The Breakfast Club (Terms Of Morality)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:00am (ET) (or whenever we get around to it) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

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This Day in History

An armistice ends the Korean War; A House panel votes to impeach President Richard Nixon; A pipe bomb explodes at the Atlanta Olympics; The deposed Shah of Iran and comedian Bob Hope die.

Breakfast Tunes

Something to Think about over Coffee Prozac

I think the greater responsibility, in terms of morality, is where leadership begins.

Norman Lear

Continue reading

Six In The Morning Saturday 27 July 2019

Why Russia and China are wading into a centuries’ old dispute over a tiny island cluster

Updated 0508 GMT (1308 HKT) July 27, 2019

While Japan and South Korea may not agree on who owns a cluster of tiny, rocky islands off their coastlines, they do agree that Russian bombers shouldn’t be flying above them.

The remote Pacific outcrop, called the Dokdo Islands in South Korea and the Takeshima Islands in Japan, made headlines Tuesday following an alleged violation of the airspace above them by a Russian jet.
South Korea said its fighter jets fired hundreds of warning shots at the Russian A-50 radar and intelligence plane after officials in Seoul say it twice entered the 12-nautical-mile limit that South Korea considers its airspace around the islands.

Hong Kong protesters brace for clashes with triads in Yuen Long rally

Activists vow to defy a police ban and protest in Yuen Long, where protesters and commuters were attacked last Sunday

Hong Kong residents braced for more clashes on Saturday as protesters vowed to defy police orders and hold a rally that could pit them against triad gangs.

Demonstrators were preparing to march on Saturday afternoon in Yuen Long, in Hong Kong’s rural New Territories in the north of the city, where suspected triads attacked commuters and protesters with poles and rods last week, leaving 45 hospitalised.

Lines of protesters, many head to toe in black, with helmets, pads and masks have filled Yuen Long station, sitting on the ground in groups. Some made their way to the rally’s starting point, a playground. Most shops along the main road, the march’s route were closed. Riot police have set up posts along the main road and in the Yuen Long station, where last week’s attack took place and where the march was scheduled to end on Saturday.

Young asylum seekers in US easy prey for gangs

Young Central American asylum seekers fleeing violence and poverty in their home countries are increasingly falling prey to the notorious MS13 gang in the United States, authorities say.

The youngsters, most of them from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador, are proving to be easy targets for the gang which takes advantage of their vulnerability as immigrants.

“They are young victims who very likely left their countries in the hope that they would find security and prosperity in the United States,” Los Angeles County district attorney Jackie Lacey said last week as she announced a sweeping indictment against 22 members of the gang.

Italy blocks own coast guard vessel with migrants on board

Migrants on seven boats are crossing Mediterranean waters to escape Libya, according to airborne Sea-Watch activists. Italy’s interior minister is blocking entry to an Italian coast guard ship carrying rescued migrants.

Far-right Interior Minister Matteo Salvini has ordered that coast guard ship Bruno Gregoretti should not enter an Italian port until other EU countries agree to take in the 140 migrants on board, news agency ANSA has reported.

Italy’s coast guard said those on board comprised two groups rescued on Wednesday by Tunisian and Italian fishing boats and then transferred to the Bruno Gregoretti.

This woman was jailed in China because she worked for Crown casino

By Nick McKenzie, Grace Tobin and Nick Toscano

Jenny Jiang will live forever with the fallout of the four weeks she spent in a Chinese prison with drug dealers, pickpockets and prostitutes thanks to the actions of her employer – Australia’s biggest casino company, Crown Resorts.

Ms Jiang, who lives in Shanghai, now has a criminal record which she says in China is “a big issue”.

She is the first employee of James Packer’s Crown Resorts to break ranks and talk about what happened to her and her colleagues in October, 2016.

Europe’s heat wave is about to bake the Arctic

Concerns grow regarding sea ice and Greenland’s ice sheet.

July 26 at 12:12 PM


On Friday, more temperature records are falling in Europe as the historic heat wave that brought the hottest weather ever recorded in Paris, London, the United Kingdom, Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany shifts northward. In a few days, the weather system responsible for the heat wave will stretch all the way across the top of the globe.

It’s what this system, characterized by a strong area of high pressure aloft — often referred to as a heat dome — will do to the Arctic that has some scientists increasingly concerned.

Norway, Sweden and Finland will experience unusually high temperatures through the weekend, as a potentially record strong area of high pressure in the mid-levels of the atmosphere sets up over the region, blocking any cold fronts or other storm systems from moving into the area, like a traffic light in the sky.

