The Breakfast Club (Mad World)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:00am (ET) (or whenever we get around to it) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

 photo stress free zone_zps7hlsflkj.jpg

This Day in History

A divided U.S. Supreme Court halts the presidential recount in Florida, effectively making Republican George W. Bush the winner.

Breakfast Tunes

Something to Think about over Coffee Prozac

Without the persistence of voters in America getting up to every election, democracy will not flourish. David Hogg

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Kaepernick! Kaepernick!

Now let us mourn the fortunes of the Washington First Nationals.

Like that? I think it’s catchy.

Redskins routed by Giants, 40-16, as many fans leave at halftime of embarrassing loss
By Les Carpenter, Washington Post
December 9, 2018

At halftime of the worst game in a crumbling Washington Redskins season, a crowd formed around FedEx Field’s west gate Sunday afternoon.

Their fans wanted to get out.

Who could blame them? By then the deficit was 34 points in what would become a 40-16 defeat to the New York Giants — a team Washington had beaten on the road just weeks earlier. But that was before quarterback Alex Smith’s leg was broken on Nov. 18, before backup quarterback Colt McCoy’s leg was broken last Monday night and before emergency backup Mark Sanchez started Sunday and fell on his face as well as his back and even his side as the Giants’ defense swarmed through a broken Redskins offensive line.

Gruden said Johnson will start next week’s desperation game at Jacksonville. But given that Johnson is the team’s fourth quarterback in six weeks and prepared for his latest chance at the NFL by playing in a charity basketball tournament last weekend (later complaining of sore legs), it’s hard to know what hope remains.

So, who you going to put in Coach?

Certainly not Colin Kaepernick who’s a bad influence in the Clubhouse and doesn’t have the “skills” to be an NFL starter anyway.

Because he’s Black?

NFL fail: Why won’t the Washington Redskins hire Colin Kaepernick?
by D. Watkins, Salon
December 10, 2018

He (Kaepernick) finished the 2016 season with an 88.9 quarterback ranking, making him number 18 in the league, which means he’s better than plenty of the active quarterbacks. And yet he still doesn’t have a job, for no other reason than he cares about poor black people.

The Washington Redskins, a team that bears an offensive name and logo, has the opportunity to put a dent in their racist history by employing arguably the most progressive quarterback in NFL history. Signing Kap won’t heal the wounds caused by the team’s branded identity; however, it could be a positive step in the real direction of addressing those age-old issues.

Over the last four weeks, Washington quarterbacks have been shattering like cheap wine glasses. Alex Smith broke his tibia and fibula, and then backup Colt McCoy fractured his fibula, leaving Mark Sanchez with the starting position. Sanchez didn’t get broken up, but he did flop, leaving the starting job in the hands of Josh Johnson, a guy who hasn’t thrown a ball in a pro game since 2011. One of the big knocks on Kaepernick is his age, but both Sanchez and Johnson are older. Kaepernick has had a far better career overall, and unlike those guys he has lead a team to the Super Bowl. Washington suffered a 24-point lost to the Giants yesterday under Johnson, so what do they have to lose, other than the tight grip of their racist legacy?

Kap did the all of the right things and is still being snubbed by the NFL at large, and Washington specifically — a team that just happens to be establishing itself as a very forgiving team, for signing Reuben Foster.

The former San Francisco linebacker, currently being investigated for domestic violence against his estranged girlfriend Elissa Ennis, will now be receiving paychecks from Washington’s NFL team.

“When he got signed, I was like, I can’t believe somebody picked him up,” Ennis said on “Good Morning America.” “I just couldn’t believe somebody picked him up in less than how many hours? I was shocked.”

According to Ennis, Foster abused her three times. It seems that doesn’t matter to a team like Washington, whose leadership is working overtime to prove that they don’t care about allegations of domestic abuse — and that they don’t believe in social justice, either, by passing over the best man for the quarterback job, regardless of the losses they’re racking up, because he believes in a better America for everyone.

I’m going to continue not to be surprised by the obvious racism and sexism the NFL perpetuates by freezing out a man who is working to save black lives, while continuing to employ a guy who allegedly hurt a black woman.

The longer Kaepernick goes unsigned, the more the NFL, all of it, is exposed as the Racists they are.

Kaepernick should win his civil case easily and it is beyond time to remove any anti-Trust protections the League enjoys.

Pondering the Pundits

Pondering the Pundits” is an Open Thread. It is a selection of editorials and opinions from> around the news medium and the internet blogs. The intent is to provide a forum for your reactions and opinions, not just to the opinions presented, but to what ever you find important.

