Too Little, Too Late

So Laura Ingraham of Faux Noise thought she could Twit with impunity David Hogg of #MarchForOurLives fame. Laura-

David Hogg Rejected By Four Colleges To Which He Applied and whines about it. (Dinged by UCLA with a 4.1 GPA…totally predictable given acceptance rates.)

Well, first of all she got his Grade Point Average wrong (though she may have corrected that error). It’s 4.2, even according to her source which also notes that UCLA is only one of four Colleges that rejected him in the University of California system (San Diego, Santa Barbara, and Irvine also). On the other hand he got accepted by Cal Poly which likes to style itself the MIT of the West.

There is no such thing, really, as a 4.x GPA. On pure grades they run from 0 to 4.0 (straight As), some schools now award bonus points for extracurriculars and community service. My personal permanent record was less than unblemished because my Gym teacher hated me as much as I hated Gym, my Physics teacher wouldn’t talk about anything except his work with the Volunteer Fire Department, I had to drop Differential Calculus because I just didn’t do enough Peyote, and I nearly got my Band Director fired. Also took a Suspension with my girlfriend because we cut class before a Band Trip, I had a pass actually but she didn’t and I thought it the gentlemanly thing to do.

So I finished #35 out of 750 and got rejected by Harvard, Yale, and Dartmouth. Just as well, I would have been a poor fit.

But back to Laura- David Hogg, Communist Militant, replied that her advertisers might wish to consider the context of their product placement.

Pick a number 1-12 contact the company next to that #

Top Laura Ingraham Advertisers
1. @sleepnumber
2. @ATT
3. Nutrish
4. @Allstate & @esurance
5. @Bayer
6. @RocketMortgage Mortgage
7. @LibertyMutual
8. @Arbys
9. TripAdvisor
10. Nestle
11. hulu
12. Wayfair

Nutrish, Rachael Ray’s pet food company and Trip Advisor were the first to drop Laura like the hot steamy turd she is, followed shortly by Wayfair (Update: Add Nestle and hulu). The rest are still fair game.

Anyway after 25% (Update: 41%) of her top advertisers deserted her Ingraham issued this lame apology-

Any student should be proud of a 4.2 GPA —incl. @DavidHogg111. On reflection, in the spirit of Holy Week, I apologize for any upset or hurt my tweet caused him or any of the brave victims of Parkland. For the record, I believe my show was the first to feature David…

… immediately after that horrific shooting and even noted how “poised” he was given the tragedy. As always, he’s welcome to return to the show anytime for a productive discussion.

BillO, Glenn Beck, Roger Ailes. Faux Noise is a toxic brand to be associated with and companies that market to consumers (advertisers) know this and however privately sympathetic to the Republican Fascist Agenda they may be they know that they are a small minority and bad for business.

Naturally Dyed Eggs


Now with updates!

Natural Easter Egg Dyes

In the Gilmore house there is no surer sign of Easter than onion skin boiled eggs.  I like them much more than the traditional store kit dyed kind because they have a subtle onion scent that lingers even after you peel them.  In fact sometimes I’ll even make them off season.

We do 3 dozen at a time and the recipe is very simple-


  • A Big Pot
  • 3 pounds of regular cooking onions, my market calls them yellow, but they’re actually brown.  I personally use 6.
  • 3 dozen eggs, White (I mean otherwise what’s the point?)
  • Water to cover (Distilled Vinegar Optional)

Directions:  Collect the onion skins, just the dry papery part, the more the better.  No need to be fussy.

Toss them in the bottom of your big pot, gently place your eggs, water to cover and you may need to replace periodically.

Simmering boil for as long as you want, at least 30 minutes.  The longer the darker the color.  Adding Red Onion skins also darkens the color.

If you have cardboard cartons you can use them for draining racks.  The color will tend to rub off pressure points or if you rub them before they have cooled and the color has set.  Overnight is best.

Naturally dyed eggs are naturally matte finished, if you want them slightly glossy you can rub them with shortening or merely with your hands.

