The Breakfast Club (nothing new)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:30am (ET) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

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AP’s Today in History for October 11th

Congress OK’s U.S. military force against Iraq; Former President Jimmy Carter wins Nobel Peace Prize; Anita Hill accuses Supreme Court pick Clarence Thomas; Second Vatican Council opens; ‘SNL’ premieres.


Breakfast Tune RUMBLE Web Exclusive: Rhiannon Giddens plays some old-timey banjo


Something to think about, Breakfast News & Blogs below

‘I Know This Is Shocking,’ Says Sanders, But Trump ‘Lying About Medicare for All’
Jon Queally, Common Dreams

Backing up Sanders’ charge of blatant falsehoods in a fact-check response on Common Dreams, Robert Weissman, president of Public Citizen, said the president is “dead wrong” and stated that while “lies and deceptions from Trump are nothing new,” the president’s falsehoods about Sanders’ proposal “are new, so it’s worth correcting his USA Today column.”

Among the “major lies and deceits” by Trump, Weismann documented the following:

1)Medicare-for-All would not “end Medicare as we know it and take away benefits that seniors have paid for all their lives.” The reason it’s called Medicare-for-All is because it would take the existing program and expand it to everyone. Seniors’ benefits would not be taken away – in fact, they would be improved, but everyone else would gain the benefits of Medicare, too.

2)Medicare-for-All is not going to cost an “astonishing $32.6 trillion” over 10 years, because it will introduce major savings not adequately accounted for in the study Trump cites. Significant savings would come from eliminating vast amounts of paperwork and bureaucracy imposed by the current dysfunctional system, and steeply dropping costs for brand-name pharmaceuticals. But even if Medicare-for-All cost as much as Trump alleges, that amount would be LESS than projections for our current system, which also leaves tens of millions of Americans without coverage.

3)Trump’s claim to have kept his pledge to maintain coverage for people with pre-existing conditions and create new health insurance options is completely deceptive. First, the protections for pre-existing conditions remain in place only because Trump failed to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA.) Meanwhile, a Republican-led lawsuit is challenging the ACA, including guarantee for pre-existing conditions, and there’s a real worry that, especially with Brett Kavanaugh now on the Supreme Court, it might succeed. As for new junk health insurance options Trump has authorized, they offer only the illusion of care, because they permit insurers to skirt the requirement to cover pre-existing conditions.

4)Medicare-for-All would not “lead to the massive rationing of health care.” It is the current system that rations care, based on the ability to pay. One-third of Americans say they had a problem accessing medical care because of cost in the last year. With Medicare-for-All, everyone will be able to see a doctor or access treatment, irrespective of how much money they have.

While denouncing Trump’s fearmongering for being exactly that, Sanders said that his Medicare for All proposal “would allow seniors and all Americans to see the doctors they want, not the doctors their insurance companies have a contract with.”

Overall, Sanders concluded, a system in which everyone is covered and nobody left out would be a vast improvement over the current “dysfunctional” healthcare system that leaves approximately 30 million people without insurance – a system in which huge profits for insurance companies and drug companies are given priority over providing quality care for every man, woman and child in the country.

“The time is now for the United States to join every other major country on Earth and guarantee health care to every American as a right not a privilege,” Sanders concluded, “and Donald Trump, the insurance companies and the drug companies will not stop us.”






Something to think about over coffee prozac

What is the United States of America?

Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed to a lifetime appointment on the Supreme Court despite being creditably accused of multiple sexual assaults and appearing to commit perjury. He will almost definitely make a number of decisions that serve to erode the accountability of big business in general and our Molester-In-Chief in particular.

All of this is deeply troubling and it’s been reassuring to see the level of outrage across the country. But there’s a deeper conflict going on here, one over a simple question: What is the United States of America?

Is the USA the home of the free? A settler colonial state? A country of equality? Or a place where Latina women earn only 54% of what white men do, where the state smiles on police killings of black people, and where a handful of billionaires control the majority of resources and poor people scrounge to survive?

Socialist organizers like myself have a set of answers to these questions. The USA is a patriarchal, colonial, oligarchic state built on dispossession of native peoples, on slavery, continuing exclusion of people of color, and on undervaluing, objectifying and profiting from women’s bodies. Gender privilege, race privilege and class privilege are the remnants of systems that were designed to enrich the very few. In meaningful ways, those systems have not ended.


