Bugs and Birds and Mail (Web Exclusive)

Why yes, I have chosen to brighten your life with a dose of John Oliver again. Though his new 4th season won’t debut until February 12th, HBO has released a promotional trailer-

Here are some more funny Web Exclusives that caught my attention.



Fan Mail

More Fan Mail

POM Wonderful (also Mail)

Some of our other favorites like The Daily Show, The Opposition, Full Frontal, Stephen Colbert, and Seth Meyers should be returning this week to their normal schedule.

I’m still thinking about the return of Sausage Grinder of Snark but we’ve (meaning TMC and I) kind of decided that my best contribution to our sites is not producing formulaic franchises, instead it’s providing topical pieces of interest, education and analysis, and variety.

So I’m still going to do humor, holidays, sports, and special events, but because I don’t have as much time to write on a daily basis I’m not committing to a regular rotation.

Eh, we’ll see. I reserve the right to change my mind. A lot of what I’m taking a sabbatical from is stuff I’ve been doing for nearly a decade and having shown I can I don’t have a lot left to prove.

Corporatist Capture

Public Corporations are Big (but not necessarily Mega) Businesses that sell Stock (shares of participation in the Profits of the Company) to raise Capital and finance their activity. These Shares are traded in a Public Market either in exchange for other Shares (thus the term “Stock Exchange”) or directly for money. Shares are something that has to be understood in the corporate world, thus the reason for the shares and shareholders information available on Your Company Formations Ltd. Once understood, the profitability of your business is easy to comprehend. In the United States and other developed countries, there are rules and regulations that control the Public disclosure of information about the activities of the Company and its Profitability (or not), and that prevent Share Owners from trading them based on information that is not Publicly available (Insider Trading).

Most, but not all, Public Corporations practice what is called Corporate Democracy which can take many complicated forms but is idealized in the simplest case as each Share Holder gets a vote for each Share on important Company decisions like who sits on the Board of Directors that runs the Company and whether they should buy another Company or sell theirs.

Even in this very simple case there are nuances. Among other things Majority Ownership is not necessary for effective control. Quite small Minorities, if concentrated, can run things even if there is a Majority opposed provided Shares are widely distributed and therefore difficult to co-ordinate and/or there are a large number that are indifferent to the outcome.

Unfortunately that is frequently the case. CEOs generally pick and choose their own toadies to stack the Board of Directors which, among other things, usually decides Executive Compensation.

Back in the day Labor Unions (I’m talking waaay back here, I know) would sometimes negotiate partial ownership positions (Shares) as a form of non-monetary compensation. This caused great consternation among true Capitalists.

“Outrageous!”, they would sputter. “What prevents them from just voting to send their own Wages through the roof?”

So in many cases the Union would accept non-Voting Shares and simply park them in their Pension Funds and hope that as Company fortunes prospered they would rise in value faster than Interest Income or other Investments.

My point is- how different is this from the current situation where CEOs write their own ticket for a degree of Mismanagement and Laziness that would make a featherbedding member of the Jetsons 1 Hour Of Buttonpushing A Day Union, Local 127 blush?

The Breakfast Club (Nine Ladies Dancing)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:00am (ET) (or whenever we get around to it) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

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This Day in History

WV mine blast; JFK declares he’s running for President; Japan captures Manila, Philippines during WWII; Lindbergh baby trial; Annie closes on Broadway.

Breakfast Tunes

Something to Think about over Coffee Prozac

People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.

Isaac Asimov/blockquote>

Continue reading

Filed Under Duh

I mean really, what sort of racist thinks this was ever a thing?

GOP lawmakers surprised to learn no black soldiers served under Confederacy in South Carolina
by Travis Gettys, Raw Story
01 Jan 2018

The justification for building a monument to black Confederate soldiers is crumbling as historians point out there’s no evidence such combatants ever existed.

State Rep. Bill Chumley (R-Woodruff) and state Rep. Mike Burns (R-Taylors) pre-filed a bill last month that would establish a commission to design an African-American Confederate veterans monument, reported The State.

The bill would also require public schools to teach the contributions of black people toward the Confederate cause, and Chumley said his proposal had already accomplished his goal even as historians undermine its intent.

