Tag: WTF

Europe: Up or down in flames?

Oh, boy.  I thought pre-emptively awarding Obama the Nobel Pleas Prize was the feeblest, most child-like display of “please, daddy, don’t euthanize Fluffy the Furniture Slayer,” imaginable, and then the fucking pig farmers hand one to the economic collapse known as Europe, which means bombs are being autographed as I type.   Don’t say you didn’t have a seat at the table of this end-of-growth, post-industrial horror show.  How ’bouts we start off this nine-course, debt-deflationary extravaganza with some tasty civil wars in the peripheries as central bankers tighten their sphincters around your neck? Talk about a kiss of death…  

Millions of US Tax $ funding the Taliban every week! ARE YOU F$%KING KIDDING ME?

End this fucking war NOW!

Private security contractors protecting the convoys that supply U.S. military bases in Afghanistan are paying millions of dollars a week in “passage bribes” to the Taliban and other insurgent groups to travel along Afghan roads, a congressional investigation released Monday has found.

The alleged payments, which are reimbursed by the U.S. government, help fund the very enemy the U.S. is attempting to defeat and renew questions about the U.S. dependence on private contractors, who outnumber American troops in Afghanistan, 130,000 to 93,000.


Bold text added by the diarist

  So taxpayer money is funding contractors in Afghanistan who in turn fund THE TALIBAN with US Government reimbursable bribe money.



More areyoufuckingkiddingme below the fold

Glenn Beck endorses “KIKE”

    This isn’t just beyond the pale — it’s probably the most significant major-media endorsement of American fascist ideology since the 1930s.



   On his radio show today, Glenn Beck heralded and promoted the work of Nazi sympathizer Elizabeth Dilling, who spoke at rallies hosted by the leading American Nazi group and praised Hitler. Today, Dilling is heralded by White Supremacists and White Aryans who revere her “fearless” work against Jewish people.



Bold text added by the diarist

Endorsing Anti-semitic, pro Hitler enemies of America is DISGUSTING, and make no mistake, Elizabeth Dilling was charged with conspiracy to overthrow the US Government with the aid of Nazi agents in 1944.

Fuck you, Glenn Beck.

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Rand Paul to abolish Section 1 of 14th Amendment, ending birthright citizenship

Recently I have detailed the relationship that Republican Senate candidate Rand Paul of Kentucky and State Senator Russel Pearce of Arizona have with their Neo Nazi, white supremacist supporters.

That is why it was no surprise to me to learn today that Rand Paul told a Russian journalist that he opposes birth citizenship as protected under the 14th Amendment, or, as Russel Pearce calls it “anchor babies”.

   We’re the only country I know of that allows people to come in illegally have a baby and then that baby becomes a citizen. And I think that should stop also.


Yeah, that’s called the Section 1 of the 14th Amendment

More below the fold.

Rand Paul hires Ron’s Nazi donation defender as new Campaign Manager & gets David Duke endorsement

Memo to Rand Paul, the jig is up.

A few days ago I posted about how Nazis and White Supremacists are campaigning for and donating to Rand Paul’s Senatorial campaign

   Paul named a former campaign consultant Jesse Benton as campaign manager for the November election. Benton worked for Paul’s father, Texas Republican Rep. Ron Paul, when he ran for president in 2008.


   Now here is the juicy part. It turns out that Jesse Benton was the guy who was the lead point man in issuing the non rejection of Ron Paul’s Nazi donation that he received from Don Black, who is notorious as an ex KKK grand wizard and founder of the white supremacist website Stormfront.org

More below the fold

SCANDAL! Rand Paul MUST return Neo-Nazi funds NOW and DENOUNCE Stormfront.org

This must be seen across America.

    Stormfront.org, which was founded to support David Duke for senate by another KKK Grand Dragon, Don Black, has been promoting and contributing to Rand Paul’s moneybombs. Palling around with WhiteSupremacists much?

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That’s a tweet from Don Black, head of the white supremacist group Stormfront.  Wow.


So, Trey Grayson should reject donations from Republicans who voted for the bailout……..but it’s okay for Rand Paul to accept donations from Stormfront?