The Russian Connection: Moscow Mitch

Senate Majority leader Mitch “The Human-Hybrid Turtle” McConnell has a new moniker pinned on him by MSMBC’s host of “Morning Joe” and former Republican Joe Scarborough. During his morning show, Scarborough slammed McConnell for blocking two bills aimed at securing American elections and combatting Russian Interference in American elections yesterday on the heels of former Special Council Robert Mueller’s testimony and the Senate Intelligence Committee’s report on the interference. He repeatedly called McConnell “Moscow Mitch.”

“He is aiding and abetting Vladimir Putin’s ongoing attempts to subvert American democracy, according to the Republican FBI, CIA, DNI, intel committee. All Republicans are all saying Russia is subverting American democracy and Moscow Mitch won’t even let the Senate take a vote on it. That is un-American!”


Long Hot Summer

Not for me personally mind you, I convinced Richard and Emily years ago the equipment requires cooling.

I happen to agree with one thing the “moderates” say.

Time to bring it.

Dems move closer to impeachment in strategy shakeup

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler’s announcement on Friday that the House is formally seeking special counsel Robert Mueller’s grand-jury information complicates the far more cautious message on impeachment coming from Pelosi and her top deputies.

Nadler (D-N.Y.) said the action “in effect” is part of an impeachment inquiry — though one has not been formally launched.

“We are continuing an investigation of the president’s malfeasances,” Nadler said. “And we will consider what we have to consider, including whether we should recommend articles of impeachment to the House. That’s the job of our committee.”

But on the same day, Pelosi reiterated that she’s still not ready to endorse a push to launch impeachment proceedings, and dismissed the idea that she was feeling pressure from her caucus.

“We will proceed when we have what we need to proceed. Not one day sooner,” the California Democrat said at her weekly press conference.

House Democrats’ court petition comes two days after former special counsel Robert Mueller’s appearance’s re-energized the campaign to open impeachment proceedings, spurring seven more Democrats — including a member of Pelosi’s inner circle — to announce their support in the last 72 hours. At least 100 House Democrats now favor opening an impeachment inquiry.

The dual appearances by Nadler and Pelosi on Friday — which caused some confusion on Capitol Hill — underscored the challenge for the Democratic Caucus about how, and whether, to move ahead with high-stakes legal proceedings that could be seen as a back-door to the start of impeachment proceedings.

“We’re crossing a threshold, absolutely,” said Rep. Veronica Escobar (D-Texas), who was among 10 Democrats standing alongside Nadler Friday who publicly support an impeachment inquiry.

“The mode that we were operating under before, it really was an oversight function. We’re now crossing a threshold with this filing, and we are now officially entering into an examination of whether or not to recommend articles of impeachment,” the freshman Democrat said.

In substance, Nadler and Pelosi remain very much in line, and the speaker has approved each move that brings the House closer to impeachment proceedings.

“I don’t know that there are real divisions with the speaker,” Nadler said, adding that he agrees with Pelosi that House Democrats should be able to make the “strongest possible case.”

By petitioning a court for the grand-jury evidence, House Democrats formalized the argument that they need more information in order to determine whether impeachment is warranted.

“[T]he House must have access to all the relevant facts and consider whether to exercise its full Article I powers, including a constitutional power of the utmost gravity — approval of articles of impeachment,” the filing states.

I’ve not yet reached any security threshold, but my Congresscritter knows me by sight and visibly cringes in my presence.

This is a good thing.

Pondering the Pundits

Pondering the Pundits” is an Open Thread. It is a selection of editorials and opinions from> around the news medium and the internet blogs. The intent is to provide a forum for your reactions and opinions, not just to the opinions presented, but to what ever you find important.

Thanks to ek hornbeck, click on the link and you can access all the past “Pondering the Pundits”.

Follow us on Twitter @StarsHollowGzt

Paul Krugman: Trump’s Secret Foreign Aid Program

He’s giving away billions to overseas investors.

Donald Trump often complains that the media don’t give him credit for his achievements. And I can think of at least one case where that’s true. As far I can tell, almost nobody is reporting that he has presided over a huge — but hidden — increase in foreign aid, the money America gives to foreigners. In fact, the hidden Trump program, currently running at around $40 billion a year, is probably the biggest giveaway to other nations since the Marshall Plan.

Unfortunately, the aid isn’t going either to poor countries or to America’s allies. Instead, it’s going to wealthy foreign investors.

Before I get there, let’s talk for a second about a claim Trump often makes about a highly visible part of his economic strategy, the tariffs he has imposed on imports from China and other countries. These tariffs, he has insisted again and again, are being paid by China and represent billions in gains to the United States.

This claim is, however, demonstrably false. Tariffs are normally paid by consumers in the importing country, not exporters. And we can confirm that this is what’s happening with the Trump tariffs: Prices of goods subject to those tariffs have risen sharply, roughly in line with the tariff increases, while prices of goods not subject to the new tariffs haven’t gone up.