You may find that several eggs are cracked, those eggs are extra special oniony good and you should eat them first.


My Mom doesn’t generally use it because my brother hates it.  When I make for myself I do.  Just as with the commercial kits it helps the dye penetrate the shell of the egg.  Most recipes recommend 2 or 3 Tablespoons per Quart, some people dip their eggs in Vinegar before boiling too.

Cold Dying

Mom’s is a general Boiled Color recipe, but there is a slightly different process that is recommended for some of the Alternate Color Natural Dyes (I’ve marked them below with a |(cd)|, it stands for Cold Dyed).

For this process you boil and cool your eggs separately and then make the dye in an isolated step.  Frankly I don’t see the necessity or advantage of this approach for most colors as the colder it is, the longer it takes for the dye to infuse.

In fact most recipes direct you to soak them overnight in the refrigerator though some are direct analogs of the store kit dye experience except that the colors are more… ah… subtle.

Basically you boil the dye ingredient separately in very little water, about a quart or so depending on the volume of the ingredient.  For a Paprika dye they recommend a half cup!  Boil for at least 30 minutes depending on the color intensity you want (it’s never as dark on the egg).

Strain.  Dip cold eggs in dye.  Leave in refrigerator overnight if necessary.  You will almost certainly want to use vinegar with this method.

Alternate Color Natural Dyes

If we are especially lucky or foresighted it’s sometimes possible to collect enough Red Onion skins to do a whole batch just Red.  Don’t bother trying to scrape them up off the bottom of the bin the week before, the good ones are already gone.

That’s the only one I have personal experience of and likewise has a yummy aroma, with some of the dye ingredients however you may wish to consider if you have a tolerance.  Some people don’t like cabbage, but the results are spectacular

  • Blue- Red Cabbage, Blueberry Juice
  • Brown- Black Walnut Shells, Onion Skins, Coffee (cd), Black Tea (cd)
  • Brown Gold- Dill Seeds (cd)
  • Green- Spinach
  • Green Yellow- Golden Delicious Apple Peels
  • Red- Red Onion Skins, Cranberry Berries
  • Orange- Cooked Carrots (cd), Chili Powder (cd), Paprika (cd) (also said to produce Peach or Salmon color, use lots)
  • Yellow- Carrot Tops, Orange or Lemon Peels, Chamomile (cd), Celery Seed, Ground Cumin, Ground Tumeric, Green Tea (cd)

I got that list as well as my Cold Dying recipe from  Other than Cooked Carrots I can’t see the need and couldn’t you cook them within an inch of their life in, oh, half an hour or so?

Maybe it’s just harder to clean up some ingredients without rubbing the color off.

Beet juice dye is very strong and will result in red tones from pink to grey depending on how much you use and how long you leave the eggs in contact with it.  Most people recommend using the cold method with beets.

Update!  New recipes!

As often occurs something I’ve been writing about for years suddenly becomes fashionable and there is a spate of new interest.

I call it the ek bump though, like Keynes, in the end we are all dead.

So recently due to concerns about the toxicity of chemical food colorings there have been several articles about natural egg dyes-

Dying Variations

Some people like to give eggs deliberately non uniform color treatment.  One common way to do this is to be extra specially careful removing the onion skins and then wrapping each egg individually with a nylon stocking pouch or with rubber bands holding the dye material next to the egg.  You’d use this with Boiled Color recipes.

For a mottled effect you can also dab with paper towels or sponges before the color fully sets.

Some techniques require a Cold Dye method, for instance wrapping with dye infused cloth or paper towels.

Resist Techniques

By creating dye resistant areas on the egg you can make designs or personalize them with people’s names (which my Mom did for us).  The most common tool (included in most dye kits) is a wax crayon.  Any color will do, but the way you remove it is to melt the wax off in a hot bath after the dye has set.  Don’t scrub or scratch it.  Crayons are not usually compatible with the Boiled Color method and are less successful the hotter your dying solution.

