lost dog edition…

First, i have to tell you that i blame all this on the God thing…

This whole GOD-like illusion emulated by the CHURCH, the CORPORATION, the GOVERNMENT, the MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX (maybe all the same?): and we feel powerless because we can’t distill these things down to just a boardroom full of people in expensive suits or a group of people, just people, in a Senate Chamber. The buildings, the machinery of it all, the infrastructure deceives us into thinking these things are unknowable or impenetrable or unbeatable. That these things, like God, control our destiny and our country. But it t’ain’t true.

PhotobucketIt’s a little like losing your dog… despite those who babble about reality and statistics (that you’ll never find your pooch), what do you do??? Print flyers. Get in the car and drive everywhere. Call the cops, the SPCA, the local dog catcher three or four or five times a day.  Even though you’re overwhelmed and aren’t sure where to start, these things do NOT stop you.

No. You do NOT accept that you’ll never see your dog again. You don’t write it off as fate or give in to God’s will or the reality of statistics. And how does any of this relate to POLITICS? I’m getting there:::::::

Take George Bush: he and all his minions act as though they have armor made by God himself and they can not be penetrated or undone. Thus the man, George Bush, became BushCo. An invisible force overwhelming our country (and kidnapping your dog).  After the 2000 coup and then again, after 9/11, we could barely find anybody to talk to. M ost, it seemed, wrapped themselves in the flag, inoculated from outside forces and realities to remain safely overfed, overdressed, and over-leveraged. They didn’t want to hear it.

Let me tell you a secret: It’s not the politicians, theocrats, or corporatists we need to change, although that would help. It’s us. We’re the big moving mass of power HERE and every day, even when we can’t see it or feel it or perceive it, we are getting stronger and they are getting weaker. Because every day, more and more of us give less and less power to politicians, religion mongers, corporatists, and naysayers. Lots of WE-the-people decided NOT to accept BushCo’s reality. We insist on putting names and faces to BushCo, revealing only people, real humans and vulnerable, as are we all.

And in smallest of ways… how many of you don’t buy SUVs? Or limited mindless buying of crap? And walk or bike instead of taking the car? How many blog, campaign, write letters, try to persuade family and friends to open their eyes? How many simply care? Just one small voice… that’s all i am… and yet i’d go toe-to-toe with Bush, Rove, or Cheney right this minute. I’d love to sit across the table from Chris Matthews and rub his face (figuratively of course) in it. It didn’t take an army to bring us to this crisis, it only took a few guys from the Middle East to take over planes and make them crash into a coupla buildings. That’s all it was, a few guys, and LOOK: it CHANGED the world… giving the bad guys the in they needed to justify taking over our world…

We too can change the world. By doing GOOD and embracing the COMMON GOOD.

Thousands and thousands and hundreds of thousands of us and millions of us. It’s going to take time. Because while we think the politicans should change at the snap of a voting lever, they don’t. And neither do we. This is a process WE ARE ALL GOING through.

We’ve had some bad days… okay, i’ll give you that. A boatload of bad days. But voting in the Dems was the easy part. The hard part is FINDING YOUR DOG… don’t give up. Keep the pressure on. Take your school board seats back from the theocrats. Get involved with Democratic politics at the local level and start a little rabble rousing::: find the core groups/decision-makers across the state and demand they look at net- and grassroots candidates for Congress. Mobilize whoever you can and hit county fairs. Go knock on doors. We can use the internet to connect these national races and each other. Maybe we can’t stop the climate change that has already happened. But we can change the way we deal with it. Take our government back and encourage a revolution of innovation, research, development, and ways of creating equitable and sustainable economies and ecosystems/environments.

It’s gonna take some time and more bad things will happen, but WE WILL GET THERE. It’s just believing that we’re gonna find our dog…

even if it’s when we cross that rainbow bridge

What to Do about Torture, by Steven D

Reposted with permission from Booman Tribune

I’ve just Read Clammyc’s diary,  This is Not Torture. First, let me say I was disgusted by what I read there. Even though I have read many similar stories before about the torture that was condoned and authorized in our names, to protect our freedoms, such descriptions never fail to make me physically ill. Beyond the sheer immorality of these acts, and their illegality under American and international law, we know that there was simply no justifiable reason for these “activities” — no ticking time bomb, no great or imminent terrorist threats that were exposed. It’s mostly been practiced on people with little or no connection to Al Qaeda.

So, what do we do? The media won’t cover this issue. Congress won’t hold impeachment hearings. McCain will likely continue the same pattern of deceit regarding the abuses at Gitmo, and at American bases in Iraq, Afghanistan and other “detention facilities” if he is elected President. He certainly won’t make it a priority to investigate the crimes of the Bush administration since he believes we are legitimately fighting the terrorists in Iraq, and he would like to fight the terrorists in Iran, too, for that matter. As for our Democratic candidates it likely won’t be a priority for them, either, unless we can raise public consciousness of the issue.

But how do we do that, Steven D (you rightly ask)? Everyone in the progressive/liberal blogosphere is already talking up a storm about these abuses (for all the good that will do). And I believe that no matter how well written, or how full of righteous anger and purpose we decry the Bush administration’s use of torture, we are unlikely to influence the public discussion about this issue unless the discussion moves onto our tee-vee screens.

And since we know the big media won’t broadcast any stories regarding torture by Americans, for fear of “bad ratings” or fear of offending the Bush administration or because they are owned by conservative nutjobs who get the kicks out of imagining brown people who talk funny being kicked and beaten and drowned, how is that ever likely to happen?

