Formula One 2019: Silverstone


So two weeks ago Mercedes seemed on the verge of a shutout season, racking up 8 – 0 of 21 total after what was arguably one of the dullest races in the last 20 years at Circuit Paul Ricard.

And then, appropriately enough Red Bull Racing won at Red Bull Ring.

For Silverstone the Stars seem to have settled back in their courses. Scuderia Marlboro was trying to set up some kind of fancy tire strategy, I have no idea whether that worked.

Indeed at race time I will be breathless at the gate trying to find a seat for my next connection so don’t expect me to be too topical.

Six In The Morning Sunday 14 July 2019


New leak claims Trump scrapped Iran nuclear deal ‘to spite Obama’

Donald Trump abandoned the Iran nuclear deal to spite Barack Obama, according to a leaked memo written by the UK’s former ambassador to the US.

Sir Kim Darroch described the move as an act of “diplomatic vandalism”, according to the Mail on Sunday.

The paper says the memo was written after the then Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson appealed to the US in 2018 to stick with the nuclear deal.

The latest leak came despite the Met Police warning against publication.

The first memos criticising Trump’s administration, which emerged a week ago, prompted a furious reaction from the US president and resulted in Sir Kim resigning from his role.

Impending immigration raids across US spark anxiety and protests

  • Raids expected to target 2,000 migrants in nearly a dozen cities
  • Vigils held from Los Angeles to Berlin

Immigration raids conducted by the Trump administration are expected in major US cities on Sunday, a prospect that has sparked vigils, protests, condemnation and fear.

The raids are expected to target roughly 2,000 migrants in the US illegally but the prospect has rippled terror through broad swaths of migrant communities. Vigils were held from Los Angeles to as far afield as Berlin on Friday, as a broad coalition of progressive groups condemned the raids.

“This administration’s deliberate terrorizing of immigrant families and communities grows worse every day,” Mary Bauer, deputy legal director of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Immigrant Justice Project, told the Guardian.

Far-Right AfDGermany’s Populist Party Embraces Its Extremist Wing

The far-right fringe of Germany’s populist Alternative for Germany party is gaining ground. Politicians in the party who once opposed the wing and its leader, Björn Höcke, have abandoned their resistance and are taking steps to embrace the extremists.

By  and 

It was the video that proved decisive. Four minutes of images of Björn Höcke, the leader of the far-right nationalist wing of the right-wing populist AfD party, the so-called “Flügel.” It showed him jogging through the golden autumn leaves of his village, shaking the hands of workers and women, feeding sheep and then firing people up in a speech. “When you celebrate me, I feel the passion,” Höcke says in the video. “I bow my head in humility for your efforts.”

A few days after Höcke’s image video was presented at the Flügel’s annual “Kyffhäusertreffen,” a yearly meeting of the far-right wing in the eastern German state of Thuringia, he combined the video with a combative speech against the arbitration tribunals and the federal executive committee of his party and the more than 100 AfD members who wrote an open letter appealing for the rejection of Höcke. In the letter, more moderate members of the party lambasted his “excessive cult of personality” and rejected his “divisive criticism” of internal party opponents. The letter also made clear that, “The AfD is not and will not become a Björn Höcke Party!”

Scores dead as monsoons hit India, Nepal, Bangladesh

Monsoon-triggered floods and landslides have killed at least 85 people in South Asia in the past few days. Almost 870,000 people have been affected by floods in India’s northeastern state of Assam.

The death toll from floods and landslides caused by two weeks of torrential monsoons in South Asia has reached 85, officials and news sources reported on Sunday. In Nepal alone, up to 50 people were said to have died in floods and landslides caused by monsoon rains across the country, while dozens more were missing.

Nepal’s weather department issued a high alert for the southern Koshi River and sent SMS warnings to people in the area. “Our first priority is lifesaving rescue,” Nepalese Home Ministry official Umakanta Adhikari told the AFP news agency, “and all our resources have been deployed.”

Demonstrators in Sudan demand justice for army crackdown victims

Thousands rally to mourn dozens of demonstrators killed in a brutal raid last month.

Thousands of Sudanese people have protested in Khartoum and other cities to mark the 40th day since the deadly dispersal of a sit-in outside the army headquarters that killed more than 100 people.

