No Confidence

With the defection of Phillip Lee to the Liberal Democrats, Tories, even in co-operation with the DUP (no one else will have them), have lost their Parliamentary majority.

Don’t expect this to be the end of today’s fireworks, scheduled is a motion forbidding a No Deal Brexit without a Parliamentary vote. It also directs Johnson to seek an extension from the EU (which they are likely to get because the EU can’t force them out. Johnson has said if it passes he will call Snap Elections (he would still need 2/3rds approval of Parliament which he would be likely to get) that, even accounting for short form would leave just about as much time as the 5 week suspension.

Dither with red tape a bit, proclaim the deed done, and retire to the accolades of a Churchillian exile with his new dog I suppose. Tough to figure Johnson out, in what universe is even this rosy scenario a win?

Boris Johnson loses Parliamentary majority, faces Brexit showdown
By Kevin Sullivan and Karla Adam, Washington Post
September 3, 2019

oris Johnson, speaking Tuesday before the British Parliament for only the second time since becoming prime minister, is facing a rebellion of lawmakers who are livid about his plan to shut them down and who are desperately trying to stop Britain from leaving the European Union without a withdrawal deal on Oct. 31.

The opposition, which includes members of Johnson’s Consevative Party, is seeking to take control of the agenda and pass legislation to delay Brexit by an additional three months.

Johnson has warned that if his foes succeed, he will trigger a snap general election — and bar those who vote against him this week from running as Conservatives.

In Parliament, Johnson was heckled and catcalled from almost the moment he stood to speak. He noted that Tuesday was the 80th anniversary of Britain’s entrance into World War II and said “This country still stands then as now for democracy for the rule of law.” He was met with jeering laughter.

He insisted that Britain was making progress in talks with European Union leaders about an orderly Brexit, which drew more mocking laughter.

Aided by repeated demands for “Order” by House Speaker John Bercow, Johnson said his opponents’ proposal to delay Brexit by another three months after Oct. 31 would “Force us to beg for yet another pointless delay.”

“If that happens, all the progress we have been making will have been for nothing,” Johnson said, calling the legislation “Jeremy Corbyn’s surrender bill,” referring to his chief opponent, the leader of the Labour Party.

“There are no circumstances in which I could accept anything like it,” he said. “We promised the people we would get Brexit done. Enough is enough. The country wants this done.”

In his response, Corbyn said “This reckless government only has one plan, and that is to crash out of the European Union.”

He called Johnson’s government “dangerous and reckless,” and a “government of cowardice” with “no mandate, no morals and, as of today, no majority.”

Corbyn was referring to the dramatic defection of Conservative member of Parliament Phillip Lee, who resigned while Johnson was speaking on the floor of the House of Commons. He said in his resignation letter that the Conservative Party, which he had been a member for 27 years, had become “infected with the twin diseases of populism and English nationalism.”

Lee’s move means that Johnson has lost his working majority of just one vote. That means it will be far harder to pass legislation or get anything meaningful done in Parliament.

It also could be added incentive for Johnson to seek a snap general election, which he has warned is possible in the coming weeks. Going to the voters would allow him a chance to strengthen his numbers in Parliament, and claim a mandate for his pursuit of Brexit on Oct. 31, “no matter what.”

Brexit Showdown in Parliament as Boris Johnson Warns of a General Election
By Stephen Castle, The New York Times
Sept. 3, 2019

On a day of high drama, one Conservative rebel, Phillip Lee, quit the party and marched across the House of Commons to stand with the Liberal Democrats, who have managed to stage a resurgence by positioning themselves as an unambiguously anti-Brexit party.

While his defection means that Prime Minister Boris Johnson no longer has a working majority in Parliament, the practical effect was limited, because the government will fall only if it is defeated in a confidence motion.

In a letter to the prime minister, Dr. Lee said that Brexit divisions had “sadly transformed this once great party into something more akin to a narrow faction in which one’s Conservatism is measured by how recklessly one wants to leave the European Union.”

He added: “Perhaps more disappointingly, it has become infected by the twin diseases of English nationalism and populism.”

