The Breakfast Club (Spring Snow)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:00am (ET) (or whenever we get around to it) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

 photo stress free zone_zps7hlsflkj.jpg

This Day in History

American and British forces invade Iraq; U.S. soldiers charged in Abu Ghraib scandal; France’s Napoleon regains power; ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin’; Sarin attack hits Tokyo subway; John Lennon marries Yoko Ono.

Breakfast Tunes

A portion of the proceeds from “Found/Tonight” will go toward the “March for Our Lives,” the movement that on Saturday will bring rallies across the nation calling for school safety and gun limits.

Something to Think about over Coffee Prozac

A lot of people like snow. I find it to be an unnecessary freezing of water.

Carl Reiner

Continue reading

NCAA Women’s Basketball Tournament 2018: Regional Quarter Finals, Day 2


Fight On Connecticut

We must fight on for old Connecticut
We must fight on for Blue and White
We all have to sacrifice for our Huskies to win this fight
We must fight on until the glory’s won
‘Til we have vict’ry on our side
And when we win–we’ll pin–the laurel on those Husky heads held high
U-C-O-N-N, U-C-O-N-N, U-C-O-N-N Fight!
We must fight on for old Connecticut and then defend with all our might
We must teach the lesson well, that our DOG is in this fight
So let us never waver in our questAnd rest not ’til we score
Then standing proud– and loud— we’ll cheer our UConn Huskies evermore.
To the core- Huskies evermore!

UConn Husky

U Conn Husky, symbol of might to the foe.
Fight, fight Connecticut, it’s victr’y, Let’s go
Connecticut U Conn Husky, victr’y again for the White and Blue
So go, go, go Connecticut, Connecticut U. Fight!
C-O-N-N-E-C-T-I C-U-T. Connecticut,
Connecticut Husky,
Connecticut Husky, Connecticut C-O-N-N-U. Fight!

Why yes, I intend to be exactly this obnoxious. You’ll simply have to indulge me.

Day 2 seems to be Upset Day on the Ladies’ side too. Six of 16 is the identical 37.5% ratio we had for the Men. By far the most significant was Buffalo because they also scored a Century (102). The other teams are Central Michigan, Quinnipiac, Oklahoma State, FGCU, and Creighton.

Of course UConn had their record breaking game also.

Seed Team Record Score Seed Team Record Score Region
1 UConn 33 – 0 140 16 St. Francis (Pa.) 24 – 10 52 East
5 Duke 23 – 8 72 12 Belmont 31 – 4 58 East
3 Florida State 26 – 6 91 14 Little Rock 23 – 10 49 East
6 LSU 19 – 10 69 11 *Central Mich. 29 – 4 78 West
8 Miami (Fla.) 21 – 11 72 9 *Quinnipiac 28 – 5 86 East
4 Georgia 26 – 6 68 13 Mercer 30 – 3 63 East
6 South Florida 26 – 8 79 11 *Buffalo 28 – 5 102 East
3 Ohio St. 27 – 6 87 14 Geo. Washington 19 – 14 45 West
8 Syracuse 22 – 9 57 9 *Oklahoma State 21 – 10 84 Mid West
3 UCLA 25 – 7 71 14 American 26 – 7 60 Mid West
7 Arizona St. 21 – 12 73 10 Nebraska 21 – 11 62 Mid West
5 Missouri 24 – 8 70 12 *FGCU 31 – 4 80 South
1 Mississippi St. 33 – 1 95 16 Nicholls State 19 – 14 50 Mid West
6 Iowa 24 – 8 70 11 *Creighton 19 – 12 76 Mid West
2 Texas 27 – 6 83 15 Maine 23 – 10 54 Mid West
4 Stanford 23 – 10 82 13 Gonzaga 27 – 6 68 South

Do we have favorites? Of course we have favorites.

UConn, sorry Quinnipiac, better draw next year. Buffalo, what a game! Central Michigan because Michigan. I’m not worried about any of the others except Mississippi State and while it would be nice if someone knocked them off I’m not expecting it.

