Tag: Gun Running

Gunrunners {Drugs} in an Insane Society, Ours!

The Star Tribune in Minneapolis, MN has been running another series of investigative journalism, this one on gun running from Minnesota to Mexico.

I’ve been following it the last couple of days and posting the first two in the series, they’ve finally put up part three and four today. I’m combining all four as one post with some added recent reports that also came out in the last few days but on same issue, they all follow below.

The Hypocrisy of Arizona and the South West

It’s beyond bad enough to see what Arizona has done and listen to the arguments, especially from certain corners of this society, justifying the Jim Crow or Nazi like ruling. Why Nazi, because it quickly comes to mind the Laws passed in Germany as to the Jews and other groups back when. Jim Crow should already be well understood in this country, unless from Texas as they seem to like re-visionist history writing.

But lets look at what’s well known about the South West and the present, especially coming out of Arizona.

Mexican Drug War: Gun Running from U.S. Suppliers

Gun Dealer Accused Of Selling To Cartels

CBS Evening News: Gun Runners Send Thousands Of Weapons From The U.S. To Mexico, Fueling That Country’s Drug Wars