The National Rifle Association is in a lot of legal trouble, much of it related to participating in the Trump/Russia Treason Plot. We’ve known for months about Maria Butina.

But we’ve known for years that the NRA is terrible for gun owners as the “comedians” at Cracked remind us-

So they’ve lost a lot of members and a bunch of corporate donors at a time when it looks like their attorney fees are about to skyrocket. One consequence of that is they’re hoarding cash. The NRA is spending only $1.6 Million this cycle on Republican candidates as opposed to the $16 Million in 2014.

Waterloo for the NRA? Its donations to GOP candidates plunge 90 percent
by Igor Derysh, Salon
October 10, 2018

The NRA has been a major donor to Republican candidates. The group poured $16 million to Republican candidates during the 2014 midterms, according to the Federal Election Commission, and a spent a whopping $54 million on Republicans in the 2016 cycle, with $32 million of that to elect President Donald Trump.

McClatchy reports that the NRA has pledged just $1.6 million to Republicans this cycle, a mere 10 percent of its previous midterm spend. The report notes that the decline comes amid an FBI probe into whether the group illegally received Russian money to spend on the election.

The FBI is looking at whether Alexander Torshin, a top official at Russia’s central bank, funneled money to the group to help then-candidate Trump. A number of NRA officials have also been linked to Torshin’s associate Maria Butina, who was indicted earlier this year for working as an agent of the Russian Federation. The NRA denied spending foreign cash on the election but admitted to accepting foreign donations for non-electoral campaigns, though the group has only admitted to receiving $2,513 in donations and membership dues from 23 Russian nationals since 2015.

The report also notes a drop in dues since last year’s school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.

According to the Center for Responsive Politics, the NRA has reported a $35 million decline in dues.

“While the NRA doesn’t have billions to spend, we have a formidable grassroots organization. Our strength has always been the tens of millions of NRA members and Second Amendment supporters who consistently go to the polls and vote for candidates who support our constitutional right to self defense,” the group said in a statement to McClatchy.

It is not just the the FBI investigation and the NRA’s popularity problem. The cash-strapped group said, in a lawsuit filed against New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo accusing him of bullying banks and insurance companies into dropping them, that they may have to shut down some of their operations.

The suit claimed Cuomo was behind a “concerted efforts to stifle the NRA’s freedom of speech” and warned that “it could be forced to shutter its multimillion-dollar television network, NRA TV, or a number of its print publications.” The lawsuit adds that without insurance, the NRA “cannot maintain its physical premises” or “convene off-site meetings and events.”



I like to think of it as funny and scary 1985 movie directed by Terry Gilliam and written by him and Tom Stoppard. It’s well worth watching but it has little to do with Brazil.

How Dangerous Is Jair Bolsonaro?
By Isaac Chotiner, Slate
Oct 08, 2018

On Sunday, an extreme far-right candidate, Jair Bolsonaro, came close to winning an outright victory in the first round of Brazil’s presidential election. Because his 46 percent fell short of a majority, he will face Fernando Haddad (who captured 29 percent of the vote) from the leftist Workers’ Party, or PT, in three weeks. Still, Bolsonaro’s rise is shocking: The former army captain has spoken warmly of Brazil’s two-decade-long dictatorship that only ended in the 1980s—and these remarks stand in contrast to his comments on women, and black and gay people. (He claimed he would rather his son die than be gay, said a woman was too ugly to rape, and told parts of Brazil’s black population that they should “go back to the zoo.”) But his get-tough approach to crime seems to have won over many voters. Meanwhile, a court declared former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, who is the most popular figure in the Workers’ Party—which governed the country for more than a dozen years until 2016—unable to run; he is currently in jail for corruption. His predecessor, the Workers’ Party’s Dilma Rousseff, was removed from office in 2016 in such a manner that left many Brazilians feeling they had witnessed a coup.

To talk about the results, I spoke by phone on Monday with Lilia M. Schwarcz, a professor of anthropology at the University of São Paulo, and the co-author (with Heloisa M. Starling) of the new book Brazil: A Biography.


Lighting Money On Fire

The Ersatz Breakfast Club (Over Balaclava?)

I’ll never get over Balaclava.

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:00am (ET) (or whenever we get around to it) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

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This Day in History

Breakfast Tunes

Happy Birthday Midge Ure.

Something to Think about over Coffee Prozac

Well, you can’t be depressed and sad 24 hours a day.