“We are all learning a lot,” Chumley said. “The purpose of the bill is education.”

The State reviewed pension records from 1923 that show three blacks claimed armed service in South Carolina units under the Confederacy, with two of them confirmed as cooks or servants and none for armed service.

“In all my years of research, I can say I have seen no documentation of black South Carolina soldiers fighting for the Confederacy,” said historian Walter Edgar, the longtime director of the University of South Carolina’s Institute for Southern Studies. “In fact, when secession came, the state turned down free (blacks) who wanted to volunteer because they didn’t want armed persons of color.

Edgar, who wrote a history of the state, said any black person who served in a Confederate unit in South Carolina was either a slave or an unpaid laborer working against his will.

South Carolina forbid blacks from carrying weapons during most of the Civil War out of fear of a slave revolt, but the Confederacy did allow black soldiers in the final months of the doomed rebellion.

State Sen. Darrell Jackson (D-Columbia), a black Democrat, and state Sen. Greg Gregory (R-Columbia), a white Republican, filed a separate proposal to memorialize Robert Smalls, who hijacked a Confederate supply ship in 1862 and turned it over to the Union.

He went on to become a state legislator and five-term congressman.

If the monument is built, it would be the first on Statehouse grounds to honor an individual African-American.

At the first link in the piece, Raw Story reports

The commission established under the bill would also be staffed and tasked with promoting historical awareness in public school classrooms.

The lawmakers insist the bill is not aimed at restoring the Confederate flag back to the State House grounds, where it was removed after a white supremacist gunned down nine black worshipers at a historically black Charleston church.

“I think (the African-American monument) will be a real plus for South Carolina,” Chumley told the newspaper. “That period of history needs to be taught.”

Uh, yeah. These guys obviously didn’t get much education.

New Year’s Resolutions

Well, they’re made to be broken, but it is with neck snapping swiftness that Republican legislators have done a complete 180 from the Deficit Busting $1.5 Trillion Cut Cut Cut Bill to a “renewed” sense of fiscal rectitude.

As U.S. budget fight looms, Republicans flip their fiscal script
by Kevin Drawbaugh and Roberta Rampton, Reuters
December 31, 2017

The head of a conservative Republican faction in the U.S. Congress, who voted this month for a huge expansion of the national debt to pay for tax cuts, called himself a “fiscal conservative” on Sunday and urged budget restraint in 2018.

In keeping with a sharp pivot under way among Republicans, U.S. Representative Mark Meadows, speaking on CBS’ “Face the Nation,” drew a hard line on federal spending, which lawmakers are bracing to do battle over in January.

When they return from the holidays on Wednesday, lawmakers will begin trying to pass a federal budget in a fight likely to be linked to other issues, such as immigration policy, even as the November congressional election campaigns approach in which Republicans will seek to keep control of Congress.

President Donald Trump and his Republicans want a big budget increase in military spending, while Democrats also want proportional increases for non-defense “discretionary” spending on programs that support education, scientific research, infrastructure, public health and environmental protection.

“The (Trump) administration has already been willing to say: ‘We’re going to increase non-defense discretionary spending … by about 7 percent,’” Meadows, chairman of the small but influential House Freedom Caucus, said on the program.

“Now, Democrats are saying that’s not enough, we need to give the government a pay raise of 10 to 11 percent. For a fiscal conservative, I don’t see where the rationale is. … Eventually you run out of other people’s money,” he said.

Meadows was among Republicans who voted in late December for their party’s debt-financed tax overhaul, which is expected to balloon the federal budget deficit and add about $1.5 trillion over 10 years to the $20 trillion national debt.

“It’s interesting to hear Mark talk about fiscal responsibility,” Democratic U.S. Representative Joseph Crowley said on CBS.

Crowley said the Republican tax bill would require the United States to borrow $1.5 trillion, to be paid off by future generations, to finance tax cuts for corporations and the rich.

“This is one of the least … fiscally responsible bills we’ve ever seen passed in the history of the House of Representatives. I think we’re going to be paying for this for many, many years to come,” Crowley said.

Republicans insist the tax package, the biggest U.S. tax overhaul in more than 30 years, will boost the economy and job growth.

