by CBP at Dulles International Airport on August 2 after returning from a solidarity trip to Venezuela with fellow members of the collective, including this reporter. There, he was questioned for several hours about his activities in Caracas and was forced to surrender his cellphone for a search.



Something to think about over coffee prozac

For Corporate Media, Bernie Sanders Is Bigger Threat Than Donald Trump
Julie Hollar, Common Dreams

As Bernie Sanders emerged as a threat to Hillary Clinton’s presidential nomination in 2016, media began liberally tossing around articles equating Sanders and Donald Trump (, 4/15/16, 12/9/16). These typically acknowledged that the comparison seemed far-fetched, but pointed in their defense to some version of a “remarkable amount of policy convergence” (Atlantic, 1/6/16)—which included shared positions like opposition to trade agreements, protecting Social Security, opposing big money in politics, and opposing foreign military intervention—or to the two candidates’ reliance on “angry white men” for their base of support.

No journalist in their right mind would attempt an argument about a policy convergence between Sanders and Trump today, given Trump’s reversal on virtually every one of those original populist stances. And as for those “angry white men,” polls have shown that Sanders’ supporters are more female and less white than those of any other Democratic candidate—and much more so thso than Trump supporters. If they were an absurd stretch in 2016, then, efforts to make a Sanders/Trump equivalence today are even more desperate and disingenuous.

And yet they are experiencing a renaissance, as Sanders creeps toward the top of the Democratic primary polls in early-voting states.

Rant of the Week: Bill Maher – New Rule: Big Show with Crazy Maniac

On Friday night’s segment of Bill Maher’s “Real Time” on HBO, He asks the serious question, what will we do if Trump loses the 2020 election and refuses to relinquish the White House. Damn good question.

Warning language is not suitable for family viewing

Puerto Rico Is Still Shaking

While the news was focused on the Impeachment trial in the US Senate, Puerto Rico was once again struck by a significant earthquake on Saturday

A 5.0 magnitude earthquake hit southern Puerto Rico on Saturday at a shallow depth, raising concerns about unstable infrastructure in a region that has been hit by quakes every day for nearly a month.

The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake occurred at a depth of eight miles (13 kilometers) around the southern coastal town of Guayanilla, located close to the epicenters of most of the recent earthquakes. At least one small landslide was reported.

The newest quake comes a day after hundreds of people in the island’s southern region were evacuated from earthquake shelters that flooded after heavy rains hit the U.S. territory. In the coastal city of Ponce alone, more than 350 people on Friday were moved back into a school that served as the initial shelter when the ground first began shaking, Angel Vazquez, the city’s emergency management director, told the AP.

He said no damage was immediately reported in Ponce, but that crews were out inspecting buildings in areas affected by a 6.4 magnitude quake that hit Jan. 7, killing one person and damaging hundreds of homes. A 5.9 aftershock that hit the same area on Jan. 11 caused further damage.

Since the first quake on December 28 there have been 2,407 earthquakes in the past 30 days , 250 in the last seven days and 16 in the last 24 hours.

Puerto Rico has suffered since 2017 when it was hit by two devastating hurricanes, Irma and Maria. Congress approved $20 billion in aid after Maria struck in September of 2017. Since then only $1.5 billion has been dispersed by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. After the 6.4 magnitude quake on January 7, the Puerto Rican governor, Wanda Vázquez Garced, declared a state of emergency, the Trump administration released more of the aid but with some serious strings attached

The Trump administration recently announced that it would release $16 billion in relief funds to the embattled commonwealth, but under austere conditions. This would require the Puerto Rico government to submit budget plans to its fiscal-control board; update its property registration database; suspend the $15-an-hour minimum wage for federally funded relief workers; and despite recurrent power outages, these funds cannot be used for the island’s electrical grid because a separate $2 billion of unreleased funds are allocated for that purpose.

The funding will be sourced from the $20 billion previously approved by Congress in September 2017, after Hurricane Maria first struck Puerto Rico. Yet in the two years since the budget was passed, the Department of Housing and Urban Development has disbursed only $1.5 billion of those funds. An additional $1.8 billion was allotted in government contracts to restore electricity on the island — but instead, resulted in the indictment of two FEMA officials on charges of fraud and bribery. [..]