Also Julia Sweeney.


Sometimes you don’t get one. Also no joy in Mudville.

The outlook wasn’t brilliant for the Mudville nine that day:
The score stood four to two, with but one inning more to play,
And then when Cooney died at first, and Barrows did the same,
A pall-like silence fell upon the patrons of the game.

A straggling few got up to go in deep despair. The rest
Clung to the hope which springs eternal in the human breast;
They thought, “If only Casey could but get a whack at that—
We’d put up even money now, with Casey at the bat.”

But Flynn preceded Casey, as did also Jimmy Blake,
And the former was a hoodoo, while the latter was a cake;
So upon that stricken multitude grim melancholy sat,
For there seemed but little chance of Casey getting to the bat.

But Flynn let drive a single, to the wonderment of all,
And Blake, the much despisèd, tore the cover off the ball;
And when the dust had lifted, and men saw what had occurred,
There was Jimmy safe at second and Flynn a-hugging third.

Then from five thousand throats and more there rose a lusty yell;
It rumbled through the valley, it rattled in the dell;
It pounded on the mountain and recoiled upon the flat,
For Casey, mighty Casey, was advancing to the bat.

There was ease in Casey’s manner as he stepped into his place;
There was pride in Casey’s bearing and a smile lit Casey’s face.
And when, responding to the cheers, he lightly doffed his hat,
No stranger in the crowd could doubt ’twas Casey at the bat.

Ten thousand eyes were on him as he rubbed his hands with dirt;
Five thousand tongues applauded when he wiped them on his shirt;
Then while the writhing pitcher ground the ball into his hip,
Defiance flashed in Casey’s eye, a sneer curled Casey’s lip.

And now the leather-covered sphere came hurtling through the air,
And Casey stood a-watching it in haughty grandeur there.
Close by the sturdy batsman the ball unheeded sped—
“That ain’t my style,” said Casey. “Strike one!” the umpire said.

From the benches, black with people, there went up a muffled roar,
Like the beating of the storm-waves on a stern and distant shore;
“Kill him! Kill the umpire!” shouted someone on the stand;
And it’s likely they’d have killed him had not Casey raised his hand.

With a smile of Christian charity great Casey’s visage shone;
He stilled the rising tumult; he bade the game go on;
He signaled to the pitcher, and once more the dun sphere flew;
But Casey still ignored it and the umpire said, “Strike two!”

“Fraud!” cried the maddened thousands, and echo answered “Fraud!”
But one scornful look from Casey and the audience was awed.
They saw his face grow stern and cold, they saw his muscles strain,
And they knew that Casey wouldn’t let that ball go by again.

The sneer is gone from Casey’s lip, his teeth are clenched in hate,
He pounds with cruel violence his bat upon the plate;
And now the pitcher holds the ball, and now he lets it go,
And now the air is shattered by the force of Casey’s blow.

Oh, somewhere in this favoured land the sun is shining bright,
The band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light;
And somewhere men are laughing, and somewhere children shout,
But there is no joy in Mudville— mighty Casey has struck out.

Ernest Lawrence Thayer, 1888

Lucky you. Front Page Poetry instead.


Now a Category 4.

Trump Conspiracy


The Breakfast Club (Kryptonite)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:30am (ET) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

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AP’s Today in History for October 10th

Vice President Spiro Agnew resigns; Imperial rule ends in China; Achille Lauro hijackers forced to land; Movie legend Orson Welles dies; Opera composer Giuseppe Verdi born; Actor Christopher Reeve dies.


Breakfast Tune Kryptonite (Bluegrass Cover)


Breakfast News, Blogs & Something to think about, below

Ryan Gallagher, The Intercept

“WE HAVE TO be focused on what we want to enable,” said Ben Gomes, Google’s search engine chief. “And then when the opening happens, we are ready for it.”

It was Wednesday, July 18, and Gomes was addressing a team of Google employees who were working on a secretive project to develop a censored search engine for China, which would blacklist phrases like “human rights,” “student protest,” and “Nobel Prize.”

“You have taken on something extremely important to the company,” Gomes declared, according to a transcript of his comments obtained by The Intercept. “I have to admit it has been a difficult journey. But I do think a very important and worthwhile one. And I wish ourselves the best of luck in actually reaching our destination as soon as possible.”