Thanks to ek hornbeck, click on the link and you can access all the past “Pondering the Pundits”.

Follow us on Twitter @StarsHollowGzt

Paul Krugman: The G.O.P. Goes Full Authoritarian

Donald Trump, it turns out, may have been the best thing that could have happened to American democracy.

No, I haven’t lost my mind. Individual-1 is clearly a wannabe dictator who has contempt for the rule of law, not to mention being corrupt and probably in the pocket of foreign powers. But he’s also lazy, undisciplined, self-absorbed and inept. And since the threat to democracy is much broader and deeper than one man, we’re actually fortunate that the forces menacing America have such a ludicrous person as their public face.

Yet those forces may prevail all the same.

If you want to understand what’s happening to our country, the book you really need to read is “How Democracies Die,” by Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt. As the authors — professors of government at Harvard — point out, in recent decades a number of nominally democratic nations have become de facto authoritarian, one-party states. Yet none of them have had classic military coups, with tanks in the street.

What we’ve seen instead are coups of a subtler form: takeovers or intimidation of the news media, rigged elections that disenfranchise opposing voters, new rules of the game that give the ruling party overwhelming control even if it loses the popular vote, corrupted courts.

Eugene Robinson: What has the president been ‘smocking’?

President Trump was up early Monday morning, tweeting falsely that investigators have found “No Smocking Gun” that proves he did anything wrong. He meant “smoking,” of course. His vision must be clouded by the haze.

In a sentencing memorandum for the president’s one-time personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, federal prosecutors in Manhattan wrote on Friday that Cohen violated campaign finance laws “in coordination with and at the direction of” Trump. In layman’s terms, the president’s own Justice Department has accused him of instructing his lawyer to commit two felonies.

These crimes, to which Cohen confesses, involve six-figure payments of hush money to both Karen McDougal and Stormy Daniels — women whose silence about alleged sexual encounters with Trump was expensively purchased during the weeks before the 2016 election.

On Twitter, the president called all of this “a simple private transaction.” I am tempted to ask what he’s been “smocking.”

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Who Is Maria Butina?

Well, she’s pleading Guilty under Section 951 for conspiring to act as an agent (read Spy) of a foreign government. This as opposed to being charged under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (read Lobbyist). What’s puzzling to people is how unprofessional her activities were, not like a trained agent, more like someone who had read too many Spy Thrillers and was auditioning for a job. Trained or not she certainly set out with a purpose to cultivate as many Republicans as she possibly could and infiltrate Right Wing Organizations like the National Rifle Association.

Now here’s where it gets interesting. It’s pretty well accepted that the NRA was getting money from Russia in 2016 and it spent it’s usual ton o’ money on Republican candidates up and down the ticket including noted Russophile, Unindicted Co-Conspirator Donald J. Trump.

Was the NRA a cutout for direct infusions of cash into Unidicted Co-Conspirator Trump’s campaign? Did Maria Butima have a role in that activity or know about it?

She’s seeking clemency on her sentencing and has signed a co-operation agreement with Federal Prosecutors. You don’t get those unless you have something to deal.

We may find some clues today at her Plea Change hearing. The normal course of action after her sentence is served would be to ship her back to Russia but having accepted this deal I doubt she would find a warm welcome in a country where people have sudden fatal illnesses or sudden fatal accidents or simply disappear all the time.

She’s been in solitary because it would be bad for her health to met someone named Natalya in the exercise yard.

Anyway here’s a backgrounder from the Daily Beast.

Maria Butina Agrees to Cooperate With U.S.
by Betsy Woodruff, Daily Beast

Maria Butina, a Russian national who cultivated relationships with powerful American conservative activists, agreed Monday to plead guilty to conspiring to violate laws prohibiting covert foreign agents. As part of her agreement, which was reviewed by The Daily Beast, she has promised to cooperate with American law enforcement.

As a result of the deal, Butina will become the first Russian national since the 2016 election to plead guilty to a crime connected to efforts to influence American politics. After running a gun rights organization in Russia, she moved to the United States, where she spent years building relationships with conservatives in hopes of influencing a future Republican presidential administration. During the campaign season, she questioned then-candidate Donald Trump about sanctions; built relationships in the upper echelons of the American gun rights community; arranged for NRA leaders to travel to Moscow; and bragged that she was a channel between Team Trump and the Kremlin, as The Daily Beast first revealed.

