Politicide in Gaza

Suppose I were to argue that, given Israel’s numerous and gross war crimes against Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, the international community should impose sanctions on Israel of such severity that 80% of the Israeli population would be reduced to reliance upon UN food aid for mere survival, and over 65% of Israeli households would be forced to live in ‘deep poverty’ (i.e. on less than $474 per month). The blockade would be so tight that only 41% of Israel’s food import needs would be met, and supplies of 91 out of 416 essential drugs and about a third of essential medical supplies (including most children’s antibiotics) would run out.

As a result of the worsening poverty, violence and despair, a growing proportion of Israel’s population would experience psychological problems, with some 40% (.pdf) of Israeli children suffering from insomnia and 34% from anxiety. Thousands of psychiatric patients would have their treatment stopped because over half the medicines required would no longer be available, and nearly half of Israel’s incubators would cease to function.

The siege would involve a significant reduction in the supply of fuel to Israel, which would receive less than half the amount it needs. This would cause a 60-70% shortage of fuel required to operate mobile health units. Spare parts for critical medical equipment would be blocked, which would cause the majority of diagnostic laboratory equipment in Israel, including MRI and X-ray equipment, to stop working. The proportion of deaths among hospitalized neonates at Israel’s pediatric hospitals would increase from 5.6% to 6.9% within a year. Patients requiring urgent or life-saving medical treatment would not be allowed to leave the country, causing many to go blind or simply die.

Restrictions on the import of fuel and spare parts would also severely hamper the operation of Israel’s water system, with the result (.pdf) that approximately 15% of the population would receive just 1-2 hours of water supply per day.

Israeli society would be squeezed so relentlessly that unemployment would sky-rocket to 37.6% and around a fifth of the population would experience a drop in income. A majority of households would be forced to reduce spending, primarily on food and clothing (for example, the purchase of meat would decrease by 98%, and the purchase of dairy products by 86%).

Nearly 90% of Israel’s industrial establishments would shut down, and those industries which remained operational would operate well below full capacity. Major Israeli industries (such as agriculture and construction) would be completely ‘paralysed’, leading to massive unemployment and reduction in income.

In short, then, suppose I were to advocate the calculated and systematic destruction of Israeli society as a response to the crimes and disagreeable ideology of the Israeli government. What response would I get? Likely as not, the idea would be greeted with horrified outrage and the men in white coats would be called before I finished the first sentence.

Yet, this is precisely what is being done to the residents of Gaza as we speak. Israel, backed by the ‘international community’, is openly and brazenly strangling 1.5 million Palestinians, over half of whom are children, to within an inch of their lives. The International Committee of the Red Cross recently published an unusually blunt report (.pdf) calling for immediate political action to resolve the “deep crisis” in the Occupied Territories. Warning that Gaza’s “vital services are in danger of complete collapse” as a result of Israeli policy, the ICRC concluded:

“The dignity of the Palestinians is being trampled underfoot day after day, both in the West Bank and in Gaza.

Israel’s harsh security measures come at an enormous humanitarian cost, leaving those living under occupation with just enough to survive, but not enough to live normal and dignified lives…

The 1.4 million Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip continue to pay for conflict and economic containment with their health and livelihoods. Cutting power and fuel further compounds their hardship and is contrary to fundamental humanitarian principles.”

In fact, the analogy presented above is quite unfair. It ignores the fact that the current sanctions regime, the cause of so much devastation and humanitarian suffering in the Gaza Strip, is being imposed on a population that has already suffered well over a year of sustained collective punishment, in which 683 Palestinians were killed, much vital infrastructure (the Interior Ministry, Gaza’s only power plant, etc.) was destroyed, unemployment shot up to unprecedented levels, the number of Palestinian households living in poverty increased by 30%, food consumption fell by 8% (.pdf), the Palestinian economy shrank by 21% in the fourth quarter of 2006 alone and the number of families unable to get enough food increased by 14%. These sanctions, initiated in response to the election of a government unfavourable to the U.S. and Israel, were in turn inflicted upon an occupied people who were already experiencing what the World Bank described as “the worst economic depression in modern history” and who were already suffering malnutrition rates comparable to those of sub-Saharan Africa.

As noted above, if I were to propose the politicide of Israel and the killing of hundreds of Israelis as an acceptable response to the crimes of the Israeli government, which by any objective measure are of a far greater scale than those of Palestinian militant organisations, I would be booed off the stage as an anti-Semite within seconds. Similarly, if I were to advocate the collective starvation of the American/British public and the murder of thousands of American/British citizens in response to U.S./UK crimes in Iraq – which, again, are just totally incomparable to those of Hamas and co. in terms of scale – I’d be reported to the government immediately as a probable al-Qaeda sympathiser. This would not be an unreasonable accusation – after all, “collective responsibility” and the consequent legitimacy of collective punishment is precisely the doctrine organisations like al-Qaeda employ to justify atrocities like the September 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center.

