
The thing about YouTube is that once you click on something, even if you’re just curious and it turns out to be a vile piece of trash (oh, none of these are trash, don’t get me wrong), all kinds of similar things turn up forever..

You have no idea how much Jodi Whittaker/Alexis Bledel/Kelly Marie Tran hate shows up because I clicked on a video about Dr. Who/Gilmore Girls/Star Wars that had an interesting and innocuous title, whether I watch to the end or not.

Not to mention the Alex Jones Infowars crap and all the KKK and Nazi stuff that goes with it since, well, I write about politics and sometimes I need to see what people are reacting to.

Still, the reason I watch Cable instead of streaming movies is I like a lot of stuff that that I wouldn’t have chosen for myself and the element of randomness makes even my oldest favorites seem fresh. Only seen Casablanca about a thousand times, but I wouldn’t want to watch it a thousand times in a row.

Paparazzi – Lady Gaga

Peek-a-Boo and Kiss Them For Me – Siouxsie and the Banshees

Cold Hearted – Paula Abdul

The Breakfast Club (Prejudice)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:00am (ET) (or whenever we get around to it) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

 photo stress free zone_zps7hlsflkj.jpg

This Day in History

President Bill Clinton denies affair; first European settlers in Australia; General Douglas MacArthur is born; Wayne Gretzky born; musical ‘The Phantom of the Opera’ opens

Breakfast Tunes

Something to Think about over Coffee Prozac

The air is the only place free from prejudice.

Bessie Coleman

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Pondering the Pundits

Pondering the Pundits” is an Open Thread. It is a selection of editorials and opinions from> around the news medium and the internet blogs. The intent is to provide a forum for your reactions and opinions, not just to the opinions presented, but to what ever you find important.

Thanks to ek hornbeck, click on the link and you can access all the past “Pondering the Pundits”.

Follow us on Twitter @StarsHollowGzt

Jamelle Bouie: Trump’s Wall of Shame

The wall of Donald Trump’s campaign and presidency has always operated both as a discrete proposal — an actual structure to be built under his leadership — and as a symbol with a clear meaning. Whether praised by its supporters or condemned by its opponents, the wall is a stand-in for the larger promise of broad racial (and religious) exclusion and domination.

It’s no surprise, then, that some Americans use “Build the wall” as a racist chant, much like the way they invoke the president’s name. And it’s also why, despite the pain and distress of the extended government shutdown, Democrats are right to resist any deal with the White House that includes funding for its construction. [..]

But the paramount reason for resisting this deal, and any other, is what it would mean symbolically to erect the wall or any portion of it. Like Trump himself, it would represent a repudiation of the pluralism and inclusivity that characterizes America at its best. It would stand as a lasting reminder of the white racial hostility surging through this moment in American history, a monument to this particular drive to preserve the United States as a white man’s country.

In fact, you can almost think of the wall as a modern-day Confederate monument, akin to those erected during a similar but far more virulent period of racist aggression in the first decades of the 20th century.

Paul Krugman: The Sum of Some Global Fears

The last global economic crisis, for all its complex detail, had one big, simple cause: A huge housing and debt bubble had emerged in both the United States and Europe, and it took the world economy down when it deflated.

The previous, milder recession, in 2001, also had a single cause: the bursting of a bubble in technology stocks and investment (remember

But the slump before that, in 1990-91, was a messier story. It was a smorgasbord recession — a downturn with multiple causes, ranging from the troubles of savings and loan institutions, to a glut of office buildings, to falling military spending at the end of the Cold War.

The best guess is that the next downturn will similarly involve a mix of troubles, rather than one big thing. And over the past few months we’ve started to see how it could happen. It’s by no means certain that a recession is looming, but some of our fears are beginning to come true.

Right now, I see four distinct threats to the world economy. (I may be missing others.)

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Trump’s Retreat

I’ve been saying this to my family and friends since the Trump-McConnell shutdown began: when this starts to impact air traffic it will end immediately. Seems I was prescient.

On Wednesday the head of the Air Traffic Controllers Association along with the unions for pilots and flight attendants warned that the shutdown was imperiling aviation and safety and it was deteriorating each day the shutdown continued.