Well, the only way we ever get anything on tee-vee these days — we pay for it. In short we need to create a 527 or 501(c) organization which will produce and run tee-vee ads showing the people who were tortured, or their torturers, describing in graphic detail what was done, showing pictures of that torture (we can start with Abu Ghraib photos), and using celebrity voiceovers (I think this would be a good use of George Clooney’s talents, but I’m sure there are others who are equally qualified) to provide the narrative structure for these ads. Some appropriately somber music in the background would be nice also. I like Berber’s Adagio for Strings myself.

So, Moveon.org,, Mr. George Soros and/or other wealthy liberal bigwigs, put your money where your outrage is located, please. Because once one of these organizations is created I guarantee the same people who are donating online to the Obama and Clinton campaigns, as well as many other decent Americans who abhor the very thought of torture being carried out in our name, will add our donations to whatever you contribute as seed money. I suggest that to get the ball rolling we all email Moveon.org (especially those of us who our members) and recommend they get the ball rolling? Here’s the link to their contact page.

And if anyone knows how to reach George Clooney or your favorite celebrity, feel free to post that information as well.

Ps. I no longer have access to Daily Kos so if anyone who still does would like to reprint this diary in it’s entirety over there (or anywhere else on the net) feel free.  

Alert the Media to Torture

As the story of a America President torturing in your name quickly fades from the ludicrously small prominence it managed to achieve, Bittergate rages on. The candidate frenzy as well. A sad testimonial on both the traditional media AND the Blogosphere. Very sad. Though it’s been said many time, many ways….our media is a collection of clueless hacks. To them it is ‘just a job’ and not a ‘sacred’ responsibility to be taken seriously.

What can we do about it? StevenD has one suggestion over at Booman Tribune. There are two other things I can think of. One, keep writing essays/diaries, to keep it visible in the blogosphere, (which I will be doing) the second is, as the title implies, Alert The Media.

There are only two responsive entities in the media right now, Olbermann  ([email protected])

and Jack Cafferty at CNN

Please e-mail them, and if you don’t know what to say, sending them the ACLU/C&L petition (included below the fold) is not a bad way to go. Oh ad pleae go sign and send it too!

Demand an independent prosecutor to investigate possible violations by the Bush administration of laws including the War Crimes Act, the federal Anti-Torture Act, and federal assault laws.

In a stunning admission to ABC news Friday night, President Bush declared that he knew his top national security advisers discussed and approved specific details of the CIA’s use of torture. Bush reportedly told ABC, “I’m aware our national security team met on this issue. And I approved.” Bush also defended the use of waterboarding – simulated drowning.

Recent reports indicate that high-level advisers including Dick Cheney, Condoleeza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld, Colin Powell and George Tenet were part of the National Security Council’s “Principals Committee” that met regularly and approved the CIA’s use of “combined” “enhanced” interrogation techniques, even pushing the limits of the now infamous 2002 Justice Department “torture memo.” These top advisers reportedly signed off on how the CIA would interrogate suspects – whether they would be slapped, deprived of sleep or subjected to simulated drowning.

Join the ACLU and our friends at Crooks & Liars: Call on your members of Congress to demand an independent prosecutor to investigate possible violations by the Bush administration of laws including the War Crimes Act, the federal Anti-Torture Act and federal assault laws.

Crying Rape

My Johnny Carson Moment… “I did not know that.”

I did not know that a certain person “cried rape” about the predatory lending which brought about the mortgage/lending crisis.  I bet not many others here did either.

Are you tired of hearing the phrase “subprime crisis” without adequate explanation?

The following comment from OPOL’s recent diary put the pieces of the so-called “subprime crisis” story together for me… not to mention the current global economic crisis which has resulted from it all…

But in 2003, during the height of the crisis, Bush invoked a clause from the 1863 National Bank Act that pre-empted all state predatory lending laws and then made new rules that prevented states from enforcing their own consumer protection laws against national banks.   thank you tahoebasha3

Ah, but from whence did the information in tahoebasha3’s comment emerge?  Kindly bear with me as we look into it all.  The “cry of rape” happens in Act Three.

ACT ONE:  What’s some obscure Civil War era Banking Act to me?

My specialty for the past three years has been an assignment by a pastor who ran a now-dying website to make the national debt simple for an untutored reader to understand.

Relax, you only need to learn one word:  “securities”

A security is a bundle of hundreds of thousands or millions of individual debts put together into one package.

Yes, it takes a lot of money to buy a “share” of the proceeds of such a security.  One becomes a landlord to millions by holding shares in securities which are made up of mortgages.  This then becomes the story of how foreign nations have become landlords to families in the US.

The mortgage bust is happening because securities made up of millions of families’ mortgages were (indirectly but deliberately) used as collateral for the US to get loans from foreign nations.  Only… it turned out that the collateral – the mortgages – weren’t worth what Wall Street said they were.

In other words, your personal mortgage served as a tiny piece of collateral for a larger plan.  

There.  The national debt and “subprime crisis” in action.  Further explanation follows.

funnymoney iz us

It is imperative for the student of all this to understand that in 1971 Nixon took the US dollar off the gold standard.  We now have what is known as a fiat currency, which means it is based on trust in the US government to satisfy its debts and obligations.  Period.  The question “what makes a dollar worth a dollar” can first be answered:  certainly not the gold in Fort Knox.

Well, if gold does not back the dollar, then when the US wants other nations to lend to it to the tune of nearly ten trillion dollars, the foreign lenders are going to want to make sure the debt is backed up by… something.

$9,449,059,648,292.01 and counting and counting and counting and counting and counting and counting and counting and counting and counting and counting and counting…

Next step is to understand that the national debt has almost doubled since 2000.  And for that matter, that the previous mess was also mostly borrowing for ceaseless sundry wars/police actions etc. since WWII.  Constant war runs up constant debt.  I think you get the picture.

McDebt Unlimited

So the next question to ask yourself:  I know that as an individual, I might go to a bank to borrow money.  How does a nation do it?  