Lawmakers are expected to try to seize control of events in Parliament, a process that is normally the preserve of the government. Such a move would clear the way for them to force Mr. Johnson to seek an extension to the Oct. 31 Brexit deadline if he fails to reach an exit agreement with the bloc.

The clash on Tuesday, as Parliament returned from its summer recess, has been made possible by a faction of lawmakers in Mr. Johnson’s own party who have said they will not support a no-deal departure, threatening to defy the prime minister’s warning that Tory rebels will be expelled from the party if they pursue the parliamentary effort.

Mr. Johnson said on Monday that he would refuse to ask the European Union to extend the deadline under any circumstances, meaning that his only option would be to call for a general election, which would be expected to be called for Oct. 14.

Of course the Tories could win… I expect Labor will tread water, Liberal Democrats will explode (though not enough to become the official opposition, they have 15 now).

The Conservatives will sink like a stone, even if Johnson doesn’t remove the whip (another way of saying delisting and denying Party support) from dissenters.

There will probably be a Labor / Liberal Democrat coalition and Nicola Sturgeon will get another vote on Scots Independence to buy her off and who knows, maybe Scotland is tired enough by now of being dinked around by a nation as manifestly insane as Great Britain.


So I mentioned the Kylo Ren Redemption / Dark Rey story arc to a friend who’s a fan and they said, “Ben killed his Father who was trying to save his sorry ass. Pretty hard to redeem yourself from that.” I opined that perhaps Disney thought the fans brain damaged and forgetful and they said, “Disney would never pull a Lucas.”

I dunno, they made Toy Story 4 (more on that soon).

Jenny Nicholson

The Breakfast Club (Diddy Wa Diddie)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:00am (ET) (or whenever we get around to it) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

 photo stress free zone_zps7hlsflkj.jpg

This Day in History

Britain and France declare war on Nazi Germany; The Treaty of Paris ends the American Revolution; Bloody end to the Beslan hostage crisis in Russia; Viking 2 lands on Mars; NFL coach Vince Lombardi dies.

Breakfast Tunes

Something to Think about over Coffee Prozac

A person who won’t read has no advantage over one who can’t read.

Mark Twain

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There’s A Leak Of Classified Information!

Ever hear of the NRO? Good, you’re not supposed to. The National Reconnaissance Office is more secretive than the NSA and among the things they do is image analysis of Top Secret photos like the one one of the Iranian Missile Base leaked by Unindicted Co-conspirator Bottomless Pinocchio on Twitter the other day.

But you can work the equations both ways and I doubt it would take them, professionals who do this kind of thing every day with the best equipment and fastest computers in the world, more than a moment or 2 to do with 100% certainty what it took these Sky and Tel nerds 2 days to do to 99%. Close enough for horseshoes.

Amateurs Identify U.S. Spy Satellite Behind President Trump’s Tweet
by Geoff Brumfiel, NPR
September 2, 2019

The image almost certainly came from a satellite known as USA 224, according to Marco Langbroek, a satellite-tracker based in the Netherlands. The satellite was launched by the National Reconnaissance Office in 2011. Almost everything about it remains highly classified, but Langbroek says that based on its size and orbit, most observers believe USA 224 is one of America’s multibillion-dollar KH-11 reconnaissance satellites.

“It’s basically a very large telescope, not unlike the Hubble Space Telescope,” Langbroek says. “But instead of looking up to the stars, it looks down to the earth’s surface and makes very detailed images.”

The image tweeted by Trump on Friday, showing the aftermath of an accident at Iran’s Imam Khomeini Space Center, was so detailed that some experts doubted whether it really could have come from a satellite high above the planet.

But a small community of amateur satellite trackers was far more interested in the picture than the words. These individuals use backyard telescopes to watch satellites whizzing across the sky, and they know where most of them are—even classified ones like USA 224. “They’re super bright in the sky and are easy to find,” says Michael Thompson, a graduate student in astrodynamics at Purdue University who spots satellites in his spare time. Once a satellite is seen, it’s relatively easy to work out exactly where it will be at any point in future. “Using math to calculate an orbit is really easy,” he says.