Time Network Seed Team Record Seed Team Record Region
6:30 pm ESPN 2 1 UConn 33 – 0 9 Quinnipiac 28 – 5 East
6:30 pm ESPN 2 4 Georgia 26 – 6 5 Duke 23 – 8 East
6:30 pm ESPN 2 3 Florida State 26 – 6 11 Buffalo 28 – 5 East
6:30 pm ESPN 2 3 Ohio St. 27 – 6 11 Central Mich. 29 – 4 West
9:00 pm ESPN 2 1 Mississippi St. 33 – 1 9 Oklahoma State 21 – 10 Mid West
9:00 pm ESPN 2 3 UCLA 25 – 7 11 Creighton 19 – 12 Mid West
9:00 pm ESPN 2 2 Texas 27 – 6 7 Arizona St. 21 – 12 Mid West
9:00 pm ESPN 2 4 Stanford 23 – 10 12 FGCU 31 – 4 South

A little Meta. No games Tuesday and Wednesday. Thursday Men start the Regional Semi Finals. It is also a travel day for me, we’ll see what happens. Friday the Ladies start their Regional Semi Finals, another travel day and a longer one.

Saturday I’ll be at #MarchForOurLives. Sunday family and Cherry Blossoms. Monday is probably a travel day, could be Tuesday.

I’m not sure how much posting I’ll be able to do, I’ll try my best to keep up.

Marlon Bundo

Unsurprisingly John Oliver, who brought down the FCC website with his call for comments on Net Neutrality (Ajit Pai has provided absolutely no evidence of his mysterious because it didn’t happen DDoS attack), is #1 on Amazon today for the children’s book written and illustrated by some of his staff which he promoted on his show yesterday.

And the moral of the story? Be careful what you wish for.

Pence is just as extreme and crazy as any other Republican in his economic and social policies, maybe more so since he’s also a Dominionist Theocrat. Trump at least is utterly incompetent, but his views are the mainstream of the Republican Party. His insincerity and narcissism actually mitigate the damage he is causing.

Pence is a true believer, more polished, and treated by Republican Legislators and the Media as respectable. Is a more efficient evil better, or a lesser one? Just being pragmatic here.

Oh, and he’s in the Obstruction of Justice swamp two feet over the tips of his upstretched fingers. He was at all the meetings and did nothing.

Doing Whatever They Want

Bad News, Worse News, and (Yay!) Good News

Despicable Human Beings Who Pretend To Be Democrats



Anna Akana

You’re not entitled to my body

Racist Sexist Improv Class

Why women are “complicated”

None of this is really funny, is it?

Comedy is complicated.

The Breakfast Club (Deception)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:00am (ET) (or whenever we get around to it) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

 photo stress free zone_zps7hlsflkj.jpg

This Day in History

US launches 2003 attack on Baghdad; Televangelist Jim Bakker quits ministry due to scandal; Nevada legalizes casino gambling; Bob Dylan’s debut album is released.

Breakfast Tunes

Something to Think about over Coffee Prozac

One who deceives will always find those who allow themselves to be deceived.

Niccolo Machiavelli

Continue reading

Rant of the Week: Bill Maher – Democrats Must Support Other Democrats

The Russian Connection: McCabe Fired to Discredit Mueller

As was expected, Donald Trump had his Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III fire Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe late Friday night just 26 hours before he was to retire effectively denying him a portion of his pension benefits. McCabe has stepped down from his position in January.

In a blistering statement Friday night, McCabe said his firing is part of a larger effort to discredit the FBI and the special counsel’s investigation.

“This attack on my credibility is one part of a larger effort not just to slander me personally, but to taint the FBI, law enforcement, and intelligence professionals more generally,” McCabe said. “It is part of this Administration’s ongoing war on the FBI and the efforts of the Special Counsel investigation, which continue to this day. Their persistence in this campaign only highlights the importance of the Special Counsel’s work.”

You can read McCabe’s full statement here

The review conducted by Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz that was cited as the reason for the firing has not been released.

(It) is said to conclude that McCabe misled investigators about his role in directing other officials at the FBI to speak to The Wall Street Journal about his involvement in a public corruption investigation into the Clinton Foundation, according to a source briefed on it.

CNN reported on Wednesday that the findings in Horowitz’s report on McCabe were referred to the FBI’s Office of Professional Responsibility, staffed with career officials, who recommended McCabe’s termination. McCabe, accompanied by his lawyer, tried making a last-ditch effort Thursday to avoid the firing, meeting with officials at the deputy attorney general’s office at the Justice Department for several hours while Sessions was traveling, but to no avail.