A nation issues, in this case, treasury notes (T-notes) which are sold off en masse at auctions to mostly foreign buyers.  And don’t get the idea from the shiny word “treasury” that there’s gold behind it.  Done with that, you see?  It is merely an IOU from the treasury to the holder.  Call it faith-based lending.

The word “Treasury” has become misleading.  One must learn that there is no treasure in the treasury.  All that gold in Fort Knox has nothing to do with backing up the dollar (or T-notes) anymore.

Meet Your New Lender/Landlord, China (or Japan, or Saudi Arabia, or Russia, or the UK, or Germany, or Switzerland…)

Step two:  Say China, for instance, buys 500 million in T-notes.  China will probably not want to hang onto all the T-notes because the interest yield is very low, not even keeping up with inflation.  Right away the foreign creditor takes the T-notes to swap on Wall Street for juicier “high-yield-debt” (read:  extortionary interest) products… such as the notorious phony-value securities made up of US public mortgages and other public debt (pensioners, municipal bond writers, college-bound borrowers, credit card holders, auto loan holders et al, take note!).

Byline:  when it was discovered that the securities were… ahem… not what they were valued at, the creditors to the US felt – still feel – shortchanged.  This will ever emerge as a growing international problem (and are they ever ticked off!   http://www.iht.com/articles/20…  http://www.atimes.com/atimes/G… http://wallstreetexaminer.com/…

Repeat:  what backs up the value of a fiat currency is faith in the issuer to back up obligations and debts.  When the mortgages were found to be of phony value, the collateral attached to the dollar went sour.  Now do you see why the world is dumping the greenback?

While this is radically – RADICALLY – simplified, the reader needs to see how the debt gets recycled into other holdings than T-Notes.

(But but but… why are we selling public debt to the same “enemy nations” we used to fight?  Isn’t that how we got all that debt, fighting wars in the first place?

Excellent question.  This question should lead you to doubt the nature of the constant wars waged by your nation, and everything else the TV tells you – a subject to be reviewed by stonemason in the future…)

So it remained for me to ask:  from whence came the information posted by tahoebasha3?????  

We now interrupt this play for the next act, an important bulletin from our national capital…


Sex and corrupt politics in DC is nothing new. For example, during the Civil War there were 450 brothels in the capital. Part of the mythology of Washington, however, is what might be called the Jim Lehrer Illusion, which is to say that all people in DC do is sit around and rationally debate policy alternatives. In fact, Washington politics is also heavily driven by cowardice, bribery, blackmail, deceit, fear, loyalty to old buddies and even older bodies, cooptation, sex, and just plain crime. Journalists who pretend otherwise either don’t understand what is going on or are covering for someone [about everyone, I guess – stonemason].

The public often misunderstands the importance of Washington scandals, assuming them to be a simple dalliance, individual failing, or private offense. What makes both sex and crime in DC different, at least when those in power are involved, is that there is far more opportunity for blackmail and far more skill at covering things up.

The blackmail may be used by members of one branch of government against those of another, by lobbyists against members of Congress, by the police against whomever they wish, and by foreign powers. For example, one way to keep a congress member bought is for a lobbyist to provide him with high class prostitutes. And it is noteworthy that both the Israelis and Boris Yeltsin apparently knew about Bill Clinton’s affair with Monica Lewinsky before the American public did  read all about it


So, who indeed brought up the “national security measure” of gagging states’ rights to regulate lending?

Sorry, pal, but here comes the cane to yank you onstage for yet another encore…

Did he, or didn’t he?  Assigning that tormented question to the privacy of New York governor Eliot Spitzer and God, let’s just say that when I googled around for the source of the information in tahoebasha3’s comment, I found a big surprise:  Spitzer was mounting a certain campaign in early February to expose a scandal.  

My guess is a man with a raging guilty conscience would have known better than to think his campaign for the truth could succeed with a brothel’s worth of skeletons in the closet, and he would have spared himself.  Who knows.  It doesn’t matter, the allegations were accurate.  Below, I print his testimony as of early February of this year on how the mortgage industry was deliberately set up to be overrun by loan sharks.

After all, if one envisions a few trillion dollars’ worth of international borrowing on the horizon (such as the administration did in exactly 2003 when they declared war on Iraq), one has to come up with collateral somehow.  Take it away, Eliot:

Predatory Lenders’ Partner in Crime

How the Bush Administration Stopped the States From Stepping In to Help Consumers

By Eliot Spitzer

Thursday, February 14, 2008; A25

Several years ago, state attorneys general and others involved in consumer protection began to notice a marked increase in a range of predatory lending practices by mortgage lenders. Some were misrepresenting the terms of loans, making loans without regard to consumers’ ability to repay, making loans with deceptive “teaser” rates that later ballooned astronomically, packing loans with undisclosed charges and fees, or even paying illegal kickbacks. These and other practices, we noticed, were having a devastating effect on home buyers. In addition, the widespread nature of these practices, if left unchecked, threatened our financial markets.

Even though predatory lending was becoming a national problem, the Bush administration looked the other way and did nothing to protect American homeowners. In fact, the government chose instead to align itself with the banks that were victimizing consumers.

Predatory lending was widely understood to present a looming national crisis. This threat was so clear that as New York attorney general, I joined with colleagues in the other 49 states in attempting to fill the void left by the federal government. Individually, and together, state attorneys general of both parties brought litigation or entered into settlements with many subprime lenders that were engaged in predatory lending practices. Several state legislatures, including New York’s, enacted laws aimed at curbing such practices.

What did the Bush administration do in response? Did it reverse course and decide to take action to halt this burgeoning scourge? As Americans are now painfully aware, with hundreds of thousands of homeowners facing foreclosure and our markets reeling, the answer is a resounding no.

