Pondering the Pundits

Pondering the Pundits” is an Open Thread. It is a selection of editorials and opinions from> around the news medium and the internet blogs. The intent is to provide a forum for your reactions and opinions, not just to the opinions presented, but to what ever you find important.

Thanks to ek hornbeck, click on the link and you can access all the past “Pondering the Pundits”.

Follow us on Twitter @StarsHollowGzt

Kathleen Parker: If Alabama is trying to become the worst state for women, its strategy is strong

In Alabama, where a new law denies abortion to women even in cases of incest or rape, a rapist may still pursue custody rights of a child conceived during his assault.

I’ll give you a moment to digest that sentence. It gets worse.

In a recent case, a young woman in Alabama sought help when she said her step-uncle, who raped her when she was 15, was being released from prison after a drug conviction and wanted to share custody with the child who resulted from the alleged rape. Theoretically, he could even gain full custody. [..]

In fairness to the unborn, as well as to those strictly opposed to abortion, a child conceived through rape is surely innocent and deserves the same protections as one conceived in holy matrimony. I get that. But rape and incest have long been accepted as extraordinary circumstances under which abortion could largely be tolerated. What kind of people would effectively force a 15-year-old rape victim to have a child by her step-uncle and then face the prospect of shared custody with him?

It isn’t a stretch to say that, with its new draconian abortion law and its failure to block parenting rights to rapists, Alabama essentially has installed a medieval system in which women are treated as chattel, notwithstanding the duly elected Gov. Kay Ivey (R), who signed the bill. Though public stonings haven’t (yet) been suggested for disobedient women, we may not be as far removed from such practices as we might pretend to be.

Mary Ziegler: The End of the Rape and Incest Exception

Republicans are abandoning language that has long been standard in abortion bans. Why?

All of a sudden, abortion opponents have abandoned rape and incest exceptions to abortion bans.

Louisiana became the latest state to do so last month, following Ohio, Mississippi and, most notoriously, Alabama. That same month, younger abortion foes in groups like Students for Life of America fired off a letter asking the Republican Party to stop supporting exceptions that before this year had long been standard components of anti-abortion legislation.

Why the sudden shift on rape and incest, and what does it mean? Fights about rape and incest exceptions expose deeply different ideas about the guilt and trustworthiness of women — and about how much popular opinion should dictate abortion politics. [..]

Part of the answer seems to be generational. With a conservative majority now in place on the Supreme Court, some younger abortion foes seem willing to buck the Republican Party’s orthodoxy on issues from climate change to immigration — so why not abortion too?

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The Breakfast Club (Patriotism)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:00am (ET) (or whenever we get around to it) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

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This Day in History

President Ronald Reagan demands the tearing down of the Berlin Wall; Civil rights activist Medgar Evers killed; O.J. Simpson’s ex-wife Nicole and Ronald Goldman murdered; Baseball Hall of Fame opens.

Breakfast Tunes

Something to Think about over Coffee Prozac

Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.

Mark Twain

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Six In The Morning Wednesday 12 June 2019


Hong Kong protests over China extradition bill

By James GriffithsHelen ReganBen Westcott and Steve George, CNN

Updated 4:22 a.m. ET, June 12, 2019

Police push back protesters with batons and tear gas

Police reinforcements are building up en masse at Lung Wo Road. They are pushing back towards Tim Wa Avenue, which is under the control of protesters.

A tear gas warning went up before police charged protesters on Tim Wa with batons and pepper spray.

Police pushed past central government gate and reinforcements are pouring out now onto Tim Wa Avenue.

More tear gas has been fired.

Indian villages lie empty as drought forces thousands to flee

Sick and elderly left to fend for themselves with no end in sight to water crisis

Hundreds of Indian villages have been evacuated as a historic drought forces families to abandon their homes in search of water.

The country has seen extremely high temperatures in recent weeks. On Monday the capital, Delhi, saw its highest ever June temperature of 48C. In Rajasthan, the city of Churu recently experienced highs of 50.8C, making it the hottest place on the planet.

Further south, less than 250 miles from the country’s commercial capital, Mumbai, village after village lies deserted. Estimates suggest up to 90% of the area’s population has fled, leaving the sick and elderly to fend for themselves in the face of a water crisis that shows no sign of abating.

