Writing In The Raw…..Through Herself & Back Again

( – promoted by undercovercalico)

Love is like oxygen….not enough & you’re gonna die

in through your nose, out through your mouth

moving in silent desperation… a hypothetical situation…….

She had no idea how far down she’d gotten. To her it seemed as though everything was perfectly normal, that the connections she was making were absolutely viable & all was right in her world. From time to time someone would float thru & give well meaning advice….but she could see they hadn’t their own shit together, how crass of them to think they knew better than she what to do to feel better. & she felt fine~ Really

fine, fine, fine…..on cloud nine

round like a circle in a spiral………..

living on nerves & feelings with a weak and lazy mind……..

Stumbling deaf drunk and blind

I wish I had a sense of humour keeping the saaaaaadness at bay….

She had given her all to make them better & it Just. Wasn’t. Enough.

For the very first time in her life she couldn’t kissitandmakeitbetter

shattered….scattered…BUH-BUH-DUHDUHDUH…I’m in tatters

my analyst told me I was right out of my head

the way he described it I’d be better dead

I didn’t lisssssssen………..

roll for health….minus twelve, no bonus

she couldn’t MAKE them want to live & felt she’d let everyone down…

A wheel within a wheel….never ending story…..lalala lalala lalala

Someone left the cake out in the rain, all the sweeeeet green

sweeeeeet dreams, get in the limosine

soon we’ll be away from here

step on the gas & wipe your fuckin tears

it’s a pity party & she’ll cry if she wants to

Forgive me, forgive me, I’ve let you down………..forgive me please….mea culpa

and it hurt

to be such adisappointment to them all….

to not save them, not be able to save them

for what or whom she had no idea

she felt like a failure

she was a failure

was it those one or two stray thoughts of pure meanness?

if she could’ve held those away…at bay

would anything be different

did that one thought change the balance?

and I dreamed I was dying

She walks along the edge of where the ocean meets the land

Just like she’s walking on a wire in the circus…….

she tucked her emotions down deep inside herself

she wrapped herself in the cotton wool of xanax and weeds

not allowing any feelings in

they hurt

too much

so much easier to not feel

to cover the sharp shards of feeling

in the cotton wool

insulating herself from the pain of her failure

of loss

she walks in the air between the rain through herself and back again…..

I let you down, forgive me……

If she could just stay in the warmth of the bath until someone awoke her heart would keep beeting….no need to disturb anyone, the warmth would keep her going for just a bit longer

someone would wake soon to help her up and get some air in the room

smoke was filling up in the corners of her world

as the torches puthered around her feet…their dying embers winking out one by one

rising on the hot air currents

they disappear

riding off into the sunset

boogety, boogety, boo

fever rolled up to a hunnert and five

it is more than she weighs

gonna roll on up….roll back down

dwaa na na, dwaa na na, dwaa na na, teedley deedley dee

roll for health….minus nineteen, no bonus

shattered…..scattered…..I’m in tatters

electrolyte levels like an alcholic heroin junkie…..are you sure she’s not a closet alcoholic?

Many levels aren’t even registering

Nooooooo…….. she doesn’t like alcohol

a very ver cheap date

a glass of wine sends her stumbling to bed

do you do illegal drugs???

Do you?

Un poquito mota, solomente

ten legged spiders clamberingcrawl up her arms turning her skin to pink marble with hideous opaline veins that throb wildly

they puncture a vein to draw off the poison and her blood plods into the tiny crystaline vials like mud

the green eyes have fear

they turn away quickly

lest she sees how desperate the situation is

don’t let it get away, don’t let them turn my blood into gollems

mum, dad…..it’s eeeeeevil……..

I was talking to my doctor down at the hospital

He said, Hon, it says here you’re fourty-nine,

But that’s just impossible

you look like you could be a hunnert-leventy-three

she pulls back her hair and screams I don’t really wanna live this life

the rictus of her grin scares the boy

he turns away crying


I need all my fluids please

I want a cuppa tea

or three

you can never have too much sugar

we have to get to know one another before you can take such advantage

well I’d like to get to know you…yes I would…….

its NOT fucking FAIR

it never was though, was it?


who gave you that idea becauze its just bizzarre & you must be a loon to think that

loon, she’s a loon, a looney….yup, yup… a looney tune…. a day in June

you did all you could and more         its never enough, they always demand more

she has no more to give……..

she’s just give slap out, Just. Slap. Out.