David Cay Johnston: The GOP just made a really huge mistake

House Republicans made a huge mistake during the Mueller hearings Wednesday. Unintentionally, for sure, they created the opportunity for Speaker Nancy Pelosi to overcome the only reason to avoid impeaching Trump – the certainty that Mitch McConnell would never allow the Senate to convict.

The GOP mistake? Not raising one word of concern about Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Not a word about the fact that the Kremlin wanted Trump to win, set out to make that happen. Not one word about the fact that Trump and his team eagerly embraced their help. Not one word asking about the sensitive campaign strategy materials that Trump’s campaign chairman, now a convicted felon, shared with a Russian oligarch. Not one question designed to pursue all the lying, denying and hiding the facts of Russian interference in our democracy. [..]

All of this screams one word: disloyalty.

Our elected officials all swore oaths to “defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”

Confronted with Mueller’s clear and unambiguous testimony about Kremlin interference how could the Republicans stay silent?

Ilhan Omar: It Is Not Enough to Condemn Trump’s Racism

The nation’s ideals are under attack, and it is up to all of us to defend them.

Throughout history, demagogues have used state power to target minority communities and political enemies, often culminating in state violence. Today, we face that threat in our own country, where the president of the United States is using the influence of our highest office to mount racist attacks on communities across the land. In recent weeks, he has lashed out unprompted against four freshman Democrats in the House of Representatives: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, and me, from Minnesota.

Last week, as President Trump watched the crowd at one of his rallies chant “Send her back,” aimed at me and my family, I was reminded of times when such fearmongering was allowed to flourish. I also couldn’t help but remember the horrors of civil war in Somalia that my family and I escaped, the America we expected to find and the one we actually experienced.

The president’s rally will be a defining moment in American history. It reminds us of the grave stakes of the coming presidential election: that this fight is not merely about policy ideas; it is a fight for the soul of our nation. The ideals at the heart of our founding — equal protection under the law, pluralism, religious liberty — are under attack, and it is up to all of us to defend them.

Eugene Robinson: Trump’s wrecking ball keeps swinging

Robert S. Mueller III testified before Congress on Wednesday. Meanwhile, out there in the real world:

● A federal judge in California was issuing an injunction blocking a new Trump administration policy that would have flatly denied most Central American migrants the right to lawfully seek asylum at the southern border.

● Attorney General William P. Barr was preparing an announcement, released Thursday, that the federal government will resume carrying out the death penalty after an effective 16-year moratorium. He promptly ordered prison officials to set execution dates for five federal death-row inmates.

● Europe was roasting in an unprecedented heat wave, with triple-digit- temperature records being set across the continent. Paris had, by far, its hottest day ever recorded on Thursday: an incredible 109 degrees. Scientists linked the phenomenon to human-induced climate change, which President Trump ridiculously has claimed is a hoax.

So yes, by all means, let’s parse Mueller’s day-long appearance at the witness table and argue about what it might mean for the likelihood of an impeachment inquiry that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has never wanted to launch. But amid all the spin and counterspin, we must not lose sight of the fact that the Trump administration, every single day, continues to wield a wrecking ball against federal law, sensible public policy and the nation’s moral standing.

Christopher Sabatini: Trump Doubles Down on Failed Cuba Policy

The Cuban autocracy remains a nagging reminder of United States impotence in rooting out Communism.

The Trump administration’s effort to bring about the end of Cuba’s repressive government by squeezing the island’s economy promises only more suffering for Cuban citizens, who are already struggling under Fidel Castro’s failed economic project.

The White House is hurting the very people — ordinary Cubans — it claims to support. Not only are their potential sources of independent income (and, with it, political independence) drying up, so is their access to food — and their hopes for the future.

For decades, the Cuban autocracy has been a nagging reminder of United States impotence in rooting out Communism. Washington’s embargo on Havana was tightened by Congress in 1992 and 1996 — with the unintentionally ironic titles of the Cuban Democracy Act and what’s known as the Cuban Liberty Act.

This pressure has always come with tough talk from Republicans, who like to claim that the Castro government’s time is up. John Bolton, the national security adviser, is the latest hawk to spew this empty rhetoric.

100+ For Impeachment

Because I am obnoxious I’m reluctant to impute disabilities where maliciousness and evil will do.

Nancy needs to get on the right side of History.

