
Vincent Van Gogh’s The Starry Night: Great Art Explained

TMC for ek hornbeck

The Breakfast Club (Summer)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:00am (ET) (or whenever we get around to it) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

This Day in History

Ranger 7 beams lunar pictures; France’s Marquis de Lafayette makes his name in the American Revolution; Thomas Eagleton withdraws as George McGovern’s running mate; Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling born

Breakfast Tunes

Something to Think about over Coffee Prozac

Ah, summer, what power you have to make us suffer and like it.

Russell Baker

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The Most Important Invention of the 20th Century: Transistors

On December 23, 1947, three researchers at Bell labs demonstrated a new device to colleagues. The device, a solid-state replacement for the audion tube, represented the pinnacle of the quest to provide amplification of electronic communication.

TMC for ek hornbeck

The Breakfast Club (Cheap Sunglasses)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:00am (ET) (or whenever we get around to it) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

This Day in History

Ex-Teamsters leader Jimmy Hoffa disappears; Medicare and Medicaid signed into law; A blast rocks Black Tom Island; The USS Indianapolis sunk; Henry Ford and Arnold Schwarzenegger born.

Breakfast Tunes

Something to Think about over Coffee Prozac

Don’t let anyone try to tell you who you are. Define yourself.

David Alan Grier

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TMC for ek hornbeck

The Breakfast Club (Beat Of A Different Drum)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:00am (ET) (or whenever we get around to it) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

This Day in History

Britain’s Prince Charles marries Lady Diana Spencer; Italy’s fascist dictator Benito Mussolini born; President Dwight Eisenhower signs an act creating NASA; Artist Vincent Van Gogh dies.

Breakfast Tunes

Something to Think about over Coffee Prozac

History is a gallery of pictures in which there are few originals and many copies.

Alexis de Tocqueville

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The Fermi Paradox With Neil deGrasse Tyson – Where Are All The Aliens?

Since the birth of philosophy, we’ve never stopped wondering about the answer to the question: Are we alone?
Neil deGrasse Tyson tackles the possibility of the prevalence of life in the cosmos by comparing our sole data-point we have, life on Earth. He points to the fact that life on Earth formed as soon as it had a chance after the late heavy bombardment period.

Neil deGrasse Tyson also extrapolates from the fossil record that Intelligence as we humans have defined it is not necessary for survival, therefore intelligent life in the cosmos might be extremely rare.

In the summer of 1950 Italian-American physicist Enrico Fermi, while walking to lunch with his fellow physicists was having a casual conversation about recent UFO reports and the possibility of faster-than-light travel. Allegedly Fermi suddenly during lunch said, “But where is everybody?

This later became known as the Fermi problem or paradox. Which is the apparent contradiction between the lack of evidence for extraterrestrial life and the high estimate probability for their existence.

So what could possibly explain this semblant paradox?

Whatever is preventing non-living matter from undergoing “Abiogenesis” in time, to expanding lasting life as measured by the Kardashev scale, in the context of the Fermi paradox, is known as the “Great Filter”.

As NASA has explored our solar system and beyond, it has developed increasingly sophisticated tools to address our endless curiosity for the possibility of life existing elsewhere in the cosmos. Within our solar system, NASA’s missions have searched for signs of both ancient and current life, especially on Mars and soon, Jupiter’s moon Europa. Beyond our solar system, missions, such as Kepler, are revealing thousands of planets orbiting other stars. Fueling our imaginations further with bewilderment, wondering if there are other civilizations out there, perhaps asking the same question. Are we alone?

A growing number of people believe we’ve already answered this question due to recent UFO reports over the last few years. However, eye-witness testimony and ambiguous video footage does not qualify as extraordinary evidence to definitively answer this age old question. But to be respectful to the people who believe we’ve been visited by extraterrestrial crafts, we will dedicate a whole video on the topic.

TMC for ek hornbeck

The Breakfast Club (Back Pages)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:00am (ET) (or whenever we get around to it) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

This Day in History

Outbreak of World War One; Troops disperse ‘Bonus Army’ marchers; A U.S. Army bomber crashes into the Empire State Building; Former first lady Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis and author Beatrix Potter born

Breakfast Tunes

Something to Think about over Coffee Prozac

Diplomacy is the art of saying ‘Nice doggie’ until you can find a rock.

Will Rogers

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TMC for ek hornbeck

The Breakfast Club (Small Pleasures)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:00am (ET) (or whenever we get around to it) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

This Day in History

An armistice ends the Korean War; A House panel votes to impeach President Richard Nixon; A pipe bomb explodes at the Atlanta Olympics; The deposed Shah of Iran and comedian Bob Hope die.

Breakfast Tunes

Something to Think about over Coffee Prozac

Life is made up of small pleasures. Happiness is made up of those tiny successes. The big ones come too infrequently. And if you don’t collect all these tiny successes, the big ones don’t really mean anything.

Norman Lear

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Housing Discrimination: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

John Oliver breaks down the long history of housing discrimination in the U.S., the damage it’s done, and, crucially, what we can do about it.

TMC for ek hornbeck

The Breakfast Club (Build It Better)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:00am (ET) (or whenever we get around to it) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

This Day in History

President Harry Truman orders the desegregation of the U.S. Military; Cuba’s Fidel Castro attacks Moncada barracks; Argentina’s Eva Peron dies; Playwright George Bernard Shaw and rock star Mick Jagger are born

Breakfast Tunes

Something to Think about over Coffee Prozac

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.

George Bernard Shaw

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