
Life With Peggy

Pondering the Pundits

Pondering the Pundits” is an Open Thread. It is a selection of editorials and opinions from> around the news medium and the internet blogs. The intent is to provide a forum for your reactions and opinions, not just to the opinions presented, but to what ever you find important.

Thanks to ek hornbeck, click on the link and you can access all the past “Pondering the Pundits”.

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Charles M. Blow: Trump’s ‘Concentration Camps’

The cruelty of immigrant family separations must not be tolerated.

I have often wondered why good people of good conscience don’t respond to things like slavery or the Holocaust or human rights abuse.

Maybe they simply became numb to the horrific way we now rarely think about or discuss the men still being held at Guantánamo Bay without charge or trial, and who may as well die there.

Maybe people grow weary of wrestling with their anger and helplessness, and shunt the thought to the back of their minds and try to simply go on with life, dealing with spouses and children, making dinner and making beds.

Maybe there is simply this giant, silent, cold thing drifting through the culture like an iceberg that barely pierces the surface.
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I believe that we will one day reflect on this period in American history where migrant children are being separated from their parents, some having been kept in cages, and think to ourselves: How did this happen?

Why were we not in the streets every day demanding an end to this atrocity? How did we just go on with our lives, disgusted but not distracted?

Thousands of migrant children have now been separated from their parents.

Susan E. Rice: How Trump Can Avoid War With Iran

His process of ordering and then canceling military strikes was a mess. But he now has an opening to restart talks on Iran’s nuclear program.

If President Trump is to be believed, the United States just came within 10 minutes of launching war against Iran. Make no mistake, these would not have been pinprick strikes that Iran simply swallowed. They would have marked the beginning of a costly war that put tens of thousands of American service members in the Gulf, our regional partners and Israel directly at risk, while shocking the global economy by choking off shipping through the vital Strait of Hormuz.

Never mind. Mr. Trump claims to have thought better of it. At the last minute, he decided that killing an estimated 150 Iranians was a disproportionate response to the downing of an unmanned American drone, which just might have strayed briefly into Iranian airspace. Let’s stipulate that this 11th-hour decision was correct and far better than the alternative.

But the risk of war remains real.

How on earth did we find ourselves 10 minutes from an idiotic war without the president having weighed the consequences? As a former national security adviser who has participated in many decisions about whether and when to use force, I am more certain than ever that our national security decision-making process is dangerously dysfunctional.

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Table Tennis Selfies

It Never Gets Old

The Breakfast Club (Tusk)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:00am (ET) (or whenever we get around to it) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

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This Day in History

Start of the Berlin blockade during the early Cold War; Boxing champ Jack Dempsey born; Comedian and actor Jackie Gleason of ‘The Honeymooners’ fame dies

Breakfast Tunes

Something to Think about over Coffee Prozac

There are infinite shades of grey. Writing often appears so black and white.

Rebecca Solnit

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Six In The Morning Monday 24 June 2019


Erdogan’s party suffers blow after Istanbul re-run poll defeat

Turkey’s ruling AK Party has lost control of Istanbul after a re-run of the city’s mayoral election, delivering a stinging blow to President Erdogan.

With nearly all ballots counted, main opposition party candidate Ekrem Imamoglu had a lead of 775,000 votes, a huge increase on the margin of 13,000 he achieved in the earlier election.

That victory in March was annulled after the AKP alleged irregularities.

The result ends 25 years of AKP rule in Istanbul.

The AKP’s candidate, former Prime Minister Binali Yildirim, conceded to his opponent.

The new drug highway: Pacific islands at centre of cocaine trafficking boom

Explosion in number of boats carrying cocaine and meth from Latin America to Australia is causing havoc for islands on the way

 Cocaine used as washing powder: police struggle with Pacific drug influx

by  in Nadi, Fiji

It is the drug route you’ve never heard of: a multibillion-dollar operation involving cocaine and methamphetamines being packed into the hulls of sailing boats in the US and Latin America and transported to Australia via South Pacific islands more often thought of as holiday destinations than narcotics hubs.

In the past five years there has been an explosion in the number of boats, sometimes carrying more than a tonne of cocaine, making the journey across the Pacific Ocean to feed Australia’s growing and very lucrative drug habit.