And yet Israel’s vicious collective punishment of Gaza is largely condoned or justified in Western political discourse. Certainly, it evokes none of the strident and emotional condemnation elicited by Palestinian attempts to collectively punish Israelis, through means such as suicide bombings and Qassam rocket attacks. (Again, the analogy is somewhat unfair, since Palestinian suicide bombers surely have a stronger justification for their actions than does the occupying Israeli state). Why the double-standard? Racism surely plays a part, as does simple ignorance of the realities on the ground. Either way, international law is clear on the matter, as is basic morality (al-Qaeda-lovers aside): collective punishment is forbidden. The U.S. and the EU, far from intervening in defence of basic Palestinian rights, have thus far been fully complicit in the criminal destruction of Gaza, which demonstrates clearly their profound contempt for human rights and the law, and is frankly nothing short of psychopathic.

Cross-posted at The Heathlander

It Was An Inside Job, Says Former President of Italy

In the November 30 issue of Corriere della Sera, Italy’s oldest and most widely read newspaper, Former Italian President Francesco Cossiga stated that the 9-11 terrorist attacks were run by the CIA and Mossad, and that this was common knowledge among global intelligence agencies.  

From this source here is a little of what is a difficult translation into English from Italian:

“All the [intelligence services] of America and Europe…know well that the disastrous attack has been planned and realized from the Mossad, with the aid of the Zionist world in order to put under accusation the Arabic countries and in order to induce the western powers to take part … in Iraq [and] Afghanistan.”

Former Italian President Francesco Cossiga, who was first elected president of the Italian Senate in July 1983 before winning a landslide election to become president of Italy in 1985, remained President until 1992.  More about this former “insider” and whistleblower:

Cossiga’s tendency to be outspoken upset the Italian political establishment, and he was forced to resign after revealing the existence of, and his part in setting up, Operation Gladio.


This was a rogue intelligence network under NATO auspices that carried out bombings across Europe in the 1960s, 1970s and ’80s.

Gladio’s specialty was to carry out what they termed “false flag” operations-terror attacks that were blamed on their domestic and geopolitical opposition.

Another translation from the Italian article:

From circles around Palazzo Chigi, nerve centre of direction of Italian intelligence, it is noted that the non-authenticity of the video is testified from the fact that Osama bin Laden in it ‘confessed’ that Al Qaeda would have been the author of the attack of the 11 September to the Twin Towers in New York, while all of the democratic circles of America and of Europe, with in the forefront those of the Italian centre-left, now know well that the disastrous attack was planned and realized by the American CIA and Mossad with the help of the Zionist world to put under accusation the Arabic Countries and to persuade the Western powers to intervene in Iraq and Afghanistan. wiki

For our readers fluent in Italian, our genuine article:

ROMA – «A quanto mi è stato detto domani o dopo domani la più potente catena quotidiani-periodici del nostro Paese dovrebbe dare le prove, con uno scoop eccezionale, che il video (in realtà un audio, ndr) nel quale riappare Osama Bin Laden, leader del ‘Grande e potente movimento di Rinvicita Islamica Al Qaeda’, che Allah lo benedica!, nel quale sono formulate minacce anche all’ex premier Silvio Berlusconi, sarebbe nient’altro che un videomontaggio realizzato negli studi di Mediaset a Milano e fatto giungere alla rete televisiva islamista Al Jazira che lo ha ampiamente diffuso». Lo afferma il presidente emerito della Repubblica Francesco Cossiga in un comunicato.

«TRAPPOLA» – «La ‘trappola’ sarebbe stata montata, secondo la sopra citata catena di stampa, per sollevare una ondata di solidarietà verso Berlusconi, nel momento nel quale si trova in difficoltà anche a causa di un altro scoop della stessa catena giornalistica sugli intrecci tra la Rai e Mediaset», continua il senatore a vita. «Da ambienti vicini a Palazzo Chigi, centro nevralgico di direzione dell’intelligence italiana, si fa notare che la non autenticità del video è testimoniata dal fatto che Osama Bin Laden in esso ‘confessa’ che Al Qaeda sarebbe stato l’autore dell’attentato dell’11 settembre alle due torri in New York, mentre tutti gli ambienti democratici d’America e d’Europa, con in prima linea quelli del centrosinistra italiano, sanno ormai bene che il disastroso attentato è stato pianificato e realizzato dalla Cia americana e dal Mossad con l’aiuto del mondo sionista per mettere sotto accusa i Paesi arabi e per indurre le potenze occidentali ad intervenire sia in Iraq sia in Afghanistan. Per questo – conclude Cossiga – nessuna parola di solidarietà è giunta a Silvio Berlusconi, che sarebbe l’ideatore della geniale falsificazione, né dal Quirinale, né da Palazzo Chigi né da esponenti del centrosinistra!».

SOLIDARIETÀ – In realtà è giunta a Berlusconi la solidarietà per il governo di Vannino Chiti, ministro per i Rapporti con il Parlamento: «Esprimo la mia solidarietà a Silvio Berlusconi chiamato in causa, assieme ad altri leader europei, dal terrorista Osama Bin Laden nel suo messaggio di propaganda. Contro il terrorismo e contro queste farneticazioni deve essere forte l’unità delle forze politiche in Italia e l’impegno comune e la solidarietà dei popoli europei».

 Corriere Della Sera

Hmm. Just another wingnut conspiracy theorist, eh?

Independent Investigations NOW!

(At Daily Kos in about an hour)

Enough of this crap!