Unfortunately, the local government has struggled to contain the situation itself. Last Saturday, a stockpile of relief supplies was discovered in a warehouse outside the southern town of Ponce. Items like bottled water, diapers, propane tanks, and sleeping cots had been locked away since fall 2017, to the neglect of hurricane survivors, and two years later, earthquake survivors. Gov. Wanda Vázquez Garced — successor to the previously ousted Ricardo Rosselló — promptly fired Carlos Acevedo, the director of the island’s emergency management agency. On Thursday night, hundreds of Puerto Ricans gathered around La Fortaleza in protest of the Vázquez administration, citing the same deep-seated corruption they protested last summer.

On the island of Vieques off the coast of Puerto Rico the hospital was badly damages during Irma and Maria, the Trump administration has finally deigned to release funding to rebuild the hospital after the death of a 13 year old from the flu due to the lack of a proper medical facility on the island.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency approved $39.5 million in funds to help Vieques, Puerto Rico, rebuild its only hospital, nearly three years after it was destroyed by Hurricane Maria.

Even though the Susana Centeno community health center historically lacked a formal “hospital” designation, it housed the small island’s clinic for veterans, as well as the only labor and delivery room in Vieques, located about seven miles off Puerto Rico’s eastern coast.

The announcement comes nearly two weeks after Jaideliz Moreno Ventura, 13, died after lacking proper medical equipment and facilities in Vieques, where she lived, to treat flu-like symptoms.

Even though FEMA did not acknowledge her death in its statement Tuesday afternoon, José Miguel Ventura, Jaideliz’s cousin, told NBC News he was happy to hear that her death was having an impact.


The people of the island are American citizens. It is an international disgrace that the Trump administration has treated them so badly.


Happy Tardy New Year

Jon Lovitz in Hell

First Order Intern

R & B

Dad Talk


Sports Injuries

Larp Runamuck

Are you ready for the sunshine?
Are you ready for the birds and bees,
the apple trees,
and a whole lot of fooling around

Are you ready for the summer?
Are you ready for the hot nights?
Are you ready for the fireflies,
the moonlit skies,
and a whole lot of fooling around

No more pencils, no more books
No more teachers dirty looks
No more math and history,
Summer time has set us free

Are you ready for the summer?
Are you ready for the good times?…

Air is 80% Nitrogen, 20% Oxygen- ask any diver Professor Zachary Adams, if that is indeed your real name.

I don’t know. Just so excited to see Jon Lovitz.

It’s all acting

Oh, you want news.


Three Little Pigs – Green Jelly

High School Never Ends – Bowling For Soup

Flavor Of The Weak – American Hi-Fi

Been to Worcester many, many times. Try some Good Chemistry GoodChem.

The Manchester Union Leader

Well, I could have told you they wouldn’t endorse Sanders or Warren.

First of all, New Hampshire has always hated Massachusetts because they have Crimean ambitions that the Seizure of Cape Cod will increase their warm water ports (New Hampshire has a scant 18 miles of coastline) and they wouldn’t let them expand North over the Piscataqua River into Maine (at the time a disconnected part of Massachusetts).

Likewise there are still a lot of hard feelings about that Vermont thing. New Hampshire was the first state to organize an Independent government separate from Britain, kind of unfair to have the 14th state carved out of it right after the Revolution. Connecticut held on to the Western Reserve (which includes the Land of Cleves and Youngstown) until 1800 and only gave it up after having sold it to a group of suckers from Suffield (yes, we fleece our own) and the Pennamite War with Pennsylvania (They didn’t teach you that? You are under educated.). Virginia made bad choices in the War for Race Slavery.

Manchester is the largest “city” in the State and is part of a Nashua-Manchester Metro Area where the driving economic engine is tax disparity with nearby Massachusetts.

Live Free or Die. Did I mention they hate Massachusetts?

Anyway, the Union Leader has the largest circulation of any newspaper in New Hampshire but that’s not saying much. Practically every town of notice has their own daily or weekly and they’re far more widely read in their location than the Leader is.

Concord, the State Capitol, is at the Western edge of “Manchester Metro” (I’m sorry, I live Tri-State, no big deal to get to The City) and they have their own paper, The Monitor, which is a little more like the Times or Boston Globe than the New York Post. It’s also circulated statewide and the “National” publications I mentioned are universally available and popular.

Since the Leader is rabidly Republican and Conservative, it is unsurprising they have chosen to endorse Amy Klobuchar, one of the most conservative and non threatening Democrats in the Field.

Warren? Sanders? Too Left. And we hate them anyway. Buttigieg? Too Gay.