Washington, D.C. — On Day 33 of the government shutdown, National Air Traffic Controllers Association (NATCA) President Paul Rinaldi, Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA) President Joe DePete, and Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (AFA) President Sara Nelson released the following statement:

“We have a growing concern for the safety and security of our members, our airlines, and the traveling public due to the government shutdown. This is already the longest government shutdown in the history of the United States and there is no end in sight. In our risk averse industry, we cannot even calculate the level of risk currently at play, nor predict the point at which the entire system will break. It is unprecedented.

“Due to the shutdown, air traffic controllers, transportation security officers, safety inspectors, air marshals, federal law enforcement officers, FBI agents, and many other critical workers have been working without pay for over a month. Staffing in our air traffic control facilities is already at a 30-year low and controllers are only able to maintain the system’s efficiency and capacity by working overtime, including 10-hour days and 6-day workweeks at many of our nation’s busiest facilities. Due to the shutdown, the FAA has frozen hiring and shuttered its training academy, so there is no plan in effect to fill the FAA’s critical staffing need. Even if the FAA were hiring, it takes two to four years to become fully facility certified and achieve Certified Professional Controller (CPC) status. Almost 20% of CPCs are eligible to retire today. There are no options to keep these professionals at work without a paycheck when they can no longer afford to support their families. When they elect to retire, the National Airspace System (NAS) will be crippled.

“The situation is changing at a rapid pace. Major airports are already seeing security checkpoint closures, with many more potentially to follow. Safety inspectors and federal cyber security staff are not back on the job at pre-shutdown levels, and those not on furlough are working without pay. Last Saturday, TSA management announced that a growing number of officers cannot come to work due to the financial toll of the shutdown. In addition, we are not confident that system-wide analyses of safety reporting data, which is used to identify and implement corrective actions in order to reduce risks and prevent accidents is 100 percent operational due to reduced FAA resources.

“As union leaders, we find it unconscionable that aviation professionals are being asked to work without pay and in an air safety environment that is deteriorating by the day. To avoid disruption to our aviation system, we urge Congress and the White House to take all necessary steps to end this shutdown immediately. “

Since then air traffic controllers have been calling in sick due to fatigue and stress which is within FAA guidelines and is therefore not a strike. This morning it was reported that there were significant flight delays at all major airports in the northeast.

Significant flight delays were rippling across the Northeast on Friday because of a shortage of air traffic controllers as a result of the government shutdown, according to the Federal Aviation Administration.

The delays were cascading along the Eastern Seaboard, reaching as far north as Boston. But La Guardia was the only airport that had been closed off to departing flights from other cities because it was so crowded with planes taking off and landing on a weekday morning. Delays on flights into La Guardia were averaging almost an hour and a half, the F.A.A. said.

The delays seemed to be easing late Friday morning. But the disruption was significant and could ratchet up the pressure on political leaders because it showed how the shutdown can reverberate far beyond government workers and affect a large number of people.

The F.A.A. said it was slowing traffic in and out of the airports because of staffing problems at two of its air-traffic control facilities on the East Coast, one near Washington and one in Jacksonville, Fla. Those facilities manage air traffic at high altitudes.

The agency said there had been a slight increase in the number of controllers calling in sick at those facilities on Friday morning.

It was at this point somebody, or perhaps a gang of somebodies, rattled Donnie Doll Hands cage. This afternoon Donnie caved agreeing to a short term deal to reopen government without money for his wall.

Congressional leaders and President Trump have reached a tentative deal to temporarily reopen the government and continue talks on Trump’s demand for border wall money, Capitol Hill officials said Friday.

With Trump’s approval, the pact would reopen shuttered government departments for three weeks while leaving the issue of $5.7 billion for the U.S.-Mexico border wall to further talks.

Big News Day

As you know I don’t attempt to keep up with breaking and things are. Stone arrest, LaGuardia shutdown, Unindicted Co-conspirator Bottomless Pinocchio’s second cave in as many days (this one on the Shutdown).

No, there is too much. Let me sum up.

Well, that will take a while and in the meantime there is this-

Cody Johnston

Update: Wow, a complete and total cave. Can’t wait for Hannity tonight.


Thought I’d forgot about this?

What “real” world?

The Breakfast Club (Fellowship)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:00am (ET) (or whenever we get around to it) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

 photo stress free zone_zps7hlsflkj.jpg

This Day in History

Iran-held hostages released, Charles Manson and followers convicted, Jackson settles molestation claims, Alicia Keys is born.