Dubbed the “Justice First” marches, Saturday’s demonstrations were called by the Sudanese Professionals Association (SPA), which has been spearheading the protests since December that led to the removal of longtime leader Omar al-Bashir by the military in April.

Daily Mail: Leaked cables show British ambassador saying Trump abandoned Iran deal in act of ‘diplomatic vandalism’ to spite Obama

Updated 0225 GMT (1025 HKT) July 14, 2019

Kim Darroch, the former United Kingdom ambassador to the United States, said the Trump administration was “set upon an act of diplomatic vandalism” in its decision to abandon the Iran nuclear deal, the Daily Mail reported Saturday, citing leaked cables.

The report comes following news last week that Darroch sent diplomatic cables describing President Donald Trump as “inept,” “insecure” and “incompetent,” a UK government official confirmed to CNN. Darroch has since resigned.
According to the Daily Mail Saturday, the former ambassador said Trump seemed to be discarding the Iran nuclear deal for “personality reasons,” as the deal had been agreed to by former President Barack Obama. The paper also reported that Darroch hinted at discord brewing between Trump’s closest aides and said the White House had failed to produce a “day-after” plan on how to handle the aftermath of withdrawing from the deal.




It’s A Gravelanche!

It’s not so much that Joe Carson is a misogynous, transphobe, racist as it is that he champions the failed Neoliberal Agenda of the last 40 years.

Mike Gravel’s 2020 campaign to launch ad attacking Joe Biden on MSNBC
by Shira Tarlo, Salon
July 12, 2019

Former Democratic Sen. Mike Gravel’s presidential campaign announced Thursday that it would launch an ad attacking fellow presidential hopeful Joe Biden on MSNBC.

The first ad purchased by Gravel, which is set to begin airing Friday, shows various clips of the former vice president and senator defending his past positions on reproductive rights, the Iraq War and criminal justice.

“I served with Biden in the Senate. He’s dead wrong on many issues that have serious human consequences. His ideology is just off the rail,” said Gravel, an outspoken critic of Biden on a range of issues, including foreign policy and school integration.

The 60-second spot will air Friday afternoon following “Deadline: White House with Nicolle Wallace,” MSNBC’s fifth-highest rated show in the last quarter, which averaged 1.4 million daily viewers. It will also air on five local TV stations in Cedar Rapids and Des Moines, Iowa.

“We bought this ad to show the hollowness of Joe Biden’s candidacy and his absurd claim to be the ‘most progressive’ candidate in the field. Too often politicians get a free pass in the media when they ‘evolve’ on clear-cut moral issues out of sheer political convenience,” campaign manager David Oks said in a statement. “Hopefully this ad exposes Biden’s actual beliefs and deeds instead of his empty rhetoric and plays a small role in his inevitable collapse.”

“Our goal has always been to draw attention to the flaws of centrists like Joe Biden, who masquerade as ‘progressives’ and peddle a made-up argument of ‘electability,'” Oks added. “Senator Gravel called out Biden for his right-wing policies in the 2008 debates and is prepared to do so again in the July debate.”

“If a few Iowans see this and discover that Biden is hardly a Democrat, or that his flip-flopping makes him an incredibly vulnerable potential nominee and we see his poll numbers go down in a few weeks, this will have been a success,” he continued.

Gravel is just short of hitting the 65,000 donor threshold to qualify for the second-round of Democratic presidential debates later this month, his campaign, which has reported more than 58,000 unique donors, said.

The campaign also revealed it amassed 8,000 new donors in the last two days following a “mutual fundraising effort” with 2020 presidential candidate and self-help author Marianne Williamson. A similar fundraising push is planned with 2020 contender and entrepreneur Andrew Yang.



Captain, My Captain!

Blinking and Flashing

Sheer Poetry

What Is Real?

You Better Run. You Better Take Cover.

Galileo? Galileo!

I will brook no discussion of who was the best Captain (it was Sulu actually, his board controlled everything and nobody ever seemed to realize it). Bill Shatner is as “American” as Selena Gomez and Martin Short. Only Selena Gomez was born in the States.

The Breakfast Club (Karma)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:00am (ET) (or whenever we get around to it) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

 photo stress free zone_zps7hlsflkj.jpg

This Day in History

Live Aid concerts held in London and Philadelphia; A French revolutionary is stabbed in his bath; Civil War draft riots erupt in New York; A power blackout hits the Big Apple; Actor Harrison Ford born.