Not only did the Bush administration do nothing to protect consumers, it embarked on an aggressive and unprecedented campaign to prevent states from protecting their residents from the very problems to which the federal government was turning a blind eye.

Let me explain: The administration accomplished this feat through an obscure federal agency called the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC). The OCC has been in existence since the Civil War. Its mission is to ensure the fiscal soundness of national banks. For 140 years, the OCC examined the books of national banks to make sure they were balanced, an important but uncontroversial function. But a few years ago, for the first time in its history, the OCC was used as a tool against consumers.

In 2003, during the height of the predatory lending crisis, the OCC invoked a clause from the 1863 National Bank Act to issue formal opinions preempting all state predatory lending laws, thereby rendering them inoperative. The OCC also promulgated new rules that prevented states from enforcing any of their own consumer protection laws against national banks. The federal government’s actions were so egregious and so unprecedented that all 50 state attorneys general, and all 50 state banking superintendents, actively fought the new rules.

But the unanimous opposition of the 50 states did not deter, or even slow, the Bush administration in its goal of protecting the banks. In fact, when my office opened an investigation of possible discrimination in mortgage lending by a number of banks, the OCC filed a federal lawsuit to stop the investigation.

Throughout our battles with the OCC and the banks, the mantra of the banks and their defenders was that efforts to curb predatory lending would deny access to credit to the very consumers the states were trying to protect. But the curbs we sought on predatory and unfair lending would have in no way jeopardized access to the legitimate credit market for appropriately priced loans. Instead, they would have stopped the scourge of predatory lending practices that have resulted in countless thousands of consumers losing their homes and put our economy in a precarious position.

When history tells the story of the subprime lending crisis and recounts its devastating effects on the lives of so many innocent homeowners, the Bush administration will not be judged favorably. The tale is still unfolding, but when the dust settles, it will be judged as a willing accomplice to the lenders who went to any lengths in their quest for profits. So willing, in fact, that it used the power of the federal government in an unprecedented assault on state legislatures, as well as on state attorneys general and anyone else on the side of consumers.

The writer is governor of New York.

 Washington Post, February 14, 2008

It turns out I am not the first to notice the strange timing of the sexual allegations…


How to Pull Money Out Of Thin Air and other tales of blowing sunshine…

So, to recap:  by allowing every semi-literate, unemployed soul in the US to come by a mortgage, a lot of “fictitious capital” was created.  This “fictitious capital” was created to collateralize the mushrooming national debt.

Not only that, but the story goes on in the relaxing of accounting standards.  “Creative accounting,” remember that?  This allowed the sellers of masses of mortgages to hypothecate future values and then put them on the accounting books as if it all had happened.  

An Accounting Technique called “Mark to Make-Believe”…

They could hypothecate that 50% of the mortgage holders would end up owing the balloon payments, and put it on the books long before it came true (or not).  

This kind of book-keeping actually functioned as money/collateral, to back up the value of the dollar.  

Courtesy of deregulation, one could “cook the books” any which way, imagining future proceeds from these rotten mortgages… and then use those accounting gimmicks as collateral for yet more loans against those securities.  

If you’re mentally crying “foul,” you’re right.  In the olden days, this was called fraud – to use the value of a so-called asset repeatedly in one scam after another.  But in today’s Wall Street, it happens every day, with the blessing of the powers that be.

Hypothecating future returns?  And putting them on the black side of your accounting sheets?  This is called “creating wealth” in today’s finance sector.

You can see why the Chinese and other foreign lenders are mad.

And to quote Paul Harvey… now you know the rest of the story.

The mortgage lending crisis… the ultimate cost of war.

Pony Party: Tax Time

Eek! It’s that time of year again. I’m an American living in Soviet Canuckistan, so I have to file in both countries. I just filed my automatic extension form (if it’s automatic, why do I have to file? Hmmm…), because my Canuckistan taxes haven’t yet been filed. But what a complete and total pain to have to file in both countries. At least it’s easier in Canada, especially since I hand everything over to an accountant!

Anyone encountering female horses in the night about their taxes? (Heh) My advice – use your jar as a tax shelter – works for me!

I am a bitter angry redneck liberal.

Okay, first off, shame on Hillary Clinton for wrapping herself so late in the game in the latest fashion of hard-working Americans. Shame on her for pretending she had to give a damn about the working class when she was shuffling off jobs overseas and cheerleading a bankruptcy bill for the socialized rich. And a special extra deep hearted jeer to her saying she now loves guns and God like she was George Allen.

I have long watched the Clintons lie with impunity, figuring you know, that’s just what politicians do. They lie. A lot. But when another politician, say Obama this time or Perot in the 90s, finally comes up and talks to America like adults and say some inconvient truths, that’s when the liars get to lying hardcore.

Now Hillary is all about steel barrels and gunpowder, when in the 90s she lead the Million Mom March against guns.

Now Hillary is all home spun craving to appear in potato sack dresses, when she is the very product and poster child of the Baby Boomer Entitled generation and has the upper crust of lobbyists and donors carrying her train of silk and tears around.

And now Hillary is demanding to be the moral compass of the country, when she regrets every major decision she has made in the Senate, be it war or economics. When Obama said that the countryside was bitter and grasped for guns and god, he was right. Because people like Hillary, and more so Bush, has failed them, and they grab for the last few things they can believe in. The power of the gun and the glory of God.

The reason there was a mass secularization in Europe over the last 30 years is because their government was competent and put the good of the people over the good of the upper class. The people in Europe realized they did not have to look to some mythical person in the clouds for security, they could provide it themselves, either economically, politically or health-wise.