Breakfast Tunes

Something to Think about over Coffee Prozac

One of the signs of passing youth is the birth of a sense of fellowship with other human beings as we take our place among them.

Virginia Woolf

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Why Joe Biden Is A Bad Candidate

Normally I save the nominee bashing for later, if ever. I’ve stayed notably silent except in general terms to say that Democrats need more Candidates that embrace positive change (because face it folks, things suck and standing around waiting to lose so they get worse is a pretty nihilistic strategy that only encourages depression and apathy) and not those who favor the Status Quo.

Joe Biden is the Status Quo. He must go.

Joe Biden Should Run, Just to Represent the Kind of Politics Democrats Must Abandon
By Charles P. Pierce, Esquire
Jan 24, 2019

Now that it’s January of 2019, my self-imposed boycott of news concerning the 2020 presidential election regrettably has been lifted. As far as I’m concerned, I hope all 22 Democrats who have evinced an interest in running decide to do so. And that includes former Vice President Joe Biden, who I wish, for the love of god, would shut the hell up and let the field come together.

Biden simply cannot be the Democratic nominee for president. Not in this Democratic Party and not after those midterms, he can’t. I don’t hold with the fashionable performance-lefty revisionism regarding the Obama administration but, given the events of the last two years, the Obama Administration seems as distant in the past as the Seleucid Empire. Biden is a nostalgia candidate. He’s also a terrible one.

I take exception to that “performance-lefty” crack. Obama was a terrible President, basically a Conservative Republican in ‘D’ clothing, and I haven’t changed my mind about it since the 2008 Transition with his picks for Inauguration Speakers and Cabinet Members. I could cite hundreds if not thousands of examples where he betrayed any Left hopes. Nothing “performance” about my disdain Chuckles.

The first time he ran for president was 31 years ago. He cratered behind Michael Dukakis, for pity’s sake, because he couldn’t keep Neil Kinnock’s words out of his speeches. Then, he demolished a lot of his credibility on women’s issues by presiding over the catastrophic Anita Hill hearings. (He got some of it back by shepherding the Violence Against Women Act through to presidential signature in 1994, but, you watch, the Hill hearings still sting.) In 2008, he finished fifth in Iowa and never made it to Valentine’s Day. Those disasters, however, will pale against what will happen to him if he tries his mojo against the current Democratic primary electorate.

He’s already in trouble. On Wednesday, The New York Times reported on a paid speech Biden had given in Michigan last November in which he appeared to be flattering local Republican congresscritter Fred Upton, a Republican in a tough re-election fight. Biden also declined to endorse Upton’s Democratic opponent, Matt Longjohn. Upton won by less than five percent of the vote.

This episode was bad enough, but Biden literally hand-waved the reaction to it, albeit in a very religious way.

Yeah, that’ll work during a manufactured government shutdown in which people are afraid to fly.

Later in that same speech, Biden told the National Conference of Mayors that his bipartisan bona fides are one way out of our gridlocked system. How he plans to cure the prion disease afflicting the other party went unmentioned, but Biden insisted that part of the remedy is banality.

But there is a madman at the wheel, and the Republican half of the government has spliced hands on the proposition that they will follow him around the horn, around the Norway maelstrom, and around perdition’s flames before they give him up. (Thanks, Herman!). That really isn’t what the country needs right now, Joe. Still, though, I hope he runs. If the Democratic Party really wants to leave the old DLC and the Obama days behind, someone should be in the race to represent that legacy, too, for good and ill. At the very least, having Joe Biden and Senator Professor Warren on stage, talking about Biden’s credit-card friendly 2005 bankruptcy bill, would be entertaining as all hell.

Talk about barely a Democrat!

Joe Biden’s Paid Speech Buoyed the G.O.P. in Midwest Battleground
By Alexander Burns, The New York Times
Jan. 23, 2019

Joseph R. Biden Jr. swept into Benton Harbor, Mich., three weeks before the November elections, in the midst of his quest to reclaim the Midwest for Democrats. He took the stage at Lake Michigan College as Representative Fred Upton, a long-serving Republican from the area, faced the toughest race of his career.