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Senator Dodd having to filibuster against his OWN party leader to serve the interests and concerns and RIGHTS of the American People is the last straw.

Reid and Pelosi are actively obstructing every process that could lead to some sort of justice, some sort of accountability, for the many, many abuses of power and outright crimes of the Bush Administration.

Our Democratic leadership has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that they do not care about anything but getting re-elected. They don’t care about War Crimes, they do not care about torture, they do not care about Habeas Corpus, they do not care about the demolition of the Fourth Amendment and they don’t care that people are dying in Iraq for NO reason. Yes, I am sure they are concerned about all of these things…but if they truly cared about them, they would be doing something. They are not.

They have killed or slow walked impeachment, contempt, and seem to be pretending that inherent contempt doesn’t exist.

They have fairly openly admitted that their only concern and overriding priority is the elections that are still a year away. They have proven that they cannot be trusted to carry out their oaths of office to uphold and defend the Constitution.

Nancy Pelosi was briefed on CIA torture BEFORE she took impeachment off the table….something she has absolutely NO right to do. Something that makes her look so corrupted and compromised that the only solution left is for her to push the DOJ to appoint an independent investigator and then get the hell out of the way.

Harry Reid…..well, what can you say? He is either playing some imaginary Machiavellian power game….which he is LOSING….or has capitulated past the point of just excusing, and is in effect covering up Bushco’s crimes…and it now appears by pushing for telcom immunity, actively abetting them.

We need an independent investigation DIRECTLY into the crimes of George Bush and Dick Cheney.

There are no more excuses, the idiocy of bi-partisanship has been exposed. That “strategy” is dead. Their only choice now is to either actively oppose George Bush or just lie down and roll over for him. And hope that the fact that they are playing into EVERY negative stereotype of Democrats will somehow be ignored by the Voters. And that the sheep (which is obviously how they think of anyone outside the Village and Beltway Bubble) won’t look up and notice that they are not the brave and noble champions of reason they are pretending to be….but merely craven politicians who think they know better than the People they represent, and are willing to place preserving the status quo…and their places of power in it, above ANY other considerations. What further heinous abuses and crimes would Bush have to commit to force them to oppose? Where is the line?

The stakes are too high for this kind of crap. This is no time for these cowardly games. There are lives on the line….the Constitution itself is on the line. This is no time for business as usual and jockeying for political advantage.

Madame Speaker, Mr. Majority Leader, call for independent investigations into Wireless Wiretapping, Torture and the lies that led us into the biggest mistake in the history of our country….and then get the hell out of the way while people who know what the fuck they are doing get to work.

You have disgraced the Democratic Party, your offices, and the American People by in effect collaborating with the worst President in history. YOU are putting Party above Country, Self-Interest above Justice….and it must stop.


Office of the Speaker

H-232, US Capitol

Washington, DC 20515


FAX 202-225-8259

E-mail and comments

Senate Majority Leader

528 Hart Senate Office Bldg

Washington, DC 20510

Phone: 202-224-3542

Fax: 202-224-7327

E-mail and comments

Congressman Wexler’s Impeachment Petition, over 70,000 signatures….have YOU signed it?

ACLU Petition calling for a Special Prosecutor. Please sign it!

Chris Dodd for Majority Leader!

christmas movies

Babes in Toyland 1934 w/Laurel & Hardy

The Bishop’s Wife 1947 with Cary Grant, Loretta Young, and David Niven

A Charlie Brown Christmas 1965, animated of course

A Miracle on 34th Street 1947, Natalie Wood, Maureen O’Hara, John Payne, and an amazing performance by Edmund Gwenn

Prancer Sam Elliott, Cloris Leachman, Abe Vigoda, and Rebecca Harrell as Jess, in a performance that, for me, defines and reveals the truth of a true child’s heart

Home Alone 1990, Macaulay Culkin, Joe Pesci, Daniel Stern, Catherine O’Hara, John Heard, and a small gem of a performance by John Candy.

How to Select a Memorable Gift Book

(Cross posted at Dailykos)

I have been asked to post a list of books for the Holidays….or just general gift-giving… I don’t know if I can do that because the list would really be very long and the number of categories would be really diverse

I am a little out-of-date since I have neglected reading the books my students read (being retired, I have no students but I am active in a couple of organizations that promote literature and literacy). So now, I concentrate on books for ME!!!! Unfortunately, they seem to have taken a current events and political nature and are thoroughly depressing and I can’t recommend them to anyone except people here.

As a Reading Teacher, my philosophy was that there is a book out there for everyone and no one should be afraid to read a book.After all, a book is not god….I know this is debatable, but not here.

So, I decided that, in order to find a book for the reluctant readers of the world, I needed to start reading those books, sometimes to the tune of 100 to 150 per year! (I don’t read anywhere near that now!) It was not as daunting as it sounds….Children’s Lit and Young Adult Lit were usually under 200 pages, often near 100 pages and the reading level was generally around the 5-th Grade level. (Most popular Adult novels – ie. Romance, Mystery, Adventure-Thriller-Spy type novels and Horror novels are written at the 6-th Grade level. That is why it is so easy for a person to read one in a day or two, even if it is 4 or 500 pages thick)

The advent of the huge, wordy, descriptive books has really turned a lot of slower readers off. That is why it has become more urgent for teachers and parents to find the book (or books) that will turn on youngsters to reading. There are several ways to select an appropriate book. The most popular is the “rule of thumb”.  