It is politicians like Hillary Rodham Clinton who have stolen this from everyday Americans. If she wants to claim the 90s as her experience, then she must also claim the massive selling out of America to foreign interest of the 90s as well. If she wants to claim her time in the White House on her resume, then she must accept responsibility for the subprime crisis created under her husband. She can’t selective claim experience, she must accept accountability for Waco, the Iraq War, the Bankruptcy Bill and countless other acts during her time of “experience” which have made the countryside bitter.

That is why Hillary is screaming like a banshee about this comment by Obama, because she and her fellow upper class cronies have created the bitter environment most of the country must deal with. Hillary knows if people start connecting the economic and political dots, it will all lead back to her in one way or another. So she must yell “Elitist!”, other wise people might notice she is what she says, and that she is attacking with her greatest weakness, her sense of entitlement.

Obama told the truth, and Hillary decided to lie about it once again. But I have to give her credit, the way she has been running this campaign, I am surprised she didn’t say Obama was “uppity.”

Because that’s the racial code word Hillary is using here, “elitist” for “uppity”, and Clinton really wishes Obama would know his place, in the back of her campaign bus, or at least under it.

Most children can identify over 1,000 Corporate Logos but less than 10 native plants and animals.

Tax Day: Figures don’t lie, liars figure

Tuesday is Tax Day, which prompts people to ask: What is the government doing with my money?

Well, there’s a trillion or two or three for the Iraq war.

Not to worry, says President Bush.  The war is consuming only a “modest fraction” of the country’s wealth.

The National Priorities Project says that in 2007 the federal government spent 42.2 percent of every income tax dollar on military spending.

There’s an old cliche that figures don’t lie but liars figure.  Who you gonna believe — the guy who lied us into the war?  

Here’s how Bush does his math:

Mr. Bush said in his speech on Thursday that the Defense Department budget today represented slightly more than 4 percent of gross domestic product, compared with more than 6 percent in some years of the Reagan administration and as much as 13 percent in 1952-3, when the United States was engaged in the war in Korea.

As someone I know says, “Everything in life is ‘compared to what?'”  The New York Times explains that’s just a tad misleading:

But the war in Iraq is largely being paid for off the books, with emergency and supplemental spending rather than from the Pentagon’s operating budget, so Mr. Bush’s figures are a low estimate of the relative cost of the war, analysts have observed. And growing entitlement costs today make such comparisons with previous eras questionable.

The National Priorities Project measures it another way — using real numbers to show the impact on an American family.

It says the median income family in the US paid $2,628 in federal income taxes last year. Of that, the military got $1,109, or 42.2 per cent.  

Bush’s proposed spending for the next fiscal year includes another $139-billion for the Iraq war, and $111.6-billion in tax cuts for the richest people in the US.  

Meanwhile, weatherization help for low-income families to insulate their homes would be totally eliminated.  And public transportation would be cut to 14 per cent below when the war began five years ago.

That’s why they call it the National Priorities Project.  It’s about making choices. The Bush administration — and the Democratic Congress — have been making some bad ones.

The National Priorities Project also has info on what those federal spending priorities mean to your state or city, available here.

Tax Day protests are planned in many cities on Tuesday.  Three days later, Friday, April 18, Iraq Moratorium #8 will be observed across the country. Do something.  

Updated – Dalai Lama: China Is Not Our Enemy

( – promoted by Nightprowlkitty)

Amid the Chinese government stepping up claims that the Dalai Lama wants to foment a violent uprising in Tibet – including allegations today that they discovered an arms cache in a Tibetan monestary (link: http://www.reuters.com/article… ), the Dalai Lama gave a forceful reply last Friday.

He didn’t call them the Evil Empire. He didn’t say they were members of the Axis of Evil.

He said, “we are not anti-Chinese”.

The full interview can be found at MSNBC’s website here: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21…


In fact uh soon after crises happen.  I express now, of course the expression of uh  defeating is the freedom of expression or speech.  However, we must carry these strictly non-violence.  If people indulge violence, and violence become out of control, then my option is, my choice is, I resign.


You resign as Dalai Lama?


uh, Dalai Lama I don’t know. (LAUGHTER)


Resign as what?


Resign from responsibility of our struggle. As early as– ’87, ’88 I remember, is– one of my close friend, Jonathan Mirsky.  I think, London Observer, sort of correspondent.  He, at that time, ask, “If things become more violent, then what do you do?”  And I immediately responded, “If the violence become out of control uh there is no other choice except, resign.”  I told.  So, this once more I repeated this. And it makes uh  seems to some effect, some Tibetan.  Uh then (pause) then also uh I appeal Chinese community all over the world, and particularly in mainland China.  We are not anti-Chinese.  We always respect and admire this Chinese civilization and Chinese people.  And, as a Tibetan, almost 2,000 years we live side by side. Occasionally, some unfortunate event also there.  But most cases we live happily.  So, therefore, and also, as a Buddhist monk, I always consider our Chinese Buddhist brothers, sisters as a elder student of uh Buddha.  We are younger. Whenever I give some teaching to our Chinese brother, sisters, I always firstly, sharing my respect.  I’m junior, or younger student.  Or, occasionally, I also make joke.  Maybe as I knowledge is concerned, junior student may be little better. (LAUGHTER) So.  So, emotionally, also you see, they very close.  I always admire.  And then, in– as a matter of fact, some people from China– most populated nation.




So, we must respect.  We must accept that reality.  Some kind of negative feeling towards them is useless, unjust. And then, also, they, what say they, what what call they uh Olympic Game. Right from the beginning, I support that ancient nation, most public nation, now, really deserve to host for this uh world famous Olympic game.  And then after now this well, what do you want to call uh Olympic to, tore– torch.

link: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/24…

Admiration for the people of China. Respect for their ancient culture. This isn’t the sabre-rattling the world is accustomed to.

But if China isn’t the enemy, who – or what – is?