But Mr. Biden was not there to denounce Mr. Upton. Instead, he was collecting $200,000 from the Economic Club of Southwestern Michigan to address a Republican-leaning audience, according to a speaking contract obtained by The New York Times and interviews with organizers. The group, a business-minded civic organization, is supported in part by an Upton family foundation.

Mr. Biden stunned Democrats and elated Republicans by praising Mr. Upton while the lawmaker looked on from the audience. Alluding to Mr. Upton’s support for a landmark medical-research law, Mr. Biden called him a champion in the fight against cancer — and “one of the finest guys I’ve ever worked with.”

Mr. Biden’s remarks, coming amid a wide-ranging discourse on American politics, quickly appeared in Republican advertising. The local Democratic Party pleaded with Mr. Biden to repair what it saw as a damaging error, to no avail. On Nov. 6, Mr. Upton defeated his Democratic challenger by four and a half percentage points.

As Mr. Biden considers a bid for the presidency in 2020, the episode underscores his potential vulnerabilities in a fight for the Democratic nomination and raises questions about his judgment as a party leader. Mr. Biden has attempted to strike a balance since leaving office, presenting himself as a unifying statesman who could unseat President Trump while also working to amass a modest fortune of several million dollars.

But Mr. Biden’s appearance in Michigan plainly set his lucrative personal activities at odds with what some Democrats saw as his duty to the party, linking him with a civic group seen as tilting to the right and undermining Democrats’ effort to defeat Mr. Upton, a powerful lawmaker who in 2017 helped craft a bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act.

Eric Lester, a retired physician who chaired the Democratic Party in Berrien County, Mich., during the midterms, said he viewed Mr. Biden’s supportive remarks about Mr. Upton as a betrayal. Mr. Lester, who attended the speech, said he had confronted an aide to Mr. Biden in the hallway, telling him the former vice president had badly damaged the Democratic cause.

“It just gives Fred Upton cover and makes it possible for him to continue to pretend to be a useful, bipartisan fellow,” Mr. Lester recalled saying, adding, “I entered the hall with positive feelings about Mr. Biden and felt very frustrated.”

Joe Trippi, a Democratic strategist and veteran of several presidential campaigns, said it was an open question whether voters in the party would punish candidates they see as overly friendly or cooperative with Republicans. He suggested that could be one of the defining pressures for Mr. Biden if he announces his candidacy.

“I really believe the country does not want to be at war with each other,” Mr. Trippi said. “But there is also the polarization going on, where people say: Damn it, I want to fight.”

Kick ’em in the ‘Nads. When they’re down on the ground writhing in pain? Kick ’em in the ‘Nads again.

Oh, there’s many more terrible things in that piece, you should take a look. I was going to talk about it anyway, but then this came out-

Biden on criticism of his praise for GOP lawmaker: ‘Bless me, Father, for I have sinned’

Former Vice President Joe Biden, who is weighing a 2020 presidential run, rejected criticism that he is too close with Republican lawmakers, telling a gathering of U.S. mayors in Washington that nothing can get done “unless we start talking to one another again.”

The criticism of Biden stems from a New York Times report published earlier this week detailing remarks he made in the run-up to last year’s midterms praising Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mich.) as “one of the finest guys I’ve ever worked with.” Upton, facing a stiff challenge from a Democratic challenger, won his race by 4.5 percentage points.

Biden’s words, which quickly surfaced in Republican advertising, prompted backlash from Michigan Democrats, the Times reported.

“I read in New York Times today … that one of my problems is if I ever run for president, I like Republicans,” Biden said during a speech at the Conference of Mayors’ winter meeting in Washington. “Bless me, Father, for I have sinned.”

Although Biden has a longstanding reputation as a bipartisan deal-maker on Capitol Hill, his warm words for a Republican during last year’s heated midterms could hinder a possible presidential bid in 2020, especially with an increasingly packed Democratic field.


Joe Biden is a Quisling. A Traitor to the Democratic Party!

Why don’t you and your Republicans with a ‘D’ Centrists get the hell out of the Party and start your own New Dem DLC Third Way No Labels piece of crap and get out of the way of actually pursuing policies that improve people’s lives instead of the .01%ers who’s teats you’re sucking at for money?

No self respecting Sex Worker would give you the time of day sell out!