Well why not Biden? He’s a villain, read the paper (and he is you know, all that Social Security/Medicare/Medicaid stuff is true). We’re going to thrash him in 2020 and he is our preferred opponent for whom we have spent 4 years preparing but too is hot to handle at the moment.

Why not… why not pick the lowest polling most Conservative “Democrat” standing?

I congratulate you on your endorsement.

As a side note: I am finalizing arrangements to transfer operations to North Lake. Expect coverage similar to the Mint 400 where, after you watch them take off in a large cloud of dust and see several smaller dust clouds spin by, you realize that it’s hopeless in person and go back to watch it on TV.

Pondering the Pundits: Sunday Preview Edition

Pondering the Pundits: Sunday Preview Edition” is an Open Thread. It is a selection of editorials and opinions from around the news medium and the internet blogs. The intent is to provide a forum for your reactions and opinions, not just to the opinions presented, but to what ever you find important.

On Sunday mornings we present a preview of the guests on the morning talk shows so you can choose which ones to watch or some do something more worth your time on a Sunday morning.

Follow us on Twitter @StarsHollowGzt

The Sunday Talking Heads:

This Week with George Stephanopolis: The guests on Sunday’s “This Week” are: Rep. Val Demings (D-FL); Sen. James Lankford (R-OK); and 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN).

The roundtable guests are: ABC News Senior National Correspondent Terry Moran; The Dispatch Editor-in-Chief Jonah Goldberg; Roland Martin Unfiltered Host and Managing Editor Roland Martin; and Republican Strategist Alice Stewart.

Face the Nation: Host Margaret Brennan’s guests are: 2020 Democratic presidential candidate former Mayor Pete Buttigieg; Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR); Rep. Jason Crow (D-CO); and CBS News political analyst Anthony Salvano.

Her panel guests are: Kelsey Snell, NPR congressional correspondent; David Nakamura, Washington Post reporter; Philip Rucker, Washington Post White house Bureau Chief; and Ramesh Ponnuru, American Enterprise Institute.

Meet the Press with Chuck Todd: The guests on this week’s “MTP” are: Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA); Sen. Mike Braun (R-IN); and 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN).

The panel guests are: Lanhee Chen, Republican commentator; Mark Leibovich, New York Times Magazine; Amy Walter, Cook Political Report; and Kristen Welker, MSNBC White House correspondent.

State of the Union with Jake Tapper: Mr. Tapper’s guests are: Rep. Zoe Lofrgern, (D-CA); and Robert Ray, Trump Impeachment lawyer.

His panel guests are: Sen. Tina Smith (D-MN); former Rep. Mia Love (R-UT); Wajahat Ali, CNN commentator; and David J. Urban,Trump supporter.


That about sums it up for me.

All the anti-Republican Senate ads Democrats could possibly want
By Jennifer Rubin, Washington Post
Jan. 24, 2020

The impeachment trial will not result in President Trump’s removal, but it could well result in Republicans’ removal from the Senate majority. A slew of Republican incumbents were below 45 percent approval even before the trial began, including Susan Collins (Maine), Joni Ernst (Iowa), Thom Tillis (N.C.), Martha McSally (Ariz.), Cory Gardner (Colo.) and John Cornyn (Tex.). In their refusal to allow new witnesses and documents, their determination to acquit even before the trial began and their conduct during the trial, they are creating a plethora of opportunities for opponents’ ad makers.

The anti-Trump Lincoln Project has already launched one against Collins:

Think of the ads that may highlight the total lack of professionalism by senators who read books, doodle, wander off, fall asleep and sneer at the House managers.

There are the lawmakers who play dumb, suggesting that there is no evidence of guilt. There are senators who whine that they are bored. Some simultaneously claim that there is nothing new and that they don’t need to hear from witnesses. Collins and Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) were peeved that House manager Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) suggested that refusing to allow witnesses was akin to enabling Trump’s cover-up. (Wouldn’t it be?) If only they found the president’s lying, abuse of power, obstruction of Congress and betrayal of national security as vexing.

There are the senators such as Republicans John Neely Kennedy (La.) and Ted Cruz (Tex.), who have regurgitated Russian propaganda. There are the senators who parrot the utterly discredited position that abuse of power is not impeachable.