What is the “Rule of Thumb”? Take your hand…notice the thumb…hold it up…open the book well into the book (at least 50 pages or so),,,put your thumb down  on the page…read the page for as far as your whole thumb reaches. The rule says that if you can’t read that much of the book because there are too many hard words or the sentences are too confusing(too complex) then the book is too hard for your personal reading level.

The “Rule of Thumb” only selects an appropriate reading level. Another way to discover Reading Level is to look on the back cover toward the bottom (especially in Dell/Yearling books) and notice the number at the bottom written RL:4.7.  RL means Reading Level….IL means Interest Level. They measure different things. Older books contain these numbers, but in the last 8 or 10 years, publishers have stopped doing this.

I guess they didn’t want to stigmatize older readers who were being give “easy” books to read. Some people overdo everything! The RL or IL could also be found on the Publisher’s page after the Title page. Most companies have stopped doing this, which was sad, because it was a help to parents and teachers who wondered if a book was appropriate for a child. It was always intended as a suggestion, not a law.

A good book is the book a person reads and likes/loves.

When choosing a book select one that seems interesting, whether it is Title or Author or Picture on the cover. Then read the back cover (Some of my students would just try to rewrite the back cover as their book report! It was so funny to read these—some copied word-for-word and made spelling errors! I loved these! It told me a lot about my students!) But I got lazy—or was it more practical?—over the years. I dispensed with written book reports and tried other activities. I didn’t want to turn kids off to the act of reading because they couldn’t write well in English and I didn’t want them to copy passages without knowing what they were writing or what it had to do with the book.

Book talks seemed to work best….recommending a book to the class seemed to encourage others to read that particular book.

Reading Levels (which are fairly arbitrary anyway) of some popular books are:

Mouse and the Motorcycle =Grade 4

Ramona the Brave =Grade 4

Stuart Little =Grade 4

Charlotte’s Web =Grade 3

The Hobbit =Grade 9

Lord of the Rings =Grade 11

A Separate Peace =Grade 9

The Little Prince =Grade 5

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone =Grade 7

If you want to do a readability level on a Children’s book go to Fry’s Readability Graph:


Just remember—even Reading Levels change throughout a book so it is really subjective…but it helps with rule of thumb. There are also several different readability scales and lists, but the scale should be used only if you have a doubt as to whether a child can successfully read a book.

The best measure is Interest. Everyone prefers different genres at different times in their life. I always loved books about Science and nature as a kid. In High School and College I gravitated toward Science Fiction and Fantasy. (Ha, I read the Lord of the Rings Trilogy in 6 days between High School Graduation and College….I didn’t have much of a life.) Then I discovered Mystery and Adventure/Spy novels. Finally, I discovered Biography. Oh well, but I will read almost anything now…especially if there is a reason. I am reading the Oprah pick, Pillars of the Earth…It was on my list since I wanted to read the Banned Books List and have read most of them. (I guess it is banned because of the graphically brutal rape passages and the irreverence for the leaders of the church and religion. But since I am only on Chapter 9, there could be more)

For booklists for children check out the Newbery Books (the list is better now…some of the books, for a while, were dreadfully boring), the Caldecott Winners, and various other award winning books. The lists can be found on the ALA website : here

Now to the answer to the question: What books would you recommend? All of them! It just depends on your interests and inclinations.

Personally, when buying a book for a relative, I like to choose something they would not normally choose. Preferably something that is currently very popular with children at that age. Something that has really nice artwork so that it is interesting and intriguing. I am partial to the pop-up books right now. Particularly those done by Robert Sabuda, but the other ones, like the Star Wars pop-up are equally entertaining.

Fancy personal journals for girls in which they can place photos and concert tickets, etc. are good. Commemorative copies of the classics with beautiful artwork are another suggestion. I always remember a beautiful copy of Robin Hood that I used to look at as a child with plates by Wyeth. We lost that book when I was 3…our house burned down, but for some reason I remembered the pictures. I asked my mother about the pictures many years later and she was surprised I had remembered them. That is how I discovered the name of the artist.

I also recommend blank books. Where students can write, illustrate, create their own book. Bare Books has very reasonable blank books in several sizes for the creative student. I used to make the personal book a final project in my classes. I would buy a blank book for each student (125 of them) and give them suggestions. I even made books as an example. Sometimes the school even purchased the blank books for me! As a testament to the popularity of this idea, many teachers started doing projects with these books. But, for some reason, these teachers were lauded. I’ll never forget the administrator who came to me and suggested that I do a project like so-and-so who was so young and creative! I had been doing it for years, HA! And given her the idea…Administrators are so clueless! (It pays to advertise and brag about yourself.)

Anyway, the site for Bare Books is link

The prices are very reasonable. They used to be about 99 cents but now they are $1.50 to $2.00 for the popular sizes. When the students were done, I would cover them with clear or transparent contact paper. I would buy the roll at the grocery store. It is cheaper than buying the product that they advertise.