Breakfast Tunes

Something to Think about over Coffee Prozac

I guess one of the ways that karma works is that it finds out what you are most afraid of and then makes that happen eventually. Cheech Marin

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Six In The Morning Saturday 13 July 2019


Facebook ‘to be fined $5bn over Cambridge Analytica scandal’

US regulators have approved a record $5bn (£4bn) fine on Facebook to settle an investigation into data privacy violations, reports in US media say.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has been investigating allegations that political consultancy Cambridge Analytica improperly obtained the data of up to 87 million Facebook users.

The settlement was approved by the FTC in a 3-2 vote, sources told US media.

Facebook and the FTC told the BBC they had no comment on the reports.

How was the settlement reached?

The consumer protection agency the FTC began investigating Facebook in March 2018 following reports that Cambridge Analytica had accessed the data of tens of millions of its users.

New Zealand begins first round of gun buybacks after Christchurch attack

Government has set aside more than NZ$200m to remove military-style firearms from circulation

Dozens of Christchurch gun owners have handed over their weapons in exchange for cash in the first of more than 250 planned buyback events around New Zealand after the government outlawed many types of semi-automatics.

Police said they paid more than $NZ200,000 in total to 68 gun owners in the first few hours of the event held on Saturday.

In April, New Zealand lawmakers rushed through new legislation to ban military-style weapons after 51 people were killed at two Christchurch mosques on 15 March.

The story of ‘Mariam’, held captive as a sex slave in Tripoli

On February 13, InfoMigrants received a distress call from a 16-year-old Ivorian girl being kept as a sex slave in Tripoli. For several weeks, journalists at InfoMigrants communicated with her on WhatsApp. They have called her Mariam.

She said she was locked in a house in a residential area of the Libyan capital. She called her captor, “Monsieur.”

“Almost every day, he summons me to his room and forces me to have sex with him. Sometimes he hits me on the face or on the stomach. When I don’t want him to touch me, he hits me. I’m afraid to die.”

Mariam said that at first he wanted money in exchange for her freedom. “But since I have nothing, he abuses me.”

“He said if I tried to run away, he would kill my little sister. My 6-year-old sister was with me.”

Australia leads the Western world on media restrictions: UN rapporteur

By Nick Miller

It’s getting to be quite the list.

Federal police raids at the offices of the ABC and the home of a News Corp reporter. Police trawling metadata from journalists’ phone and internet records 58 times in a year. Police scouring the Qantas flight records of an ABC reporter who had published top-secret government materialthat revealed allegations of serious misconduct by Australian troops in Afghanistan.

Police – and Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton – refusing to rule out laying charges over the act of publishing leaked information, the latter insisting on Friday that possession of top-secret documents by journalists is a crime that must be investigated.


WHEN NEWS BROKE that thousands of current and former Border Patrol agents were members of a secret Facebook group filled with racist, vulgar, and sexist content, Carla Provost, chief of the agency, was quick to respond. “These posts are completely inappropriate and contrary to the honor and integrity I see — and expect — from our agents day in and day out,” Provost said in a statement. “Any employees found to have violated our standards of conduct will be held accountable.”

For Provost, a veteran of the Border Patrol who was named head of the agency in August 2018, the group’s existence and content should have come as no surprise. Three months after her appointment to chief, Provost herself had posted in the group, then known as “I’m 10-15,” now archived as “America First X 2.” Provost’s comment was innocuous — a friendly clapback against a group member who questioned her rise to the top of the Border Patrol — but her participation in the group, which she has since left, raises serious questions.

Turkey: S-400 purchase ‘not a preference but a necessity’

Defence minister tells US counterpart Ankara needs the Russian defence system because it faces a ‘serious threat’.

Turkey‘s purchase of the Russian S-400 missile system was “not a choice but a necessity” because it is under serious threat, its defence minister has told the United States.

The comments came after a second shipment of equipment needed to make the S-400s operational was delivered to Turkey on Saturday.

The US has strongly urged Turkey to pull back from the deal – the first such move between a NATO member and Russia – warning Ankara it will face economic sanctions, reportedly costing more than $2bn.





‘The kidney has a very special place in the heart’

That’s where your smartness is (stable genius taps Temple knowingly), kidneys. I spel gud 2 covfefe.