It has been two months since The Intercept first revealed details about the censored search engine, code-named Dragonfly. Since then, the project has faced a wave of criticism from human rights groups, Google employees, U.S. senators, and even Vice President Mike Pence, who on Thursday last week called on Google to “immediately end development of the Dragonfly app that will strengthen the Communist Party’s censorship and compromise the privacy of Chinese customers.”

Google has refused to answer questions or concerns about Dragonfly. On Sept. 26, a Google executive faced public questions on the censorship plan for the first time. Keith Enright told the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee that there “is a Project Dragonfly,” but said “we are not close to launching a product in China.” When pressed to give specific details, Enright refused, saying that he was “not clear on the contours of what is in scope or out of scope for that project.”

Senior executives at Google directly involved in building the censorship system have largely avoided any public scrutiny. But on Sept. 23, Gomes briefly addressed Dragonfly when confronted by a BBC reporter at an event celebrating Google’s 20th anniversary.

“Right now, all we’ve done is some exploration,” Gomes told the reporter, “but since we don’t have any plans to launch something, there’s nothing much I can say about it.”





Something to think about over coffee prozac


When Bernie Sanders introduced his “Stop BEZOS Act” last month, he was mocked for Not Understanding Basic Economics. His bill required companies to pay back the costs of welfare benefits received by their employees, and was intended to highlight the fact that as Jeff Bezos has become the wealthiest man in the history of humanity, thousands of Amazon workers (in some places, nearly ⅓ of the workforce) have been earning so little that they are on food stamps.

The “Well, actually” brigade was on top of Sanders instantly. Sanders “seems more focused on embarrassing the online giant than helping its workers,” and “his plan seems to be much more about grandstanding and pointing fingers than about actual solutions to help vulnerable American workers.” Sanders was lectured by the Heritage Foundation: “wages are contingent on the additional value that a given worker contributes to the company,” and the bill would (tell me if you’ve heard this one before) Hurt The Very People It Was Trying To Help. Here’s a Cato Institute libertarian writing in USA Today:

“However much Sanders insists otherwise, in competitive industries, workers’ pay and benefits tend to match the value of the work they’re doing. Firms cannot “underpay,” or else they risk losing employees to other businesses, while “overpaying” would be financial suicide. …Of course, Sanders is right that wages at major corporations do not always guarantee a decent standard of living, particularly for part-time workers, those with many children, or high rent. But shareholders and customers of companies should not be responsible for every factor of their workers’ lives. Companies pay people for the work they do, and it is unrealistic to expect them to pay people based on the number of children they have, where they live or their medical bills. … My research estimates a program of liberalization in land use planning and zoning laws, child-care regulations, cost-inflating food programs, fuel standards and car dealership laws, tariffs on clothing and footwear and occupational licensing, could directly save poor households anywhere between $830 and $3,500 per year.”

First, I think it shows you just how limited libertarianism is as an ideology that when the Cato guy tries to suggest alternatives, he says that if you got rid of regulations on child-care, fuel standards, occupational licenses, city planning and zoning laws, then maybe you could save poor families a couple thousand bucks a year. It’s also true that if you let anyone be a doctor, the cost of going to the doctor would plummet! If you stopped requiring cars to be roadworthy, their cost would drop too. There are reasons we do not do these things.

Second, here’s what happened last week, for those of you that missed the news: Amazon raised the starting wage for all its employees to $15 an hour. Here’s what Jeff Bezos said: “We listened to our critics, thought hard about what we wanted to do, and decided we want to lead… We’re excited about this change and encourage our competitors and other large employers to join us.”

This shows you two things:

1)Bernie Sanders is not an idiot, and actually knows how to do politics.

2)The theory of economics that the criticisms were based on is balderdash.

The criticisms of the “Stop BEZOS” bill are interesting in light of the outcome. I think they show how a lot of people confuse “politics” with “policy”: the bill was not a good policy, therefore it was not good. That’s not necessarily the case though, and I think one of the reasons liberals have failed politically is that they think of politics as “designing the optimal policy” and have no clue how to actually build the political power that allows you to pass and implement the optimal policy. Bernie Sanders does know a thing or two about building political power—that’s why he managed to be the “Amendment King” in the House of Representatives, passing more roll call votes in a Republican Congress than any other member despite being a radical democratic socialist.