Horowitz’s office is continuing to investigate how the Justice Department and FBI handled sensitive investigations leading up to the 2016 presidential election — including the probe into Hillary Clinton’s private email server — and a more global report is expected this spring.

Sessions, who recused himself last year from any investigation of matters to do with the 2016 election, has violated that recusal because McCabe’s alleged transgression was related to the Hillary Clinton investigation.

McCabe has been interviewed by Special Counsel Robert Mueller III about the firing of FBI Director James Comey. He apparently kept contemporaneous notes, as is customary for lawyers, about his meetings with Trump and conversation with Comey about his conversations with Trump. Those memos are in Mueller’s hands.

McCabe revealed that he had three in-person interactions and one phone call with Trump, in which the President berated him each time about his wife’s failed Virginia Senate campaign.

It is unclear exactly what is in McCabe’s memos and if he memorialized every interaction he had with the President. McCabe did not keep a copy of his memos after turning them over to Mueller, the source confirmed. A spokesman for the special counsel’s office declined comment. [..]

McCabe also confirmed that the President asked him who he voted for in the 2016 election, which was reported back in January and which Trump denied.

The former No. 2 official at the FBI told CNN that Trump did not bring up the agency’s investigation into Russia meddling in the 2016 election.

With the GOP partisan ending of the House Intelligence Committee’s investigation into Russian meddling in the elections, deciding that it there was no “collusion” and the Russian’s were not trying to help trump, Trump’s personal attorney, John Dowd, has called for an end to Mueller’s investigation giving up the game that purpose of McCabe’s firing was to discredit Mueller.

Reached for comment by email about the firing of former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe, Dowd sent The Daily Beast the text of Trump’s most recent tweet on the subject, which applauded the dismissal. [..]

In making the statement, a senior member of Trump’s legal team joins the calls from his base to end the probe. As late as mid-December, another Trump lawyer, Ty Cobb, had brushed aside talk of stopped Mueller’s investigation, stressing that there was “no consideration at the White House of terminating the special counsel.” The president himself has called the Mueller probe a “witch hunt,” but has not publicly urged Rosenstein to shutter it.

When The Daily Beast initially asked Dowd if he was speaking on behalf of the president, he answered, “Yes as his counsel.” After publication of this story, however, Dowd emailed to say he was actually speaking in his personal capacity, and not on the president’s behalf.

McCabe has retained the ex-inspector general of the Justice department, Michael Bromwich, to represent him. he has also received offer of federal job to help him restore his eligibility for his pension

Rep. Mark Pocan (D-Wis.) announced Saturday afternoon that he has offered McCabe a job to work on election security in his office, “so that he can reach the needed length of service” to retire.

“My offer of employment to Mr. McCabe is a legitimate offer to work on election security,” Pocan said in a statement. “Free and fair elections are the cornerstone of American democracy and both Republicans and Democrats should be concerned about election integrity.”

A spokeswoman for McCabe, Melissa Schwartz, didn’t immediately rule out a job with one of the most liberal members of Congress, which might only need to last for a day or so for him to get his full retirement benefits: “We are considering all options.”

Rep. Seth Moulton (D-Mass.) tweeted that he’d consider hiring McCabe, too. [..]

It’s not immediately clear if getting fired from the FBI on a Friday and going to work on Capitol Hill on a Monday would solve McCabe’s problems for certain, though at least one former federal official with knowledge of retirement rules says it probably would. [..]

With those 20 years, he would need to just go to work with the federal government for another day or so in any job he pleases, whether that’s as a election security analyst for a Wisconsin congressman or a typist for a day, to get full benefits, said the former official who spoke to The Fix. The job doesn’t matter so much as the fact that he’s working within the federal government with the same retirement benefits until or after his 50th birthday.

Trump is obviously lashing out at the news that Mueller had subpoenaed business records from the Trump Organization related to Russia.

The subpoena is the latest indication that the investigation, which Mr. Trump’s lawyers once regularly assured him would be completed by now, will continue for at least several more months. Word of the subpoena came as Mr. Mueller appears to be broadening his inquiry to examine the role foreign money may have played in funding Mr. Trump’s political activities. In recent weeks, Mr. Mueller’s investigators have questioned witnesses, including an adviser to the United Arab Emirates, about the flow of Emirati money into the United States.

Mr. Mueller has already indicted 13 Russians and three companies accused of meddling in the 2016 presidential campaign, and on Thursday, the Trump administration included them in sanctions it leveled at Moscow as punishment for interference in the campaign and “malicious cyberattacks.”