One of the great benefits of being on the road is you can’t watch much Cable News. Of course what you do get is CNN which barely qualifies as news and makes me appreciate MSNBC more, not that MSNBC is all that good. I really should give up my daily habit of Meth, Crack, and Fentanyl (helps even out the other two, especially taken with Gin and Tonic).

Of course all the reliable sources like Stephen, Seth, and Trevor, and John and Sam too, are on vacation.

Today (tomorrow as I write this) it’s supposed to rain all day. I’ll try not to let it get to me.

It’s a travel day anyway, a frantic scramble to pack up, go someplace else, and do it all over again.


Martin Frobisher, Renaissance Man

The Breakfast Club (Spaceship Earth)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:00am (ET) (or whenever we get around to it) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

 photo stress free zone_zps7hlsflkj.jpg

This Day in History

Julius Caesar born; Walter Mondale taps Geraldine Ferraro as the first woman to run on a major party ticket for the White House; Boris Yeltsin quits the Soviet Communist Party; Comedian Bill Cosby born.

Breakfast Tunes

Something to Think about over Coffee Prozac

We are not going to be able to operate our Spaceship Earth successfully nor for much longer unless we see it as a whole spaceship and our fate as common. It has to be everybody or nobody.

R. Buckminster Fuller

Continue reading

Six In The Morning Friday 12 July 2019


US census 2020: Trump retreats on citizenship question

President Donald Trump will no longer pursue adding a question on citizenship to the 2020 US census questionnaire.

Instead, he said officials would obtain the information through an executive order for government agencies, as court challenges would have delayed a census.

The retreat follows a long fight over the inclusion of the question, which the Supreme Court blocked in June.

Critics called the question politically motivated and said it would lead to fewer immigrant households taking part.

Iran warns western powers to ‘leave region’ amid Gulf crisis

Foreign ministry demands release of Iranian oil tanker UK seized last week

Iran has called on Britain to release its seized oil tanker and warned foreign powers to “leave the region because Iran and other regional countries are capable of securing the regional security”.

The Royal Marines seized the tanker last week on suspicion it was breaking European sanctions by taking oil to Syria.

“This is a dangerous game and has consequences … the legal pretexts for the capture are not valid … the release of the tanker is in all countries’ interests,” the foreign ministry spokesman, Abbas Mousavi, told IRNA news agency.

Feeding People With SciencePlant Researchers Brace for Population Explosion

By 2050, the world will require nearly twice as much food as today. But producing it without consuming any extra resources — so as not to exacerbate climate change — will be tricky. Three scientists explain how this agricultural feat may be possible.


If the progress of the last 60 years had to be depicted in only four figures, this is what they would be: In 1960, global agriculture produced an average of 200 kilograms (around 400 pounds) of grain for each person on the planet. Today, it has risen to 400 kilograms. At the same time, the global population has risen from 3 to 7 billion.

These statistics reveal a miracle of sorts: Though the number of people on the planet has doubled in the past six decades, the amount of food per capita has also increased. The percentage of people around the world who are currently suffering from hunger, 11 percent, marks a record low. Never before in the history of humankind has our collective abundance been so high.

Libya demands answers after French missiles found at pro-Haftar base

Libya’s internationally recognised government on Thursday demanded urgent answers after Paris conceded French missiles were found at a base used by strongman Khalifa Haftar, whose forces are fighting to take over the capital Tripoli.

Foreign Minister Mohamad Tahar Siala has asked French counterpart Jean-Yves Le Drian to “urgently explain” how the missiles “reached Haftar‘s forces, when they were delivered and how”, according to a ministry statement.

Haftar in April ordered his self-styled Libyan National Army on an offensive to take the Libyan capital from the UN-recognised Government of National Accord.

Donald Trump stokes fear and conspiracy on path to 2020

Updated 0733 GMT (1533 HKT) July 12, 2019

President Donald Trump spent Thursday feeding the fires of fear and conspiracy he thinks he needs to keep burning to stay in power beyond 2020.

The administration finalized plans to target undocumented families in mass raids announced in advance — perhaps for maximum political effect — which are sowing anxiety in 10 cities.
Covering up a reversal in his bid to add a citizenship question to the census, Trump said liberals want to hide “illegal aliens in our midst” and questioned the loyalty of his opponents.

Everyone wants to Instagram the world’s most beautiful canyon. Should they?