Botswana decriminalises homosexuality in landmark ruling for LGBT+ rights

More than two dozen countries in sub-Saharan Africa have laws criminalising gay sex

Samuel Osborne @SamuelOsborne93

Botswana became the latest country to decriminalise homosexuality on Tuesday, celebrated by activists as a day of “pride, compassion and love.”

In the landmark ruling, the southern African nation’s High Court rejected sections of the penal code that criminalise same-sex relations and impose up to seven years in prison.

High Court said in its ruling that penalising people for who they are is disrespectful, and the law should not deal with private acts between consenting adults. The right to privacy includes sexual orientation, which is innate and not a fashion statement, the judges said.

Journalist gunned down in Mexico: reports

A journalist was murdered Tuesday in southeast Mexico, her former employer and other news outlets reported.

Norma Sarabia was a correspondent for the newspaper Tabasco Today for 15 years and most recently worked for other local media outlets, the newspaper said in its report of her death.

She was attacked by two armed men riding a motorbike who shot her several times outside her home in Tabasco state, the paper reported.

“We deeply regret her death and we sympathize with her family,” wrote editorial director Hector Tapia on Twitter.

Israel plans to entrench annexation of East Jerusalem: Report

Concerned that Jerusalem will soon have a non-Jewish majority, Israel may excise Palestinian areas of East Jerusalem.

If current demographic trends continue, Jerusalemcould become a minority-Jewish city as early as 2045, according to a report by the Jerusalem and Brussels-based International Crisis Group (ICG).

And to stop this trend Israel may excise Palestinianneighbourhoods located east of its separation barrier, entrenching its de facto annexation of most of occupied East Jerusalem, according to the report.

Japan’s Shinzo Abe heads to Tehran amid US-Iran tensions

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is heading to Iran with a keen eye on international sanctions and domestic politics.

The visit, which begins Wednesday, is partly aimed at easing tensions between Washington and Tehran over Iran’s nuclear programme.

However, observers have expressed doubt over what can actually be achieved.

For Mr Abe, the trip might help boost his image as a global statesman ahead of elections back home, experts say.

Mr Abe will be the first Japanese prime minister to visit Iran in four decades, and is expected to hold talks both with Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and President Hassan Rouhani.

Jared Kushner Solves Israel/Palestine!

Some News, eh?

We only ask what we ever ask. Let us see it first.

Pondering the Pundits

Pondering the Pundits” is an Open Thread. It is a selection of editorials and opinions from> around the news medium and the internet blogs. The intent is to provide a forum for your reactions and opinions, not just to the opinions presented, but to what ever you find important.

Thanks to ek hornbeck, click on the link and you can access all the past “Pondering the Pundits”.

Follow us on Twitter @StarsHollowGzt

PAul Krugman: Donald and the Delusion Discount

Markets are treating Trump as crazy but harmless.

The events of the past few weeks destroyed whatever credibility Donald Trump may still have had on economic policy. And investors are celebrating. At this point, evidence that Trump tweets are sound and fury signifying nothing is, in effect, good news.

Let’s review what happened. First, having gone to great lengths to get a new trade agreement with Mexico and Canada — an agreement that was very similar to the existing agreement, but one he could slap his own name on — Trump basically blew up his position by threatening to impose new tariffs unless Mexico did something about border issues that have nothing to do with trade.

This obviously weakens if it doesn’t destroy Trump’s ability to negotiate future agreements, on trade or anything else. After all, what’s the point of making deals with an administration that reneges on its promises whenever it feels like it?

But then, barely a week later, Trump called the whole thing off in return for a statement by Mexico that it would do … things it had already agreed to months earlier.

Michelle Gold berg: Congratulations on Fixing the Border, Mr. President!

Should we pretend that Donald Trump made a real deal with Mexico?

Remember that time when Donald Trump was going to win the Nobel Peace Prize for ending the threat of nuclear war on the Korean Peninsula?

It was almost exactly a year ago. The president was about to meet North Korea’s Kim Jong-un in Singapore. A group of House Republicans nominated the president for a Nobel Peace Prize. The crowd chanted “No-bel!” at a Trump rally.