Beyond Pelosi
By Elizabeth Spiers, New Republic
July 24, 2019

When people do inexplicable things, it’s always tempting to project qualities onto them that would offer a more innocuous explanation of their behavior than bad judgment, fecklessness, or stupidity. And this particular bias has infected contemporary political analysis with a virulence that rivals Ebola. Even when the subject’s motives are as transparent as Donald Trump’s, there will always be a class of pundit who insists that Trump is playing 3-D chess, when, as one anonymous staffer put it, “more often than not he’s just eating the pieces.”

This reflexive tendency to dress up a posture of inattention as inscrutable cunning applies even more so to people who are smart and capable, or at least have a record of behaving as if they are. What I now think of as The Alan Greenspan Fallacy is pervasive among elites who believe intelligence is synonymous with inevitable progress, realism, and pragmatism. So when Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, an effective and often groundbreaking career politician, refuses to articulate a rationale for failing to hold Trump accountable, she gets the benefit of the doubt, and quite a bit more. When she says something that provokes Trump, or forces him to be defensive, this is read as active management of Trump and not Trump behaving in the reactionary fashion he always does. (This particular brand of savvy being the ability to get “into Trump’s head” as Maureen Dowd put it in her now-notorious interview with Pelosi earlier this month—as though there’s some concrete political victory associated with this cranial burrowing, or, more to the point, as if there’s anything in the big broad world that doesn’t get into Trump’s head.)

Whenever Pelosi claims to have a plan for managing him long term, she’s met with affirmational centrist validation that says she knows what she’s doing—and that any inability to parse her logic must definitionally be a shortcoming on the part of the observer. In short, if Trump is playing 3-D chess, Pelosi must be operating in some more sophisticated double-digit dimension that’s so beyond the ken of regular voters that none of us can possibly comprehend it. Surely there has to be a strategy behind all of this sitting around, claiming to be outraged, and doing nothing.

Pelosi herself has done much to enforce this perception, both with her refusal to communicate her rationale—silence is often mistaken for genius—and by periodically alluding to hypothetical wheels in motion that may or may not exist at all. When forced to comment, she’s fearless, but only in her willingness to insult the intelligence of other Democrats. We’re told that the plan, whatever it is, is working because Trump is “self-impeaching”— a nonsensical claim belied by the daily onslaught of cascading horrors that the administration continues to unleash upon Americans with no consequences whatsoever. (If he is self-impeaching, however that happens, it’s happening so slowly and incrementally that it’s not visible to the naked eye, and it’s doubtful that he’ll have completed the process before the end of a second term.)

It’s not clear whether Pelosi even thinks people actually believe this line of reasoning. She just doesn’t seem to think it’s her job to convince them. Voters handed Democrats a meaningful avenue for holding the executive branch accountable in 2018, but Pelosi seems to have no interest in the hard work of doing that, except inasmuch as it means Democratic Party elites will issue public statements condemning the president’s actions, and effectively fundraise off of those public statements. As far as she’s concerned, her assurance that she’s in some distant fashion righting the wrongs of Trumpism by hoarding her own symbolic political power should be action enough for now.

To be fair, her behavior isn’t unusual in the context of Democratic Party leadership, where the standing expectation is that elites will make decisions for the electorate behind closed doors, that voters are too unsophisticated to understand their political calculus, and that leadership has no political or moral obligation to educate them. Pelosi said as much herself when she claimed that one reason for her hesitancy to begin impeachment proceedings was that the public did not understand how impeachment works. That assessment may in fact be true, but if so, it implies more, not less, civic engagement on the part of party leaders. In her stolid insistence that the whole impeachment process is simply too complicated for the electorate to comprehend, she manages to reinforce the very misperception she criticizes—that impeachment is an up-or-down vote, and not a process designed to build a case against an unfit president accused of misconduct— by suggesting that it’s unlikely that impeachment would, by definition, be successful, because the Senate is unlikely to convict.

None of this is to say that Pelosi is not personally horrified by what’s happening. Perhaps she is. But whatever she’s experiencing is obviously not compelling or severe enough to make her violate her notions of institutional decorum or consider the long-term consequences of looking the other way when the most corrupt, bigoted, and incompetent president in modern history continually escalates his corruptions, bigotries, and incompetence.

Those long-term consequences should be Pelosi’s primary consideration, but here she exhibits an unfortunate flaw of the entire party: the inability to think past the next election cycle.

Democrats, unlike their Republican counterparts, don’t invest longitudinally. They don’t think about voter contact as a long-term relationship that transcends particular electoral cycles. (Anyone who’s been on the receiving end of three-times-a-day bait-and-switch donor emails can attest to this.) They handicap what’s supposedly winnable—the baseline for which is polling at the beginning of the cycle, collected anecdotes, and a lot of bias about what candidates and campaigns should look like—and often at the expense of building any affirmative capacity to alter the actual terms of political engagement. Such thinking doesn’t exercise the imagination of the Democratic Party elite for the simple reason that it rarely pays off in absolute wins over the course of a single cycle.