A sudden burst of tourism to a photogenic natural wonder is transforming a small town, and a tribe.


Page, Arizona, has always been a small town. The 4 million visitors who come here annually, though, that’s new. For the past decade, locals have been mildly flummoxed about the massive surge of people to their home, with its population of fewer than 8,000 and somewhat remote locale. Nestled at the northernmost edge of the Arizona desert, it’s a solid two-hour drive from the Flagstaff airport and five from the larger hubs of Phoenix and Las Vegas.

Residents of Page do know, though, that many of those tourists come to see the same thing. On the night I arrive in early May, the bartender at the Courtyard Marriott cantina off the town’s main drag describes it to me thusly: “It’s rocks.”

I first see the rocks early the next morning with a tour group, which is the only way you are allowed to visit them. Before our guide tells us his name, which we find out is Anthony, he asks us the most crucial question of the day: “Do you all have iPhones?”





Nancy Pelosi’s Leadership Failure

What Does Nancy Pelosi Think She’s Doing?
By Sarah Jones, New York Magazine
July 10, 2019

(Alexander) Acosta, with his baggage from the past and struggles in the present, is both an appropriate and easy target for House Democrats. Or he would be, if Democrats actually wanted to fully exercise their oversight authority. But that outcome looked distant on Tuesday. Though she’s called on Acosta to resign, Speaker Nancy Pelosi seemed to dismiss the possibility of impeaching him.

On Wednesday, House Oversight Committee chairman Elijah Cummings announced that Democrats would investigate Acosta’s conduct in the Epstein case. But if Pelosi truly does oppose impeachment, the investigation could find itself at a dead end. Her intransigence does encourage some unsavory speculation: that Pelosi might want to protect prominent Democrats. Before he went to jail in 2008, Epstein was friendly with powerful members of both parties, including former president Bill Clinton. But there’s no evidence that Clinton abused underage girls while in Epstein’s company, and right now, the federal case in New York against Epstein seems focused on Epstein alone. Her evident willingness to allow a wide-ranging investigation suggests she’s not afraid of what supervisorial spadework might turn up. But there’s a likelier explanation for Pelosi ruling out, even prior to an investigation, impeaching Acosta. She’s clinging to an outdated view of the world, which makes her unfit for the challenges of the moment. Pelosi is willing to confront Trump, or his officials, but only to a point. She not only believes the center will hold; she seems to think that it will, once some unspecified red line is crossed, topple Trump and his administration without any direct intervention on her part.

The horrors of the Trump presidency are legion. Children die in camps at the border; on Tuesday evening, NBC reported that children in an Arizona camp had been sexually abused. Vital support services for the poor are at risk. The president himself is corrupt, and violent, according to the 24 women who have accused him of sexual assault. White-supremacist violence is increasing, which experts credit to Trump’s anti-immigrant nationalism, and the administration seems determined to provoke some kind of conflict with Iran. A credible political party would have plenty of fodder for a coherent opposition narrative. But if Pelosi wants to be the opposition, it doesn’t show. She behaves as if confrontation, or intervention, will cost her party the bit of power it holds.

Pelosi’s reluctance to investigate Acosta is part of a pattern. She’ll criticize, call on someone to resign, or even permit an investigation, but impeachment is too far. Trump, she said in May, is becoming “self-impeachable,” a nonsensical phrase that absolves her of any responsibility to act. In June, she refused to even censure the president, telling the press that “if the goods are there, you must impeach.” For Pelosi, it seems to be impeachment or nothing, and so far, she’s chosen nothing. Meanwhile, she’s jabbed repeatedly at left-wing policies and progressive members of her own party. The Green New Deal, to Pelosi, isn’t a promising proposal to address a pressing existential crisis; it’s “the green dream or whatever.” When she speaks of the party’s left-wing, four-woman freshman “squad,” Pelosi can sound distinctly sour. “All these people have their public whatever and their Twitter world,” she told New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd, after Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley and Rashida Tlaib voted against a humanitarian bill that included funding for Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Customs and Border Protection. “But they didn’t have any following. They’re four people, and that’s how many votes they got.”