I’ll Bee Back.

Well, you’ll just have to imagine my best Schwarzenegger impression.

First post-Holiday show.

No Means No

Miss Congeniality?

Not me. Kick ’em in the ‘Nads and then, when they’re on the ground writhing in pain?

Kick ’em in the ‘Nads again.

The Masked Singer has to be the stupidest idea for a game show ever.


Ok, you may think this is a holdover from House but it’s really a Cartnoon, check the cameos- is that Frodo Baggins?

Yes, yes it is.

Fight For Your Right Revisited – Beastie Boys

The Breakfast Club (Church and State)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:00am (ET) (or whenever we get around to it) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

 photo stress free zone_zps7hlsflkj.jpg

This Day in History

Breakfast Tunes

Something to Think about over Coffee Prozac

I’m completely in favor of the separation of Church and State. My idea is that these two institutions screw us up enough on their own, so both of them together is certain death.

George Carlin

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Vanity Project Penis Wall O’ Racism

Lots of chatter today among the classes that do, namely the Versailles Villagers, about how, for the good of the country mind you, Democrats ought to cave to Unidicted Co-conspirator Bottomless Pinocchio on his Vanity Project Penis Wall ‘O Racism because he’s never going to compromise.

Oh but he’s already compromised they wail (he is compromised, by Russian Intelligence), he’s going to let the DACA kids and the TPS asylum seekers stay.

Well, that’s a piece of crap.

He’s offering a temporary reprieve of 3 years (from a policy he created from a tissue of lies and which was deliberately crafted to be as cruel and callous as possible). Let’s break that down. Currently he is legally prevented from deporting them by court ruling and that will not change until the first Monday in October since the Supreme Court has declined to hear arguments about it this term. That’s year one, done deal and so- nothing. No compromise, no concession.

The next year, 2020, is an election year and it would dim to the point of extinction any prospect of any Republican electoral gains and may indeed doom them as a Political Party to massive losses. That’s year two, done deal and so- nothing. No compromise, no concession.

Year three? If Unidicted Co-conspirator Bottomless Pinocchio is not tarred and feathered and run out of town on a rail to face prosecution for his multitudinous crimes, well, you’ll be happy that the Internet is international because I’m not sticking around for the MAGA Pogroms.

Not a lick of compromise or concession in it. Democrats would be stupid to accept even if it were only as bad as that.

But wait! There’s more!

In the abomination McConnell is bringing to the floor of the Senate tomorrow are more restrictions on legal immigration calculated exclusively to prevent Brown and Black people from living in the United States and a number of measures designed to deport those already legally here.

It is a particularly dumb lie. Hispanics are just as “White” as the French, Germans, Danes, English or any other European people.

You may take solace in the fact that only 40% of your friends, neighbors, and relatives are stone cold Racists, but they do make up 80% of the Republican Party (the other 20% are merely hypocritical greed heads).

The point is that the Vanity Project Penis Wall ‘O Racism is enormously unpopular, at least among people who aren’t Racists. digby explains-

When Senator Lindsey Graham R-SC said the other day that the wall had become a metaphor for border security he was half right. It’s become a metaphor for the political divide.

Polling from the Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) reveals that the wall represents something very different to those who support it and those who don’t, and what it means goes right to the heart of how these different Americans see themselves, their future and their country.

According to the polling, among all Americans, 58 percent oppose building a wall between the U.S. and Mexico, compared to 41 percent who favor the policy. White Americans without a four-year college degree favor this policy 55 percent vs. 35 percent. And 55 percent of white men favor the wall, compared to 42 percent of white women. (These numbers closely align with other polls from CNN, the Pew Research Center, Quinnipiac and ABC/Washington Post) That breaks down to 80 percent of Republicans in favor of building a wall along the border, 80 percent of Democrats oppose and 62 percent of Independents oppose.

But the wall is a symbol for something much more fundamental. CNN’s Ron Brownstein wrote a comprehensive analysis of these findings which back up his central thesis of a nation divided between what he calls the Republican “coalition of restoration” vs the Democratic “coalition of transformation.”

You won’t be surprised to learn that the PRRI poll shows that wall supporters are just as hostile to legal immigration as they are to undocumented immigrants who cross the border illegally. Or that they are upset when they are exposed to people who don’t speak English and believe they are threatening our traditional values. So all this folderol about “border security” isn’t really about crime. It’s just about keeping foreigners out of the country.