She also struck up a romance with Paul Erickson, a longtime Republican gadfly close to NRA leaders. He sang Disney songs with her on camera, called her his “Siberian princess” in emails reviewed by The Daily Beast, and—since her July arrest—has visited her regularly in jail.

In March 2015, according to the plea deal, Butina worked with an unnamed U.S. person—known to be Erickson—to draft a proposal for a diplomatic endeavor. Given the fraught relationships between the governments of Russia and the United States, she “cast herself as a possible unofficial transmitter of communications” between the two countries.

Noting that she had recently attended the conference of an unnamed gun rights group—known to be the NRA—she said she had “laid the groundwork for an unofficial channel of communication with the next U.S. administration,” which she predicted would be Republican. And she asked for a Russian billionaire to give her $125,000 to fund efforts to attend conferences and befriend political power-brokers. She sent the proposal to several people, including an official on the Russian central bank known to be Alexander Torshin. The central bank official told her the proposal “would be supported, at least in part.”

Butina helped arrange a trip to Moscow for NRA leaders in December 2015. She pushed for those Americans to visit with senior Russian politicians, according to the plea deal. The Americans on the trip met with Sergey Lavrov, Russia’s powerful minister of foreign affairs; and Dmitry Rogozin, a deputy of Vladimir Putin and a subject of U.S. sanctions.

Butina also befriended a wealthy, well-connected American who invited her to a “friendship dinner” where he and his peers would discuss U.S.-Russia relations. The deal does not name that American. Before going to the dinner, she emailed its host to say Torshin “is very impressed by you and expresses his great appreciation for what you are doing to restore the relations between the two countries. He also wants you to know that Russians will support the efforts from our side.”

Butina attended several of these “friendship dinners,” according to the plea deal, where she built relationships with powerful Americans and honed her abilities to influence them.

She also helped arrange for a group of Russians to attend the National Prayer Breakfast, which was held on Feb. 2, 2017, according to the plea deal. She emailed Erickson with a list of attendees and said they were coming to the breakfast “to establish a back channel of communication.” Erickson later emailed the list to another person. “Reaction to the delegation’s presence in America will be conveyed DIRECTLY” to Russian President Vladimir Putin and Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, he wrote. He cc’d Butina on that email.

During her time in the U.S., Butina updated Torshin on her meetings and conversations. At one point, she asked him whether the Russian “government” was ready to meet with certain, unnamed people.

In July of this year, Butina was arrested and charged on two counts: acting as a covert agent of a foreign government, and conspiring to break federal law by doing so. The specific charge for acting as a foreign agent is colloquially known as Section 951. It’s often confused with the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), but the two are separate. FARA bars secret foreign lobbying, while DOJ lawyers refer to Section 951 as “espionage-lite.” She has only pleaded guilty to the second count, conspiracy. The defense’s estimated sentence for this conviction, according to the plea deal, is up to six months. She has already spent almost five months in jail.

Earlier this week The Daily Beast reported Erickson has received a “target letter” from federal investigators which says they are considering bringing charges against him under Section 951 of the U.S. code—the law barring people from secretly acting as agents of foreign governments.

Butina had once hobnobbed with the stars of the Republican firmament, getting pictures of herself with Gov. Scott Walker, Donald Trump Jr., NRA chief Wayne LaPierre, former Gov. Bobby Jindal, former Sen. Rick Santorum, and former NRA president David Keene. On July 11, 2015, Butina was in Las Vegas at an early rally for Trump’s embryonic presidential campaign, and asked the future president a question about Russian sanctions. Trump gave a surprisingly detailed answer. A year and a half later, she attended the invitation-only Freedom Ball after Trump’s inauguration.

As part of her deal, she has committed to cooperating with American law enforcement “in any and all to matters as to which the Government deems this cooperation relevant.”

Her future is hazy. She may be welcomed in her home country as a celebrity, as a spy named Anna Chapman was after she was deported from the U.S. in 2010. But Butina could also face a darker homecoming; by the time she returns, if she keeps the deal, she may have spent hours sharing information with the FBI. And Torshin has left his central bank post––meaning her closest known ally has lost most of his power.

Without Butina, Erickson’s future looks rough. He remains a target of the feds, and sources close to him tell The Daily Beast he’s struggling to keep up with his legal bills.

Rachel Maddow-

Fact Checked

Must see TV!

So after that you might have the impression that they went into a private session.

It lasted about long enough for Pelosi and Schumer to take off their microphones and leave where they said this to reporters-

It’s Fox and the volume is low.