House Speaker Paul Ryan, who also supported the tax bill, recently went further than Meadows, making clear in a radio interview that welfare or “entitlement reform,” as the party often calls it, would be a top Republican priority in 2018.

In Republican parlance, “entitlement” programs mean food stamps, housing assistance, Medicare and Medicaid health insurance for the elderly, poor and disabled, as well as other programs created by Washington to assist the needy.

Democrats seized on Ryan’s early December remarks, saying they showed Republicans would try to pay for their tax overhaul by seeking spending cuts for social programs.

But the goals of House Republicans may have to take a back seat to the Senate, where the votes of some Democrats will be needed to approve a budget and prevent a government shutdown.

Democrats will use their leverage in the Senate, which Republicans narrowly control, to defend both discretionary non-defense programs and social spending, while tackling the issue of the “Dreamers,” people brought illegally to the country as children.

That increase in the Defense Budget- $700 Billion.

Also, Deficits Don’t Matter. They are never paid off “by future generations”, at worst everyone today experiences some mild inflation- currently less than 2% (the extremely low Fed target). Tax Cuts never produce Economic Growth, particularly when Corporations and the Economy are drowning in money. The misguided, lying Economics the Fed embraces when they artificially raise Interest Rates (which should be negative since The All Powerful Market is willing to buy all we can print at a discount) is that somehow, in some future economic downturn, they’ll be able to lower them again and stimulate the Economy Monetarily.

Let me repeat- the Economy is drowning in money. More will do nothing!

We do know what will work- policies that stimulate Demand, be it Guaranteed Income, Government Employment programs, or Infrastructure Investment.

Supply never creates its own Demand, if it did we would still be snapping up Buggy Whips and Horseshoes, and Supply Side Economics is nothing but a proven LIE!

This is simply Republicans expressing their belief that anything that improves the lives of Black and Brown people is somehow morally wrong. It is pure unadulterated Racism!

The Breakfast Club (Eight Maids A Milking)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:00am (ET) (or whenever we get around to it) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

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This Day in History

Fidel Castro seizes power in Cuba; Abraham Lincoln signs Emancipation Proclamation; Ellis Island opens; Hank Williams Senior dies.

Breakfast Tunes

Something to Think about over Coffee Prozac

All morons hate it when you call them a moron.

J. D. Salinger

Continue reading

Happy New Year – 2018

We all sing Auld Lang Syne at midnight on December 31 but what are the lyrics? Most people don’t know that it is a Scottish poem written in 1788 by Robert Burns and later set to the music of a folk song. Here is a you tube with the lyrics and English translation.

Happy New Year

Now, This Is Funny

Sometimes I feel the need to scrape off the ick. Who better to turn to than John Oliver?


Revised Resolutions

An All Dog Version Of The Blue Man Group

Lost Graphics

Lost Graphics Part 2

Your Andrew Dice Clay Moment

Hey, I write about cultural stuff too.

For those of you who don’t remember Andrew Dice Clay was a foul mouthed, bigoted, homophobic, misogynistic “Comedian” who enjoyed a brief bubble of popularity in the late 80s/early 90s. His public persona duplicated his personal prejudice and he was roundly despised by almost everyone who ever worked with him except performers and crew who shared his reprehensible world view. He’d be the ideal headliner at a White Supremacy event except for his unfortunate Jewishness. Today he labors in deserved obsurity though in the current political climate his career has seen a slight uptick. He makes Dennis Miller look like George Carlin. I never thought he was funny as I have a very low tolerance for that type of “humor”.

So, there’s your Andrew Dice Clay moment metaphor explained.

Today Dave Chappelle has two new “Comedy” Specials on Netflix. One, Equanimity, addresses how most people are offended by his blatant transphobia.

But wait, it gets better. The other is titled The Bird Revelation and features gems like these (all quotes taken from The Daily Beast review, Dave Chappelle Defends Louis C.K. in New Netflix Special by Matt Wilstein, 12.31.17)-

Sometimes, the funniest thing to say is mean. You guys gotta remember, I’m not saying it to be mean. I’m saying it because it’s funny. And everything’s funny until it happens to you.