Resists that do work with Boiled Color are Rubber Bands and this innovative technique from Green Momma on a Budget.  She puts small leaves or flowers on the egg and wraps with dye material in a tight nylon pouch and gets images of the leaves and flowers.

Hard Boiled Eggs

I like them with just salt and pepper, still they’re fine deviled, sliced or chopped on a salad, or in an egg salad, but in a potato salad not so much (not a big fan of potato salad).

You can also pickle them.

Pickled Eggs

There are a zillion recipes for pickled eggs some of which incorporate your dye ingredients and which would be most appropriate to compliment and enhance eggs dyed that way (Dill, Chili, Onion, Beets, Celery Seed, Cumin, Tumeric).

One thing they all share in common is that you peel the eggs first.

Still your naturally dyed eggs do retain the scent of the dye so you might want to think about that before you start adding Ginger or Garlic.

Another thing they share is a solution of Water and Vinegar which you adjust depending on how sour you like it (1:1 is a good place to start)

Salt, Sugar, and Pickling Spice (usually containing Mustard Seed, Peppercorns, and Bay Leaf) are added to adjust the flavor.

Cover the Eggs and let them sit for at least a couple of days (better a week or more) refrigerated so they pick up the pickling flavor.  If you’re going to use Garlic, Chili, Onions, or Beets at all I recommend whole cloves or chilis or big slices of onions or beets, because the object is to infuse the flavor and not over power the eggs.

Likewise Sugar and Salt in small doses.

Alton Brown offers 2 recipes-

Dark and Lovely

  • 2 1/4 C Cider Vinegar
  • 3/4 C Water
  • 1 1/2 T Sugar
  • 1 T Salt
  • 1 1/2 t Pickling Spice
  • 3/4 t Chili Flakes
  • 1/4 t Liquid Smoke

  • 2 1/4 C Cider Vinegar
  • 3/4 C Champagne Vinegar (slightly less acidic)
  • 1 T Salt
  • 2 t Pickling Spice
  • 6 Whole Cloves Garlic

Heat your solution to make sure the Salt and Sugar are thoroughly dissolved.  Don’t heat your whole ingredients (Garlic, Chili), add them with the Eggs to your container and pour the Pickling Solution over the top.

Well I’m out of ideas, but I suppose there are other things.  I try not to eat more than 3 a day because some people worry about cholesterol, but I don’t get more than dozen from Mom so they seldom last.

My preferred method of cooking eggs is over easy on garlic toast with the yolks nice and runny.

Sometimes I’ll make up a smaller batch of onion skin eggs for myself if I miss them.


One of the by products is a whole pile of peeled onions.  One way to get rid of a large quantity is French Onion Soup.

Here’s a fairly decent recipe-



  • Butter
  • Onions (about 3 pounds), sliced thin
  • Salt
  • 7 3/4 cups Chicken and Beef stock (less Beef than Chicken depending on how beefy you like it)
  • 1/4 cup dry Red Wine
  • 2 sprigs fresh Parsley
  • 1 sprig fresh Thyme
  • 1 Bay Leaf
  • 1 Tablespoon Balsamic Vinegar
  • Fresh ground Black Pepper


  • 1 Baguette, cut on the bias into 3/4-inch thick slices
  • Grueyer Cheese
  • Oven Proof Crocks

Directions: Melt enough butter on the bottom of a soup pot to coat the onions.  The traditional way to slice them is thin strips from bottom to top.  This is easiest if you cut it in half lengthwise and leave on the root end until you have sliced it.  Then cut off the root.

Toss in a little salt and brown them at medium or medium high until they are dark, dark brown and the pot is coated with dark brown fond.  Thirty five minutes or more.

Deglaze pot with liquid (except Balsamic Vinegar) stirring thoroughly to release all the fond.  Add herbs, bundled so you can remove them and simmer uncovered for 20 minutes or so.  Remove herbs.  Add Balsamic Vinegar. Soup can be cooled and stored.