The Trump Organization has typically complied with requests from congressional investigators for documents for their own inquiries into Russian election interference, and there was no indication the company planned to fight Mr. Mueller’s order.

Last summer Trump had warned Mueller to stay out of the Trump family finances, that this was a “red-line.” Mueller response: subpoenas. There was also the matter of the rather unceremonious firing of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, appointing CIA Director Mike Pompeo to fill his shoes, and the nomination of a Bush era war criminal and current CIA Deputy CIA Director Gina Haspel to replace Pompeo. It’s been a messy week for Trump, who remained holed up in the White House of the weekend tweeting nasty, childish remarks about

While I have no love for McCabe, he helped Comey prepare the memo to the House Intelligence Committee regarding the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s e-mails, this is pure Trump vindictiveness fueled by his paranoia of a so-called “deep state” that exists only in his mind and the minds of his base.

Just a thought.

Inspired by this.

So how hard could it be to put a Stingray near Trump and shut off his Twits?

NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament 2018: Regional Quarter Finals, Day 2

We could call Friday “Giant Slayer Day”, at least on the Men’s side of the Tournament. In addition to the big one, the crushing defeat of Virginia (picked by many as the top seed to win the whole thing) by University of Maryland, Baltimore College, a historically Black College known more for turning out Physicians, Ph Ds., Cyber Spooks and Chess Grandmasters than NBA Hall of Famers, there were 5 lesser remarked upsets- Marshall, Butler, Kansas State, Syracuse, and Florida State.

Umm… that’s over a Third, 37.5% to be precise.

Only one Men’s team scored a Century (as opposed to 3 on the Lady’s side) and that would be Xavier (told you they had a cool name).

Friday’s Results

Seed Team Record Score Seed Team Record Score Region
7 Texas A&M 21 – 12 73 10 Providence 21 – 14 69 West
2 Purdue 29 – 6 74 15 CSU Fullerton 20 – 12 48 East
4 Wichita State 25 – 8 75 13 *Marshall 25 – 10 81 East
2 Cincinnati 31 – 4 68 15 Georgia State 24 – 11 53 South
2 North Carolina 26 – 10 84 15 Lipscomb 23 – 10 66 West
7 Arkansas 23 – 12 62 10 *Butler 21 – 13 79 East
5 West Virginia 25 – 10 85 12 Murray State 26 – 6 68 East
7 Nevada 28 – 7 87 10 Texas 19 – 15 83 South
8 Creighton 21 – 12 59 9 *Kansas St. 23 – 11 69 South
3 Mich. St. 30 – 4 82 14 Bucknell 25 – 10 78 Mid West
1 Xavier 26 – 8 102 16 Texas Southern 16 – 20 83 West
4 Auburn 26 – 7 62 13 Charleston 26 – 8 58 Mid West
1 Virginia 31 – 3 54 16 *UMBC 25 – 10 74 South
6 TCU 21 – 12 52 11 *Syracuse 22 – 13 57 Mid West
8 Missouri 20 – 13 54 9 *Florida State 21 – 11 67 West
5 Clemson 24 – 9 62 12 New Mexico St. 28 – 6 58 Mid West

Do we have favorites? Of course we have favorites.

Even though State is my pick for the Finals I just can’t help rooting for the ‘Cuse. Fortunately Richard is parked at Stars Hollow North Lake this weekend otherwise there might be grunts, I’ve given up on being included in the Will.

UMBC for sure because who hates on Cinderella? Xavier because cool name duh and from an aesthetic standpoint I wonder how the Tiger/Tiger matchup will work itself out.

Time Network Seed Team Record Seed Team Record Region
12:10 pm CBS 2 Purdue 29 – 6 10 Butler 21 – 13 East
2:40 pm CBS 3 Mich. St. 30 – 4 11 Syracuse 22 – 13 Mid West
5:15 pm CBS 2 North Carolina 26 – 10 7 Texas A&M 21 – 12 West
6:10 pm TNT 2 Cincinnati 31 – 4 7 Nevada 28 – 7 South
7:10 pm TBS 4 Auburn 26 – 7 5 Clemson 24 – 9 Mid West
7:45 pm True 9 Kansas St. 23 – 11 16 UMBC 25 – 10 South
8:40 pm TNT 1 Xavier 26 – 8 9 Florida State 21 – 11 West
9:40 pm TBS 5 West Virginia 25 – 10 13 Marshall 25 – 10 East

NCAA Women’s Basketball Tournament 2018: Regional Quarter Finals, Day 1

Friday, Day 1 of the Round of 64, was not exactly overpopulated with upsets. Virginia, Minnesota, and Villanova, that’s it. Otherwise pretty much what you would expect. Tennessee got a Century, good for them. Doesn’t look quite so impressive now, does it?