These folks have similar attitudes about race and gender too. Wall supporters see no problems with systemic racism or police violence, and in fact believe that whites are more discriminated against than African-Americans. They don’t believe feminism reflects what most women believe, and a majority of them think men are just as discriminated against as women.

Wall opponents believe the opposite on all those issues. Indeed, it appears that one can fairly well determine what a person’s values and beliefs about what America stands for simply by asking their position on the wall.

Starting to feel the heat over the government shutdown from Republicans, President Trump gave a desultory speech over the weekend in which he pretended to offer a compromise on the government shutdown. This would allow DACA recipients as well as immigrants with Temporary Protected Status, or TPS, a three-year reprieve in exchange for a bunch of money to put even more equipment, people and other resources on the border — as well as, of course, the $5.7 billion Trump is demanding for his wall. Considering that he’s the one who withdrew the protections for the DACA and TPS immigrants in the first place, it took some nerve for him to “offer” to allow them to stay in the country temporarily. No one has ever accused Donald Trump of not having chutzpah.

When the White House finally released its full plan on Monday, of course, it turned out to be yet another bait and switch.

As Spencer Ackerman and Scott Bixby of the Daily Beast explain it, this proposal would balloon the ICE budget, with at least $1 billion more than previously allotted, along with an additional 2,000 agents. But that’s not the worst of it. The proposal severely limits legal immigration while increasing detention and deportation. Worst of all, it eviscerates the asylum protections for refugees, taking particular aim at Central American children, pretty much making it impossible for them to seek safety in the United States.

Remember, the young people in question are fleeing their home countries because they are in mortal danger. As Jonathan Ryan, executive director of the Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services (RAICES) told the Daily Beast, “The first and most critical step in not dying in a house that’s on fire is to get out of the house.”

The proposal is contradictory and logically absurd, filled with Catch-22s that would leave a bunch of kids stranded at the border for months. It also eliminates judicial review, leaving all decisions in the hands of the Director of Homeland Security, whose job under the Trump administration seems to be completely focused on punishing children who cross the Mexican border.

The Democrats have rejected this proposal for obvious reasons. The “deal” to reopen the government is getting more unacceptable to them by the day. It didn’t take a genius to see that if they believe the wall is an immorality, doubling down on the cruelty toward Central American children seeking protection and refuge in was not an effective way sweeten the deal.

As we can see in those PRRI poll results, this isn’t really about a wall for anybody. Since the supporters only represent 40 percent of the population, if they want to prevail they have to force their worldview on the majority against its will. Holding the government hostage to the point of pain for millions of Americans — in order to inflict pain on vulnerable refugees and immigrants — is an exercise of power to prove just whose country this is. That too is an immorality.

Greg Sargent points out-

Trump’s position is weakening fast. Here’s how Democrats can exploit that.
By Greg Sargent, Washington Post
January 23, 2019

The New York Times has now confirmed that the White House deliberately ensured that poison pills were inserted into the Senate GOP bill to reopen the government. As the Times reports, White House officials “conceded privately” that they “tacked on controversial proposals anathema to Democrats that would block many migrants from seeking asylum.”

This week, the Senate will vote on that bill, which reflects the Trump proposal to reopen the government. Trump pretends it’s a compromise. In reality, it is larded up with cruel provisions hatched from Stephen Miller’s nationalist fever dreams. It would further restrict asylum seeking in multiple ways. It offers one-time legislative relief to 700,000 young immigrants brought here illegally as children — a.k.a. “dreamers” — but only in a manner that codifies relief that has already been granted and that Trump is trying to take away, and appears to create new obstacles for them to apply.

At the same time, however, Axios reports that some in Trump’s orbit, including son-in-law Jared Kushner, want him to offer a path to getting green cards to those 700,000 dreamers. But some on the right are arguing against this. Why? As one GOP senator puts it: “If you throw green cards onto the table, this whole coalition will fall over on the right.” Trump, this senator says, cannot afford to “lose” the likes of Sean Hannity.

In other words, some around Trump recognize that making genuine concessions to Democrats actually would provide a way out of this standoff. But doing this risks splitting off pro-Trump forces on the right.

