The Russian Connection: House Republicans – “No Collusion” – Case Closed

Yesterday afternoon Representative Mike Conaway (R-TX), who led the investigation after chair Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) recused himself, announced that the House Intelligence Committee is ending its investigation of Russian interference with the 2016 election. The Democrats on the committee were not informed about the announcement. They found out about it like the rest of us.

The GOP issued one page summary of the report which only partially agrees with the intelligence community that the Russians interfered with the election. They contest the IC assessment that the Russians favored Trump (pdf) or that the Trump campaign “colluded” with the Russians. Basically, the GOP report is a whitewash of the investigation and a blatantly desperate attempt to exonerate Donald Trump and his campaign cohorts ahead of the 2018 mid-term elections.

House Republicans investigating foreign interference in the 2016 election say they have found no evidence that Russians colluded with any members of the Trump campaign and dispute a key finding from the intelligence community that Russia had developed a preference for the Republican nominee during the election.

Those are the initial conclusions of a 150-page report from GOP members of the House Intelligence Committee, who are formally bringing the panel’s year-long investigation to an end over the fierce objection of Democrats.

Lawmakers had been telegraphing that last week’s committee interview with former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski was likely to be the last of dozens conducted since the committee launched its Russia probe last March. [..]

But the news that majority party staffers had already drafted a final report so quickly was likely to stun committee Democrats who expected to be consulted in the process. [..]

After speaking with 73 witnesses and reviewing more than 300,000 pages of documents, Conaway said there was an urgent need to begin making their recommendations known to the public because Americans have already begun voting in midterm elections. And he denied that any of the initial conclusions by the GOP members represented an effort to undermine the work of the probe by special counsel Robert Mueller. [..]

The report will include an assessment of the June 2016 meeting between Trump campaign officials, including Donald Trump Jr., and Russians with ties to the Kremlin, concluding that nothing discussed represented collusion. [..]

A January 2017 assessment from intelligence agencies found with “high confidence” that Russian President Vladimir Putin and his government expressed a “clear preference” for Donald Trump in the campaign, and sought to influence the election on his behalf as part of Putin’s “longstanding desire to undermine the U.S.-led liberal democratic order.”

Conaway and other committee officials said that after an exhaustive review of the thousands of source documents that went into developing that assessment, they largely agreed with its findings but with a major caveat: Information suggesting a “clear preference” by Putin for Trump did not meet the analytical standards required to support the assessment.

The report will go further and suggest that to the extent that any Russians acted on behalf of either candidate, it was for Hillary Clinton. That contentious finding is included in the context of discussing the role of the Christopher Steele dossier that was compiled on behalf of an opposition research firm contracted by a law firm connected to the DNC and the Clinton campaign. [..]

Among some of the other 40 initial findings:

  • Russians used cyberattacks and social media to sow discord in the U.S.
  • The Obama administration had a “lackluster” response to the Russian efforts.
  • There were “problematic contacts” between senior intelligence officials and the news media.

The draft report includes 25 proposed recommendations for Congress and the executive branch related to election security, supporting European allies, the government response to cyberattacks, campaign finance transparency and counterintelligence practices related to political campaigns.

CNN contributor and former CIA analyst Phil Mudd had the best analysis of the GOP report. He concluded “if this report was written on toilet paper I would wipe my ass with it.”

The report is an obvious partisan whitewash that attempts to shift the blame for Russian interference to former President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and the DNC. The Senate Intelligence Committee will continue its investigation and is calling more witnesses next week. Meanwhile. Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his team will continue calling witnesses and gathering evidence not only for an obstruction case but possibly a case for conspiracy by Trump and his gang of misfits.

The upcoming mid-term elections are expected to shift control of the House into Democratic hands. The House will lose some of its worst clowns like Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-GA) and Rep. Darryl Issa (R-CA) who are retiring. We may also see the House cleaned of House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI), Trump House boy Rep. Devin Nunes, along with Putin’s favorite congressman, Dana Rohrbacher (R-CA). One would truly expect that if Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), the current ranking member, becomes the chair, he will reopen this investigation and start issuing subpoenas to get real answers. These guys are running scared.

You can read the GOP summary report after the jump
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These kids today.

‘Entitled’ Millennials Want Jobs That ‘Pay’

Why The Struggle Is Not Real

How Millennials Are Killing the Diamond Industry

The Breakfast Club (A Million Dreams)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:00am (ET) (or whenever we get around to it) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

 photo stress free zone_zps7hlsflkj.jpg

This Day in History

Uncle Sam cartoon debuts; Law prohibiting teaching evolution goes into effect; Deadly rampage at Scottish elementary school; Brigadoon opens on Broadway.