Muslim man ‘killed by mob who tied him to tree, beat him and forced him to recite Hindu chants’ in India

Twenty-two-year-old tied to tree and ‘mercilessly beaten’, family says

Zamira Rahim @ZamiraRahim

A young Indian Muslim man has died days after reportedly being beaten by a crowd who forced him to perform Hindu chants.

Tabrez Ansari was assaulted by the mob on 18 June, after being accused of breaking into a house and stealing a motorbike in the eastern state of Jharkand.

Several videos, which appear to be of the assault, spread quickly online in the aftermath of Ansari’s death.

Australian media sue police after raids over leaked documents

Australia’s national broadcaster went to court Monday to challenge a police raid on its offices and demand the return of files seized during the controversial operation.

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) demanded an injunction to prevent police from accessing the seized files, which concern a two-year-old investigative report on war crimes by Australian special forces in Afghanistan.

ABC managing director David Anderson said the suit also challenged the constitutionality of the search warrant used by police to conduct the raid “on the basis that it hinders our implied freedom of political communication.”

‘I don’t want to be considered as an ex-slave or just a survivor’

Some Yazidi women have found the strength to go back and live in Sinjar, years after ISIL carried out a genocide.

by Marta Bellingreri & Alessio Mamo

There is no Sinjar without Yazidis; and there are no Yazidis without Sinjar,” says 25-year-old Shreen, referring to her land of origin, the northern Iraqi province in the Nineveh region.

She survived two years and eight months of sex slavery in the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL or ISIS)-occupied Mosul, but during the battle for the city she managed to escape and later went to Syria to rescue her sister, who had also been taken by ISIL.

“But I don’t want to be considered as an ex-slave or just a survivor. I am now an activist for the Yazidi cause and I will not leave Iraq until I have the corpse of my father.”

As immigrant children go without soap and toothbrushes, Trump and Pence say Congress is to blame

Lawyers visiting a detention center in Texas found children there lacked basic necessities. Trump and Pence blame Congress.


President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence responded separately to criticism over reports that the government is not providing detained immigrant children with adequate food, water, soap, toothbrushes, or blankets. In three interviews that aired Sunday, both men blamed Democrats for the conditions at detention facilities.

Questions about the conditions detained minors are in began to arise following the publication of an Associated Press report that detailed the findings of a team of lawyers that toured a detention facility in Clint, Texas. The lawyers reported they found 250 infants, children, and teenagers being held without adequate access to food, water, or medicine. They also said they saw babies and toddlers being left in the care of slightly older children, and that there was poor access to areas for bathing, places to sleep, and to fresh clothes.





Rant of the Week: Stephen Colbert – A Few Of Their Favorite Things

Stephen Colbert, the host of CBS’ “The Late Show,” took some of the Democratic candidates for the 2020 presidential nomination to task over their answers to 18 questions that were posed to them during a recent New York Times interview. Stephen took special exception to their answers about comfort food and their choice of heroes.

When Democrats Were Racists

Writing Clio always has the same problem, where do you start? Asking for a date Democrats started supporting Race Slavery is useless because they always supported Race Slavery, from their inception. Indeed the prospective loss of Slave Property was one of the precipitating causes of the Revolution we elide by talking about Yankee Smugglers who smuggled…

Well, Slaves. Also Tea and Rum.

The Republican Party on the other hand was constructed on a specifically anti-Slavery Agenda (one of the reasons it’s still so popular in the Mid-West) and the decline in their morality is much more amusing to deride because Democrats never professed it.

But this is one of those cases where the hypocrisy of your opposition does not mitigate culpability and Racist Democrats were Racist and everyone knew it at the time. It was their ‘brand’.

That Joe Carson was willing to work with them and still thinks that’s a good idea says volumes about the “pragmatist” “electoral victory” Party- Never met a constituency they wouldn’t betray or a policy too blindingly beneficial to sell-out.

He opposed School Integration, heart and soul. I hope the African-American vote deserts him in droves.

‘Segregationist’ barely begins to describe the racist Dixiecrats that Joe Biden worked with in the Senate
By Wil Haygood, Washington Post
June 23, 2019

Several days later, Joe Biden is still contending with the blowback that greeted his remarks at a fundraiser in New York City on Tuesday night extolling the “civility” of the Senate in the 1970s. The former vice president, now seeking the Democratic presidential nomination, illustrated his point by talking about working cooperatively with segregationist Democratic senators James O. Eastland of Mississippi and Herman E. Talmadge of Georgia. Even if he “didn’t agree on much of anything” with those senators, Biden said, “we got things done.”