You should’ve took more than you gave

we wouldn’t be in this mess today……..

When did you eat last?


What is that, pray?

Maybe December?

Its been a long December

what year are we?

its gone, gone, gone….I don’t know where I am, I’m on the road again..

..DUHDUH-DUHDUH    Gone, gone, gone….deedle, deedle, deedle dee

you can gaze out your window get mad & get madder…..throw your hands in the air

saying what does it matter

It don’t do no good to get angry, so help me, I know

a heart stained with anger grows weak & grows bitter

you become your own prisoner

as you watch yourself sit there

caught up ina trap of your ver own chain of sorrow………..

Chai, chai, chain….chain of fools

must be the season of the witch

you gotta stop this no good bitch…….

next thing I remember I was lyin in my bed, couldn’tna been much more than one or two

it was late in the evening and the musics seeping through

whoaoaugh, whoaoaugh, there’s a disturbance in the force

shhh, she said, I know….it’s only in my head……..

she lay on a grey granite slab

on top of the moors with the scent of the heathers and sheep dung and the cries of peregrines calling her name

& orders a marguerita, with no salt….in her eyes

stirred not shaken

the road not taken

can this road be taken, taken at all….

the most beautiful sound that I eeeeeeeeeeeeeever heard…………

ave maria…….

and the slab fell away

went roaring into the valleys of the moon

great tiers rose around her

a Colosseum

of the ones of before

filling all the space

they each held a thread

all the threads are connected

a great spirograph of light and sound

the great web of the world

the energy patterns

the ley lines of the universe

a tapestry of time and light and sound

it’s alright ma, I’m only dying

you become your own prisoner caught up ina trap

your very own chain of sorrow

sing tanana….she’s a rich girl

O abuela I’m coming

no es tu tiempo mi hija

tu tiempo no es horita

pobrecita, pobrecita


Why gramma, why

why do I see this so clearly

Escribe el libro

you’re the only one who can

Ju are the only one to see your thread

you must eshow it to de others

aye pobrecita, eeets hokay

besos, muchos besos

caught up ina trap of your ver own chain of sorrow………..

she curled into a ball

as the wind whipped her hair away

she turned into eggwhites

sliding towards the edge of the robyn egg marble

and the calliope crashed to the ground……..

impeccable manners will keep the doors from slamming

(Peevishly)why does everyone jump when she pushes her button & I can’t get fresh ice?

Daddy she cant hardly gasp for air & yet says thankyou

nice matters

reach out reach out & touch some one….reach out & just say


danke shoen, darling danke shoen

reach out & make this world a better place, when you can……..

Bitte, please, por favor

not enough & you’re gonna die

Its really not that fucking hard….so many have said so, why does no-one

lissssssen godddDAMmmmmit

love….its just LOVE

the difference is just a letter


why do they make it into mountains

when it’s All. For. Love.

it’s all good

she goes cold

eggwhites won’t run cold

maybe she can keep from sliding over the edge if she can just stay cold

can’t you see my walls are crumbling………….

roll for health….minus nineteen, plus 3 bonus for instinct

a million twelve legged spiders crawl into her nose and throat

stringing sticky web behind them

they clog her passages

they clot her blood

they clod her air

never was a cornflake girl…….

But she was turning into a blueberry….

oompa loompa loompety-do I’ve gotanother riddle for you….

What ‘ave I got in me pocket?

Her brain was swelling…. or shrinking

she wasn’t sure which

she was turning into a mongoloid child….

She was going mad

a stark raving looney

Too much water on the brain

water under the bridge

trolls & beasties

beating her head till it was so swollen

O so swollen

and she’s far away somewhere in her eiderdown

and she dreams of crystal streams ,days gone by they would lean

laughing fit to burst upon each other……………..

Look at the funny mongoloid child

heeheeheehee heeheeheehee

shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup SHUT UP

its not that funny is it

aaaayieee duh duh duh, duh duh duh, duhduh duhduh duhduh duh TUSK!


all I need is the air that I breeeeeeeathe…………….

Not enough and you’re gonna die…….