The Amazon change also shows how silly the theory that “companies pay employees the value of their labor” is. Clearly they don’t, since Amazon was just able to raise wages across the company under pressure. The Cato writer said that it would be “financial suicide” for a company to “overpay,” but I doubt Amazon is committing financial suicide here. Bosses—and the intellectuals who justify everything bosses do—always say they can’t afford to pay more, whether it’s true or not. Sometimes it is true. At Amazon, it’s definitely not. If Bernie had listened to Mr. Economics 101, Amazon workers might well be making less money.

I shouldn’t imply that Bernie Sanders was singlehandedly responsible for this, actually. Quite the opposite: the reason Amazon picked $15 is because the workers in the Fight For $15 movement have put in so much effort making the seemingly impossible a reality. But I do think Bernie deserves credit for understanding how politics works: it’s about power. Who has it, and who doesn’t. If Bezos sees a potential regulatory threat and a public embarrassment, then he will make concessions that he otherwise would not have. It’s up to us to exert the pressure that produces the results. What Amazon’s raise shows is that shaming corporations and billionaires is not just morally correct but practically useful, and we should continue to escalate it.

2018 Senior League Division Championship Game 4: Red Sox @ Yankees

Well, could be the last time I get to use this clip for a year.

Ok, the Red Sox crushed the damn Yankees last night in a game marked by managerial errors by
Aaron Boone who left Severino in waaay too long (also pitched him on too little rest). By the Top of the 5th it was 10 – 1 Red Sox and they went on to score 6 more. In the 9th Boone and the Yankees put in Austin Romine who’s on the roster as a Catcher (might as well have shifted Judge, who has an arm).

The good news is they had a game to give and they gave it. Boy howdy.

Now I don’t entirely blame Boone because leaving Pitchers in too long is a historical trait of the Yankees, as is paying too much for mediocre Pitchers and keeping them well past their expiration date.

Which brings us to CC Sabathia who will be starting tonight. I can hear your groans in Stars Hollow. Sabathia (L, 9 – 7, 3.65 ERA) is a feckless Pitcher I wouldn’t want starting in the Regular Season let alone an elimination game. His first Playoff experience was in 2001 and he’s appeared in 8 of them since. In 2017 he was in 2 games with a 1 – 1 record and threw 19 Innings (which is waaay too long) allowing 7 Runs on 16 Hits with 1 HR and 10 Walks for an ERA of 2.29. He throws Cutters and Cutters and Cutters. Also Sliders.

The Red Sox will field Rick Porcello (R, 17 – 7, 4.28 ERA). He’s a post-Season veteran too with 6 years experience. So far in the Division Series he’s pitched 2 scoreless Outs of Relief. In 2017 he appeared in 2 games with no decision for 4 Innings where he allowed 2 Runs on 5 Hits and 3 Walks for an ERA of 4.50. He has 4 pitches but throws mostly Fastballs and Sliders.

Neither one a prize if you ask me, tonight is a matter of who wants it least. Either way we will worship at the altar of the Great God Citgo once again.

Shadier than you think.

Of course it’s a tragedy and today the papers are filled with the biographies of the victims and the reactions of their family and friends, but the Schoharie limousine crash opens a lot of lines of inquiry into it’s cause.

In the first place you have the a driver with an improper liscense and a history of Drug convictions. In the second place you have a vehicle that failed inspection. In the third place you have a Limousine Company known to have ties to schemes to invalidly obtain liscenses and a record of failed inspections.

Weird huh? Wait, there’s more.

The owner of that company is an FBI Informant who’s known activities included infiltrating an Albany Mosque. To be fair, some contend that his son owned it, but there’s plenty of evidence it was him.

Limousine Owner Had Shoddy Record and Shady Dealings
By Jesse McKinley, Luis Ferré-Sadurní and Patrick McGeehan, The New York Times
Oct. 8, 2018

The mounting questions about the accident increasingly centered on the limousine company, Prestige Limousine, which had a shoddy record, operated out of a back room in a low-budget hotel and had a history of dealings that seemed to extend to Dubai. On Monday, officials moved to suspend the company’s operations and seize its vehicles.

The owner of the limousine company, Shahed Hussain, has the same name and address as that of a former informant for the F.B.I. who has testified in two prominent terrorism cases, according to public records. A law enforcement official suggested that his son may operate the limousine company.

The company is based at the Crest Hotel and Suites in Gansevoort, N.Y., a small town north of Albany, and on Monday, state troopers were at the hotel. The State Police said they had seized three vehicles, including another limousine, from the company and believed that Mr. Hussain was outside of the United States.