Breakfast Tunes

Something to Think about over Coffee Prozac

All human beings are also dream beings. Dreaming ties all mankind together.

Jack Kerouac

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Trump Flips and Flops on Gun Control

Up Date: 16:15 ET In the White House Press Conference this afternoon, Sara Sanders claimed Trump backed down on age limits for gun sales because there isn’t enough support to pass the legislation. However, according to Politico/Morning Consult poll:

most gun control proposals — including those opposed by a large share of Republicans in Congress — earn broad approval. Eighty-eight percent support requiring background checks on all gun sales. Eighty-four percent back preventing sales of firearms to people who have been convicted of violent misdemeanors.

Raising the age limit on gun purchasers is also widely popular. Eighty-two percent think the age limit should be 21 to purchase an assault-style weapon, and 81 percent support requiring purchasers of all firearms to be 21.

More than 3 in 4 voters, 78 percent, want to create a national database with information about each gun sale. The same percentage support a three-day waiting period for all gun purchases, and 77 percent support a ban on bump stocks, which President Donald Trump has called a priority for his administration.

Well that took a bit longer than usual. Donald Trump again flips his stand on a hot topic. This time caving to the National Rifle Association’s demands that he back off raising the federal age to purchase an assault style weapon and background checks. On Sunday, the White House released its position on “school safety” that didn’t mention raising the age limit from 18 t0 21

The new proposal, rolled out over the weekend, establishes a federal commission that will evaluate several topics, including violent video games and entertainment, entertainment ratings systems, and safety measures within schools, such as arming teachers. It also seeks to study the possibility of raising the minimum purchasing age for assault-style weapons, stopping short of actually implementing any new policies. The commission, spearheaded by Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, is expected to make recommendations to the White House in the next year. [..]

Trump’s sudden about-face comes less than one month after a school shooting in Parkland, Florida which left 17 people dead. In the wake of that shooting, Trump insisted that the minimum purchasing age for assault-style weapons like the one used by the alleged gunman should be raised from 18 to 21, something the NRA has said it opposes.

“You have a case right now where somebody can buy a handgun at 21. Now, this is not a popular thing to say, in terms of the NRA. But I’m saying it anyway — I’m going to just have to say it,” Trump said, during a bipartisan meeting with lawmakers on February 28. “You can’t buy [a handgun]…until you’re 21. But you can buy the kind of weapon used in the school shooting at 18. I think it’s something you have to think about.” [..]

He added that, unlike Congress, he would be able to change the policy because the NRA had “less power” over him than lawmakers.

Days later, however, following a meeting with top NRA officials, the president himself appeared to buckle under pressure.

According to CNN, during that meeting, NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre and NRA lobbying executive Chris Cox argued against the idea of raising the minimum purchasing age to 21, telling the president that such a move would infringe on the constitutional rights of 18, 19, and 20-year-olds.

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos spent much and last week doing damage control on the morning talk shows claiming that the administration had not dropped the ball. Her performance on CBS’ “60 Minutes” was less than stellar not only on her knowledge of the school safety panel she now heads but the mission of her own department.

Nor will the proposal to ban bump-stocks, which converts a semi automatic rifle into an automatic rifle, get off the ground. An executive order will have little teeth without congressional support. Of course, most congressional leaders are beholden to do the bidding of the NRA.

Expanding and improving background checks and closing loopholes for gun sales has been watered down, as well. There as no mention of vetting buyers for firearm sales that take place online and at gun shows which had been floated by Trump last month. The White House is only endorsing minor legislation in Congress to improve federal and state databases used for background checks by licensed dealers.

Of course, banning assault style weapons and limiting magazine size are out of the question and not even mentioned by this coward.

The position now is to train and arm teachers which is opposed by education groups and only popular with the NRA.

Three of this nation’s worst shooting, Las Vegas, Orlando and Parkland, have occurred on Trumps watch. Like his stand on immigration when he told a bipartisan group of legislators, “send me a bill I’ll sign it,” Trump has flipped and flopped under pressure, giving the NRA and gun lobbyists what they want. This isn’t about “school safety.” It’s about sensible gun control and ownership.


Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you guys will all know about cryptocurrencies. We have talked about it before, we have invested in it, we use awara to get crypto price notifications and we hope we’ve helped inform you guys about it in the past. But there’s still a big issue for cryptocurrency and it’s that only 5% of crypto exchanges is done buying and selling things. The other 95% is all from trading and investing. So, how applicable is crypto in real life?

Fundamentally no more valuable than Tulips, Gold, Oil, or Bananas (say goodbye to the Cavendish you’re used to) it has a certain utility as a medium of exchange provided you can find a market that accepts it, which is why many cryptocurrencies are trying their hardest to be applicable to certain industries, for instance, these iota kurs is wanting to become the sole cryptocurrency of IoT connected devices in the future. I’ve heard that people gain more perspective on the biggest cryptocurrency bitcoin from websites similar to that might give some insight into how this IoT cryptocurrency will work.

Federal Reserve Notes (look in your wallet) are mandated by the United States Government with all the power of its military might, nuclear weapons, and domestic monopoly on violence to be “Legal Tender For All Debts Public And Private” though strict Modern Monetary Theorists will tell you that it’s only that “Public” part (i.e. Taxes) that give it real value. So what happens when these new cryptocurrencies start having this “public” part even when kept as a decentralized currency? The public could see a massive shift in currency norms for the future. Some keen investors and crypto analysts are already betting some of their wealth that crypto will provide them with profitable returns and become solidified as legal tender in the coming years. Especially with the likes of online crypto exchanges being so popular, there are even the likes of Zipmex Indonesia alternatives as an example, so beginners all around the world can get started in the world of cryptocurrencies.

John Oliver is a little off but he gets it mostly right and is much funnier than I am.

My two big beefs are the malware designed to take over your computer to “mine” cryptocurrency and the fact it’s now impossible to buy Video Cards for a reasonable amount of money (I need an upgrade).


“Fake” News is quite real, but it has more to do with Bari Weiss, Bret Stephens, Megan McArdle, Robert Samuelson, Tom Friedman, et al., our “special” snowflakes who can’t stand the heat of public debate and must be shielded from the least criticism on the electric Twitter machine lest their fragile egos bruise and wilt when exposed to truth and sunlight.

The Rant Is Due

Ladies and Gentlemen (I’m being terribly optimistic today) Lewis Black.

Give it a chance, it takes a while to ramp up. From yesterday as near as I can determine.

The Breakfast Club (A Wink Of The Eye)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:00am (ET) (or whenever we get around to it) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

 photo stress free zone_zps7hlsflkj.jpg

This Day in History

Hitler takes Austria; FDR’s first fireside chat; Gacy convicted; Girl Scouts predecessor founded; Les Miserables opens.

Breakfast Tunes

Something to Think about over Coffee Prozac

Maybe that’s what life is… a wink of the eye and winking stars.

Jack Kerouac

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The Rant of the Week: Bill Maher – Third Rails

One of the good things that has come out of the tragedy at Marjory Stoneman Douglas School is that Donald Trump has ruined the phrase “our thoughts and prayers are with you.” As one student survivors said in response to Trump’s tweet,

“I don’t want you thoughts and payers, you piece of shit. My friends and teachers were shot. Multiple of my fellow classmates are dead. Do something instead of prayers. Prayers won’t fix this. But gun control will prevent it from happening again.”

Maher is right, prayer is now officially an eye roll.

Things that used to be third rail no longer have to be. As Maher said, “the Second Amendment is just words that humans made at a certain moment in history when they felt right. It’s an amendment not a commandment. And we could make up new words again. Instead of the right of people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, we could change it to the right of the people to apply for the privilege of possessing non-military style weaponry, so long as they’re not bat shit crazy, shall not be infringed.

And in case you missed it, last week Maher had two of the students from MSD, David Hogg and Cameron Kasky. as guests in his opening segment.

“Trump needs to listen to the screams of the children and the screams of this nation”

These young men and women are smart, articulate, and focused on their agenda: gun control and saving lives. They are going to “rebuild the world previous generations fucked up.” We should give them all the support they need.

Join us on March 24 for the March for Our Lives.

Mostly Movies

The Mueller

Unsafe Sex

This is U.S.

That’s why they call it ‘acting’


More Music

The Cutting Room Floor

More Movies (by the way it’s Big Hero Six, just saying)

Jack Links

Weekend Update

The Breakfast Club (Millionaires)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:30am (ET) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

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AP’s Today in History for March 11th

Bomb attack on Madrid’s commuter trains; Former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic found dead; Mikhail Gorbachev becomes leader of Soviet Union; General Douglas MacArthur leaves Philippines in WWII.