Topping: While the soup re-heats (if cold) toast your baguette slices.  Toast them quite crispy because they will soften up.  Spoon hot soup into Crock about 3/4 an inch from the rim.  Float toast on top of the soup covering as much soup as you can.  Use extra pieces if you need to.  Mound shredded Grueyer over the top of each Crock and broil until the Cheese is bubbly and a little brown.

Piping hot!  Watch out.

A Better Recipe from TMC.


Social Media

Well, it’s kinda in the news right now. Here’s some Cracked takes.




Blogging is so ‘old school’, it’s practically like newspapers.

The Breakfast Club (Magic)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:00am (ET) (or whenever we get around to it) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

 photo stress free zone_zps7hlsflkj.jpg

This Day in History

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg convicted of Cold War espionage; Lt. William Calley, Jr. convicted in the Vietnam War’s My Lai massacre; U.S. troops leave South Vietnam; Attorney Johnnie Cochran dies.

Breakfast Tunes

Something to Think about over Coffee Prozac

It is dangerous for a national candidate to say things that people might remember.

Eugene McCarthy

Continue reading

One Reason Why #MarchForOurLives Is So Effective

There is no doubt that the Gun Control Movement that has arisen in the wake of the Parkland School Murders has sent Republican Gun Extremists (and their fellow traveling Democratic NRA A+ supporters) into a frothing rabid rage. Paul Waldman of the Washington Post identifies two “Fake News” memes- a doctored picture of Emma González tearing up a copy of The Constitution (it was a Gun Target) and a false allegation that David Hogg was not on the Parkland Campus during the shooting (oh and he’s a Nazi too), and no less that 3 articles in The National ReviewIn Defense of ‘Gunsplaining’, David Hogg: Oracle, or Useful Idiot?, and editor Rich Lowry’s, The Teenage Demagogues as examples.

Waldman continues-

“It is practically forbidden in much of the media to dissent from anything they say,” Lowry says, claiming for the right the status of noble victims, brutally silenced by a system that forbids them to speak their opinions out loud.

But is that true? Tell me: What opinion on the subject of guns has been declared verboten in the current American debate, never to pass the lips of a conservative lest he be banished from the media forever? The idea that we should be arming teachers, or the ludicrously false claim that more guns leads to less crime, or the belief that military-style rifles are awesome, or the notion that we have no gun problem that can’t be solved by bringing more guns into more places? Which of the policy changes advocated by the Parkland students — a ban on those military-style weapons, raising the age to purchase a rifle from 18 to 21, expanded background checks — may no one “dissent” from? Because I hear conservatives making all of these arguments on TV, on the radio, and online every single day.

So what exactly is this cruel form of oppression that has been imposed on conservatives by the Parkland students and their media enablers?

Here’s the real difficulty the Parkland students present. It’s not that they’re passionate and surprisingly articulate for their age, though they are. It’s not that they’ve widened the conversation on guns by refusing to accept things the adults have taken as given for years, such as the idea that the NRA is simply too powerful to bother opposing, though they have. It’s that they’re too sympathetic. And when a spokesperson is sympathetic, when you attack them personally, you look like a jerk.

Despite what conservatives say, no one is going to criticize them when they disagree with the Parkland students on any substantive matter. If Rich Lowry argues that the students are wrong and goes on to explain why the minimum age to buy a rifle should remain at 18, no one will respond, “How dare you disagree with those lovely teenagers?”

No, what conservatives are really mad about is that the tactic of demonizing those they disagree with — which is so common in contemporary political rhetoric (on both the right and left) — has, in this case, been taken away from them.

You can say the Parkland kids are wrong, but calling them names, trying to dig into their personal lives to find something embarrassing, encouraging your audience to not simply think they’re mistaken but to hate them with all the venomous fire they can muster — that’s what some on the right wish they could do, but can’t, at least without looking like soulless ghouls. Certain conservatives have been complaining about this from the beginning. Less than a week after the Feb. 14 shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, Fox News host Tucker Carlson whined that the media were “using these kids in a kind of moral blackmail where you’re not allowed to disagree or you’re attacking a child.”