Thompson was one of the first to use an amateur-curated database of known satellites to point the finger at USA 224. He showed it flew over the Iranian space center shortly after the accident.

Langbroek went further still. He was able to reconstruct the picture taken by USA 224 by matching the obliqueness of the circular launch pad in the image tweeted by Trump. His calculation showed that the photo was taken from the vantage of USA 224. Langbroek and another online researcher, Christiaan Triebert, also used shadows cast by towers around the launch pad as sun dials—allowing them to verify the time at which the photo was taken.

Both techniques suggest the pictures were snapped by USA 224, which flew near the site at 2:14 PM local time. “The match was perfect, basically,” Langbroek says.

“When I saw the image, it was so crystal clear and high-resolution that I did not believe it could come from a satellite,” says Melissa Hanham, a satellite imagery expert and deputy director of the Open Nuclear Network in Vienna, Austria. But she finds the new analysis persuasive. “Given that the satellite is in position at that moment, it’s now very likely that it was [the source of the picture],” she says.

Hanham says she is amazed a satellite can provide such clear imagery. Spy satellites must peer down through earth’s atmosphere, which is a bit like trying to look at objects in the bottom of a swimming pool. They also must snap their pictures while whizzing across the sky. Both effects can blur the fine details in images.

“I’m now scratching my head and curious about how they account for the effects of the atmosphere and motion of the objects,” she says.

And she says she thinks she’s not alone. Others will be trying to use the image to learn more about how USA 224 works. “I imagine adversaries are going to take a look at this image and reverse-engineer it to figure out how the sensor itself works and what kind of post-production techniques they’re using,” she says.

Hanham questions whether Trump’s tweet zinging the Iranians was worth the information this image provides to other nations, but she adds: “It’s his decision as the president.”

Sources and methods indeed.

Solidarity Forever

A DocuDharma and The Stars Hollow Gazette tradition.

Solidarity Forever

When the union’s inspiration through the workers’ blood shall run
There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun
Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one
For the Union makes us strong


Solidarity forever, solidarity forever
Solidarity forever

For the Union makes us strong

Is there aught we hold in common with the greedy parasite
Who would lash us into serfdom and would crush us with his might?
Is there anything left to us but to organize and fight?

For the union makes us strong


It is we who ploughed the prairies, built the cities where they trade
Dug the mines and built the workshops, endless miles of railroad laid
Now we stand outcast and starving ‘mid the wonders we have made

But the union makes us strong


All the world that’s owned by idle drones is ours and ours alone
We have laid the wide foundations, built it skyward stone by stone
It is ours, not to slave in, but to master and to own

While the union makes us strong


They have taken untold millions that they never toiled to earn
But without our brain and muscle not a single wheel can turn
We can break their haughty power gain our freedom when we learn

That the Union makes us strong


In our hands is placed a power greater than their hoarded gold
Greater than the might of armies magnified a thousandfold
We can bring to birth a new world from the ashes of the old

For the Union makes us strong


Solidarity forever, solidarity forever
Solidarity forever

For the Union makes us strong


Look for the Union Label

Look for the union label
when you are buying that coat, dress or blouse.

Remember somewhere our union’s sewing,
Our wages going to feed the kids, and run the house.

We work hard, but who’s complaining?
Thanks to the I.L.G. we’re paying our way!

So always look for the union label,
It says we’re able to make it in the U.S.A.!


Union Thru and Thru


This Union Cause

This animated timeline traces the history of the labor movement and describes major events and leaders who helped build trade unions and secure high standards of living, economic security and social stature for workers.

It was produced by the UAW.

The Breakfast Club (Who’ll Stop Their Reign?)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:00am (ET) (or whenever we get around to it) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

 photo stress free zone_zps7hlsflkj.jpg

This Day in History

Japan signs surrender, officially ending World War II; Union forces occupy Atlanta during the Civil War; A great fire ravages medieval London; Vietnam’s Ho Chi Minh dies; Wreckage of the Titanic found.