It might be helpful to know a bit more about “Dixiecrats,” the Southern Democratic politicians at mid-century whose numbers included Eastland and Talmadge. My journeys as a biographer have often taken me through the South, where I’ve combed archives of Dixiecrat politicians and met eyewitnesses to their reign. Referring to Dixiecrats as “segregationists,” as they have been called throughout the Biden controversy, doesn’t capture the ugliness of these white supremacists.

Dixiecrats were powerful men — some appeared on the covers of national magazines — and used their offices and distinguished titles to spread racial fear and thwart the aspirations of black Americans. And they did it relentlessly.

The term “Dixiecrat” emerged from the 1948 States’ Rights Democratic Party, a breakaway group of Southern Democrats who loathed the appeal to civil rights in the Democratic platform at the party’s national convention in Philadelphia in July 1948. The Dixiecrats held their own convention in Birmingham, Ala., a few days later, with 6,000 people attending from 13 Southern states. The goal was to win their states’ 127 electoral votes, deny a victory to Republican Thomas Dewey or the Democratic incumbent, Harry Truman, throw the election to the House and use their power to force the major parties to jettison their civil rights planks.

A taste of the Dixiecrats’ platform: “We oppose the elimination of segregation, the repeal of miscegenation statutes, the control of private employment by Federal bureaucrats called for by the misnamed civil rights program.”

The party’s presidential and vice presidential candidates were South Carolina Gov. Strom Thurmond and Mississippi Gov. Fielding Wright. Eastland, Biden’s future Senate collaborator, escorted Wright to the convention and earned Thurmond’s admiration. This from a letter I found in the Eastland archives, written to him by Thurmond: “You gave freely of your time and talents and I wish you to know that I am deeply grateful to you for the magnificent contribution you made to this great cause.” Actually, it was a lost cause, though the Dixiecrats did win four Southern states.

Though Talmadge was a repellent racist, whatever his civility as a senatorial colleague, Eastland was a particularly odious character. He made his reputation in Mississippi and in Washington by attacking black servicemen in World War II. Their medals for bravery meant nothing to him. “The Negro soldier was an utter and dismal failure in combat,” Eastland said at war’s end.

In 1967, Eastland was chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee when just the sort of nightmare the Dixiecrats envisioned in 1948 loomed before him: Thurgood Marshall, an African American, had been nominated to the Supreme Court by President Lyndon Johnson. Eastland immediately began scheming with a powerful Democratic colleague and fellow segregationist, John McClellan of Arkansas, to sink Marshall’s prospects. Eastland leaned on McClellan during the confirmation hearings, believing that as a former racketeer-busting prosecutor, McClellan would be able to trip Marshall up during questioning. Eastland also hoped McClellan would use his law enforcement contacts to dig up dirt on the nominee.

Both strategies failed, though, and the aging Dixiecrats were outfoxed by Johnson as he shrewdly used the levers of the Senate to win Marshall’s confirmation, just as the president had maneuvered civil rights legislation through Congress.

When Biden joined the Senate in 1973, only a handful of Dixiecrats remained — Eastland would leave in 1978, Talmadge in 1981. Thurmond, the former States’ Rights Democratic presidential nominee, held on until 2003.

Yet today, few would deny that all the dust of the Dixiecrat movement has left this nation. The battles over the Confederate battle flag and Civil War monuments are reminders of a racist past that the Dixiecrats fervently defended. As Joe Biden discovered with his clumsy remarks last week, the history is still raw.

No Joe. Just. No.


The Magic – Lola Blanc

Do It All The Time – I Don’t Know How But They Found me

Take a Walk – Passion Pit

The Breakfast Club (Typewriter patent- Banjo)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:30am (ET) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

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AP’s Today in History for June 23rd


A key moment in the Watergate scandal; Adolf Hitler visits Paris after France falls to Nazi Germany; The typewriter gets a patent; Polio vaccine pioneer Dr. Jonas Salk and TV producer Aaron Spelling die.


Breakfast Tune Pumped Up Kicks Played on Typewriter and Banjo



Something to think about, Breakfast News & Blogs below


Watch Bernie Sanders Deliver Speech on Why Democratic Socialism ‘Only Way to Defeat Oligarchy and Authoritarianism’
Jake Johnson

“We must recognize that in the 21st century, in the wealthiest country in the history of the world, economic rights are human rights. And that is what I mean by democratic socialism.”