Since I used to deal with students who had low reading levels(about 4-th Grade) compared to the fact they were High School students, I would encourage them to read very high interest level books that dealt with what they were familiar. Murder mystery books by Jay Bennett used to be very popular. He writes with short sentences and very little descriptive passages so the boys really like his stuff…I don’t think he is too popular anymore…His Birthday Murderer was very popular about 10 years ago.

So many books are written for girls but, Vampire books seem to be the trend right now and fantasy books with faeries and dragons and magic. Stephanie Meyers’s Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse are good. However, I found the subliminal message that women are incapable of making a good decision without “F—ing” up, disconcerting, but the kids don’t get that, so it is OK.  At least it gets them reading.

For low level students, Townsend Press has a very High Interest series that the students really like…The Bluford High Series of about 15 books. They are very readable and about 100 pages each. Perfect for the poorly motivated student. Once they get hooked on these, they discover reading isn’t so hard and move on to other books. If you are interested here is their website. And, the nice thing, the books are only a dollar! A perfect gift and so affordable, you can buy one for each of your students to read over the holidays! tp

Teachers have enormous power over students when choosing books. I discovered early that when one read a book to the class or had the whole class read a book together and discuss it with them, that was the book the students remembered best. Students would return, asking for the name of that book they read or where could they get a copy, and I would usually give them the book.

Some of the books that we read together that they liked:

Call It Courage, Sperry

Rag and Bone Shop, Cormier

House of the Scorpion, Farmer

The Little Prince, St. Exupery

Homeless Bird, Whelan

Monster, Myers

Holes, Sachar

Harry Potter, Rowling

Books( they were cheap) that I gave out for the Holidays that students really liked:

Wrinkle in Time, L’Engle

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Lewis

Snow Treasure, McSwigan

How to Eat Fried Worms, Rockwell

Sideways Stories From Wayside School., Sachar

Of course, relevancy is important and and so is currency. It is important that the book is current, or that a movie is coming out; all these spark interest in the students.

Which is why The Golden Compass is probably a good gift right now

To sum up, your own interest in the book, love of the book and the background you bring to understanding a book will make the difference. It tells its own story and it tells your story as well.

Pony Party: Best Meals Ever!

Cross-posted at GOS.

Last week, my Pony Party covered the unsavory topic of Worst Meals Ever. Kossacks shared their horror stories which made my experiences pale by comparison: from something that resembled shaved, boiled hamster to turkey testicles and slugs in hot chili garlic sauce, I was repeatedly amazed by how many dreadful food experiences we’ve had.

These memories clearly continue to make us shudder with revulsion. But, I thought, we must also have memories of some stellar meals; I was not alone in this belief. So, join me on the flip side for a synopsis of some of my favorite meals.

Anyone who mentions fish soaked in Drano runs the risk of being TRd!***

With that basic ground rule established, we can now attend to the task at hand: what’re the best meals you’ve ever had?

I love certain aromatic foods (preferably without benzene). Our sense of smell, of course, contributes significantly to taste. The mere smell of some foods and spices make me nostalgic for particular occasions, whether it is a holiday feast or romantic evening with my hubby. Not surprisingly, some of my fondest memories from such special occasions.

Another great memory is from a visit to Europe with my mom a few years ago – this was her first trip to Europe. We really stretched our wallets to make the trip happen, but I have no regrets for burning a bit of plastic in this case; my mom died the following winter, so this trip was her only opportunity to visit Europe. Carpe diem, indeed.

In any event, we did go on the trip, and ate our way from Paris to Rome. In particular, one restaurant, Cafè de Paris, on Via Veneto, a grand avenue that was once the Roman hotspot for the rich and beautiful, stood out for their exquisite cuisine and impeccable service, even though it was clear that we were not affluent jet-setters.

I’ve also had the opportunity to visit some phenomenal restaurants for work. We have an expense account of $60 per person, which sounds great, but really doesn’t get you far in Vancouver, if you include a bottle of wine. Even so, I’ve enjoyed being able to try a number of really outstanding restaurants. My favorite is Vij’s, which takes a modern twist on Indian cuisine. Their menu includes delights such as saag-paneer and lentil, fennel and zucchini dumplings in pomegranate curry and wine-marinated lamb popsicles in fenugreek cream curry on spinach potatoes. Contrast that with our conversations here last Monday!

***Just kidding! I think…


Support Dodd’s Filibuster!

Apparently in just a short while Chris Dodd will start what has to be considered a historic filibuster! I have no idea who the last Senator to actually stand up and do a full on filibuster was, anyone know? Of course we know the most famous filibuster! Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

From a site set up to support Dodd by The Seminal and Open Left:

On Monday, December 17th, 2008, Chris Dodd will take to the floor the Senate and begin his filibuster of telecom immunity. He will start talking and he won’t stop until he loses a cloture vote or Harry Reid shelves any FISA bill containing retroactive immunity.

To close debate, opponents will have to muster 60 votes. If every Republican (and Joe Lieberman) votes for cloture, this means at least 10 Democrats will have to betray their fellow party member to end Dodd’s filibuster.

Joe Biden, Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton have all said they will support Dodd’s filibuster. Senator Feingold is also supporting Dodd.

Please check out the site (nifty West Wing video!) and do what you can (Call Your Senators All Day Long!) to support him.  