Just when you think things couldn’t get worse, they got Charlie Rose today. … Everybody is raping like hotcakes! You know, I’m starting to get worried. I’ve been in show business for 30 years, I had no idea how much danger I was in.

(On Harvey Weinstein) Yeah, he rapes. I’m not sure (he) has a choice. If it was Brad Pitt doing that …, you wouldn’t have heard a peep.

And yet, It is important that I acknowledge, ladies, you are absolutely right,” he says. “We’ve got to all be mindful of that, guys, because this could happen to any of us. It could happen to me. I could see myself showing up: ‘Hi, I’m here for my 3 a.m. with Mr. Weinstein.’

Wow, I mean it is really bad out here. Kevin Spacey’s out here grabbing men …! I didn’t even know that was possible! (The irony of the situation is that actor Anthony Rapp) grew up to be gay anyway. (Which means) Kevin Spacey sniffed that … out like a truffle pig. And not to victim-blame, but it seems like the kind of situation that a gay 14-year-old kid would get himself into.

(The allegations against Louis C.K. were) the only ones that made me laugh.

It’s terrible, I know it’s terrible. Ladies, you are right. But at the same time, Jesus Christ, they took everything from Louis. I think it might be disproportionate. I can’t tell. This is where it’s hard to be man.

(To the female comedian who said that Louis C.K. masturbating in front of her ruined her comedy dreams Well then I dare say, madam, you may have never had a dream. C’mon man, that’s a brittle spirit.

You think if Louis C.K. jerked off in front of Martin Luther King, he’d be like, ‘I can’t continue this movement?’ “How the hell are you going to survive in show business if this is an actual obstacle to your dreams?

Tell me, exactly what part of that is supposed to be funny?

Harvey Weinstein raped many actresses, forcing them to have sex by threatening to ruin their careers (oh, and he ruined a lot of careers).

Kevin Spacy had sex with a 14 year old. Tell me, is that better or worse than Roy Moore (oh, and spare me the homophobic crap)?

Louis C.K. would mastubate in front of women at business meetings. Took everything? Talk to me about what happened to PeeWee Herman’s career.

Charlie Rose groped and deliberately got naked in front of multiple women. Oh, and he stalked them with pornographic phone calls.

What part of any of that is funny?

I suppose we should expect nothing less of Dave Chappelle, a man who endorsed Trump.

The Breakfast Club (Auld Lang Syne)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:30am (ET) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

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AP’s Today in History for December 31st

Thomas Edison demonstrates light bulb; The United States winds down the Marshall Plan; Actor Anthony Hopkins, composer Jule Styne and musician Donna Summer are born. (Dec. 31)


Breakfast Tune Auld Lang Syne


Something to think about, Breakfast News & Blogs below

Iran warns protesters who pose major challenge to country’s leadership
Bozorgmehr Sharafedin, Reuters

LONDON (Reuters) – Iran warned of a crackdown on Sunday against demonstrators who pose one of the biggest challenges to the government and clerical leadership since a revolution in 1979.

Tens of thousands of Iranians have protested across the country since Thursday against the Islamic Republic’s unelected clerical elite and Iranian foreign policy in the region. They have also chanted slogans in support of political prisoners.

Demonstrators initially vented their anger over economic hardships and alleged corruption but they have also begun to call on Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei to step down. …

CEO says Iran blocking messaging app after issuing warning to protesters
Marilia Brocchetto, CNN

(CNN)The Iranian government is blocking access to the popular messaging application Telegram, according to its CEO, Pavel Durov.

On Sunday, Durov tweeted that “Iranian authorities are blocking access to Telegram for the majority of Iranians,” after the company’s refusal to shut down peaceful protesting channels.

Semi-official news agency ISNA also reported users of the mobile application said they couldn’t “access the mobile app versions of Telegram and Instagram. So far there are no reports of any problems with the desktop version of Telegram,” but the news agency didn’t elaborate on a possible cause. If users of instagram still wanted to send direct messages to other users without using the mobile application, the way on how to dm on instagram isn’t just limited to the mobile application or the browser version, people can download desktop software to enable them to direct message other instagram users too.
CNN was able to contact users in Iran through the app following these announcements. The app was slower than usual but messages from both sides eventually got through.
Telegram, which offers public channels for users in addition to encrypted messaging, is widely used in Iran. …

Birkenstock just won a major victory in its feud with Amazon
Tom Sims, Georgina Prodhan, and Sabine Wollrab, Reuters

FRANKFURT (Reuters) – Did you mean Birkenstock?