Breakfast Tunes

Something to Think about over Coffee Prozac

Truth may be stretched, but cannot be broken, and always gets above falsehood, as does oil above water.

Miguel de Cervantes

Continue reading

Rant of the Week: Chris Hayes – One Man, One Vote

When we vote in local elections, we vote directly for our local and state representatives – one man, one vote. But for the most powerful office in the country, President of the United States, that rule does not apply. He is elected by the electoral college, winning the majority of American votes does not count. Chris Hayes explains why the weirdest thing about the Electoral College is that if it wasn’t specifically in the Constitution, it would be unconstitutional.

If you run for sheriff or mayor or governor or senator, you win if you get the most votes. That’s it. That’s the principle,” Hayes noted. “There is one exception, president of the United States.”

“Now, there are all kinds of people who will tell you this is good for all sorts of reasons — and they’re all wrong,” he argued.

“And that brings us back to Dan Crenshaw, who says that the nature of American constitutional government is because we are a republic, not a democracy, the 51% can’t boss around the 49%. But what he and his party are advocating is a world in which the 49% boss around the 51%,” Hayes said, to massive applause.

“And that is both anti-democratic and perverse. America is a democracy, and if one person, one vote means anything at all, it’s time to do something totally radical, and that is this. Run the presidential election the way we run every other election. The person with the most votes wins,” Hayes concluded.

Formula One 2019: Spa

Back after the August recess the 2019 Formula One season is 2/3rds done and so far the score board looks like this-

      Mercedes 11
      Red Bull 2
      Ferrari 1

That 1 came from LeClerc who celebrated his very first Formula One victory today.

This is where the point standings are-

Constructors’ Championship

Rank Team Points
1 Mercedes 471
2 Ferrari 326
3 Red Bull Racing Honda 254
4 McLaren Renault 82
5 Scuderia Toro Rosso Honda 51
6 Renault 43
7 Racing Point BWT Mercedes 40
8 Alfa Romeo Racing Ferrari 32
9 Haas Ferrari 26
10 Williams Mercedes 1

Driver’s Championship

Rank Driver Team Points
1 Lewis Hamilton Mercedes 268
2 Valtteri Bottas Mercedes 203
3 Max Verstappen Red Bull Racing Honda 181
4 Sebastian Vettel Ferrari 169
5 Charles Leclerc Ferrari 157
6 Pierre Gasly Scuderia Toro Rosso Honda 65
7 Carlos Sainz McLaren Renault 58
8 Daniil Kvyat Scuderia Toro Rosso Honda 33
9 Kimi Räikkönen Alfa Romeo Racing Ferrari 31
10 Alexander Albon Red Bull Racing Honda 26
11 Lando Norris McLaren Renault 24
12 Daniel Ricciardo Renault 22
13 Sergio Perez Racing Point BWT Mercedes 21
14 Nico Hulkenberg Renault 21
15 Lance Stroll Racing Point BWT Mercedes 19
16 Kevin Magnussen Haas Ferrari 18
17 Romain Grosjean Haas Ferrari 8
18 Antonio Giovinazzi Alfa Romeo Racing Ferrari 1
19 Robert Kubica Williams Mercedes 1

To summarize the season so far, Ferrari entered it with a supposedly strong advantage in power. As it develops, not so much really and certainly not enough to counter a considerable Mercedes edge in handling and cornering. Only recently has Ferrari been able to demonstrate any ability to transmit whatever power advantage they have into on track speed.

Maranello has also been handicapped by their drivers. LeClerc is a pure rookie with potential who has taken the average amount of time to acclimate, Vettel’s only talent is to pull a hole shot and run away in a superior car while his partner blocks for him. He’s also a really nasty guy and a poor and petulant team mate who can never fail, he can only be failed.

Not that Lew Hamilton is a Saint, but by comparison…

Truth is that while technically undecided the season is done, unless you’re into betting the back markers. Today’s race was won by LeClerc from the Pole, but it was hardly decisive. Despite aggressive blocking by Vettel, had the race lasted another 2 laps Hamilton would have passed LeClerc on tires fresher by about 10 laps. As is typical of Spa there was a crash in the very first corner calling out the Safety Car for about 6 laps.