Finally some dhramatic action from Congress!! Will Dodd succeed? Will Harry Reid shut him down? Will ten villianous Dems cross the aisle to vote for cloture? Will Dodd collapse? Will Taylor’s thugs hurt the little boys? (oh wait, that’s the movie)

I assume there will be some tv coverage, lol…but these days who knows? Please do what you can!

Pony Party, NFL Round-up

Docudharma Times Monday Dec.17

This is an Open Thread: No Credit Needed To Enter

Headlines For Monday December 17: A town against the wall: Obama confronts rumor he is a Muslim: Storm buries Northeast, causes 3 deaths: Africa war wounds begin to heal amid progress: Inside the Hajj, with 1m believers


Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said this month that he would take landowners to court to seize property if needed, and also pledged that he would not pay more than market price for land.

A town against the wall

Granjeno on the Rio Grande has outlasted the rule of Spain, Mexico and the Republic of Texas. Now the border fence aims for its heart.

By Miguel Bustillo, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer

December 17, 2007

GRANJENO, TEXAS — Gloria Garza doesn’t have a whole lot. But what she has, she clings to with pride.

She lives in a simple stucco house with a rustic wooden veranda and a well fashioned from odd stones her husband found around the state. Kittens stretch lazily in the sun beside her porch. Armadillos dart across her backyard.

Her two-acre lot is her heirloom, her link to a legacy that dates to 1767, when Spain’s King Carlos III gave her pioneer ancestors a porcion of property that started at the Rio Grande and stretched inland for miles.

So she is not going to be quiet while some bureaucrat in Washington tries to take it — to build a border fence. She doesn’t want to become an unintended victim in a war against illegal immigration that she sees as misguided and wrong.

Obama confronts rumor he is a Muslim

MASON CITY, Iowa – Democrat Barack Obama yesterday confronted one of the persistent falsehoods circulating about him on the Internet – by going to church.

He attended services at the First Congregational United Church of Christ with reporters in tow, a rejoinder to the e-mailed rumors that he is a Muslim and poses a threat to the security of the United States.

Obama did not address the rumors, but described how he joined Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago two decades ago while working as a community organizer.

“What I found during the course of this work was, one, that ordinary people can do extraordinary things when they come together and find common ground,” he told the congregation.

Storm buries Northeast, causes 3 deaths

BOSTON – A wind-blown brew of snow, sleet and freezing rain cut visibility and iced over highways from the Great Lakes to New England on Sunday, stranding air and road travelers and causing a jetliner to skid off a runway.

At least three traffic deaths have been blamed on the storm.

The National Weather Service posted winter storm warnings from Michigan and Indiana all the way to Maine. Around a foot of snow had fallen on parts of the Chicago area, with 10 inches in Vermont. Meteorologists said that 18 inches was possible in northern New England; more snow was still expected in parts of Michigan.

“Our biggest advice right now is, stay home,” said Maine State Police Sgt. Andrew Donovan. Visibility in the blowing snow was less than 200 yards, and in stronger gusts “if there’s a car in front of you, you can’t even see it,” he said.


Africa war wounds begin to heal amid progress

Rwanda bringing together killers, victims in an attempt to solidify peace

A yearlong exploration by The Associated Press suggests that despite immense challenges, progress is gaining a foothold in pockets of Africa, in spheres ranging from democracy to education. And after minimal results from five decades of Western advice and aid, the progress is led by Africans themselves.

MAYANGE, Rwanda – The late afternoon sun gleams off the tin roofs of this small farming village, as neighbors Xavier Nemeye and Cecile Mukagasana watch their children play tag around the banana trees.

The two friends were born here and share much of Mayange’s daily life. They talk every day, pray at the same church and send their children to the same school, the only one there is.

Final Punches in South Africa Brawl

The race for the leadership of South Africa reached a fever pitch on Saturday, the eve of a decisive ruling party conference, as state investigators filed revised allegations of corruption against the leading contender.

News broke on Saturday that the Directorate of Special Operations filed papers Friday in the Constitutional Court opposing Jacob Zuma’s attempts to set aside an earlier judgment disallowing its evidence against him. Those papers included an affidavit which read: “The extent and gravity of the charges has grown… The payments based on the old and the new evidence are therefore more than three times greater than those based on the old evidence alone.” The charges concern allegations that Zuma was involved in the payments of bribes by French arms company Thint during a 2000 deal;


Old U.S. Allies, Still Hiding Deep in Laos

VIENTIANE PROVINCE, Laos – They call themselves America’s forgotten soldiers.

Four decades after the Central Intelligence Agency hired thousands of jungle warriors to fight Communists on the western fringes of the Vietnam War, men who say they are veterans of that covert operation are isolated, hungry and periodically hunted by a Laotian Communist government still mistrustful of the men who sided with America.

“If I surrender, I will be punished,” said Xang Yang, a wiry 58-year-old still capable of crawling nimbly through thick bamboo underbrush. “They will never forgive me. I cannot live outside the jungle because I am a former American soldier.”

Crouching Tiger star goes into battle for million hidden orphans

The screen goddess stooped to give ten-year-old Li Hubin a teddy bear and a hug. The room fell silent as Zhang Ziyi, the star of Memoirs of a Geisha and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, listened to the chatter of the child who made history by becoming the first orphan to be handed to foster parents in the southwestern city of Chengdu.