Unfortunately Lady’s Basketball does not have the financial support and development it deserves and that results in a wide range of teams appearing in the tournament. This is good and bad. Good because it makes the game more egalitarian and eclectic and provides encouragement to teams that are not rigid program factories of dismal similarity, and bad because they tend to be one and done cannon fodder.

I really liked St. Francis and I’ll bet Geno did too. They played their game which is run and gun and UConn didn’t grind them down with D (something they are fully capable of, take a look at some of the other results and you’ll see what I mean). They too got a NCAA record for number of 3 Point Attempts and had a game plan that might have worked against another team.

Geno likes Quinnipiac, last year’s Cinderella. Their draw is… unfortunate because Geno won’t let sentiment stand in the way and they looked really good against Miami.

Friday’s Results

Seed Team Record Score Seed Team Record Score Region
5 Maryland 26 – 7 77 12 Princeton 24 – 6 57 Mid West
5 DePaul 27 – 7 90 12 Oklahoma 16 – 15 79 West
1 Louisville 33 – 2 74 16 Boise State 23 – 10 42 South
6 Oregon St. 28 – 3 82 11 Western Ky. 24 – 9 58 South
4 NC State 25 – 8 62 13 Elon 25 – 8 35 Mid West
4 Texas A&M 25 – 9 89 13 Drake 26 – 8 76 West
8 Marquette 24 – 9 84 9 Dayton 23 – 7 65 South
3 Tennessee 25 – 7 100 14 Liberty 24 – 10 60 South
7 California 21 – 11 62 10 *Virginia 19 – 13 68 East
1 Notre Dame 30 – 3 99 16 CSUN 19 – 16 81 West
7 Green Bay 29 – 4 77 10 *Minnesota 24 – 8 89 West
7 Michigan 23 – 9 75 10 Northern Colo. 26 – 7 61 South
2 South Carolina 27 – 6 63 15 N.C. A&T 23 – 9 52 East
8 South Dakota St. 26 – 7 74 9 *Villanova 23 – 8 81 West
2 Oregon 31 – 4 88 15 Seattle U 18 – 5 45 West
2 Baylor 31 – 1 96 15 Grambling 19 – 13 46 South

Do we have favorites? Of course we have favorites.

Marquette because Michigan. DePaul and Maryland because program. Oregon State because Tennessee. Villanova because Muffy. Michigan because… well, Michigan.

I have given up wondering about how and why ESPN is screwing with the schedule and am simply taking everything the NCAA is saying on faith at this point. It makes my head ache less.

Good luck to your teams. It’s much more competitive in this round and unlikely you’ll see any Century blowouts.

Except from UConn.

Today’s Games

Time Network Seed Team Record Seed Team Record Region
12:00 pm ESPN 2 1 Louisville 33 – 2 8 Marquette 24 – 9 South
2:00 pm ESPN 2 4 Texas A&M 25 – 9 5 DePaul 27 – 7 West
2:30 pm ESPN 2 4 NC State 25 – 8 5 Maryland 26 – 7 Mid West
2:30 pm ESPN 2 3 Tennessee 25 – 7 6 Oregon St. 28 – 3 South
7:00 pm ESPN 2 1 Notre Dame 30 – 3 9 Villanova 23 – 8 West
8:30 pm ESPN 2 2 Baylor 31 – 1 7 Michigan 23 – 9 South
9:00 pm ESPN 2 2 South Carolina 27 – 6 10 Virginia 19 – 13 East
10:30 pm ESPN 2 2 Oregon 31 – 4 10 Minnesota 24 – 8 West

The Breakfast Club (And This)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:30am (ET) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

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AP’s Today in History for March 18th

Russian cosmonaut first man to walk in space; Mahatma Gandhi is sent to prison for civic disobedience, Italy’s Mussolini agrees to enter WWII; Terri Schiavo’s feeding tube removed; Singer John Philips dies


Breakfast Tune Carolina Chocolate Drops — John Henry


Something to think about, Breakfast News & Blogs below


















Something to think about over coffee prozac

What you should do if a flight attendant tells you to put your dog in an overhead bin.