All this comes as a new CBS News poll finds that 71 percent of Americans overall, including 71 percent of independents and even 43 percent of Republicans, say the wall is not worth shutting down the government over. Only 28 percent say it’s worth the shutdown. Trump’s approval is mired at 36 percent. Large majorities — again, including independents — say the border can be secured without the wall.

Trump’s public position is weakening. The restrictionist right wing he’s appeasing — the one that Trump and Miller played to by salting the “compromise” with poison pills, the one that would revolt if Trump made actual concessions to Democrats — is increasingly isolated.

This week, the Senate will vote on the Trump sham compromise and on a Democratic proposal to reopen the government without wall funding. Both will almost certainly fail. But some in Congress believe that once this happens, it will increase pressure for a renewed compromise push.

House Democrats can proactively take control of that coming debate. They can initiate oversight hearings on what really went into Trump’s family-separations policies. Remember, those were Trump’s response to the crisis created by the crush of asylum-seeking migrants (they were meant as deterrence, and failed). This would highlight the naked cruelty, ineffectiveness and deeply misguided worldview driving his immigration agenda.

Hearings could focus more broadly on the true causes and solutions to the current migrant crisis at the border, and on what to do to prevent more migrant children from dying. Trump keeps lurching between spewing endless lies to paint asylum-seeking migrants as menacing invaders, and pretending to care about their humanitarian plight. We cannot have a debate in an environment that is so asymmetrically saturated by Trumpian disinformation, bad faith and hate.

Democrats can use hearings to restore much-needed facts to the discussion, ones focused on the need to invest more money in unclogging court backlogs and in beefing up border infrastructure and treatment options for what really is a new kind of immigration, and on the need for regional solutions to the root causes of migration surges.

“I think we have to do that, and I think we will,” Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.) told me, speaking about such hearings. Connolly noted that multiple committees could launch a broad look at everything from what analyses went into Trump’s demand for 234 miles of wall, to 21st-century ways of fortifying security at ports of entry, to what is actually needed to relieve the humanitarian plight of migrants.

“Let’s get some factual data about what’s happening at the southern border,” Connolly said, whether in the “postmortem of the shutdown, or during the shutdown” if necessary.

Following that, House Democrats could hold votes on bills pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into updating the border to better handle the new humanitarian challenges (Trump’s own border officials want such spending). They could vote on permanent protections for the dreamers. They could package those things with the $1.3 billion for border security they have already offered Trump.

All this would place Democrats firmly in favor of reopening the government — which they have already passed bills doing — while also securing the border, addressing the plight of migrants in a truly humane way that is not grounded in fantasies and lies about them, and offering a real permanent solution for the dreamers.

“Work should begin in Congress now to develop plans to address the major border and immigration challenges which remain unaddressed,” Democratic strategist Simon Rosenberg emails. “It’s long past time for Democrats to wrest control of the debate from the president and his extremist allies.”

This would maneuver Trump into the position of turning down all these solutions — that is, holding them hostage — for his wall, which only a shrinking minority wants, and which we do not need. Alternatively, it points a way toward a deal — one that would address some of these terrible humanitarian problems in exchange for more border security money, possibly including more barriers — that both sides could conceivably accept. Provided that there’s some point at which Trump is willing to “lose” Hannity.

I think Greg Sargent is too charitable.

I call it the Vanity Project Penis Wall O’ Racism because it is. It is ineffective, you can saw through it, tunnel under it, climb over it, pass drugs between the spikes, and walk around it- 250 miles is a mere 15% of 1600 miles of border currently unsecured by physical barriers. It is a Vanity Project that will actually cost upwards of $50 Billion and $10s of Billions each year to maintain.

Penis? Well, it looks like miles and miles of Penises, an anatomical feature of Unidicted Co-conspirator Bottomless Pinocchio that we are reliably informed by Stephanie Clifford is misshapen and not particularly “Yuuuge” at all. Rather the opposite actually.

Wall O’ Racism? Check out that piece by digby again.

The correct course of action for Democrats is to be unresponsive to the tantrums of Unidicted Co-conspirator Bottomless Pinocchio. He must make true concessions and compromises and be seen to make true concessions and compromises.

We’re not an entirely Racist country, just 40% of us are.

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