Arnie Cornett, the manager at the hotel, confirmed that the State Police were looking for the owner of the hotel and limousine company. Mr. Cornett identified the owner only as “Malik” and said he lived in Dubai. Mr. Hussain, the informant, went by Malik when he helped the F.B.I. infiltrate a mosque in Albany.

On Monday, investigators continue to search for clues as to what caused the 2001 Ford Excursion limousine to speed down a rural highway, through a stop sign and into an unoccupied car, killing 17 friends in the vehicle who were on their way to celebrate a birthday party. Two pedestrians were also killed in the crash.

Mr. Hussain, the man whose name seems to be associated with the limousine company, posed as a wealthy Muslim radical and was the central prosecution witness in a 2004 federal sting focusing on a pizzeria owner and an imam at an Albany mosque. In 2010, Mr. Hussain, who posed as a terrorist, played a key role in trying the government’s case in a plot to blow up two synagogues in the Bronx.

He became an F.B.I. informant after being charged in 2002 with a scheme involving taking money to illegally help people in the Albany area get driver’s licenses.

According to Noor Al-Sibai at Raw Story

The limo company owner’s lawyer also confirmed that he was indeed the same Shahed Hussain who became a “celebrated informant” for the FBI.

A 2011 Mother Jones profile describes Hussain, a DMV translator who used his official role to help people cheat driving exams for cash, as a “superinformant.”

“Hussain pleaded guilty to a felony in relation to the DMV scam but avoided prison and deportation by becoming an informant,” the (Rochester) Democrat and Chronicle noted, “working in the Muslim community to find people that had radical tendencies.”

Board of Education?

The most attractive feature, for some, and pernicious effect, for others, of the Trump regime is that racists, bigots, and misogynists now feel able to express their racism, bigotry, and misogyny in public.

Express it? Nay, shout if from the rooftops, rub your noses in it and expect not just compliant silence but approval and applause.

Trump-loving substitute teacher hit boy with a clipboard and called him the N-word — at school named for MLK
by Noor Al-Sibai, Raw Story
08 Oct 2018

The family of a former student at a Portland middle school is suing the school district after a white substitute teacher allegedly assaulted her black son and called him a racial slur.

The Oregonian reported that Lamar Warren was 13 and an eighth-grader at Portland’s Martin Luther King Jr. School in October 2017 when substitute teacher Bruce Neimann allegedly hit the young black student in the head with the metal part of a clipboard.

Attorney Grey Kafoury told The Oregonian that the substitute then called Warren and his friends “the N-word, made derogatory comments about African American families and downplayed what was happening by saying something about how it could have been worse if he’d hit them with a cinder block.”

The attorney also said Neimann spoke of his support for President Donald Trump during the incident.

Multnomah County Deputy District Attorney Nicole Hermann declined to prosecute Neimann, the report noted, because Warren and the other boys involved — some of whom accused the substitute of hitting them with the clipboard as well — had differing stories about what happened.

According to a memo written by the deputy district attorney, the boys did not have injuries consistent with being hit by a clipboard as they described, videos of “some of the interactions” did not corroborate their claims and the guardian of another boy involved “expressed skepticism” about the nature of his injury.

The violence of their words mimic the violence of their deeds.

Oklahoma principal arrested after swatting students so hard they had welts and ‘trouble sitting and standing’
by Dominique Jackson, Raw Dirt
08 Oct 2018

Two parents in Oklahoma pressed charges against an elementary school principal after finding bruises on their children’s bodies, reported Fox 43 News.

Gary Gunckel, the principal at Indianola Public School, swatted two children after they were sent to his office for arguing.

The parents complained saying their kids had “trouble sitting [and] standing.” They also noted that they found welts on their skin.

“Whether it’s child abuse or assault, anytime there’s visible marks or a sign of an assault, then, you know, parents were demanding that charges be filed,” Sheriff Chris Morris said. “They felt that their children were spanked too hard, and we’ve got a job to do, and we investigate it, and we forward everything to the district attorney.”

The faculty is allowed to give swats to students on the rear end as a disciplinary practice at Indianola Public Schools, but in this case, the parents felt that Gunckel went too far.

One of the parents said that the process was “frustrating” and the swatting policy “does not have the children best interest in mind.”