Pelosi is no exception to these myopic trends—indeed, she tends to aggressively reinforce them, as one of her party’s premier fundraisers. Nearly every framing device that Pelosi has presented to justify her inaction pivots on the ostensible political cost of initiating impeachment proceedings during the 2020 election cycle. There’s no reckoning with the foreseeable costs or gains of an impeachment process beyond the election. When she does talk about the longer-term damage Trump is doing to American democracy, she speaks in vagaries: “We believe that no one is above the law,” she says, but until the House demonstrates that by enforcing law, it’s a meaningless abstraction.

It’s hard to believe that this is a function of naïveté—a sincere belief that the norms and laws Trump is constantly and gleefully violating will hold up under his repeated assaults. It’s more likely that after decades in politics, Pelosi is only capable of calculating losses and gains electorally. Systemic erosions go unnoticed in the daily chaos of reacting to Trump, and amid this broader state of inertia, they also do not figure in any macro way as part of Pelosi’s theory of change. That is to say, she has not engaged in the necessary public reflection with her caucus leaders or the public at large in order to explain just what should be done to reverse the horrible legacy of our present political moment, and to prevent anything like it from happening again once Trump is out of office.

Another side effect of this myopia: the petty internecine attacks Pelosi and her cohort have unleashed on Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib. When everything is a battle and nothing is a war, stupid low-stakes skirmishes break out at an astonishing rate, because there are no coherent long-term goals beyond immediately husbanding the balance of congressional power and getting past the next cycle without a loss. House leadership of course pays lip service to the idea of party unity, but in practice Democratic leaders view unity as a top-down dictum and not a consensus. It’s hard not to see this mandate from on high as of a piece with the fantasy of “self-impeachment”: Both notions involve a maximum amount of institutional condescension with a minimum complement of hard work. True consensus-building within the Democratic caucus would require engaging the freshmen congresswomen who’ve exhibited a level of energy and determination that has galvanized support from typically younger voters who are disillusioned by traditional party politics—the sort of voters who are crucial in forging a majoritarian Democratic coalition over a longer-term time horizon.

Instead, Democratic leadership’s approach to message discipline and party unity has more to do with bad managerial theory than coalition-building: People who can’t be contained safely in the lower compartments of a manageable hierarchy are viewed as a threat, even if, in theory, they are pursuing the same objectives that the threatened management caste is. As a result, they get stigmatized. They are viewed as liabilities instead of opportunities—and their conduct thus gets obsessively scrutinized and disciplined by managers ever mindful of the next potential threat to their own authority.

Among other things, this reflex of self-insulation comes at the considerable cost of message coherence. That’s why at the bottom of all the recent controversy engulfing Pelosi’s speakership, there’s something of a yawning void of actual leadership—namely, the failure to articulate any rationale for inaction if that is, in fact, the best course. Meanwhile, the lawmakers in The Squad also acutely understand—in a way that is politically savvy—that their primary leverage in negotiating with more senior members of Congress who disagree with them is mobilizing public sentiment, and they are very effective in utilizing media to that end.

To put it simply: They are doing their jobs. Members of Congress are not charged with only keeping members of the opposite party accountable; they also have a responsibility to ensure sound decision-making in the best interests of the public among the leaders and colleagues within their own caucus. Seniority should have no bearing on whether members fulfill that duty. When they push Pelosi to do something—and to do it now rather than letting the administration continue its rampaging of democracy for an apparently indefinite period of time—they are doing what voters elected them to do.
Ultimately, Pelosi is right to insist that a case must be made for beginning impeachment proceedings. But it’s her job to make that case, and failure to do so is a failure of omission. And failure to do so in a timely manner that would curtail some of the worst damage potentially produced by the administration is neglect.

And there is a clear, obvious case for proceeding on the grounds of obstruction, the details of which are artfully outlined in the Mueller report. There’s a moral, but extralegal argument to be made that Trump should be impeached for things well outside the scope of the report that may present themselves in the course of investigating potential obstruction, and that his bigotries, the atrocities he’s created at the border, his constitutional violations, his enabling of Russian interference in 2016, his potential financial crimes, merit that response on their own. That Pelosi refuses to acknowledge this almost feels like gaslighting. Yes, a state bar’s worth of legal experts reached these conclusions a long time ago, but Pelosi still doesn’t see it; isn’t convinced; what are you talking about?