Hmm… In what other national argument did we hear the forces of Conservatism whine and complain that it was just too unfair to present the testimony of all those victims?

Could it be slavery?

Cooper Union

The question recurs, what will satisfy them? Simply this: We must not only let them alone, but we must somehow, convince them that we do let them alone. This, we know by experience, is no easy task. We have been so trying to convince them from the very beginning of our organization, but with no success. In all our platforms and speeches we have constantly protested our purpose to let them alone; but this has had no tendency to convince them. Alike unavailing to convince them, is the fact that they have never detected a man of us in any attempt to disturb them.

These natural, and apparently adequate means all failing, what will convince them? This, and this only: cease to call slavery wrong, and join them in calling it right. And this must be done thoroughly – done in acts as well as in words. Silence will not be tolerated – we must place ourselves avowedly with them. Senator Douglas’ new sedition law must be enacted and enforced, suppressing all declarations that slavery is wrong, whether made in politics, in presses, in pulpits, or in private. We must arrest and return their fugitive slaves with greedy pleasure. We must pull down our Free State constitutions. The whole atmosphere must be disinfected from all taint of opposition to slavery, before they will cease to believe that all their troubles proceed from us.

I am quite aware they do not state their case precisely in this way. Most of them would probably say to us, “Let us alone, do nothing to us, and say what you please about slavery.” But we do let them alone – have never disturbed them – so that, after all, it is what we say, which dissatisfies them. They will continue to accuse us of doing, until we cease saying.

Bigots, Racists, Misogynists, and Fascists not only insist you ignore their Bigoted, Racist, Misogynistic, and Fascist sentiments, they insist you applaud too.

One reason #MarchForOurLives is so effective is that it exposes their hypocrisy.

Played for Laughs


The Breakfast Club (Potential)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:00am (ET) (or whenever we get around to it) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

 photo stress free zone_zps7hlsflkj.jpg

This Day in History

An accident at the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant; Former President Dwight Eisenhower dies; The Spanish Civil War ends; Maria von Trapp of ‘Sound of Music’ fame dies; Singer Reba McEntire born

Breakfast Tunes

Something to Think about over Coffee Prozac

I believe that if you have revolutionary potential, you must make the world a better place and use it.

Lady Gaga

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The Breakfast Club (Stay Forever Young)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:00am (ET) (or whenever we get around to it) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

 photo stress free zone_zps7hlsflkj.jpg

This Day in History

Martin Luther King Jr.’s son meets James Earl Ray in prison for assassinating his father; Comedian Milton Berle dies; the FDA approves Viagra; Quentin Tarantino is born.

Breakfast Tunes

Something to Think about over Coffee Prozac

I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and Constitutions. But laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors.

Thomas Jefferson

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The Breakfast Club (Shine)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:00am (ET) (or whenever we get around to it) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

 photo stress free zone_zps7hlsflkj.jpg

This Day in History

Israel and Egypt sign a peace treaty; Bodies of Heaven’s Gate cult members are found in Calif.; The first U.S. team to win hockey’s Stanley Cup; ‘Funny Girl’ opens on Broadway; Singer Diana Ross born.

Breakfast Tunes

Something to Think about over Coffee Prozac

The only thing worse than a liar is a liar that’s also a hypocrite! Tennessee Williams

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The Breakfast Club (Most Interesting)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:30am (ET) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

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AP’s Today in History for Today in History for March 25th

Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. led 25,000 marchers to the state capitol in Montgomery, Ala. 146 people were killed when fire broke out at the Triangle Shirtwaist Co. in New York. Aretha Franklin, Elton John born.


Breakfast Tune Elton John & Earl Scruggs – Country Comfort 2001


Something to think about, Breakfast News & Blogs below

Marchers across the US united in plan for pro-gun politicians: ‘Vote them out’
Oliver Laughland, The Guardian

For four minutes and 25 seconds, 18-year-old Emma Gonzalez held a crowd of hundreds of thousands in the nation’s capital in near total silence. With tears rolling down her cheeks, intermittently closing her eyes, the teenager’s stillness told its own story.