Breakfast Tune Blind Boy Paxton – Ragtime Millionaire – Live @ 2014 Portland Blues Festival


Something to think about, Breakfast News & Blogs below

US government accused of unlawfully separating hundreds of migrant families
Amanda Holpuch, The Guardian

There have been at least 429 cases of immigrant parents being separated from their children in the past two years, according to a class-action lawsuit filed on Friday against the Trump administration.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) suit alleges the US government has violated due process for hundreds of asylum-seeking families by separating parents and children without a hearing and without showing the child would be endangered by staying with the parent.

Administration officials said last year they were considering implementing a family separation policy to deter asylum seekers. No such policy has been announced. …

The Missing Obama Millions

Much of the political commentary since the presidential election has focused on two groups of party switchers: those who voted for Barack Obama in 2012 and Donald Trump in 2016 and those who voted for Mitt Romney in 2012 and Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Trump voters who previously voted for Mr. Obama are the subject of intense fascination because they are viewed as providing critical insights into the racial and class dynamics that helped determine the outcome of the election. On the other side, many analysts see Romney voters who flipped to Mrs. Clinton as an illustration of how the Democratic Party now survives in significant part by appealing to more upscale voters.

Frustratingly, however, these perspectives play down the importance of a crucial group of disaffected voters: those who voted for Mr. Obama in 2012 but then failed to go to the polls in 2016. Because this group is disproportionately young and black, this erasure is racially tinged.

Our analysis shows that while 9 percent of Obama 2012 voters went for Mr. Trump in 2016, 7 percent — that’s more than four million missing voters — stayed home. Three percent voted for a third-party candidate. …

Democrats’ superdelegates debate left unresolved, will continue into the summer
Eric Bradner, CNN

Washington (CNN)Democrats will keep fighting over “superdelegates” — a leading symbol of the divisions left over from the 2016 presidential race — for at least five more months.

Democratic National Committee members voted Saturday to accept a recommendation to “revise the role and reduce the perceived influence” of superdelegates.

What that actually means, though, is a question the party is unlikely to resolve until this summer.

Bernie Sanders-aligned DNC members cast Saturday’s vote as progress, and said they ultimately want to effectively eliminate all superdelegates.

“We knew it wasn’t going to get resolved here,” said Larry Cohen, the chairman of Sanders’ political organization Our Revolution.

The generic recommendation came after the DNC’s Unity Reform Commission — a 21-member panel of Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders supporters created to ease the tensions lingering from the 2016 campaign — spent 2017 crafting a series of recommendations that included a 60% reduction in superdelegates. That proposal would allow elected officials and former presidents and vice presidents to retain their status — but the DNC’s 447 voting members would be “bound” to their state’s results. …

Michael Sainato, The Intercept

THE ILLINOIS DEMOCRATIC machine has unleashed a wave of attacks on fellow Democrats in local races, with state party chair Michael Madigan funding mailers knocking several progressive candidates as Donald Trump stooges and foot soldiers in the tea party.

Madigan’s campaign committee has spent nearly $19,000 on mailers attacking two Our Revolution-backed candidates in State Central Democratic Committee elections, Elizabeth Lindquist and Art Bardsley. The postcards say Lindquist and Bardsley are Trump supporters and “members of a group supported by Tea Party activists.” The group referenced by the mailers is Represent.Us, an anti-corruption group that brings together people from all sides of the political spectrum.

The attack comes as the Illinois machine faces one of its most credible assaults in a generation, with Madigan ally Rep. Daniel Lipinski facing a primary challenge from Marie Newman, a progressive, pro-choice advocate who is now neck in neck with him in the polls. And in Chicago, a populist-reformer is going right at the heart of the machine, targeting the pol in charge of Cook County’s tax assessment, a key source of power for the state party bosses. …

Massive Protest in BC as Thousands March to Stop Kinder Morgan Pipeline
Jon Queally, Common Dreams

Disregarding an injunction won by the pipeline company a day before the planned protest, thousands of people marched in Burnaby, British Columbia on Saturday to protest the expansion of a Kinder Morgan tar sands pipeline and export terminal that First Nations and climate justice campaigners say would threaten local waterways, erode Indigenous rights, and increase planet-warming carbon emissions.