In order to understand that, a small background on the nonviolent mindset is in order. Most practitioners of nonviolence see problems, and indeed all facets of human existance, as inter-connected. To quote Martin Luther King, Jr.

“In a real sense, all life is interrelated. All men are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly. I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be, and you can never be what you ought to be until I am what I ought to be. This is the interrelated structure of reality.”

link: http://www.worldbeyondborders….

That mindset produces two outcomes. The first is the recognition that injustice is systemic, it does not occur in a vacuum. King saw most injustice as a combination of what he termed the Triple Evils of racism, poverty and war (or violence). Therefore, when a practioner of nonviolence sees the riots in Lhasa and subsequent crack-down, and the arrest of Hu Jia for the crime of posting essays on his blog, and when you read reports of people – including ethnic Chinese – being forceably evicted from their homes to make way for Olympic construction, and see the suppression of religion and abuses against members of Falun Gong, you look at this situation and see the common thread of systemic injustice binding these events.

Then you dig deeper and notice the lack of an independent press that can challenge the government without fear of reprisal, the censorship of information available on the internet to common citizens, and the harrassment of journalists as chronicled here by Human Rights Watch, you see one of the underlying causes of these abuses:

Chinese journalists continue to risk severe repercussions for pursuing stories that touch on officially taboo subjects or threaten powerful private interests. Miao Wei, former executive editor of Sanlian Life Weekly, confirmed in April that he had been demoted in connection with a cover story on the aftermath of the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976). Lan Chengzhang, a reporter with China Trade News, was murdered in January while investigating an illegal coalmine in Datong, Shanxi province. In mid-August five journalists, including a reporter from the party mouthpiece People’s Daily, were interviewing witnesses to the Fenghuang bridge collapse in Hunan province when plainclothes thugs interrupted the interviews and kicked and punched the journalists, who were then detained by police.  

link: http://hrw.org/englishwr2k8/do…

The Dalai Lama touched on this underlying cause later in his interview:

Now, there’s Hu Jintao uh very much emphasis– the importance of uh build harmonious society.  That is, I think, very sort of I think, very– I think, very right, according to new reality.  Now, economy, prosperity, these things are– and going well. Now, important is this get rich and poor, reduce.  And then also, the different ethnic, including Tibetan, including national, I don’t know, whatever you call, the unity, harmony is very essential.  Now, for that, they equality.  I think, the harmony, very much based on trust. Without trust, we fear.  Harmony is impossible.  A trust must develop.  For trust, more freedom, more equality.  Let them speak.  Or, Chairman Mao, see, often used to say the Communist Party, without self-criticism, and criticism from other cannot survive. Like fish without water.  Once, says Chairman Mao, only he himself not very sincerely practice these things.  But I think, these are really wonderful.

Like any good twelve-step program, weaning ourselves away from those systems that propagate injustice means acknowledging the problems exist, and that cannot be done in an environment where public discussion of these problems is taboo, forcing them into the whispered world of rumor and gossip. A society can only solve its problems when clear facts about these problems are available, otherwise it will continue flailing in the dark, unable to find any way forward.

Now, Americans, fellow Westerners, let’s not pat ourselves on the back. With all of our openness human rights abuses still occur in our democratic society, most notably in Iraq and Gitmo. We also – through our business practices – bolster these same human rights abuses occuring in China right now. We have not been the leaders in demanding workers protections and environmental protections in our trade agreements, and even when demanded we have been lax in enforcing these parts of our trade agreements. As this report from Human Rights Watch clearly states:

Finally, the examples presented here indicate that many companies have not yet ascribed to business standards addressing human rights or disregard codes of conduct or company commitments to social responsibility, where they exist. Taken together with the rest of the analysis in this report, the clear conclusion is that existing efforts to address the impacts of business activities on human rights are insufficient.


link: http://hrw.org/reports/2008/bh…

Our country’s stubborn refusal to allow any regulation of business by a supranational body just aids and abets the human rights abuses arising from poor business practices. And let’s be clear, as Americans we benefit from all of this by cheaper consumer goods.

And all of that American money flowing back into the Chinese government underwrites the genocide in Darfur.

It is time for us to put our money where our mouths are.

But I digress.

All of this illustrates the second outcome of a nonviolent mindset. Again, quoting Dr. King:

Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.

We must speak out against injustice as it occurs. We must seize the time when events allow us to demand that the injustice end, so a true peace – a true harmony – can be achieved.

The situation in Tibet is a symptom of a larger problem. And it isn’t just a problem of the Chinese government, it is also a problem of American foreign and economic policy.

Many of us who are speaking out against the injustices in Tibet don’t just want a Free Tibet. We want a Free US. A Free Europe. A Free World. This isn’t about separating Tibet from China, this is about a true peace, a true harmony, existing both inside Tibet and China, and having that harmony reverberate across the countries of the world.

Please keep all sides of this conflict in your thoughts, prayers and meditations.

UPDATE  The International Federation of Jounalists is traveling to China to try to intervene on behalf of members of the press having the freedom to report on the events happening in Tibet and China:

“In the last few weeks, the political heat has been turned up over Tibet and the Olympics and journalists have found themselves in the crossfire,” said Aidan White, general secretary and leader of the 10-member mission.

“Our aim will be to take journalists out of the firing line and help them to do their job without interference.”

The group said in a statement that some foreign journalists “have found themselves threatened in the wake of Chinese anger over foreign media coverage of disturbances in Tibet and the Olympic torch rally.”

“Our aim will be to get China to deliver on its promises of ending repression of journalists in the country and to open itself to independent media coverage around the Games.”

The IFJ said its mission will discuss with the Beijing Olympic Committee how to ensure journalists can be protected and exercise the right to report without interference during the Games.

link: http://www.iht.com/articles/ap…

Pony Party, ‘An April Day’

An April Day

When the warm sun, that brings

Seed-time and harvest, has returned again,

‘T is sweet to visit the still wood, where springs

The first flower of the plain.