In the moments before, she had called out the name of each of her fellow students and teachers gunned down five weeks ago. By the time she broke her silence Gonzalez had been on stage for six minutes and 20 seconds, the same time it took a gunman to claim 17 lives at her school, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High, in Parkland, Florida.

“No one could comprehend the devastating aftermath or how far this would reach or where this would go,” she said. “For those who still can’t comprehend because they refuse to, I’ll tell you where it went: right into the ground, six feet deep.” …

Zaid Jilani, Ryan Grim, The Intercept

RICK TREVIÑO WAS not supposed to make it this far in his bid for the Democratic nomination for Texas’s 23rd Congressional District.

A former public school teacher and a Bernie Sanders presidential delegate, he quit his job last September to campaign full-time, though few thought his race would get off the ground. In a five-candidate race, he pledged not to take any corporate PAC or lobbyist money. In fact, he didn’t take much of any money. He spent just $20,416.

Jay Hulings, a Democratic candidate backed by the Blue Dog Coalition and the Castro brothers — the prominent San Antonio Democrats who have acted as kingmakers in local political races — spent almost $400,000 and ended up with 6,584 votes. Treviño netted 7,642 votes, making it to second place and earning a spot in the May 22 runoff.

The candidate who came in first place, former Air Force intelligence officer Gina Ortiz Jones, spent a similar sum to Hulings and ended up with 18,074 votes.

That means that Treviño spent around $2.64 a vote, a tenth of what Ortiz Jones put in, at $20.75 per vote. (The hapless Hulings was shaken down by consultants at a rate of $59.83 per vote.)

The San Antonio Express-News marveled at the strength of Treviño’s grassroots campaign and the number of votes he was able to pull in based on organizing alone, calling it “one of the great underdog stories of Tuesday’s Texas primary.” …

Protests in California after police kill black man carrying only his phone
Sam Levin and agencies

Hundreds of California protesters shut down freeways and marched in the state capital after police fatally shot an unarmed black father in his grandparents’ backyard, firing 20 rounds into the 22-year-old who was only carrying a cellphone.

Sacramento demonstrators shouting “Shut it down” disrupted rush-hour traffic on Thursday night and blocked thousands of NBA fans from entering the Sacramento Kings arena to protest the killing of Stephon Clark, who was shot in his family’s home on Sunday after police wrongly assumed he was armed with a gun.

The protests erupted as body-camera and helicopter videos of officers firing bullets into Clark went viral, with his death sparking comparisons to other high-profile cases of US police killing unarmed black people, including Tamir Rice, Walter Scott and Oscar Grant. …

Lee Fang, Zaid Jilani, The Intercept

THE INCREASINGLY BITTER Democratic primary for Georgia’s closely watched gubernatorial election this year features two former state legislators, Stacey Abrams and Stacey Evans, each of whom has touted her bona fides as the most progressive, most Democratic, and most viable candidate in the race.

While much of the national attention on the race has focused largely on stylistic differences, a little-noticed vote last year serves as yet another policy break on an issue that has sharply divided the Democratic Party in primaries around the country: the role of the banking sector and the subprime lending crisis.

In a vote last year over a bill called HB 192, which changed the liability standard for bank executives, Abrams sided with Georgia Republicans and the banking lobby, while Evans led the opposition.

Georgia has a particularly ugly history with predatory lending. The state was one of the hardest hit areas of the foreclosure crisis, with a record-breaking number of banks that failed in part because they targeted subprime customers with deceptive promises and hidden fees. …

George Joseph, Murtaza Hussain, The Intercept

AT THE HEIGHT of 2014’s Black Lives Matter protests in Ferguson, Missouri, FBI agents tracked the movements of an activist flying in from New York, and appear to have surveilled the homes and cars of individuals somehow tied to the protests, according to recently released documents provided to The Intercept.