I give Nancy and Chuck props. They called out Unindicted Co-Conspirator Trump right to his face, in public, on TV, for LYING!

I trust Nancy’s Whip count more than Unindicted Co-Conspirator Trump’s and she is of course right about all the facts on Border Security. Unindicted Co-Conspirator Trump is an ignorant bully and he did it live (h/t Bill O’Reilly).


Yay! Just what we need, an Avatar Theme Park.

Jenny Nicholson

The Breakfast Club (Low Places)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:00am (ET) (or whenever we get around to it) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

 photo stress free zone_zps7hlsflkj.jpg

This Day in History

Britain’s King Edward steps down; Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy declare war on the United States; UNICEF organization launches; ‘Magnum PI’ makes television debut.

Breakfast Tunes

Something to Think about over Coffee Prozac

I think people are entitled to march without a permit. When you have a few hundred thousand people on the street you have permission.

Tom Hayden

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Over There

Well the leaders of Britain and France will both be addressing their nations tonight over crisis situations developing in their countries.

May, of course, will be talking about Brexit and her stunning inability to get her plan through Parliament. It’s not just that the numbers are bad, it’s that they’re getting worse with each passing day.

May’s proposal is to postpone the vote less than 90 days from the deadline (it was promised in October) and return to negotiations with the EU which has already said on numerous occasions that this is their final offer.

What’s really happening is she’s clinging to power for a few days at most and praying for a miracle. This is unlikely to happen and the probability is that she’ll either be replaced by the Tories as Party Leader or forced to call a General Election she will surely lose.

In France Emmanuel Macron is facing the 4th or 5th week of Gilets Jaunes protests with violence this weekend extending from Paris to Bordeaux to Belgium and Police used Tear Gas and Rubber Bullets to control the crowds. The Gilets Jaunes movement has 70% support in the latest polls.

Macron’s popularity is hovering around 20% and he’ll likely announce the scrapping of the Gas and Fuel Oil taxes that precipitated the protests but they’re not the only issues. Changes to Labor Protections and Work Rules are also focuses of anger as well as disgust with rising Social Inequality (nothing like we have in the U.S. however).

Macron will stay, he’s not subject to a Vote of Confidence. May will surely go. Here are some overviews of the current situation.

Brexit vote: the prime minister is on the run
The Guardian
Mon 10 Dec 2018

Theresa May decided to pull the parliamentary vote on her Brexit withdrawal agreement because she knew she would lose. She has been humiliated by her own MPs. It is staggering that this defeat only became obvious to her after it had been clear to everyone else for weeks. In the end, she chose to run rather than stand and fight for what she had agreed with European leaders. Mrs May is not saving her leadership, she is devaluing it to the point of worthlessness. The prime minister has no one to blame but herself for this mess. In the last two years the government has devoted itself to leaving the European Union in a manner consistent with Mrs May’s obsessions – primarily controlling immigration. Her resulting withdrawal agreement has been rubbished by her own unruly troops. They will not be easily instructed to march in a different direction.

The prime minister is trying to buy herself time by getting Brussels to accept some tweaks in her Brexit deal over the Northern Ireland backstop as a means of persuading some doubters to vote for it. These will be cosmetic, as EU leaders say there can be no further renegotiation of the terms of the UK’s departure.

The threats to Mrs May are multiplying. In parliament, the prime minister foreshadowed a constitutional trial of strength in a furious exchange with the Commons speaker, John Bercow. Mr Bercow rightly called for MPs to be allowed to vote on postponing the Brexit debate. In rejecting this, the prime minister continues to treat parliament with contempt.

Crises of this nature are only resolved in line with a Commons majority. Mrs May’s actions invite MPs across parties to coordinate with one another so they make the conduct of the government impossible unless ministers bow to their will. It is important to note that Mrs May’s deal, even in its refined form, will garner less support in the Commons than either another referendum, in which the risk of the option of a catastrophic “no deal” is endorsed by a weary public, or some variant of the Norway deal, in which we give up sovereignty for economic stability.

The prime minister wants to play for time, saying only that the vote on her deal, replete with reassurances, will be held by 21 January – the last possible date to do so. If dodging a defeat becomes the only way for Mrs May to survive, then the indications are that she will delay a vote until the last possible moment. This is playing politics with the nation’s stability. It ill behoves any prime minister to be so cavalier about such a serious issue.