A German court has ordered Amazon not to lure internet shoppers to its online marketplace when they mistakenly search for “Brikenstock,” “Birkenstok,” “Bierkenstock,” and other variations in Google.

The ruling is a victory for the German sandal maker, whose relationship with Amazon has grown increasingly antagonistic. It convinced a district court in Duesseldorf that Amazon booked variations of “Birkenstock” as keywords through Google AdWords.

Any of those variations would produce search results for Birkenstock shoes sold on Amazon.com, the court said in a ruling dated Dec. 20. Birkenstock sought the injunction because it feared unsuspecting shoppers might buy low-quality counterfeits through Amazon that would erode its reputation. …

Sharon Lerner

THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Agency has tasked a banker who was banned from the banking industry for life with oversight of the nation’s Superfund program.

In May, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation fined Oklahoma banker Albert Kelly $125,000. According to a consent order, which The Intercept obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, the FDIC had “reason to believe that [Kelly] violated a law or regulation, by entering into an agreement pertaining to a loan by the Bank without FDIC approval.”

Two weeks later, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt appointed Kelly to lead an effort to streamline the Superfund program. In July, the FDIC went further, banning Kelly from banking for life. The “order of prohibition from further participation” explained that the FDIC had determined Kelly’s “unfitness to serve as a director, officer, person participating in the conduct of the affairs or as an institution-affiliated party of the Bank, any other insured depository institution.” …







Something to think about over coffee prozac

Stylist accused of giving man unwanted ‘Stooges’ hairdo

MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Police in Madison, Wisconsin, arrested a hairstylist after he gave a customer a very unwanted Larry Fine hairdo.

Police spokesman Joel DeSpain says the 22-year-old victim told officers the stylist asked him to stop fidgeting and moving his head during the Friday haircut. The Wisconsin State Journal reports that DeSpain says the stylist then nicked the customer’s ear with his clippers before running them down the middle of the man’s head on their shortest attachment, “leaving him looking a bit like Larry from ‘The Three Stooges.'”

DeSpain says officers arrested the 46-year-old hairstylist, Khaled A. Shabani, who pleaded not guilty to disorderly conduct Wednesday. DeSpain says Shabani told officers it was an accident.

Web Exclusive

Well, maybe not all of it, but this week between ek’smas and New Year’s is tough and depressing and without much new news to share and I’m not about to finish my 127 Chapter Autobiography “13 Years A Slave, An Intertubz History- 10 Years Of DocuDharma, 7 Years Of The Stars Hollow Gazette And Why I’ve Come To Hate Most Things Orange Except Oranges”. Hey, I think it’s a great title and I don’t much care what you think.

I miss John Oliver.


Happen to be an Illuminati, just saying.


Shallow End of the Pool


New Year’s Eve

As near as I can tell there are 32 more of these things. I’ll be doing family stuff and traveling and the weather, as you are probably experiencing yourself, is bad. I try to keep up appearances but the forecast for blogging is sucky.

Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Negative Press Covfefe

Despite Misadministration insistence that George Papadopoulos was little more than an unpaid intern delegated to fetch coffee and other menial tasks, The New York Times today reveals, in a story sourced by “four current and former American and foreign officials with direct knowledge” (none of them named), he really played a much more influential role than that.

How the Russia Inquiry Began: A Campaign Aide, Drinks and Talk of Political Dirt
DEC. 30, 2017

During a night of heavy drinking at an upscale London bar in May 2016, George Papadopoulos, a young foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign, made a startling revelation to Australia’s top diplomat in Britain: Russia had political dirt on Hillary Clinton.

The information that Mr. Papadopoulos gave to the Australians answers one of the lingering mysteries of the past year: What so alarmed American officials to provoke the F.B.I. to open a counterintelligence investigation into the Trump campaign months before the presidential election?