For a disabled orphan in China, the chances of finding a loving home were once slim. But Zhang has teamed up with a British social worker to make sure that more abandoned children are given the chance of a family life.

Care for Children, a British-founded charity, has pioneered the concept of foster care in China.

“There are so many in China who do not have my good fortune. I want to give something back to society and since I love children this seemed like a way for me to make a difference,” Zhang, the charity’s patron, said. Such words from a screen idol could actually make a difference in a country where charity work is in its infancy.

Middle East

Inside the Hajj, with 1m believers

The Guardian’s religious affairs correspondent travels to the Hajj to offer a unique insight into the rituals and mood at the world’s largest pilgrimage

When the call came for afternoon prayer, more than a million Muslims squeezed into the Grand Mosque, an area measuring a third of a square kilometre. Latecomers streamed into surrounding alleyways, tunnels, malls, markets, car parks and pavements.

Public address announcements – in Arabic, English, Urdu and French – urged pilgrims not to block walkways with prayer mats, but people still jostled for any nook or cranny.

Many had arrived early on Friday to secure a space as close as possible to the Ka’ba – the black cube that all Muslims turn to when praying – and waited in stifling conditions. As the muezzin’s call soared through the air a hush fell over the city. The pilgrims moved slowly and in unison, only rustling fabrics and creaking joints could be heard.

Israeli sanctions ‘will ruin plans to rebuild Palestinian economy’

Donors from 90 nations gather in Paris today to pledge billions of dollars to rebuild the shattered Palestinian economy, but economists and human rights groups say that the huge cash injection will be wasted if Israel does not lift crippling roadblocks and travel restrictions.

Oxfam, the World Bank and the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) have said that Israeli curbs on movement into and within the West Bank and Gaza Strip have strangled the Palestinian economy.

The situation is particularly dire in Gaza, which has been suffering a total closure of its borders by Israel and Egypt since the radical Islamist movement Hamas seized power there in June. The coastal territory’s economy has been effectively wiped out by six months of isolation.

Sky of Memory and Shadow

(@ noonish – promoted by buhdydharma )

Prominent progressive bloggers always emphasize that we should be polite when contacting Democrats in Congress.  With good intentions, they write their “action” posts, list contact numbers, and send us on our way with instructions to be respectful.  In addition to providing this assistance, our well-intentioned Netroots leaders include handy links in their posts which provide pertinent information, so I’m returning the favor with a handy link for them to ponder.

I hope the next time they feel the urge to advocate politeness, they wait until the urge passes and advocate something actually useful.

Good intentions and polite appeals to Democrats are not going to get us off this road to Hell we’ve been on since 2001.  It’s not going to end this ordeal, it just paves another mile of that damn road. And then another mile.  And then another one.  When BushCo Republicans actively betray us every chance they get and Democrats passively betray us by never doing anything about it, limiting ourselves to polite expressions of concern is not a solution, it’s part of the problem.  It just empowers these refugees from reality to take us one more humiliating, flag-waving, fascist-enabling mile closer to Hell.  

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People who have turned their backs on everything America has ever stood for are not going to listen to polite appeals.  How many times do we have to see them betray us on Monday and lie about it on Tuesday before we figure that out?  How many times are we going to watch them betray us again on Wednesday and lie about it on Thursday before we finally understand what needs to be done?  After a long week of lies and betrayal, they take turns lying to us on the Sunday talk shows and then the cycle of betrayal and lies starts all over again on Monday.  

We’ve seen that weekly cycle of betrayal and deceit repeat itself 350 times since 2001.

Punch that number into your calculator, John Conyers.  

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Oh shut up.  Millions of people believed in you and got shit on for it.

Despite these obscene betrayals, our Netroots leaders Emily Post impersonators still advise us to be respectful and polite to these warmongers, thieves, and craven cowards.  Well I have a suggestion for them.  It’s time to stop being polite.  It’s long past time.  These criminals in Washington have turned America into a gas-guzzling, war-profiteering PNAC 18-wheeler.  We’re careening down the George W. Bush Expressway to Hell with the hammer down, hauling leaking containers of toxic war crimes over one sagging bridge after another through a howling blizzard of lies with a psychotic alcoholic behind the wheel and a couple of idiots from Nevada and California riding beside him, handing him another drink every time he bellows for one.

When it looks like TREASON, sounds like TREASON, and reeks to high heaven like TREASON, it’s TREASON.  And it’s time to fucking CALL IT THAT.

Uncle Sam has seen enough:

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Get in line with the rest of us, Uncle Sam.  Bring a barf bag, you’ll need it.

The Commander Guy and Mr. Five Deferments tossed the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the rule of law into a dumpster behind the Patriot Act Truck Stop long ago.  Since then, our enabling Democrats have just gone along for the ride as this road trip to Hell has gone on and on and on.  Many long and bloody miles ago, John Kerry told us taking his No Retreat No Surrender Exit would get us off the Commander Guy’s Expressway to Hell, but there was no exit to be seen on Election Day.  Instead, we had to watch Kerry retreating and surrendering to a bunch of Diebold machines.      