In the end, the main achievement of the summit, a propaganda victory for North Korea, was mollifying Trump, who’d been threatening nuclear holocaust. Kim Jong-un agreed to work toward denuclearization, but as even casual news consumers know, the North Korean definition of denuclearization includes the lifting of the American nuclear umbrella over Northeast Asia. Actual North Korean concessions were minimal. [..]

Nevertheless, from the right arose a thundering, bullying demand that Trump be given credit. And a few progressives cautioned against making too much of the summit’s inadequacy, arguing, in part, that it was better for Trump to get suckered and claim victory than to lash out. Democratic critics of the summit, wrote The Atlantic’s Peter Beinart, risked becoming “de facto allies of ultra-hawks like John Bolton,” who wants to discredit diplomacy with North Korea.

It was a fair enough point, but also a tacit acknowledgment of the inescapable degradation of living under this president, which often feels like being stuck in a house with an unstable and abusive father. You can either placate him by humoring his delusions, or puncture them and risk unpredictable fallout. The choices are complicity or destruction.

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A Firm And Binding No Decision

I haven’t talked much about Brexit recently because very little has actually happened. Theresa May’s Government is inevitably and mercifully over (though she will act as a caretaker until the next Tory leader is selected sometime in July). I imagine she was much kinder to Larry than David Cameron was. The Conservatives are imploding, remembering why, exactly, they hate each and every one of their opponent’s guts and just what a corrupt perverted dope fiend they are.

You know, your typical Tory Leadership election and every scurrilous bit is true. These are deeply evil people.

Meanwhile, events have taken a noticiable spurt forward. Jeremy Corbyn has finally committed Labour to advance a Bill the ultimate effect of which which would bind any Prime Minister from submitting a Bill including a ‘No Deal’ Brexit alternative for debate even more permanently we were sure was already the case!

It would in fact separate the Parliament Remain/Leave (a little simplistic but captures the dynamics I think). ‘Leave’ loses with a thud and that will permanently weaken their grip on Institutional Tories, a clear defeat I think. While the usual suspects (SNP, Greens, Neo-Lib Dems, and Plaid Cymru) are behind Labour, which is United. That’s still about 10 shy given the stand of the DUP.

There is a trickle of Tories who’ve already flipped and Corbyn is hoping it will turn into a torrent which is not a bad bet given May was not able to prevent a similar measure. Whether it does him any good in the general? Jeremy has been less than innovative on Brexit.

Labour to launch bid to block new PM from forcing no-deal Brexit
by Jessica Elgot, The Guardian
Tue 11 Jun 201

Labour will launch the first step in an audacious cross-party attempt to block a new prime minister from forcing through a no-deal Brexit in October.

The shadow Brexit secretary, Keir Starmer, threw down the gauntlet to Tory cabinet ministers including Amber Rudd and Philip Hammond, saying they should back Labour’s attempts if they were serious about preventing no deal.

Rory Stewart, a Tory leadership contender, said he might consider backing the motion on Wednesday – a move that could get him sacked as international development secretary.

If passed, the motion would give MPs control of the parliamentary agenda on 25 June. The same motion could then potentially be used to begin legislation to prevent the UK from leaving the EU without a deal.

The motion, which Labour will table during the opposition day debate on Wednesday, has the backing of the former Conservative minister Oliver Letwin and the leaders of the Scottish National party, Plaid Cymru, the Liberal Democrats and the Greens.

Unlike typical opposition day debates, the motion, if passed, will be binding, but it will need to secure the support of more Conservative MPs.

A similar move in April by Letwin and the Labour MP Yvette Cooper passed by one vote after 14 Tory MPs rebelled. Conservative sources who have worked behind the scenes on the proposal believe it may be difficult to convince some party colleagues to back a plan based on a Labour opposition day motion, even if they broadly support its objective.

Johnson, as well as Andrea Leadsom, Dominic Raab and Esther McVey, have vowed that if they win the Tory leadership, they will take the UK out of the EU on 31 October, regardless of whether or not a deal is in place.

Raab has also refused to rule out the option of proroguing parliament in order to force through a no-deal Brexit, something other candidates have said they would not countenance.