   I will state this loudly and clearly. Over and over at the top of my Jewish lungs.

   Rand Paul MUST return Neo-Nazi funds NOW and DENOUNCE Stormfront.org

   But he can’t.

More below the fold

Sen. Sanders tells the ugly truth “We’re an Oligarchy and I think it’s getting worse”

THE Question – Is America a Democracy or an Oligarchy?

Sen. Sanders:    “Right now, what ends up happening, is Big Money interests, whether in fact it is in oil and energy, whether it’s in prescription drugs . . .”

Dylan Ratigan:     “BP”

Sen. Sanders:    “Whether it is in banking, these guys have huge amounts of money, and the situation gets worse with the recent Citizens United Supreme Court decision, and anyone who stands up to the big money interests can expect a huge amount of 30 second ads against them. That’s the reality. Are we a Democracy, or are we an Oligarchy where the very powerful special interests exert enormous influence over our Government?

Ratigan:     “What’s your answer to that question?”

Sen. Sanders:     “I think we’re an Oligarchy and I think it’s getting worse.”

   Much more, plus video and transcript below the fold.

How to throw Rosa Parks off the bus, by John Stossel and Rand Paul

STOSSEL: because private businesses ought to get to discriminate.


(I)t should be their right to be racist.

“I want my country back”

Back to when? 1963? or 1910? or 1810?

When Rosa Parks was thrown off of a bus for refusing to sit in the back in accordance with discriminatory Jim Crow laws it helped begin the Civil Rights movement.

It was racist then, and it would still be racist now.

Except, of course, if you are a libertarian or a Republican.

   In the last 24 hours, both Kentucky Senate candidate Rand Paul and Fox News Corp employee John Stossel have made the case that it is OKAY to throw Rosa Parks off the bus if it is owned by a private business.

more below the fold

White terrorist attacks Mosque in FL, FBI involved, Alan Grayson’s opponent still racist & WRONG

First watch this ad

That was Dan Fanelli, Rep. Alan Grayson’s GOP opponent in this years election. He is, as of this report, still an asshole

Now read this

    On May 10th, a middle-aged man carried a can of gasoline and a pipe bomb into the Jacksonville Islamic Center of Northeast Florida during evening prayers and detonated it.


Wait, May 10th? That was a week ago! Why am I just hearing about this now?

the Jacksonville Islamic Center of Northeast Florida

Oh, wait . . .

Video provided by the FBI shows a white, middle aged man carrying a gasoline canister around the islamic center.

More below the fold

Sy Hersh: “Battlefield Executions” taking place under Obama, the Military is “Dominating” Obama

    I am greatly saddened to report the following . . .

    Investigative journalist Seymour Hersh says that US forces in Afghanistan are carrying out what he referred to as “battlefield executions” of prisoners.

   “One of the great tragedies of my country is that Mr. Obama is looking the other way, because equally horrible things are happening to prisoners, to those we capture in Afghanistan,” Hersh said during a discussion at the Global Investigative Journalism Conference last month in Geneva, where he was also the keynote speaker. “They’re being executed on the battlefield.”


Bold text added by the diarist

    Video and more below the fold

NeoNazi/AZ GOP link exposed through Racist Immigration Law. Where the hell is the media on this?

     Meet J.T. Ready, avowed Neo Nazi, past president of the Mesa Community College Republican Club and Maricopa County Republican precinct committeeman. J.T. is the second schmuck from the right in the picture below.

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   And here is J.T. Ready (Left) with Arizona State Senator Russell Pearce, the author of the new Arizona police state “show me your papers” law, who has his own history of ties to Neo Nazi white supremacist groups.

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    In most states being seen publicly with a Nazi would ruin your political career. In most states you would be shunned by your political party. But not in Arizona, and not in the Republican party.


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Bill Kristol is a REAL MAN OF GENIUS, except . . .

    Witness the unfathomable genius of Bill Kristol in action.

    Off-shore drilling is “quite safe” and “very environmentally clean, except … when there’s a disaster like this”

~ Bill Kristol, real man of genius, except . . .


    Yes, Bill Kristol is a real man of genius, except when he is talking.

More below the fold, except what is below the fold


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