Pelosi’s job, as Speaker in a time during which her party does not control the Senate or the White House, is to protect a Democratic majority in the House. She’s also responsible for helping maximize her party’s chances of defeating Trump. The only legible explanation for her reluctance to investigate Acosta, or censure Trump, is that she fears a backlash that would cost her moderate members their seats. But if that’s the case, she overestimates the risk. Trump is an unpopular president, and the disgraceful events of his tenure mobilized voters and flipped House districts. The forces that elevated insurgents like Ocasio-Cortez, and moderates like Virginia’s Abigail Spanberger, have shared roots: Voters reacted against Trump and demanded change. Now Pelosi seems to believe that she can simply ride 2018’s blue wave through the general election, but there may be consequences to that reticence that she does not expect. If she wants to keep her majority, she has to give people a reason to back her party — and that takes more than passing bills that go to the Senate to die. She has to give voters something to believe in, too. Why should voters give Democrats power they won’t use?

The times demand a more aggressive Democratic Party. Acosta stands accused of violating federal law to give an unrepentant sexual predator a light sentence. If Pelosi won’t even consider his impeachment, then she is complicit in the same culture of impunity allows Trump to prosper.

The depths of cowardice among Institutional Democrats betrays the Party and alienates the Electorate. Why do they vote for “Strong Men”?

Because Democratic Party leaders are craven and weak, worthless and ineffectual, feckless and incompetent.

Eschew Impeachment and Oversight for Bills McConnell won’t allow a vote on and Unindicted Co-conspirator Bottomless Pinocchio will Veto? It’s the only area of endevour with even a hope of success. They show by their designed and willful inactivity that they don’t want change to the System that annointed them than the Republicans do, Republicans are just more honest about it. that They should all be fired.

You can’t get a convicted Child Molester and his RICO Gang of Enablers? What damn good are you anyway? You lose because you deserve to lose.

Pondering the Pundits

Pondering the Pundits” is an Open Thread. It is a selection of editorials and opinions from> around the news medium and the internet blogs. The intent is to provide a forum for your reactions and opinions, not just to the opinions presented, but to what ever you find important.

Thanks to ek hornbeck, click on the link and you can access all the past “Pondering the Pundits”.

Follow us on Twitter @StarsHollowGzt

Michael Conway: What Will It Take for Democrats to Unite Behind Impeaching Trump?

Watergate-era House Democrats hold out the possibility for overcoming initial divisions over their approach to impeachment.

Many Democrats are arguing harshly that the House is wasting an opportunity to open an impeachment inquiry against President Trump. Their point of support: Watergate-era House Democrats. In their telling, House Democrats were always united in support of impeaching President Richard Nixon.

But that isn’t true. I was there, and in fact initially they were as divided in their approach to addressing President Nixon’s conduct as House Democrats are today about starting an impeachment inquiry. [..]

Party unity coalesced only after House leadership authorized Peter Rodino of New Jersey, the Judiciary Committee chairman, to conduct a thorough, deliberate, six-month impeachment investigation.

Still, Democratic unity today remains unlikely — by all appearances, Ms. Pelosi has no intention of letting that process begin. It will take unforeseen events, or a pro-impeachment surge in public opinion, to change the current dynamic.

Charles M. Blow: Trump Detests Apologetic Men

To stay on the president’s good side, you must perfect the art of denial, deflection and discredit.

Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta negotiated what many consider a sweetheart deal with Jeffrey Epstein over sex-crime charges years ago when Acosta was the United States attorney for the Southern District of Florida.

Acosta held a news conference on Wednesday to, presumably, calm calls for his removal now that Epstein has been arrested and charged with sex trafficking by federal prosecutors in New York.

The Office of Child Labor, Forced Labor and Human Trafficking is part of the Department of Labor.

The charges are absolutely disgusting. Epstein is alleged to have preyed on underage girls, some of whom he used as recruiters of other victims.

Donald Trump urged Acosta to publicly explain actions, or inactions, in the Epstein case, according to reports.

It remains to be seen whether Acosta’s news conference performance will save his job. As The New York Times reported, “Mr. Acosta’s appearance before cameras was seen as a crucial test of whether he will keep his job, with an audience of one as President Trump watched and weighed a decision.”

But that’s the thing that stops you: For Trump, this isn’t about the charges or the children. For him, this is about how men perform denial. In the mind of the misogynist, a man’s word is the weightiest thing in society, even when he’s lying. One’s test of survival and prosperity isn’t what you say, but how you say it. It isn’t what you do, but how you defend or deny it.

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