Earlier today Anthoine Hubert died after a major crash with Juan Manuel Correa at Eau Rouge during the second lap of the F2 race, which was halted.


Darkside – blink-182

Frosted Flakes – Quality Control with Migos

One Thing Right – Marshmello and Kane Brown

The Breakfast Club (Onion MadLibs & more)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:30am (ET) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

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AP’s Today in History for September 1st

Nazi Germany invades Poland, start of World War II; Beslan hostage crisis begins in Russia; Bobby Fischer beats Boris Spassky for world chess crown; Boxer Rocky Marciano and singer Gloria Estefan born.

Breakfast Tune Never Gonna Give You Up – Amazing Musical Virtuoso Gunhild Carling Plays Bagpipes, Trumpet & more

Something to think about, Breakfast News & Blogs below


‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens
The Onion (Mass Shooting MadLibs DIY Edits)

(CITY, STATE) — In the hours following a violent rampage in (STATE) in which a lone attacker killed (NUMBER) individuals, including a (GOOD GUY WITH A GUN), and seriously injured at least (NUMBER) others, citizens living in the only country where this kind of mass killing routinely occurs reportedly concluded (DAY OF WEEK) that there was no way to prevent the massacre from taking place.

“This was a terrible tragedy, but sometimes these things just happen and there’s nothing anyone can do to stop them,” said (STATE) resident (RANDOM PERSON), echoing sentiments expressed by tens of millions of individuals who reside in a nation where over half of the world’s deadliest mass shootings have occurred in the past 50 years and whose citizens are 20 times more likely to die of gun violence than those of other developed nations.

“It’s a shame, but what can we do? There really wasn’t anything that was going to keep this individual from snapping and killing a lot of people if that’s what they really wanted.”

At press time, residents of the only economically advanced nation in the world where roughly two mass shootings have occurred every month for the past eight years were referring to themselves and their situation as “helpless.”



Something to think about over coffee prozac

NEWS IN BRIEF: School Administration Reminds Female Students Bulletproof Vests Must Cover Midriff
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Pondering the Pundits: Sunday Preview Edition

Pondering the Pundits: Sunday Preview Edition” is an Open Thread. It is a selection of editorials and opinions from around the news medium and the internet blogs. The intent is to provide a forum for your reactions and opinions, not just to the opinions presented, but to what ever you find important.

On Sunday mornings we present a preview of the guests on the morning talk shows so you can choose which ones to watch or some do something more worth your time on a Sunday morning.

Follow us on Twitter @StarsHollowGzt

The Sunday Talking Heads:

This Week with George Stephanopolis: The guests on Sunday’s “This Week” are: Acting DHS Secretary Kevin McAleenan; and Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA).

The roundtable guests are: ABC News Political Analyst Matthew Dowd; ABC News Political Director Rick Klein; Washington Post National Correspondent Mary Jordan; and NPR Political Correspondent Asma Khalid.

Face the Nation: Host Margaret Brennan’s guests are: Acting DHS Secretary Kevin McAleenan; former FEMA Administrator Brock Long; 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke; and CBS News Correspondent Holly Williams.

Her panel guests are: David Nakamura, Washington Post; Salena Zito, Washington Examiner; Sahil Kapur, Bloomberg News; and Shane Harris, Washington Post.

Meet the Press with Chuck Todd: The guests on this week’s “MTP” are: Acting Administrator of FEMA Peter Gaynor; Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL); and 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Julián Castro.

State of the Union with Jake Tapper: Mr. Tapper’s guests are: The guests on this week’s “MTP” are: Acting Administrator of FEMA Peter Gaynor; Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL); and 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke.

His panel guests are: Wajahat Ali, New York Times; Xochitl Hinojosa, Communications Director for @TheDemocrats; former Rep. Mia Love (R-UT); and otherwise unemployable deplorable former Rep. Rick Santorum,

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