Starmer said the debate over a no-deal Brexit in the Tory leadership contest had “descended into the disturbing, the ludicrous and the reckless”, and had forced MPs to act.

“MPs cannot be bystanders while the next Tory prime minister tries to crash the UK out of the European Union without a deal and without the consent of the British people,” he said.

“That’s why we are taking this latest measure to end the uncertainty and protect communities across the country. My challenge to MPs who disagree either with a no-deal Brexit or proroguing parliament is to back this motion and act in the national interest.”

The motion has been signed by Corbyn and the Labour chief whip, Nick Brown, as well as Letwin, the SNP’s Ian Blackford, the Lib Dems’ Vince Cable, Plaid Cymru’s Liz Saville Roberts and the Green MP, Caroline Lucas.

Letwin, who has backed Michael Gove in the Tory leadership contest, is likely to face criticism from party colleagues for supporting the move. A Gove campaign source said: “All leadership candidates will need to win support of colleagues across the party. Michael has always been clear that no deal must remain on the table.”

Steve Baker, the deputy chair of the hard-Brexit European Research Group, said Tories including Letwin were risking the chance of a general election that could result in the Conservatives being wiped out by the Brexit party.

Baker, who has backed Johnson, said: “Oliver Letwin brings closer a general election which could leave Conservatives holding as few as 26 seats. Colluding with this Labour leadership to deny government control of the Commons business is unconscionable for being firmly against the national interest.”

Man, Tories sure do hate Labour a lot.


A peek of nightmare

The Breakfast Club (Advice and Accomplices)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:00am (ET) (or whenever we get around to it) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

 photo stress free zone_zps7hlsflkj.jpg

This Day in History

Highlights of this day in history: Alabama Gov. George Wallace makes a symbolic stand against racial integration; A Buddhist monk immolates himself in South Vietnam; Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh executed; Actor John Wayne dies.

Breakfast Tunes


Something to Think about over Coffee Prozac

When we ask for advice, we are usually looking for an accomplice.

Saul Bellow

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Six In The Morning Tuesday 11 June 2019


North Korea: Hundreds of public execution sites identified, says report

A South Korean NGO says it has identified 318 sites in North Korea that have been used by the government to carry out public executions.

The Transitional Justice Working Group interviewed 610 North Korean defectors over four years for its report.

It documented decades of killings, for offences ranging from stealing a cow to watching South Korean TV.

Public executions took place near rivers, fields, markets, schools, and sports grounds, the rights group said.

Crowds of 1,000 or more would gather to watch these executions, the NGO said in its report, “Mapping the fate of the dead”, released on Tuesday.

Sudanese doctors say dozens of people raped during sit-in attack

Hospitals in Khartoum record more than 70 cases of rape in aftermath of attack on protest

Doctors believe paramilitaries carried out more than 70 rapes during an attack on a protest camp in Khartoum, the capital of Sudan, a week ago.

More than 100 people were killed and as many as 700 injured in the attack last Monday on a sit-in and clashes afterwards, as paramilitaries from the Rapid Support Forces spread through the city to quell sporadic unrest.

Harrowing details of rapes by the RSF have emerged in recent days despite restrictions on communications in Sudan, but the extent of the sexual violence has remained unknown.

Twenty years after the end of the Kosovo war, survivors of Racak massacre remember their loved ones

The anniversary of a war that saw 15,000 killed and around 2.7 million displaced is marked by pomp and ceremony with international statesmen likely to attend, writes Kim Sengupta

The shooting began just before five in the afternoon. Ram Shabani remembers the time when his life changed forever. He recalls hearing the muzzein’s call from the mosque drifting over the loudspeaker just when he felt he was going to pass out from fatigue and the prolonged beating he had received.

“We were with our hands on our heads for a very long time. I was in real pain and did not think I would last any longer.

“Then I heard the prayer – it was such a peaceful sound, but suddenly there was firing all around me, people were screaming and falling, dying around me,” he recalls.

Nicaragua frees political prisoners with suspect amnesty law

Nicaragua’s government has released 50 people arrested during a year of anti-regime protests. However, the new amnesty law also protects police and supporters of the government who assaulted demonstrators in 2018.

On Monday, Nicaragua’s government released 50 more people jailed for their roles in protests during months of political upheaval in 2018.