Read a full transcript…



Something to think about over coffee prozac

Bolton Calls For Forceful Iranian Response To Continuing U.S. Aggression
The Onion

WASHINGTON—Demanding that the Middle Eastern nation retaliate immediately in self-defense against the existential threat posed by America’s military operations, National Security Adviser John Bolton called for a forceful Iranian response Friday to continuing United States aggression.

“Iran cannot sit idly by as the American imperialist machine encroaches on their territory, threatens their sovereignty, and endangers their very way of life,” said Bolton, warning that America’s fanatical leadership, steadfast devotion to flexing their muscles in the region, and alleged access to nuclear weapons necessitated that Iran strike back with a vigorous show of force as soon—and as hard—as possible.

“The only thing these Westerners understand is violence, so it’s imperative that Iran sends a clear message that they won’t be walked over. Let’s not forget, the U.S. defied a diplomatically negotiated treaty for seemingly no reason at all-—these are dangerous radicals that cannot be reasoned with. They’ve been iven every opportunity to back down, but their goal is total domination of the region, and Iran won’t stand for that.” At press time, Bolton said that the only option left on the table was for Iran to launch a full-fledged military strike against the Great Satan.

Pondering the Pundits: Sunday Preview Edition

Pondering the Pundits: Sunday Preview EditionPondering the Punditsis an Open Thread. It is a selection of editorials and opinions from around the news medium and the internet blogs. The intent is to provide a forum for your reactions and opinions, not just to the opinions presented, but to what ever you find important.

On Sunday mornings we present a preview of the guests on the morning talk shows so you can choose which ones to watch or some do something more worth your time on a Sunday morning.

Follow us on Twitter @StarsHollowGzt

The Sunday Talking Heads:

This Week with George Stephanopolis: The guests on Sunday’s “This Week” are: 2020 presidential candidate Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ); Rep. Mac Thornberry (R-TX); and and former Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Mike Mullen.

The roundtable guests are: ABC News Political Analyst Matthew Dowd; Republican Strategist Sara Fagen; Democratic Strategist Arshad Hasan; and NPR White House Reporter Ayesha Rascoe.

Face the Nation: Host Margaret Brennan’s guests are: Vice President Mike Pence; 2020 presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders {I-VT); Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX); and Rep. Adam Smith (D-WA).

Her panel guests are: Salena Zito, The Washington Examiner and New York Post; and
Jamal Simmons, Hill.TV.

Meet the Press with Chuck Todd: The guests on this week’s “MTP” are: An exclusive interview with the Babbling Baboon.

The panel guests are: Peter Baker, The New York Times; Lanhee Chen, Republican analyst; Peggy “Our Lady of the Magic Dolphins” Noonan, Wall Street Journal columnist; and Kristen Welker, NBC News correspondent.

State of the Union with Jake Tapper: Mr. Tapper’s guests are: 2020 presidential candidate former San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro (D-TX); Vice President Mike Pence; and Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA).

His panel guests are: Rep. Michael Waltz (R-FL); Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA); Amanda Carpenter, Conservative commentator; and Bakari Sellers, Democratic stategist.

Six In The Morning Sunday 23 June 2019

Ethiopia army chief shot dead in Ethiopia attacks

The chief of staff of the Ethiopian army, Gen Seare Mekonnen, has been shot dead in the capital, Addis Ababa, state media confirm.

He and another officer died trying to prevent a coup attempt against the administration in Ethiopia’s northern Amhara region, PM Abiy Ahmed said.

In Amhara itself, the regional governor, Ambachew Mekonnen, was killed along with an adviser.

Ethnic violence has hit Amhara and other regions in recent years.

The prime minister went on TV dressed in military fatigues to denounce the attacks.

Great Pacific garbage patch: giant plastic trap put to sea again

Floating boom is designed to trap 1.8 trillion items of plastic without harming marine life – but broke apart last time

A floating device designed to catch plastic waste has been redeployed in a second attempt to clean up a huge island of garbage swirling in the Pacific Ocean between California and Hawaii.

Boyan Slat, creator of the Ocean Cleanup project, announced on Twitter that a 600-metre (2,000-foot) long floating boom that broke apart late last year was sent back to the Great Pacific garbage patch this week after four months of repair.