After a dog died in an appalling debacle aboard a United Airlines flight Monday night, the internet assembled to pose “what ifs” and render ex post facto judgement. If, as several eyewitnesses have claimed, a flight attendant “insisted” that the dog’s owner, Catalina Robledo, needed to store the pet in an overhead bin, why didn’t the passenger object more fervently or get off the plane? And couldn’t the eyewitnesses have done more? Why didn’t they rise in mutiny upon hearing this plainly incorrect instruction?

Speak Up, but Beware the Limits of Speaking Up
Even though the flight attendant aboard United Flight 1284 had it wrong, Robledo still could have been thrown off the plane had she refused to store her dog in the overhead bin. This is because of regulations that in effect criminalize insubordination on planes. Federal regulations require, for instance, that passengers follow all crew instructions. (“Crew” includes flight attendants, who are required on planes because the Federal Aviation Administration wants someone present to command an evacuation during an emergency.) If you refuse to follow directions, airlines can take advantage of the broad permissions they are granted to refuse transportation to any passenger they deem a safety risk.

But you should still speak up—as Robledo did. The key is to remain calm and to avoid monopolizing the flight attendant’s attention. “You’re allowed to disagree with flight crew,” says Justin T. Green, a partner at Kreindler, a large plaintiff-side aviation law firm, “but you must do so without interfering with the flight crew’s duties.”

If you can’t convince the flight attendant to reconsider the decision, ask to speak with the lead flight attendant. Don’t ask to speak to the pilot, because pilots are trained to prioritize cockpit duties and usually defer to their in-flight crew’s judgement when a cabin issue is reported. As one pilot explained to me, not backing them up “would cause massive issues for the lines of communication among the crew and diminishes the already fragile authority flight attendants have over passengers.”

Finally, it’s always better to speak up while your plane is still at the gate. This allows you access to the conflict-resolution specialists airlines employ in airports, who are versed in all matter of regulatory arcana.

Avoid Confrontation. Just Give In.
If your dog’s life is not on the line, consider whether your problem truly requires an immediate resolution. The rules are stacked against you inside a plane. And even where an airline is later shown to have kicked off a passenger for bad reasons, the law provides the industry with unique liability protections.

If it can wait, your problem will get a fairer assessment once you’ve deplaned. “My best advice is to try to avoid confrontations on airplanes, even when the flight crew is in the wrong,” Green told me.

Emphasize Safety
But if your dog’s life is on the line, you can flip the script. Instead of arguing, simply tell the crew why you feel unsafe. Crews are trained to make safety their first priority and encouraged to proactively report any conditions that could be unsafe. Your report would probably get relayed to another crew member, which could lead another staffer to get involved, hopefully one who’s better versed in procedure.

Pets are counted as passengers, so their safety matters, too. And you can report all safety issues, not only ones that directly impact you.

Ask to Deplane
If the crew persists in their request after you’ve told them you feel unsafe, ask if you can deplane. It should be no problem if the plane is still at the gate, and the airport employees are likely to be more responsive to your needs once you’re not holding up a plane.

Asking could work in your favor even after the plane has pulled away from the gate. That’s because it takes time to drop you back at the gate, and pilots want to get home as much as you do. As one pilot explained to me, “No one wants to return to the gate for any reason. I’m 99 percent sure that, once the captain got word of what was going on in the back, both he and the flight attendants would be either scouring the policy manual or calling company to find out what the proper procedure really is.”

For financial and logistical reasons, getting off the plane can be scary. You could be stuck buying a new round of tickets for everyone traveling in your group if the airline doesn’t help. But if you’re right, the company will almost certainly assist.

Document the Event
Airlines now find themselves in a similar position as police departments. Everyone has access to a camera and Twitter, and these are powerful tools for redressing wrongs.

File a Complaint
Once you do get home, explore the work of consumer rights organizations like Flyers Rights and Travelers United, and consider filing a formal complaint. (The Department of Transportation told me that it’s looking into Robledo’s experience, working in cooperation with the Department of Agriculture, the agency that enforces the Animal Welfare Act.) …

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