I love the season well,

When forest glades are teeming with bright forms,

Nor dark and many-folded clouds foretell

The coming-on of storms.

From the earth’s loosened mould

The sapling draws its sustenance, and thrives;

Though stricken to the heart with winter’s cold,

The drooping tree revives.

The softly-warbled song

Comes from the pleasant woods, and colored wings

Glance quick in the bright sun, that moves along

The forest openings.

When the bright sunset fills

The silver woods with light, the green slope throws

Its shadows in the hollows of the hills,

And wide the upland glows.

And when the eve is born,

In the blue lake the sky, o’er-reaching far,

Is hollowed out and the moon dips her horn,

And twinkles many a star.

Inverted in the tide

Stand the gray rocks, and trembling shadows throw,

And the fair trees look over, side by side,

And see themselves below.

Sweet April! many a thought

Is wedded unto thee, as hearts are wed;

Nor shall they fail, till, to its autumn brought,

Life’s golden fruit is shed.

~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

OK… see… I wasn’t TECHNICALLY lying…

…when I failed to mention that, along with you, I was also dating five other women, three of them pregnant via me, two close relatives (your sister is SO much hotter than I first thought), and my wife of eighteen years. See, though nothing I said was accurate, I was simply employing enhanced truth-telling techniques, which, apparently, President George Bush approved from the oval office!

And I wasn’t REALLY stealing, when I used your social security number and bank account records to embezzle in order  to  purchase betamax Bette Midler concert footage and arrange a private reunion performance of the band Asia. You have to understand, that though I took all you cash, I was simply using enhanced wealth-accrual techniques, which, apparently, the very-errant-pheasant-plucker and cuddly f-bomb thrower Vice President Dick Cheney approved from the oval office!

And I wasn’t LITERALLY murdering when I went through the streets with that uzi shooting those three dozen shriners as they tried to escape in their cute undersized cars. You can plainly see that though eighteen of them are now dead, I was simply using enhanced flesh-testing techniques, which, apparently, future vice-Presidential candidate Condaleeza Rice approved from the oval office!

And I wasn’t ACTUALLY cheating on you when you found me in that hotel room with the six Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders, the panda, the randy rhododendron, and the squirmy rooter. It should be obvious to you that though none of the naked people (nor the plant) were YOU, I was simply employing enhanced penis-arousal techniques, which, apparently, former naked-statue-coverer John Ashcroft approved from his hospital bed!

And I wasn’t GENUINELY taking the Lord’s name in vain when I called you a  “Goddamn platypus-fucking, soulless, son of a motherless goat!” Though the B.D.M.I.T.S. (Big-Dude-Man-In-The-Sky) was clearly mentioned and I was plainly perverting one of the known identifiers for the almighty, I was simply employing enhanced Creator-with-the-long-white-beard-degradation techniques, which, apparently, the-only-black-man-Republicans-once-respected-but-now-don’t Colin Powell approved from the oval office!

Similarly, our government wasn’t AUTHENTICALLY torturing when they simulated tactics employed by the Gestapo called Verschärfte Vernehmung. Its obvious to anyone with half a brain, that though SS officers were convicted of war-crimes and sentenced to death, our C.I.A. was simply employing enhanced interrogation techniques, which, apparently, everyone down to the White House cat-litter inspector approved from the oval office!

Now, if you don’t mind I have a very busy day that includes such enhanced bible-avoidance techniques as coveting my neighbors ass, house and female slave!


Docudharma Times Monday April 14

there’s battle lines being drawn

nobody’s right if everybody’s wrong

young people speakin there minds

getting so much resistance far behind

Monday’s Headlines: Global warming has a new battleground: coal plants: A surge of new voters in Pennsylvania is likely to help Obama: Japan fleet misses whaling target: Former Maoist guerrillas on brink of historic Nepal election victory: Election recount allows Mugabe to step up violence, says opposition: Somali militants kill two Britons: ‘Betrayed’ Iraqi staff in test case over UK’s refusal to offer asylum: Arabs and Jews work together to make drama out of a crisis: Berlusconi’s return in the hands of Rome as Italians go to the polls: Key Bulgarian minister steps down: Colombian clam diggers’ livelihoods under siege

Co-Payments Go Way Up for Drugs With High Prices

Health insurance companies are rapidly adopting a new pricing system for very expensive drugs, asking patients to pay hundreds and even thousands of dollars for prescriptions for medications that may save their lives or slow the progress of serious diseases.

With the new pricing system, insurers abandoned the traditional arrangement that has patients pay a fixed amount, like $10, $20 or $30 for a prescription, no matter what the drug’s actual cost. Instead, they are charging patients a percentage of the cost of certain high-priced drugs, usually 20 to 33 percent, which can amount to thousands of dollars a month.


Global warming has a new battleground: coal plants

Environmental lawyers make a concentrated effort to stop new ones from being built; a coalition claims 65 victories in the last year. But industry groups are fighting back.

WASHINGTON — Every time a new coal-fired power plant is proposed anywhere in the United States, a lawyer from the Sierra Club or an allied environmental group is assigned to stop it, by any bureaucratic or legal means necessary.

They might frame the battle as a matter of zoning or water use, but the larger war is over global warming: Coal puts twice as much temperature-raising carbon dioxide into the atmosphere as natural gas, second to coal as the most common power plant fuel.

The plant-by-plant strategy is part of a campaign by environmentalists to force the federal government to deal with climate change. The fights are scattered from Georgia to Wyoming, from Illinois to Texas, but the ultimate target is Washington, where the Bush administration has resisted placing limits on carbon dioxide and Congress has yet to act on a global warming bill.