We’ve seen Impeachment Exits every day, but we’ve roared right on past every one of them.  So we politely asked if we could please take the Downing Street Minutes Exit.  We were ignored.  We politely asked if we could please take the Censure Bush Exit.  We were ignored.  We politely asked if we could please take the PlameGate Exit.  We weren’t ignored that time, Democrats needed our money and support, so we were told to help them win Congress in 2006.

We did that, and politely asked if we could please take the 110th Congress Exit off this excursion to Hell, so the spying and torturing and killing for oil would finally stop.  We were condescendingly advised to watch in admiration as Subpeona Power and the Mighty Gavel of Madame Speaker restored the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the rule of law.  Nothing has been restored, but as obedient little advocates, it’s our job to keep writing checks to the DSCC and DCCC and to keep drinking toasts to our heroic Democrats from glasses filled to the brim with Clap Louder Kool Aid.

I think it would be more useful to toss every one of their enabling asses out of Congress.  Democrats who don’t fully and actively support Chris Dodd’s filibuster of Give Us Hell Harry’s telecom immunity atrocity need to have the riot act read to them by every one of us.  Our Netroots leaders futility enablers need to cancel their subscriptions to the Emily Post Etiquette Guide for Important Bloggers, START REALIZING THAT TREASONOUS ASSHOLES ARE TREASONOUS ASSHOLES AND DESERVE NO RESPECT, and get their Important Blogger Asses to work organizing primary challenges.  

Chris Dodd knows what this road trip to Hell has cost us:

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When the survival of American democracy is hanging by a thread, there’s not much to smile about. It’s a humiliating disgrace that Congress is actually debating immunity for massive violations of the 4th Amendment by telecom criminals. It’s a humiliating disgrace that habeas corpus has yet to be restored.  It’s a humiliating disgrace that our government is torturing human beings and locking them up in cages while posturing as a great defender of freedom and democracy in the world.

Two war criminals in the White House have told us all to go fuck ourselves.  

They are holding an entire nation hostage.

Any prominent blogger still so fucking stupid as to be advocating politeness to traitors in the midst of a crisis like this doesn’t deserve any attention at all from anyone, much less a blog of their own.  

They need to toss their Emily Post guidelines away, condemn this treasonous regime and its hacks in both parties, and help lead America to The Rising:    

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

The muses are ancient.  The inspirations for our stories were said to be born from them.  Muses of song and dance, or poetry and prose, of comedy and tragedy, of the inward and the outward.  In one version they are Calliope, Euterpe and Terpsichore, Erato and Clio, Thalia and Melpomene, Polyhymnia and Urania.

It has also been traditional to name a tenth muse.  Plato declared Sappho to be the tenth muse, the muse of women poets.  Others have been suggested throughout the centuries.  I don’t have a name for one, but I do think there should be a muse for the graphical arts.  And maybe there should be many more.

Please join us inside to celebrate our various muses…

An Opened Mind VI

This was, of course, recently used on December 1…World AIDS Day.  But the poem doesn’t have to be about any particular disease.

Art Link

Days Will Come

Days will come

when sanity will

regain supremacy,

when disease will

be battled without

political consideration,

when people’s deaths

will not be occasions

to seek out

personal advantage.

But not today.

–Robyn Elaine Serven
–December 1, 2005

I know you have talent.  What sometimes is forgotten is that being practical is a talent.  I have a paucity for that sort of talent in many situations, though it turns out that I’m a pretty darn good cook.  🙂  

Let your talent bloom.  You can share it here.  Encourage others to let it bloom inside them as well.

Won’t you share your words or art, your sounds or visions, your thoughts scientific or philosophic, the comedy or tragedy of your days, the stories of doing and making?  And be excellent to one another!

The Stars Hollow Gazette

Well, I’m kind of upset tonight because I’ve encountered some people with an attitude that is inexplicable to me.  Privately I call them Tories because the exhibit all of the classical features of Toryism.

Perpetually gloomy about the prospect of liberty they sulk inflicting their pessimism on morale.  They derive bitter satisfaction from their self-fulfilling prophecies of doom.  Openly aristocratic and monarchist they are content that their new insect overlords beat them and cheat them, panting for scraps like a common cur except a dog has too noble a soul to accept such offal.

But the worst offenders are those who think like this but still expect our votes, money, and effort as if they had some God anointed right to join the gated Village and get away from the foul smelling rabble.

What country are you from?

You have no right to my labor, property, or allegiance.  You are not the boss of me.  I am in fact YOUR boss, I gave you that job and I sign your damn check and I expect respect from my employees otherwise I fire their sorry ass and hire somebody else.

I can’t understand how the admission of several Congress people that their vote on the August FISA was influenced by fear for their personal safety because of White House lies about a potential attack on the Capital is anything but craven cowardice.  It is exactly the same thing as desertion in the face of the enemy.  Brave men have died for our freedom.  Do you have some special lucky charm that makes your miserable existence worth more than any of the 3892 that died for a lie in Iraq?  Would you sell your child for $10 million?

That’s the going rate you know.  I know what you are- now we’re just negotiating about the price.  Unless you just give it away.

Oh wait, that’s what you do.

You should be afraid of me because I know what you are…

A weakling.

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