A ship towed the U-shaped barrier from San Francisco to the patch in September to trap the plastic. But during the four months at sea, the boom broke apart under constant waves and wind and the boom wasn’t retaining the plastic it caught.

Turkey mayor election: Erdogan’s party faces massive loss in Kurdish vote

Kurds who once voted for the AKP are increasingly abandoning the party, staying home or even voting for the candidate of the CHP

For the third time in less than four years, Ahmet is changing his vote.

Years ago, the 39-year-old Kurdish cook, who works at an Istanbul restaurant, used to vote for the Justice and Development Party, or AKP, of Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who appealed to Kurdish voters by relaxing restrictions on their language and cultural practices.

Then, in 2015, he began voting for the Kurdish-led Democratic People’s Party, or HDP, led by Selahattin Demirtas, the now-imprisoned Kurdish politician.

India rejects critical US religious freedom report

India hit out Sunday at a US report saying religious intolerance was growing under its right-wing government, setting off a new spat ahead of a visit by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

An annual report on international religious freedom released by Pompeo on Friday said Hindu-groups had used “violence, intimidation, and harassment” against Muslims and low-caste Dalits in 2017 to force a religion-based national identity.

But Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government insisted that no foreign country had the right to criticise its record.

Pompeo arrives in New Delhi on Tuesday for a trip intended to strengthen ties, but already complicated by spats over trade tariffs, data protection rules, US visas for Indians and buying arms from Russia.

After 18 years of ‘liberating’ war, Afghanistan’s children are starving to death

Drought, floods and a never-ending war have driven Afghanistan’s poor over the brink again.

By Jacob Saulwick

Using his thumbs, Dr Nesar Ahmed Timory began compressing the chest of three-month-old Safiullah at 10.23am on Tuesday.

Safiullah was severely malnourished. He was fevered and had diarrhoea. A month ago his twin brother, Atiqulla, died from similar afflictions in the same hospital.

On the other side of the bed from where Dr Timory applied a sure but gentle press, a nurse, Shima Osmani, held oxygen to the child’s mouth. Safiullah’s mother, Tahera, stood by and groaned.


I SHOULD HAVE kept my mouth shut about the guacamole; that made things worse for me. Otherwise, what I’m about to describe could happen to any American who travels internationally. It happened 33,295 times last year.

My work as a journalist has taken me to many foreign countries, including frequent trips to Mexico. On May 13, I was returning to the U.S. from Mexico City when, passing through immigration at the Austin airport, I was pulled out of line for “secondary screening,” a quasi-custodial law enforcement process that takes place in the Homeland Security zone of the airport.





Cervical Injuries

Feeling a little Whiplash? In the last week Unindicted Co-conspirator Bottomless Pinocchio has brought us within minutes of War with Iran (if you believe his story which is squirrely as hell) and also a Pogrom against Brown People which is now umm…, postponed.

Trump says he will hold off on planned ICE raids for now
By Kayla Epstein, Washington Post
June 22, 2019

Hours after defending his plan to deport undocumented immigrants Saturday, President Trump changed course, tweeting that he had “delayed the Illegal Immigration Removal Process (Deportation) for two weeks to see if the Democrats and Republicans can get together and work out a solution to the Asylum and Loophole problems at the Southern Border.”

“If not, Deportations start!” he warned.

The tweet comes after immigration advocates and officials in some major U.S. cities condemned plans for Immigration and Customs Enforcement raids aimed at rounding up thousands of families facing deportation orders, which were to begin Sunday.

Speaking to reporters at the White House lawn before departing for Camp David on Saturday morning, Trump said that “exportation raids are groups of very, very good law enforcement people going by the law, going by our court system taking people out who came in illegally and out legally.”

He anticipated that “some cities are going to fight it,” but claimed that the resistance was from sanctuary cities, which, along with some states, have policies aimed at protecting undocumented immigrants from deportation.

But hours later he tweeted the delay.

The Washington Post reported that Immigration and Customs Enforcement planned to target about 2,000 families who had received deportation orders in up to 10 cities — including Miami, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Houston — starting on Sunday, even though the president had originally claimed on Monday that “millions” would be removed.

My Junior Woodchuck Guidebook recommends field immobilization and trained assistance. That dizziness? That’s where your brain kind of exploded. ER and CAT scans for you my friend.

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