Her decision to stay on is one based on her own self-interest and that of her party rather than the country. The prime minister is now a diminished figure, with her authority draining away on the most important issue facing Britain. It is galling to hear her claim that the 2016 referendum vote was a cry for help from left-behind Britain when it was Tory austerity that hollowed out deprived regions. Since then, Brexit has immobilised the government, leaving it unable to deal with these problems.

Mrs May might claim that she lives to fight another day. But given that the leadership is on the run from the hard Brexiters, she lives on only as a political zombie. Ensnared by her own convictions, she has resorted to dilatory tactics because she has belatedly realised the full weight of their burden. When, at last, she has been forced to recognise this, she found herself alone and politically friendless in a party that prefers accommodation of its prejudices to political calculation – let alone what is best for this country.

Tear Gas Still Lingering, France’s President Will Address the Nation
By Alissa J. Rubin, The New York Times
Dec. 9, 2018

With the smell of tear gas and smoke still lingering in Paris and other cities after a fourth weekend of protests, France’s president planned a nationwide address on Monday to respond to the anger among many middle-class and working-poor citizens frustrated over their declining economic means.

The televised speech by President Emmanuel Macron, announced by the Élysée Palace on Sunday, will be his first substantive public answer to the so-called Yellow Vest movement that has transfixed France and spilled into other countries in Europe.

Mr. Macron has been conferring with advisers and ministers and will meet with a wider group on Monday, including local elected officials, members of Parliament and union representatives, to discuss proposals aimed at addressing at least some of the movement’s demands.

“Clearly we have underestimated the need of our fellow citizens to speak up about the difficulties they face and to be involved in the formulation of solutions,” Benjamin Griveaux, a government spokesman, said in an interview Sunday on Europe 1 Radio.

“The solutions that we need to find must take into consideration each person’s reality — it’s almost like tailored to fit,” he said. “The anger that is being expressed is sometimes very different from one area to another.”

The Yellow Vests take their name from the fluorescent hazard vests adopted by the protesters as a sign of their economic distress.

With fires lit by protesters still smoldering in some of France’s largest cities on Sunday, local officials and small businesses voiced their dismay over the vandalism and lost business during the usually busy Christmas season.

Although the authorities released numbers suggesting that the protests on Saturday were smaller than those on earlier weekends, the final total showed that there was no difference between those on Saturday and those a week earlier, suggesting they were not abating.

The mayor of Bordeaux, Alain Juppé, who has been generally supportive of Mr. Macron, summed up the messages he hoped the president would send on Monday as he walked through his city. Fires burned there for several hours on Saturday as violent confrontations between the police and the Yellow Vests punctuated the protests.

Mr. Macron needs to “speak to the French people and speak quickly,” said Mr. Juppé. The president, he said, needs “to respond concretely to certain legitimate expectations” with “understanding, empathy.”

This past weekend’s violence was notable both for its spread to a couple of neighborhoods of Paris that had been less affected in past weeks and by unprecedented violence in Bordeaux, where protesters and casseurs set multiple street fires and besieged one of its oldest shopping streets.

If the Yellow Vests movement’s ability to bring business to a halt appears unchanged, so does its standing with the public nationwide. Although relatively small numbers of people go into the streets — France has a population of 67 million and the most that have turned out to protest is less than 300,000 — support for their grievances remains at about 70 percent, despite the violence and destruction of property, according to several different polls.

The movement’s persistence suggests that despite the government’s announcement that it would drop a planned increase in the fuel tax in 2019 and delay an increase in the cost of home heating until after the winter, the protesters and those who support them may not be appeased without a deeper look at the distribution of wealth in France.

The main difference between the protests this weekend and those on the last one was an increase in the police presence and a more aggressive strategy by the authorities. That meant there were many more arrests, some even before the demonstrations began. Nearly 2,000 people were taken into custody nationwide, almost three times as many as on Dec. 1, when 682 were arrested.

The numbers of injured this past Saturday were fewer than on Dec. 1. A total of 325 people were hurt, including police officers, compared with a total of 485 the preceding week, according to revised figures from the Interior Ministry.

Pondering the Pundits

Pondering the Pundits” is an Open Thread. It is a selection of editorials and opinions from> around the news medium and the internet blogs. The intent is to provide a forum for your reactions and opinions, not just to the opinions presented, but to what ever you find important.

Thanks to ek hornbeck, click on the link and you can access all the past “Pondering the Pundits”.