Her explanations for her hesitancy aside from whether the Democrats have a strong procedural case on impeachment don’t hold up, either. If there needs to be majority support for impeachment from Democrats, we have that. Polls indicate that more than two-thirds of Democrats now believe proceedings are warranted. There is more support for impeaching Trump right now than there was for impeaching Nixon or Clinton when proceedings began. And even though there’s no need for majority support from all Americans for impeachment to happen—though such a preexisting state of majority consensus may be the only scenario where “self-impeachment” makes a bit of sense—general, public sentiment is moving in that direction. As of early July, impeachment polled in the low 40s, which is near Trump’s own baseline approval rating. It says everything about our political discourse that Trump and his advisers are often held to be tactically ingenious in pandering to a base of support that’s roughly equivalent to the proportion of Americans supporting an essential constitutional oversight function that could also alter the existing electoral landscape in the Democrats’ own favor.

At the same time, though, Pelosi refuses to acknowledge that the process itself has value as a check on executive branch excesses, regardless of whether the outcome is Trump’s removal via impeachment. In fact, given that Democrats only control the House majority, impeachment is the most effective avenue for them to make a sustained and detailed public case against Trump. That’s especially the case when you factor in the obvious in Trump’s own rise to power: Most public perception in our political environment is determined by media consumption, and particularly, what voters see on television. Even in our multiplatform and digitized media world, regularly broadcasted impeachment hearings would dominate the news cycle like no other domestic political story.

So that leaves Pelosi’s favorite impeachment bugbear: prospective losses for Democrats in the 2020 election cycle. Here she leans heavily on the public’s— and not a few professional-class pundits’— ignorance of what public sentiment right now means for an election a year and a half out in the absence of hearings. She also is prone, as many Washington insiders tend to be, to inflate and exaggerate the emergence of any negative sentiment directed at the House caucus, and the Democratic establishment writ large, as a surefire source of potential blowback on Election Day.

To put things mildly, it’s a very big stretch to assume that voters who are generally not inclined to begin impeachment proceedings feel so strongly about the issue that the actual conduct of impeachment proceedings would provoke an actively hostile response. And it’s a still bigger stretch to deduce from that hypothetical scenario that a still larger turned-off segment of the electorate simply won’t show up to the polls if House Democrats proceed. Democrats don’t really have single-issue voting blocs as a matter of course, and it’s exceedingly difficult to imagine that they’re going to organically develop an anti-impeachment one. Republican support of Trump is at a high in at least one poll after his racist comments about the The Squad—but it’s still well below the historical average of Republican presidents in the last few decades. And head-to-head polls indicate that Trump’s beatable by every one of the top six Democratic candidates. This is not a reason to become overconfident, but it is good cause for realistically evaluating the costs of undue caution on the issue. If Trump can be defeated by virtually any Democrat who runs and maybe an actual ham sandwich, why sacrifice the entirety of checks and balances for the potential slight erosion of a fairly significant starting advantage?

It also strains credulity that after a long stretch of public hearings outlining Trump’s bottomless malfeasance in minute detail that, with the possible exception of his shrinking base, Republican voters would be more motivated to show up and vote for him, and that Democrats would be demoralized. Historical precedent indeed supports the opposite view: A slim minority—just 19 percent—of polled opinion supported Richard Nixon’s impeachment at the outset of the Watergate scandal, and by the end of the House Judiciary Committee’s televised impeachment hearings, a strong majority supported it. And that shift in opinion translated into a massive wave of Democratic gains in the 1974 midterm balloting.

Pelosi has never produced any evidence that her mind-boggling scenario is likely. If House leadership has polling somewhere indicating that impeachment proceedings would dampen turnout as a direct result of the proceedings themselves, they have not produced it. That is to say, such polls don’t, and really can’t, show how impeachment might suppress turnout or reflect a hypothetical future level of frustration with the process that would harm broader Democratic messaging efforts. It’s arguably at least as great a risk that a brewing loss of confidence in Democratic leadership’s ability to effectively utilize the power it already has might depress turnout and block effective outreach to voters. Yet there are no intra-party polls on that scenario—or if there are, they’re not getting promoted with the same eagerness that party officials have championed an entirely unscientific poll purporting to show how members of The Squad are massively unpopular with working-class white voters. And needless to say, Pelosi effectively pushes aside any suggestion that there could be actual negative campaign fallout from her chosen course of inaction on impeachment.

I suspect that this particular gambit is actually a hedge—one designed to insulate Pelosi and leadership from responsibility for any potential losses in 2020 generally. If leadership does nothing, 2020 losses are more easily pinned on 2020 candidates. But if leadership acts, any postmortems will invariably point to action as an instigating factor, regardless of whether that actually proves to be the case. Sins of commission are always regarded as more egregious than sins of omission—and that seems to be the simplest explanation of why Pelosi is abdicating responsibility now in order to avoid accusations of culpability in the future.