Other senators, such as Ernst and Gardner, simply run from answering the most obvious questions. Why won’t you subpoena more documents and testimony from witnesses if you think the evidence is in doubt? Would you allow a Democratic president to refuse to produce any documents in a congressional investigation? Do you think it is acceptable for your political opponents to go to a foreign leader to announce a bogus investigation of you?

So far not a single Republican has upheld his or her oath to “administer impartial justice” by demanding to see all relevant new evidence, although hope springs eternal that some may come around after the two sides have presented their cases. In behaving as they have, Republicans are managing not only to deprive the president of a legitimate acquittal in the eyes of Americans (who overwhelmingly want a real trial), but also to convince voters that Republicans should not be entrusted with power.

Republicans should not be entrusted with power.

Hmm… What to say about the debacle.

In the moment I thought most of it a mixture of lies, mischaracterizations, and InfoWars Conspiracy Theories. On reflection I worry that the cherry picked video clips of testimony may provide a fig leaf for some.

Don’t get me wrong. It was all frothing raving madness.

Assessing the Trump team’s 6-point impeachment defense
By Philip Bump, Washington Post
Jan. 25, 2020

President Trump’s legal team in his impeachment trial began its defense on Saturday morning with a slightly more lawyerly version of one of Trump’s favorite tweets: read the transcript.

“They didn’t talk a lot about the transcript of the call,” White House counsel Pat Cipollone told the assembled senators in the Senate chambers at the outset of his remarks, “which I would submit is the best evidence of what happened on the call.”

That line, in itself, is a neat encapsulation of Trump’s case. It focuses on the rough transcript of Trump’s July 25, 2019 call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as exculpatory — while also asserting that the central issue is the call itself. It isn’t. The presented evidence shows a broad campaign of pressure of which that call was only one part, a campaign that is harder for Trump’s team to refute.

Cipollone soon transitioned to Michael Purpura, the deputy White House counsel. Purpura began by articulating a six-point defense that his team would offer during its presentation. Those six points, like Cipollone’s claim about the rough transcript: carefully worded, constrained — and often not hard to undercut.

Cipollone soon transitioned to Michael Purpura, the deputy White House counsel. Purpura began by articulating a six-point defense that his team would offer during its presentation. Those six points, like Cipollone’s claim about the rough transcript: carefully worded, constrained — and often not hard to undercut.

Here’s each point as he stated it, and what the available evidence says about the claims.

Now I’m going to stop there and urge you to click though because Philip Bump strongly refutes each of these points, but it’s a bit too long for the page so I’ll simply list them-

  1. “The transcript shows that the president did not condition either security assistance or a meeting on anything. The paused security assistance funds aren’t even mentioned on the call.”
  2. “President Zelensky and other Ukrainian officials have repeatedly said that there was no quid pro quo and no pressure on them to review anything.”
  3. “President Zelensky and high-ranking Ukrainian officials did not even know — did not even know the security assistance was paused until the end of August. Over a month after the July 25th call.”
  4. “Not a single witness testified that the president himself said that there was any connection between any investigations and security assistance, a presidential meeting or anything else.”
  5. The security assistance flowed on Sept. 11, and a presidential meeting took place on Sept. 25 without the Ukrainian government announcing any investigations.
  6. The Democrats’ blind drive to impeach the president does not and cannot change the fact, as attested to by the Democrats own witnesses, that President Trump has been a better friend and stronger supporter of Ukraine than his predecessor.

I would like to assume my body of work makes it clear that I think all these arguments are garbage but let me repeat it.


What? You thought I stopped doing this? Sheesh, do something different for a couple of weeks…

Back Foot – Dinosaur Pile Up


Peaches – The Presidents of the United States of America


Alien Ant Farm – Movies


Impeachment: Senate Trial 1.25.2020

Today the Republicans attempt to defend themselves.

Because (as mentioned below) they really have no defense and are simply pounding the table, today (though they’ve had 3 full days to panic) will be brief, 2 – 3 hours.

As you are watching please remember to monitor your blood pressure, take care not to damage anything that would be expensive to replace, and everything Republicans say are lies, including the articles (in the Grammar sense) “the”, “a”, or “an”.

Starts at 10 so no A.M. Joy.

The Breakfast Club (Uncertainty)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:00am (ET) (or whenever we get around to it) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

This Day in History

Iran-held hostages released, Charles Manson and followers convicted, Jackson settles molestation claims, Alicia Keys is born.

Breakfast Tunes

Something to Think about over Coffee Prozac

There is no such uncertainty as a sure thing.

Robert Burns

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