Gunckel apologized to the parents saying, “They were supposed to hurt so that [the student] would remember not to do what [they] were doing anymore.”

The idea that children are motivated by Physical Abuse is as abhorrent as the idea that women are motivated by Domestic Abuse. The goal of any Abuse is to ensure obedience. To what? Authority and the God that grants it.

Divine Right.


The Zombies

The Breakfast Club (Hasta siempre)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:30am (ET) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

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AP’s Today in History for October 9th

Guerrilla leader Che Guevara executed in Bolivia; Anthrax-laced letters sent to Capitol Hill; Achille Lauro hijackers surrender; Andrei Sakharov wins Nobel Peace Prize; Musician John Lennon born.


Breakfast Tune When I’m Sixty-Four


Something to think about, Breakfast News & Blogs below

Jamal Khashoggi: Turkey hunts black van it believes carried body
Officials search for vehicle they say was part of convoy belonging to Saudi hit squad
Martin Chulov in Istanbul and Patrick Wintour, The Guardian

Turkish authorities are examining motorway cameras in the search for a black van they believe carried the body of Jamal Khashoggi from the Saudi consulate in Istanbul last week – one of six cars investigators say belonged to a Saudi hit squad thought to be behind the suspected murder of the dissident journalist.

Officials say the convoy left the consulate around two hours after Khashoggi entered. Security camera footage shows boxes being loaded into the van, which carried diplomatic number plates. After leaving the consulate grounds, three cars turned left on to a main road while the remaining three turned right. Investigators say one of the vehicles, a van with blacked out windows, has become the focus of the investigation, and was briefly tracked to a nearby motorway.

Nearly a week since Khashoggi disappeared, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan stepped up his calls for Riyadh to explain what happened to the high-profile critic of the Saudi leadership. The Turkish president had struck a measured tone when pressed on Khashoggi, while allowing government officials and state media to drip-feed allegations. Details of the convoy were disclosed by the pro-government Daily Sabah newspaper.

“We have to get an outcome from this investigation as soon as possible,” Erdoğan said from Budapest. “The consulate officials cannot save themselves by simply saying: ‘He has left.’”

Saudi Women Who Fought for the Right to Drive Are Disappearing and Going Into Exile
Sarah Aziza, The Intercept

ON THE EVENING of September 26, 2017, 28-year-old Loujain al-Hathloul sat at home in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, eyeing her smartphone. A stream of notifications cascaded down the screen as her social media feeds erupted with messages of shock, joy, and speculation. Moments before, an ordinary Tuesday had turned historic: King Salman al-Saud took to state-run television to issue a stunning royal decree: Saudi women, at long last, would be granted the right to drive. The abrupt announcement, orchestrated in concert with a simultaneous press event in Washington, D.C., and a warm commendation from U.S. President Donald Trump, had sent millions of Saudis reeling. For decades, the government had remained intractable on the issue of women’s right to drive, siding invariably with conservative clerics who justified the ban on religious grounds. Human rights groups viewed the ban — unique the world over — as an emblem of a broader oppressive stance toward women, and had long called for its repeal. Yet even the most earnest advocates would have thought such a reversal unthinkable mere hours before.

Al-Hathloul, a women’s rights activist with thick, dark hair and penetrating brown eyes, had felt her own flood of emotions on that balmy evening one year go, but surprise was not among them. She’d already had days to process the news, having been tipped off to the coming reform by the Saudi government itself. The phone call from the Royal Court, however, had not been a pleasant one: After informing al-Hathloul of the impending announcement, the government official had instructed her to refrain from making any public comment on the reform, even in praise.

TILL, AS RECENTLY as a year ago, al-Hathloul and those like her held out hope that the state-endorsed push for reform could create conditions for progress on other issues, such as the rights of political prisoners and the kingdom’s male guardianship laws, which subject women to the will of their male “custodians” in various areas of social and civil life. “We weren’t sure how serious the government was about its promises, but we thought, maybe we can work within the system and use their own words to push for change now,” said one woman activist, speaking of last year. “We thought we could present ourselves as allies, to support their work, and maybe they would accept us.”