Compare this incredible passivity with the offensive maneuvers frequently adopted by the Republican Party and its leaders, who have always taken it for granted that the only way to win is to run roughshod over any Democrat who hesitates to use the power they have. Recent political history shows that the Democratic model of continual retreat into watchful, timorous bunker-mode is a losing proposition. Trump will not be the last nihilist who runs for president and wins. There are plenty of nihilists in the GOP right now, but they have the good sense to couch their power grabs in rhetoric that superficially resembles respectable GOP ideology, and most of them avoid criminality, if only because they believe legal accountability is a credible threat. This last point is particularly important to remember if, in your supposedly complex and definitely opaque political calculus, you’re on the fence about whether norms and laws should actually be enforced.

The proportional response to now-unchecked GOP lawlessness and normlessness under Trump would mean nothing less than a complete jettisoning of existing Democratic orthodoxy. It would mean weathering hostility from partisans, and abandoning the outdated and false notion that provisional postures of appeasement will magically temper the worst of Republican impulses and lead to some bipartisan reversion to a fantasy consensus that never existed in the first place. Most important in Pelosi’s case, such a thoroughgoing overhaul of received leadership wisdom would mean countenancing serious personal political risk during the later stages of a long and storied career.

On some level Pelosi may think she just doesn’t have to do this. If you’ve weathered a lot of political chaos, it’s easy to convince yourself that the new horrible thing can’t possibly be worse or different than what you’ve seen before. Here, Pelosi’s experience—the quality that most of her establishment defenders hail as her gold-standard credential—is a handicap if it renders her unable to recognize extraordinary circumstances simply because they don’t fit a historical pattern. To be clear: The historical pattern is that you fundraise off of a bad incumbent and wait for voters to kick them out in the next election. But Trump is more than just a bad incumbent.

And here’s the real risk, both morally and politically: If Pelosi treats Trump as an aberration and continues to be passive in the hopes that we can all power through until next November, there’s no accountability mechanism built into our system of democracy that has any real credibility. There’s no crime so severe that Trump can’t get away with it—not intentionally neglecting brown children until they die in cages, not being openly racist, not raping women, not helping hostile foreign powers and covering up for dictatorial regimes that torture American journalists to death, not putting American lives at risk in imperialistic and prosecutorial wars. That’s especially true for the offense that should be the most straightforward impeachment charge in this case—obstructing justice when our system of government works by design to prevent the president from abusing his power for personal gain. If nothing Trump does matters during this administration, nothing our system of democracy has in place to prevent descent into autocracy and tyranny matters, either. Norms and laws only work when they’re enforced.

The long-run cost here is that leadership that does nothing turns us all into nihilists, whether we like it or not. It says that values don’t matter as long as decorum is observed, and that elites are in charge, preferably behind closed doors, where the public can’t second-guess what they’re doing or demand that they do more. In this scheme of things, norms and laws are perfunctory theater, at best. Anyone who’s savvy enough and has enough resources can do exactly what Trump has done, and do it with impunity, and in a more damaging way, because there’s now a roadmap for doing it. And under such conditions, the only way to survive in a system governed entirely by nihilism is to become a nihilist yourself—even for self-styled members of a resistance.

If that happens, no one will be patting Nancy Pelosi on the back for short-term risk avoidance, and it will be, by far, the most damaging thing to tarnish her long history of accomplishments. We’ll only remember that she could have done something, and she didn’t.

Алекса́ндр Фёдорович Ке́ренский is not usually remembered kindly, except by Conservatives as a “Moderate”.


I live. Again…

It’s been nigh a solid month since I’ve fired up the mainframe. It won’t get any better. It never does.

The Breakfast Club (Larceny)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:00am (ET) (or whenever we get around to it) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

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This Day in History

President Harry Truman orders desegregation of U.S. Military; Cuba’s Fidel Castro attacks Moncada barracks; Argentina’s Eva Peron dies; Playwright George Bernard Shaw and rock star Mick Jagger born.

Breakfast Tunes

Something to Think about over Coffee Prozac

If there is any larceny in a man, golf will bring it out.

Paul Gallico

Continue reading

Six In The Morning Friday 26 July 2019


How vulnerable are the undersea cables that power the global internet?

Updated 0505 GMT (1305 HKT) July 26, 2019

On July 29, 1858, two steam-powered battleships met in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. There, they connected two ends of a 4,000 kilometer (2,500 mile) long, 1.5 centimeter (0.6 inch) wide cable, linking for the first time the European and North American continents by telegraph.