She pants like a puppy

in tiny short gasps

thankful…..nay grateful………… for every mililitre of oxygen

lung capacity 57ml

bp 183/62… temp 104

that can’t be correct

in through your nose, out through your mouth

make my bed out of wonderbread

a marshmallow pillow for my head………

they gave her noxious poison yellowgreen smoke

they said it would kill the spiders

in through your nose, out through your mouth

in onetwothree, out onetwothree

in onetwothree, out onetwothree

smoke danced through

a cotillion cloud

a waltzin 3/4 time

and the spiders turned to ashes

that bubbled incessantly from the edge of her mouth

you can’t walk their path

you can only tread your own

lead by example

you know…..go your own way………..

Go your own way……..

a perfect paisley of octarene  

silently crept down her cheek

in a great cacophony of yurplene light

the etch of its path

infinitesimally returning the marble to flesh

roll for health…..minus eight, plus 2 bonus for poison gases, plus 1 bonus for warmth

can’t you see my walls are tumbling…….

shhh, she said, I know….it’s only in my head……..

Sing Tanana, tananana she’s a rich girl

och, ye wee daftie

ye dinna think ye kin hide in there forever do ye?

Ye must come out, come out, come out wherever you are

and the pilot said that in fourteen minutes

he would have them at the terminal gate

Dance in the dark of night, sing to the morning light……..

And the locusts sing off in the distance…..

The pixies can’t keep you hidden anymore

the majik grows thin… you must awake

roll for health….. minus four, plus 2 bonus for warmth

but I haven’t yet had tea

you promised me tea

she turned her head in silent despair and there he was

suddenly filling all the available space with his presence

a great ebony dragon

with black diamond claws holding her safe in the palm of his hand

he set her gently down

better dear?

Och, aye

how do you catch a wave upon the sand?

his natty little tweed jacket made her twitter, her eyelids crinkle with giggles

the threads of ochre and dursty green just so Wrong on him

they should be a deep periwinkle to match his eyes

and grey to set off his scales

the susserating of them whisper sethhhhhhhhhhhh, sethhhhhhhhhh

a tiny boat drink umber ella appeared upon her head

made of tinfoil thread

it expanded, grew

became a lace sunhat

a hat that shone like the suns, emitting light from the tinfoil threads

in every imaginable colour

diamonds dancing in shafts of light

sent by the haberdasher

just for her

you wear it well…. a little out of time but I don’t mind

she had a cuppa tea

from a china cup so thin you could read a newspaper through it

her grammas teacup

as ever unconsiously her pinky aloft

living her life just like a movie star…..

fell in love to the sound of the guitar…….

andalucien gypsy fiddle music makes her soul sing out

a wailing cry with longing for life

all that I have left & music is her name………

Roll for health….. plus one, plus 2 bonus for impeccable manners

My love is an anchor tied to you

tied with a silver chain

chai, chai, chaiaiaiain, chain of fools

the smoke turns to mists

the dragon shrinks and flies up to her shoulder

holding up her hat of light to save her the effort

a snake winds its way around her ankle

black to yellow will kill a fellow

red to black is good for jack

there is no red or black or yellow

tans and browns

creams and umbers

the world is fresh and new

the snakes fang touches her jaw

a kiss of hope he gives

the calico lays down beside the snake

keeping count of her breaths, her heartrate, for her

she no longer has to worry

in onetwothree, out onetwothree

in onetwothree, out onetwothree

the waltz continues

it’s never too late for a happy ending…….

she’s a rich girl…. sing tanana, tananana

she got diamonds on the inside…….

The black dragon left them there

with magic runes writ in gold to bring the balance back. Bring it back. Bring it back.

The mists coalesce

become substantial, viscous

the waters at her feet run clear

great lotus flowers rise from their clear depths

riding the multieverchanging hued bubbles

subltle shades and hues

icecream dreams with edgings of viralene, dimiscue and plue

and the lotus sang off in the distance

their chorus brings her spirit peace

their light easeing her aching lids

the faeries and pixies fly~dancing upon the wafting scents

of vanilla and thistle

canteloupe and black beans

the brownies and greenies

bring rich earthen cookies thick with peatscent and acridiron

srirring her appetite

food glorious food, hot sausage and mustard……….

While she’s in the mood, a nice flan custard………..