A new law extends protections to “people who have not been investigated, who find themselves under investigation” or in criminal processes and “complying with their sentences.”

However, it also bans freed political prisoners from launching further anti-government protests.

Repatriate or reject: What countries are doing with IS group families

Since the fall of the Islamic State group’s so-called “caliphate” in March, the international community has been torn over what to do with the families of foreign jihadists captured or killed in Syria and Iraq.

Some 12,000 foreigners from as many as 40 countries  4,000 women and 8,000 children  are currently stranded, mainly in Al-Hol camp in northeastern Syria.

The Kurdish authorities are pressing for them to be returned to their countries of origin.

Here are several examples of how countries around the world are dealing with the issue:

Russia, Kosovo, first

Nearly 4,500 Russian citizens went abroad to fight alongside the IS group and it was the first to organise returns over a year ago.

A Russian journalist was arrested on drug charges. The backlash has blindsided the Kremlin

Updated 0507 GMT (1307 HKT) June 11, 2019

At first glance, the arrest of investigative journalist Ivan Golunov seemed to be the latest in a string of attacks on the free press in Russia. The reporter was brought up last week on what to many appeared to be a fabricated drugs charge.

But the response to his detainment took the Kremlin — and Russian society — by surprise.
For starters, Golunov’s arrest prompted an outpouring of journalistic solidarity. Over the weekend, Russian reporters took turns staging solo protests, lining up to hold placards outside the Moscow branch of Russia’s Ministry of Internal Affairs. Those single-person pickets — which do not require a permit — continued into Monday evening.





Equal Rights Amendment – One State From Ratification

On June 4th, one hundred years ago, congress passed the 19th Amendment which gave women the right to vote after it was ratified by the states one year later. While the amendment was a huge step for women’s rights, it did not protect them against discrimination. It did not guarantee equality with men. That brings us to the Equal Rights Amendment that was passed by congress in 1972 and sent to the states for ratification. The Amendment would end the legal distinctions between men and women in terms of divorce, property, employment, and other matters. congress set a dead line for ratification of seven years and by 1977 it had been approved by 35 of the needed 38 states. It seemed destined to pass then along came Phyllis Schlafly who organized conservative women in opposition. Five states rescinded their approval, even though it remains a legal question as to whether a state can revoke its ratification of a federal constitutional amendment. Congress attempted several times to remove the deadline.

The on March 22, 2017, on the 45th anniversary or congressional approval, the Nevada legislature ratified the amendment. A year later. Illinois did the same. It is now one state legislature’s vote away from becoming part of the US Constitution.

Last night the host of HBO’s “Last Week Tonight,” John Oliver, issued a challenge to one of the thirteen states to be the state that makes the er part of US Constitutional law, that is, except for Florida because he doesn’t want to give them credit for it.

Pondering the Pundits

Pondering the Pundits” is an Open Thread. It is a selection of editorials and opinions from> around the news medium and the internet blogs. The intent is to provide a forum for your reactions and opinions, not just to the opinions presented, but to what ever you find important.

Thanks to ek hornbeck, click on the link and you can access all the past “Pondering the Pundits”.

Follow us on Twitter @StarsHollowGzt

Paul Krugman: Heroes of the Great Patriotic Trade War

People can’t take America seriously anymore.


What’s that you say? There was no such agreement? New Jersey doesn’t even have any kind of centralized purchasing mechanism for food products? I say fake news! Conspiracy by the deep state!

O.K., you know that I’m not serious. But Donald Trump was serious when he tweeted this:

This tweet raises two immediate questions:

1. Why, like so many Trump tweets, does it read like a bad translation from the original Russian?

2. What the heck is he talking about?

There was, after all, no mention of agricultural products in the statement of agreement. And Mexico, while a big buyer of U.S. farm goods, is a market economy: private businesses, not government officials, decide how much Iowa corn Mexico will buy in a given year.

For what it’s worth, my guess is that Trump vaguely remembered the terms of an abortive trade deal with China, which he claimed included a commitment by China to buy 5 million tons of U.S. soybeans. If my guess is right, Trump is confusing Mexico with China, and has forgotten that talks with China have broken down. Not a good look for the man with his finger on the nuclear button, but whatever.