Just over two weeks later, the UK’s Queen Victoria sent a congratulatory message to then US President James Buchanan, which was followed by a parade through the streets of New York, featuring a replica of a ship which helped lay the cable and fireworks over City Hall.
In their inaugural cables, Queen Victoria hailed the “great international work” by the two countries, the culmination of almost two decades of effort, while Buchanan lauded a “triumph more glorious, because far more useful to mankind, than was ever won by conqueror on the field of battle.

‘So surreal’: Hong Kongers take up self-defence classes in wake of thug attacks

Free lessons teach how to stop punches and stick attacks after violence instills deep concern in community

If you see attackers, you must be armed with basic skills to save your own lives,” Henry Chong, a sports therapist and karate expert, told his first self-defence class.

The class, which took place two days after the attack on unarmed commuters in the rural town of Yuen Long , was attended by mostly women aged 20-60.

Hong Kong, reputed as one of the world’s safest cities, has been reeling from the attack at Yuen Long on Sunday evening, when men dressed in white rushed into an out-of-town station and used canes and wooden rods to indiscriminately beat passengers, among them protesters returning from a mass protest on Hong Kong island. At least 45 were injured.

Fridays for Future in MoscowTeen Challenges Putin’s Climate Inactivity

Russian activist Arshak Makichyan has been protesting on Fridays against Putin’s climate policy for more than 17 weeks now. Advocates of environmental and climate protection are uncomfortable critics for the government — and Moscow tries to keep them at bay.

By Susanne Götze

In Germany, thousands of school children and university students gather each week for the Greta Thunberg-inspired Fridays for Future protests to stop climate change. In Moscow, though, there’s just one protester. For more than three months now, a lone climate activist has been raising attention for the cause. Rain or shine, Arshak Makichyan, 25, stands with a cardboard sign in front of Moscow’s Pushkin monument every Friday. “Climate collapse is coming — war, hunger, death,” his sign reads in Cyrillic letters.

Makichyan is the only Fridays for Future demonstrator who has dared to take to the streets in downtown Moscow in the past 17 weeks. This is partly because Russia’s restrictive Assembly Act comes into force as soon as two or more people attend an event. At that point, a protest must be registered with the authorities, who have so far refused to approve Fridays for Future a permit for rallies at the site. In May, Makichyan received occasional support at the Pushkin monument, and in March the authorities even authorized a demonstration in a park — albeit on the outskirts of Moscow, as far away from the city center as possible.

Swimming’s image hurt by Sun protests, FINA warns after rule change

Heated podium protests targeting Olympic star Sun Yang had hurt swimming’s image, the chief of the sport’s world body told AFP, prompting tighter rules that could see athletes repeating them stripped of medals.

As doping allegations swirled in Gwangju, South Korea, Australian Mack Horton and Briton Duncan Scott refused to shake Sun’s hand on the podium after losing to him moments earlier.

“We want to be involved in sport, not politics,” Cornel Marculescu told AFP, after the body this week rushed out updated guidelines that will cover all athletes swimming at FINA meets.

US government death penalty move draws sharp criticism

The US federal government’s move to resume executions after a 16-year hiatus has drawn sharp criticism from rights groups and leading Democrats.

Several candidates for the Democratic presidential nomination called for the death penalty to be abolished.

On Thursday Attorney General William Barr said five inmates would be executed.

They had been convicted of murders or rapes of children or the elderly, he said.

The executions have been scheduled for December 2019 and January 2020.

2020 Olympic organizers test heat countermeasures in sweltering Tokyo

By Jack Tarrant and Yoko Kono

With temperatures rising to 35 degrees Celsius and humidity of 75% on Thursday, Tokyo 2020 organizers had the perfect weather to try out their heat countermeasures and preparedness for next year’s Olympics at the beach volleyball test event.

Although it has been less hot this year, a record heatwave in July, 2018, killed over a dozen people in Tokyo with monthly average temperatures transcending 30 degrees for the first time in 20 years.

Tokyo 2020 organizers will employ wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT) measuring devices at all venues as a step in their readiness for high temperatures.




In Other Late Night

Seth Meyers

Stephen Colbert


Stephen Photobombs

A Marathon

Chopper Talk

Chris Wallace disgraces himself and his father’s memory again

They say the neon lights are bright on Broadway

Personally I wouldn’t know

In other adaptations from the book

We lost many of our fighting boys at the arena that day. Not enough, but many.

Border Party

Let’s Starve 3.1 Million United States Citizens… again



Back to Stars Hollow to re-group and re-pack before more travel. Today is road programmed, tomorrow I may sleep for a week.

Seven Hours and 34 Minutes which, as a Movie, is still shorter than Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit (taken in a Marathon) or Shoah (stand alone). The book version is only 448 pages, a comparative lightweight.

They’re not always funny.

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