Under a joint call to #ProtectTheInlet and #StopKM, opponents of the project—spearheaded by the “Protect the Inlet” or Kwekwecnewtxw initiative coordinated by Coast Salish spiritual leaders—marched on Saturday and also erected a physical “watchhouse” that will serve as a beacon for ongoing opposition to the pipeline company’s efforts.

Members of the Tsleil-Waututh, Squamish and Musqueam First Nations say they do not consent to Kinder Morgan’s plans and have vowed to fight the project’s approval and completion with every means necessary.

“For Tsleil-Waututh Nation, the People of the Inlet, it is our sacred obligation to protect the water,” the tribe said in a statement ahead of Saturday’s protest. And while they said they will continue their legal battle against the pipeline company in the court, they added, “In our opposition to Kinder Morgan, we are many people paddling in the same direction.” …


Something to think about over coffee prozac

Massachusetts school to keep ‘Millionaires’ mascot name

LENOX, Mass. (AP) — Students at a Massachusetts school want to remain Millionaires.

The Lenox Memorial Middle and High School student council on Wednesday announced that a school-wide poll found a majority of students want to keep the sometimes contentious Millionaires mascot.

About 96 percent of the school’s 438 students voted last month. Fifty-one percent voted to keep the nickname, 32 percent wanted to change it, and 17 percent had no opinion.

Students last spring voted to change it because it is divisive, leads to taunts from opposing schools, and doesn’t accurately reflect the picturesque town’s economics.

Superintendent Timothy Lee tells The Berkshire Eagle the latest vote “puts the issue to rest.”

The nickname is a tribute to wealthy out-of-towners, called “cottagers,” who built mansions during the gilded age and employed the locals.

How Is This Still A Thing?

Let me tell you what it’s like to have seasonal affective disorder on top of an underlying bed of depression and anxiety.

The depression tells you that you’re unworthy and every positive interaction you have is the result of the fundamental lie that you’re an acceptable human being when the truth is you bring misery and pain into every life you touch. The anxiety makes you worry constantly that you will be exposed to all as the awful excuse you are.

Good dreams are pure unconsciousness and happen rarely. Bad dreams are indistinguishable from real life only you can’t scream.

And this is in the summer when the Sun is high and the days are long. In the winter the light cuts through your curtains and night comes early. It’s also generally cold and miserable, things work reluctantly if at all, the only benefit is the whole outdoors becomes your refrigerator which is fine if you don’t suffer from Ursaphobia (which is totally rational, Bears can be nasty animals).

So it makes perfect sense that during this time of year the clocks are adjusted to make it darker sooner. Not that I mind the extra sleep, it makes up (for a while) the endless hours of tossing and turning.

Of course you give that all up tonight, tomorrow will be sooner than you think and groggy and bleary eyed you’ll greet it and cats and dogs will dance around your feet at unexpected times.

I never change my clocks, at least those that don’t change automatically. They are arbitrarily set 2 hours ahead of daylight savings and when standard comes around it simply means I have an extra hour to screw with. I find this leads to a more relaxing existence. I struggle against a reputation of constant lateness which is the result of over commitment, not tardiness or lack of effort. Since most of my deadlines are now self imposed I strive to keep them flexible.

Many of the States in my Acela Initiative are considering moving permanently into the Atlantic Time Zone (1 hour ahead) given that for 3 months a year it is full on permanent dark around 4 pm or so. Eastern Time is the largest Zone geographically and thus has the greatest mismatch between daylight and clock at both ends.

Like “One Nation Under God” and “In God We Trust” this revolting development is more recent than most care to acknowledge, having been experimented with during The Great War (thus the plethora of stories proclaiming that this custom is 100 years old), abandoned, and re-adopted during World War II. It was not enshrined in Federal law until 1966.

The solution is not to return to “standard” time (standard only for Oligarchic 19th Century Railroads) since that results in a sunrise at 4 am, a useless time of day except to remind you that you’ve pissed away another sleepless night (did I mention my SAD?), it is instead to adopt the Atlantic standard which, having traveled in Canada, takes about one day to get used to and is never ever a problem again.

I of course urge you to become mindless single issue NRA drone voters on this essential demand and relentlessly punish Representatives who do not comply with 100% obedience as well as contribute all your money to my PAC- Rational Sunrise Voters Federation (since it is not at all real I didn’t bother coming up with a clever acronym) which will support my trips to visit my cousin our lobbying efforts in Washington and my trips to Nova Scotia for $7 a gram weed fact finding missions conducting vital research in other Time Zones to examine the beneficial effects of this critically needed change in National Policy.

Thank you in advance for your support.

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