The documents, which include FBI emails and intelligence reports from November 2014, suggest that federal surveillance of Black Lives Matter protests went far beyond the online intelligence-gathering first reported on by The Intercept in 2015. That intelligence-gathering by the federal government had employed open-source information, such as social media, to profile and keep track of activists. The newly released documents suggest the FBI put resources toward running informants, as well as physical surveillance of antiracist activists.

The heavily redacted records were obtained by two civil rights groups, Color of Change and the Center for Constitutional Rights, through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit and are being published here for the first time. Internal communications from Department of Homeland Security officials, released through this lawsuit, also revealed the existence of a document described by DHS officials as the “Race Paper,” which was the subject of a filing by the civil rights groups on Monday. …










Something to think about over coffee prozac

‘Most interesting man’ judges contest; ‘mountain man’ wins
WILSON RING,Associated Press

MONTPELIER, Vt. (AP) — The man made famous by being “the most interesting man in the world” while pitching Dos Equis beer loaned his expertise with his perfectly groomed facial hair by helping to judge a contest looking for the best beard in Vermont.

Jonathan Goldsmith, whose close-cropped beard was a key part of the image of the cigar-smoking sophisticate, judged the Best Beardies competition Saturday. It was sponsored by the Vermont chapter of the Make-a-Wish Foundation.

This year’s competition raised $45,000 for Make-a-Wish Vermont, topping the nearly $30,000 it brought in last year.

The contest’s 2018 Top Beardie was Chip Fortune, of Colchester, whose mountain man-style beard won over the judges.

The other winners were: Troy Headrick, of Burlington, urban beard; Louie Coli, of Westford, freestyle beard; Dillon Mears, of Plainfield, people’s choice; and Steve Jalbert, of Barre, top fundraiser.

The winners were among this year’s 20 competitors who made it to Saturday’s finals. They each won a plaque, a gift card for beard care products and bragging rights.

Goldsmith said before the competition that a beard reveals the personality of the man who sports it.

“If it’s wild looking, unkempt — that has some statement. If it’s immaculately trimmed, it might mean that he keeps a clean desk,” said Goldsmith, a Vermont resident who now promotes tequila. “If it’s really long, I would say that it’s somebody who is his own man and doesn’t really care about convention.”

Jalbert, 33, has a long beard that covers his bald pate. He said friends, family and admirers of his beard, which he’s been working on for about a year, urged him to enter.

“The biggest thing is you have to have patience. It doesn’t grow fast,” Jalbert said.

There’s a science to ensuring that his beard remains kempt, he said. He washes it several times a week and he uses oils to keep it tame and looking good.

“Most people have a good thing to say about a guy with a good beard,” said Jalbert, who raised $2,070 in contributions.

Also judging those goods beards was Bryan Sturge, last year’s winner. He still has the beard he grew to honor his daughter who died of cancer in 2013.

Organizers have also drawn the Montana Make-a-Wish organization into the best-beard fray.

Montana, which is holding its finals March 29, is betting bison steaks it can find a better beard in Big Sky Country than the Green Mountain State. Vermont is countering that bet with of maple syrup.

The Breakfast Club (No Struggle, No Strength)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:00am (ET) (or whenever we get around to it) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

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This Day in History

NATO launches airstrikes over Yugoslavia; Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska; Elvis Presley inducted into US Army; Cat on a Hot Tin Roof opens on Broadway.

Breakfast Tunes

Something to Think about over Coffee Prozac

Where there is no struggle, there is no strength.

Oprah Winfrey

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March For Our Lives – March 24

We will be joining the March For Our Lives in Washington, DC tomorrow. Traveling today, so blogging will be exceptionally light for a day or two. If you’re interested in joining these brave young men and women, there are marches all over. You van find one close to you by clicking on this link.

Emma Gonzalez, Jaclyn Corin, and Sarah Chadwick, students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas who have been thrust into activism against gun violence after a shooting tragedy at their school, talk with Rachel Maddow about whether legislators are doing enough to prevent future atrocities.

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