Follow us on Twitter @StarsHollowGzt

Marcy Wheeler: Mueller has already issued most of his report, one indictment at a time

Speculation has been building for months about the report that special counsel Robert S. Mueller III is obligated to write under the regulation governing his appointment. When will it come out? Will Rudolph W. Giuliani really write a “rebuttal” on President Trump’s behalf? Can the acting attorney general — whom Trump seems to have named to the job in a bid to exert more control over Mueller — or his replacement prevent the report from being made public, effectively burying whatever the investigation has found?

But Mueller has already been submitting his report, piece by piece, in indictments and other charging documents. He has hidden it in plain sight in the court dockets of individuals and organizations he has prosecuted. Many of those court papers have included far more detail than necessary to prove the culpability of defendants who have agreed to plead guilty. This isn’t just legal overkill on Mueller’s part — it’s the outlines of a sweeping narrative about the 2016 election.

Russ Feingold: Republicans are undermining democracy state by state

What Republican legislators just did in Wisconsin – passing bills to strip key powers from the governor-elect, Tony Evers, and other newly elected Democratic officials – is a total betrayal of the people of Wisconsin and our nation’s democratic ideals.

Michigan is passing a similar set of bills and North Carolina Republicans are accused of paying someone to steal absentee ballots and commit election fraud for a US House candidate. In Ohio, other undemocratic efforts are under way. It seems that Republicans officials nationwide from Donald Trump to Mitch McConnell and right down the line don’t have a problem assaulting our democracy if it means holding onto their power.

This is not how democracy works, and these maneuvers in Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio and North Carolina are not just power grabs. They are deliberate efforts to undermine democracy and our faith in it. And these efforts are getting more brazen and desperate every year.

I am enraged and, frankly, sick of the shenanigans.

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Seven Hours

It took only 7 hours for a Jury verdict of “Guilty” on the First Degree Murder charges against James Fields who in fact (Juries are finders of fact) murdered Heather Heyer.

Witnesses testified that he backed up before launching his car into a group of Counter Protesters at the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia to gain momentum for more damage. One witness, a photographer who filmed Field’s car plowing through the crowd, said he never saw a brake light, not once.

Neo-Nazi guilty of murder in Charlottesville attack
by Joshua Eaton, Think Progress
Dec 8, 2018

James Alex Fields Jr., the neo-Nazi who drove his car into a crowd of anti-racism protesters at the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia last August, is guilty of murder.

After about seven hours of deliberation, a jury in Charlottesville Circuit Court found Fields, 21, guilty on one count of first-degree murder late Friday in the death of 32-year-old Heather Heyer, who died in the attack.

The jury also found Fields guilty on five counts of malicious wounding, three counts of aggravated malicious wounding, and one hit-and-run count.

Fields’ sentencing will begin Monday. He faces up to six life sentences and 70 years in prison, according to NBC29. Fields will also face trial on federal hate crimes charges, which could carry the death penalty.

Unite the Right began as a rally to stop Charlottesville officials from moving a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee from a downtown park. But it quickly devolved into pitched street battles between the hundreds of neo-Nazis, Klan members, and white supremacists who descended on the city and the anti-racism protesters who went to oppose them. As the two sides clashed, police did nothing to stem the violence.

During the trial, Fields’ attorneys argued that the chaos in Charlottesville that day made him fear for his life when he drove his Dodge Challenger into a group of unarmed protesters.

“He wasn’t angry,” Denise Lunsford, one of Fields’ lawyers, said during her closing arguments. “He was scared.”

But the evidence against him was overwhelming. Just months before the attack, Fields had shared memes on Instagram that showed a car plowing into protesters. And during a jailhouse phone call with his mother, Fields called Heyer’s mother, Susan Bro, an “anti-white Communist” and “the enemy.”

When Fields’ mother pointed out that Bro had lost her daughter, Fields was defiant. “It doesn’t fucking matter,” he said. She’s a Communist.”

While it’s unlikely either Susan Bro or Heather Heyers are Communists, pretty clearly James Fields is a Nazi and they are not “fine” people.


Founders. Am I Right?

The Breakfast Club (Blue Wave)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:00am (ET) (or whenever we get around to it) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

 photo stress free zone_zps7hlsflkj.jpg

This Day in History

Martin Luther King, Junior accepts Nobel Peace Prize; Women get the right to vote in Wyoming Territory; America’s first domestic passenger jet flight takes off; Soul singer Otis Redding, General Augusto Pinochet die.

Breakfast Tunes

Something to Think about over Coffee Prozac

Too many people fought too hard to make sure all citizens of all colors, races, ethnicities, genders, and abilities can vote to think that not voting somehow sends a message.

Luis Gutierrez

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