Roll for health….. plus seven, plus 2 bonus for harmony, plus 1 bonus for rhyme

Beams of Lights emit from her toes and fingers

the faeries rejoice

dancing in the rain of their tears of joyous wander

she is not lost

she’s building a mysteria

lavendar chandeliers of light

edged in periwinkle green

and cream

thick double~devonshire cream

Hello my love I have a gift for you

In the garden – I see …Purple shower, bells and tea

Orange birds and river cousins dressed in green

Pretty music I hear – so happy and loud – blue flower echo

From a cherry cloud

At last the sun is shining, The clouds of blue roll by,

With flames from the dragon of darkness, the sunlight blinds her eyes…

Who will buy

this wonderful morning

I’m so high

I swear I could fly

who will buy this glorious morning

and put it in a box for me

and I said welcome home

it sure is nice to see your smiling face……..


isn’t it nice to be home again

with feeling

War Pigs

Ever wonder why America keep fighting wars against nations and things that pose us no real threat?

Here’s a good answer to why. Congress is heavily invested in the war industry. According to the Center for Responsive Politics as reported by the AP, “Members of Congress have as much as $196 million collectively invested in companies doing business with the Defense Department, earning millions since the onset of the Iraq war”.

The bastards who vote to send our friends and family members to go to die. The bastards that squander our money on missiles and guns. Are the very same bastards that profit from war. The members of Congress have a huge conflict of interest when the decide how our taxes are spent.  

Yes, of course this a surprise to no one, but the size of the investments might be.

The study found that more Republicans than Democrats hold stock in defense companies, but that the Democrats who are invested had significantly more money at stake. In 2006, for example, Democrats held at least $3.7 million in military-related investments, compared to Republican investments of $577,500.

Overall, 151 members hold investments worth $78.7 million to $195.5 million in companies that receive defense contracts that are worth at least $5 million. These investments earned them anywhere between $15.8 million and $62 million between 2004 and 2006, the center concludes.

Neither Sen. Barack Obama nor Sen. John McCain reported no defense-related holdings, but Sen. Hillary Clinton did have investments in holding Honeywell, Boeing and Raytheon. As of last fall, the defense industry had been incredibly generous to Clinton’s presidential campaign. This relationship with the war industry could be why the LA Times reported today that Clinton is on the sidelines of efforts to end the Iraq war. In fairness, “Obama was equally peripheral to the Iraq war debate, but he has not claimed a similar leadership role.” There seems to be a lot of lip service paid to ending the Iraq occupation, but not a lot of action from the party that controls Congress.

However, the biggest war pig turns out be Sen. John Kerry, as “a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, [he] is identified as earning the most — at least $2.6 million between 2004 and 2006 from investments worth up to $38.2 million.”

Here’s CRP’s report on Strategic Assets:

The Investors: Lawmakers with the most money invested in companies with Department of Defense contracts

Member of Congress Minimum Value of Investment Maximum Value of Investment
Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass)
Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-NJ)
Rep. Robin Hayes (R-NC)
Rep. James Sensenbrenner Jr. (R-Wis)
Rep. Jane Harman (D-Calif)
Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mich)
Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-WVa)
Rep. Tom Petri (R-Wis)
Rep. Kenny Ewell Marchant (R-Texas)
Rep. John Carter (R-Texas)

Get Congress to stop the funding for the occupation of Iraq? Hardly, there are profits to be made. Every bullet fired by a soldier needs to be replaced. Every bottle of water drunk in Baghdad needs to be supplied by a war contractor.

But replacement is not enough for obese war profits. Congress keeps feeding their investments with new contracts that just keep coming. The Washington Post reported that our Weapons budget has cost overruns of $295 billion.

The Government Accountability Office found that 95 major systems have exceeded their original budgets by a total of $295 billion, bringing their total cost to $1.6 trillion, and are delivered almost two years late on average. In addition, none of the systems that the GAO looked at had met all of the standards for best management practices during their development stages…

The Pentagon has doubled the amount it has committed to new systems, from $790 billion in 2000 to $1.6 trillion last year, according to the 205-page GAO report. Total acquisition costs in 2007 for major defense programs increased 26 percent from first estimates. In 2000, 75 programs had cost increases totaling 6 percent. Development costs in 2007 for the systems rose 40 percent from initial projections, compared with 27 percent in 2000. Current programs are delivered 21 months late on average, five months later than in 2000.

Congress cannot stop any war, end any occupation, cancel any weapons program because they’re too heavily invested in keeping the conflicts going. It’s nothing personal America. It’s just business.

In a parallel universe, Hillary says Feingold can’t win