A surge of new voters in Pennsylvania is likely to help Obama

BRISTOL, Pa. – Sandra Jones, an unemployed transit worker, and college student Christy Race are part of 2008’s biggest electoral phenomenon – an army of people who’ve never voted but are swarming to the polls this year.

Jones, 48, is under no illusion that an election can instantly get her a good job, but at least it offers hope. “Barack Obama reminds me of John F. Kennedy,” she said. “There’s something about his demeanor and the way he speaks.”

Race, 19, finds Obama unusually inspiring, too – and, she said, Democratic rival Hillary Clinton is simply unacceptable. “She’s too into politics, and I think Bill Clinton’s controlling her,” Race said.


Japan fleet misses whaling target

For the first time in 20 years protest action has prevented Japan’s whalers from meeting their quota, the country’s Fisheries Agency says.

The fleet caught only 60% of the whales they planned to – for what they say is scientific research purposes.

The ships are due to return to port in the next few daincreasingly bitter disputeys.

Japan’s fleet was followed around the Antarctic by anti-whaling protesters from several different groups in an increasingly bitter dispute.

Former Maoist guerrillas on brink of historic Nepal election victory

· Rebels upstage political rivals as royal dynasty ends

· We are committed to democracy, says leader

Former communist rebels in Nepal appear to be on the brink of a historic sweep in elections that will decide the political future of the Himalayan nation and end the rule of its 239-year-old royal dynasty.

The Maoists’ party has won 42 seats and is leading in 58 constituencies, the election commission said in a statement on its website. The traditional politicians, who had expected to win the polls, have been reduced to bit-part players.

The country’s oldest and biggest political party, the Nepali Congress, has so far won 13 seats and the Unified Marxist-Leninists, the traditional communist party, had just 14 seats in the latest count.


Election recount allows Mugabe to step up violence, says opposition

· Results likely to stay secret for another week

· Southern Africa leaders fail to pressure Zanu-PF

Zimbabwe’s official presidential election results may remain secret for at least another week while substantial numbers of votes are recounted in a move the opposition says is designed to fraudulently overturn Robert Mugabe’s defeat and his Zanu-PF party’s defeat in parliament.

The Movement for Democratic Change says that the continuing delay in making public the results of the ballot held more than two weeks ago, and the breathing space given to Mugabe by a weekend summit of regional leaders, is permitting Zanu-PF to widen its campaign of violent intimidation in rural areas

Somali militants kill two Britons

Somali Islamist militants killed two Somalis holding British passports and two Kenyans at a school in the central town of Baladwayne overnight, local residents said toay.

“Al Shaabab fighters entered the town and suddenly attacked houses of government officials,” resident Ahmed Elmi told Reuters. “Then they attacked a school where they killed two Kenyans, a British woman and a Somali man with a British passport.”

Al Shabaab is a militant Islamist group that the United States put on its list of foreign terrorist organisations in late February, for what Washington says is links to al Qaeda.

Middle East

‘Betrayed’ Iraqi staff in test case over UK’s refusal to offer asylum

By Robert Verkaik in Damascus

Monday, 14 April 2008

Iraqi interpreters, clerical staff and labourers who face death threats and persecution after risking their lives working for British forces are challenging the Government’s refusal to grant them sanctuary in the UK.

A test case in the High Court will accuse the Government of abandoning former Iraqi staff who have fled their homes after being branded “spies and collaborators” by the Shia militias. Many have seen their homes bombed, family members killed or have received death threats.

Arabs and Jews work together to make drama out of a crisis

In a hillside hamlet beside a forest, Jewish and Arab teenagers from the Holy Land are living together in a pioneering experiment to overcome racial prejudice.

There will be no debating their divisive histories, no lighting candles for peace, no lectures on the brotherhood of man. Instead, they are being instructed to dress as warriors, wood-cutters and sorcerers.

The Asha Centre, a retreat in rural Gloucestershire, has been converted for four weeks into a drama boot camp where the 16-year-olds will stage an adaptation of Grimm’s fairytales.


Berlusconi’s return in the hands of Rome as Italians go to the polls

If there was a last-minute swing back to the centre-left in Italy’s general election, it certainly had not reached the elegantly coiffed lady who emerged from a polling station just by Rome’s Milvian bridge.

Jenni Puccini had put her “X” firmly on Silvio Berlusconi’s People of Freedom, the media tycoon’s new party which includes Gianfranco Fini and his “post-fascists”.

“We’re not happy about all these immigrants, and with all the crime,” she said. “We don’t feel safe any longer.”

Berlusconi’s rival for the office of prime minister, Walter Veltroni, is the former mayor of Rome. But after a string of violent murders in the city last year, many Romans blame the centre-left leader for not doing enough on law and order.

Key Bulgarian minister steps down

Bulgaria’s Interior Minister Rumen Petkov has resigned amid increasing criticism of the government’s failure to tackle organised crime.

The resignation follows a scandal in which two senior police officers have been accused of passing official secrets to alleged crime bosses.

There have also been a spate of contract killings in recent months.

Latin America

Colombian clam diggers’ livelihoods under siege

Environmental pollution and encroaching narcos have taken their toll on Narino state’s Afro-Colombians. The community’s unique, altruistic culture is in peril.

TUMACO, COLOMBIA — After a lifetime spent digging for black clams in the swamps that line the coast here, Clojilda Velasco remembers when she could count on finding 400 a day. Now she’s lucky if she gets 100. But she still shares when one of the other women comes up salado, or unlucky.

Oil spills, industrial pollution, drug traffickers and over-harvesting are quickly reducing the clam population in the mangroves of Tumaco and snuffing out the livelihoods of Velasco and other extremely poor families who depend on the mollusks for their subsistence.

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