For al-Hathloul, this hope would be short-lived. Beginning on May 15, 2018, just weeks before the end of the ban on female drivers, the government began a series of arrests targeting prominent activists. Al-Hathloul was among the first to disappear into custody, along with Eman al-Nafjan and Aziza al-Yousef, fellow advocates for human rights and reform. Simultaneously, photographs of the women began to circulate on local media and online, accompanied by state accusations of treason and collusion with foreign governments. A hashtag, #AgentsofEmbassies, went viral, as did speculations that al-Hathloul was a Qatari operative intent on harming the Saudi state.

The arrests were the latest example of a new and expanding tactic in Saudi Arabia of the state using anti-terrorism laws to silence dissent. “In the past few years, there has been an increasing trend of using nationalist rhetoric and accusations of terrorism to squelch anyone who might question the state,” said Zayadin. Such allegations allow for the authorities to hold people for months without trial and prosecute them in the so-called Specialized Criminal Court, where they could face heavy sentences for nonviolent crimes. “We’ve seen it used against conservatives and liberals alike,” Zayadin added, citing a slew of arrests in September 2017 during which the government rounded up a group of clerics, academics, and journalists under similar charges of treason. (The Saudi embassy in Washington did not respond to a request for comment.)

Officer Who Killed Tamir Rice Hired by Rural Ohio Police Department
Daniel Politi, Slate

The police officer who shot and killed 12-year-old Tamir Rice in Cleveland has found a new job in law enforcement. Timothy Loehmann is one of the new officers hired in the small Ohio village of Bellaire, which has a population of about 4,170.

In November 2014, Loehmann was one of two officers who responded to a 911 call about a man waving a gun around at a recreation center in Cleveland. When the officers arrived they encountered Rice, who was playing with a pellet gun. But Loehmann fired his service weapon twice. A grand jury declined to indict Loehmann, who was later fired in 2017 for being untruthful on his job application.

Tamir Rice’s family members criticized the hiring. “Ms. Rice believes that Timothy Loehmann does not belong on any police force, anywhere, period,” said Rice family attorney Subodh Chandra. “Someone with his record should not be subjected upon the citizenry. But she does hope that this means that he will not ever return to Cleveland.”







Something to think about over coffee prozac

Carolina Panthers Win On 63-Yard Field Goal; Kicker Graham Gano Might Be a Witch
Nick Greene, Slate

The Carolina Panthers blew it. Down a point late in the fourth quarter to the New York Giants, Carolina head coach Ron Rivera inexplicably opted to run the ball, which bled the clock and marooned his team near the 50-yard line. Their only hope to salvage a win would be a 63-yard field goal, which is less a hope than it is a delusion. Nonetheless, Carolina kicker Graham Gano stepped up to give it a shot, and I believe the ball just landed near Asheville. The Panthers didn’t blow it. They won, 33-31

Just look at that kick. It’s downright unnatural. Did Gano make a deal with the devil? Is he casting spells with his foot? If we throw him off a cliff, will he fly away?

Prior to Sunday, Gano’s best kick was a 59-yarder in 2011. His game-winner against the Giants was just a yard short of the NFL record for longest-ever field goal (and that effort happened in Denver, which is essentially space). Graham Gano is a witch, and the Carolina Panthers’ record is now 3-1 because of it.

2018 Junior League Division Championship Game 3: Red Sox @ Yankees

Whatever Lola wants
Lola gets,
Take off your coat
Don’t you know you can’t win?
You’re no exception to the rule,
I’m irresistible, you fool, give in!…Give in!…Give in!

By being the only team to score a road win, the damn Yankees have put themselves in position to thwart the Red Sox once again. If they lose tonight no big deal, they just have to split in order to send it back to Fenway, they could also put it away with 2 wins at home. On the other hand the Red Sox can clinch by winning 2 in a row at the Stadium. I don’t see that happening.

What I do think will happen is we’ll see a Game 5 and if so it’s anybody’s guess who will advance.

The Yankees have Luis Severino (R, 19 – 8, 3.39 ERA) on the mound. He had 4 appearances in 2017 with 1 Win and 1 Loss, pitching 16 Innings allowing 10 Runs on 13 Hits, 5 Home Runs, and 8 Walks. He pitched in the Wild Card this year putting up 4 scoreless Innings with only 2 Hits and 4 Walks. He throws Fastballs and Sliders about equally.

The Red Sox’s Nathan Eovaldi (R, 6 – 7, 3.81 ERA) has never made a post-Season appearance and is a last minute swap with Rick Porcello who was used in Relief on Friday. He throws Fastballs and Cutters about equally but has a Splitter and a Slider too.

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