But leave worries about Trump’s mental state on one side, and think about how much events like the Mexican standoff weaken America’s position in the world.

To be a great power, of course you need the material basis for power – a big economy, a military big enough to make you a force to be reckoned with. But you also need to be a country others can take seriously – a nation that stands by its promises, but also makes good on its threats.

So think about what just happened.

Quinta Jurecic: 4 Disturbing Details You May Have Missed in the Mueller Report

Some troubling-to-outright-damning episodes have been lost in the noise around its release.

After two years of silence, the special counsel Robert Mueller recently made his first public remarks – to complain, it seemed, that no one had read his report. “We chose those words carefully,” Mr. Mueller said, “and the work speaks for itself.”

But at a dense 440-plus pages, if the report speaks for itself, it takes a great deal of time and focus to listen to what it has to say. Mr. Mueller tells a complicated story of “multiple, systematic” efforts at Russian election interference from which the Trump campaign was eager to benefit. And he describes a president eager to shut down an investigation into his own abusive conduct. This is far from, as the president put it, “no collusion, no obstruction.”

The document is packed with even more details, ranging from the troubling to the outright damning. Yet these have been lost in the flurry of discussion around the report’s release.

Even the most attentive reader could have trouble keeping track of the report’s loose ends and dropped subplots. Here are four of the most surprising details that you might have missed – and none of them are favorable to the president.

Michelle Cottle: Trump Hijacks the 4th of July

The president decided that the one thing missing from the capital’s celebration was himself.

Break out the sparklers and brace yourself for the yugest Fourth of July ever. Independence Day is only a few weeks off, and the president has decided that what would really make this year’s festivities special is a big, beautiful jolt of rebranding, Trump-style.

Apparently underwhelmed by the way the nation’s capital has celebrated in years past – key events include the National Independence Day Parade down Constitution Avenue, a free concert on the West Lawn of the Capitol and fireworks over the National Mall – President Trump is injecting himself into the celebration. While details are still being hammered out, the administration has been working for months on plans for the president to deliver an address from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.

Organizers of the traditional celebration are stressing that the president’s speech will be a separate event that will not interfere with the rest of the party. But back in February, the president claimed credit for the entire turbocharged affair in a tweet urging Americans to “HOLD THE DATE” for “one of the biggest gatherings in the history of Washington, DC.”

He is calling the new and improved product “A Salute to America,” featuring a “major fireworks display, entertainment and an address by your favorite President, me!”

We know what some of you are thinking: Doesn’t this feel like a gaudy way for the president to steal some of the day’s glory for himself – to make this, at least in part, “A Salute to Donald Trump”?

Yes, it does. But in hijacking America’s birthday party, Mr. Trump is doing more than merely indulging his petty narcissism. He is trampling a longstanding tradition of keeping these events nonpartisan – apolitical even – and focused on bringing the nation together.

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The Kessler Report

Just a little update on why we call him Bottomless. In this sense it means “unplumbed” or “beyond measure” and not “buff”. There’s actually quite a bit of Bottom in him in the sense of Ass or Fool, Bilge or Dregs.

President Trump has made 10,796 false or misleading claims over 869 days
By Glenn Kessler, Salvador Rizzo, and Meg Kelly, Washington Post
June 10, 2019

The president crossed the 10,000 threshold on April 26 and he has been averaging about 16 fishy claims a day since then. From the start of his presidency, he has averaged about 12 such claims a day.

About one-fifth of these claims are about immigration, his signature issue — a percentage that has grown since the government shut down over funding for his promised wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. In fact, his most repeated claim — 172 times — is that his border wall is being built. Congress balked at funding the concrete barrier he envisioned, so he has tried to pitch bollard fencing and repairs of existing barriers as “a wall.”

False or misleading claims about trade and the investigation of Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential campaign each account more about 10 percent of the total.

Trump’s penchant for repeating false claims is demonstrated by the fact that The Fact Checker database has recorded more than 300 instances in which he has repeated a variation of the same claim at least three times. He also now has earned 21 “Bottomless Pinocchios,” claims that have earned Three or Four Pinocchios and which have been repeated at least 20 times.

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