It was not, as Mr. Trump and other politicians have alleged, a dossier compiled by a former British spy hired by a rival campaign. Instead, it was firsthand information from one of America’s closest intelligence allies.

Interviews and previously undisclosed documents show that Mr. Papadopoulos played a critical role in this drama and reveal a Russian operation that was more aggressive and widespread than previously known. They add to an emerging portrait, gradually filled in over the past year in revelations by federal investigators, journalists and lawmakers, of Russians with government contacts trying to establish secret channels at various levels of the Trump campaign.

When Mr. Trump’s foreign policy team gathered for the first time at the end of March in Washington, Mr. Papadopoulos said he had the contacts to set up a meeting between Mr. Trump and Mr. Putin. Mr. Trump listened intently but apparently deferred to Jeff Sessions, then a senator from Alabama and head of the campaign’s foreign policy team, according to participants in the meeting.

Mr. Sessions, now the attorney general, initially did not reveal that discussion to Congress, because, he has said, he did not recall it. More recently, he said he pushed back against Mr. Papadopoulos’s proposal, at least partly because he did not want someone so unqualified to represent the campaign on such a sensitive matter.

Once the information Mr. Papadopoulos had disclosed to the Australian diplomat reached the F.B.I., the bureau opened an investigation that became one of its most closely guarded secrets. Senior agents did not discuss it at the daily morning briefing, a classified setting where officials normally speak freely about highly sensitive operations.

Besides the information from the Australians, the investigation was also propelled by intelligence from other friendly governments, including the British and Dutch. A trip to Moscow by another adviser, Carter Page, also raised concerns at the F.B.I.

With so many strands coming in — about Mr. Papadopoulos, Mr. Page, the hackers and more — F.B.I. agents debated how aggressively to investigate the campaign’s Russia ties, according to current and former officials familiar with the debate. Issuing subpoenas or questioning people, for example, could cause the investigation to burst into public view in the final months of a presidential campaign.

It could also tip off the Russian government, which might try to cover its tracks. Some officials argued against taking such disruptive steps, especially since the F.B.I. would not be able to unravel the case before the election.

Others believed that the possibility of a compromised presidential campaign was so serious that it warranted the most thorough, aggressive tactics. Even if the odds against a Trump presidency were long, these agents argued, it was prudent to take every precaution.

Why is this so interesting, besides the salacious details?

Well, it puts the lie to the assertions that Papadopoulos was unimportant and insignificant and that “The Steele Dossier” (or as some of us put it, “The Piss Papers”) was the starting point of the F.B.I investigation of the Trump Campaign that ultimately resulted in The Donald’s firing of James Comey and confession on National Television that he was deliberately Obstructing Justice when he did it.

Let’s not forget that Papadopoulos is now a co-operating witness and that his sponsor in the Trump Campaign was Sam Clovis who was National Co-Chairman from August of 2015 right up until the election in November 2016, 16 months. Clovis was also nominated as Under Secretary of Agriculture for Research, Education, and Economics but had to withdraw both because he is supremely unqualified for the position and he was called to testify before the Special Prosecutor and his Grand Jury.

Think he’s getting an indictment or will flip for a plea deal? I do.

The other person deeply implicated by this information is our old friend Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III, currently the Attorney General.

When Mr. Trump’s foreign policy team gathered for the first time at the end of March in Washington, Mr. Papadopoulos said he had the contacts to set up a meeting between Mr. Trump and Mr. Putin. Mr. Trump listened intently but apparently deferred to Jeff Sessions, then a senator from Alabama and head of the campaign’s foreign policy team, according to participants in the meeting.

Mr. Sessions, now the attorney general, initially did not reveal that discussion to Congress, because, he has said, he did not recall it. More recently, he said he pushed back against Mr. Papadopoulos’s proposal, at least partly because he did not want someone so unqualified to represent the campaign on such a sensitive matter.

If the campaign wanted Mr. Papadopoulos to stand down, previously undisclosed emails obtained by The Times show that he either did not get the message or failed to heed it. He continued for months to try to arrange some kind of meeting with Russian representatives, keeping senior campaign advisers abreast of his efforts.

Haven’t had an A.G. indicted since John Mitchell and they’re not immune. Mitchell went to jail.

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