Tag: John McCain

A McCain Glossary: Sticky Words and Phrases

It’s about framing the narrative, stupid.

This fall Republicans will trumpet John McCain’s experience and valor, and Democrats naturally will call into question McCain’s judgment and vigor. Barack Obama will throw a few sharp elbows during debates and on the stump, but the grassroots work of shaping the narrative on McCain will fall to Obama’s running mate and to other surrogates, including canvassers and ordinary voters at the precinct and neighborhood levels.

Below the break is a sampling of words and phrases to consider lobbing in McCain’s direction. Some are obvious. Some have already been used elsewhere. Some are wry. Some are harsh.

Surely McCain’s persona and positions will serve as magnets for such descriptive terms, some of which can be made to stick.

Without further ado, here is a modest first draft of a McCain Glossary. Consider the subtitle to be: Narrative Framing for Dummies.

(Cross-posted at Daily Kos and Raising Kaine.)

A McCain Glossary: Sticky Words and Phrases

An Unhinged McCain in Full Snarl On McCain’s Napoleonic inclinations and his inability to control his temper: –abusive –arbitrary –acrimonious –authoritarian –autocratic –bad-tempered –bellicose –belligerent –bent out of shape –beside oneself –blow a fuse –blow a gasket –blow his top –blow his stack –Bonaparte –browbeating –bullying –comandeering –contemptuous –cranky –crabby –cross –crotchety –despotic –dictatorial –dogmatic …

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The McCain “Googlebomb” project

This will be a brief essay, to spread the word about how you can help spread the word about John McCain: I’ve had conversations with other Dharmists about how to communicate the truth to uninformed/ underinformed potential voters about McCain’s voting record and support of bush policies.  Chris Bowers describes how we can help:

more below the fold:

Obama, McCain and Learning The Lessons of Buchenwald

“It was Soviet troops that liberated Auschwitz, so unless his uncle was serving in the Red Army, there’s no way Obama’s statement yesterday can be true,” said Republican National Committee spokesman Alex Conant. “Obama’s frequent exaggerations and outright distortions raise questions about his judgment and his readiness to lead as commander in chief.”

link: http://www.chicagotribune.com/…

The above is a confident statement from a confident American political operative, working for a jittery party that senses its own demise. Desperate for any political traction, they grasped today upon Obama’s mis-statement that his relative liberated Auschwitz, and not Buchenwald.

For this small historical gaffe, the GOP would have us infer that Barack Obama is not fit to be President of the United States.

But what is the greater gaffe, mislabeling one of several Nazi concentration camps, or misunderstanding the lessons of the Holocaust as our country stumbles, and trips, and reaches for light straws of hope as we seek to restore our moral authority as the world’s leader on human rights after the abuses at Abu Ghirab and the ongoing detention of prisoners at Guantanamo Bay?

McCain Attacks Obama on Foreign Policy Calling Ending the War: “Surrender”

The General Election is on!

Obama, speaking in Las Vegas this afternoon, slammed McCain on a number of issues, including the Bush-McCain fundraiser, noting McCain’s position on Iraq.

Earlier today, McCain had attacked Obama on foreign policy. Interupted four times by protestors, chanting, “End this War,” John McCain continued his attacks on Obama as being “naive” during his speech on Nuclear Security Policy.  

Mr. McGoo? No truer words ever could have been spoken!

Dear All,

As I see a certain “friend” of mine is occupying the top spot, on this the day after his birthday, to which so many of us have been celebrating, his mere existence, in fact, and with absolutely no wish to intrude, pre-empt or diminish the importance of the latest episode of “Through the Darkest of Nights,” of which episodes, I am a great fan, I really feel a great need to give you all something to think about — on this terribly sad eve of Memorial Day.  


First, I want to alert you all to a fact — I tried 5 times to post the following on www.johnconyers.com (I had successfully posted one just before this attempt).  I received a pop-up message, as follows (was not able to copy), but wrote it down:

“Windows Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer cannot open the Internet site http:/www.johnconyers.com/comm…

Operation aborted.”

As I said, I attempted to diary the information listed below five times:  sumting wong!

John McCain’s Secret Medical Records Revealed

After more than a year of stalling, John McCain is finally making his medical records public. However, the process by which he is releasing the data suggests that he hopes it doesn’t become too public. His campaign chose the Friday prior to the three day Memorial Day weekend for the document dump. Even worse, they are restricting access to the records to a three hour period wherein the reporters may take notes, but will not be allowed to take photos or make copies. That’s three hours to read and analyze 400 complex medical documents.

However, News Corpse has acquired some of the classified records that McCain hoped would remain secret. Here is an exclusive document leaked from McCain’s medical team:

McCain. Endorse me, please Endorse me! Uh, just kidding. Another take on the issue.

John McCain worked hard for it.  He pursued it, as he felt he needed to pick up the Evangelical vote in the 2008 Presidential Election.  He went out of his way to find some fundamental religious leaders to give him their “blessing.”

McCain was SO elated to have these endorsements when they happened!  Finally, he was being embraced by the group that he had alienated back during his 2000 campaign for President when he said:

…Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell and a few Washington leaders of the pro-life movement call me an unacceptable presidential candidate. They distort my pro- life positions and smear the reputations of my supporters.

Why? Because I don’t pander to them, because I don’t ascribe to their failed philosophy that money is our message. I believe in the cause of conservative reform. I believe that because we are right we will prevail in the battle of ideas, unspoiled by the taint of a corrupt campaign finance scheme that works against the very conservative reform of government that is the object of our labors…

 My emphasis

Flip-flop much, John McCain?  

It would seem you were right before you were wrong.  Now that you’ve been called out for being wrong, you are simply pandering, once again.

McCain denounces Hagee, filed under: Master of the Totally Obvious

This off-the-cuff rant cross posted from my little blog The Wild Wild Left! Come visit!

You douchebag, you just noticed what a fucksnot psycho this man is?


Hagee’s sermon was delivered in the late 1990s, and this, after saying Gays caused Katrina RECENTLY, is your tipping point?

Oh yeah, right, the gays don’t have as big a voting PAC or as many purse-strings as the Jews he offended. He has offended women, Catholics, he basically hates anyone but rich white born-again neo-cons; and THIS is what it takes to get your attention tuned to the fact he is a whack-job?

“Obviously, I find these remarks and others deeply offensive and indefensible, and I repudiate them,” McCain said. “I did not know of them before Reverend Hagee’s endorsement, and I feel I must reject his endorsement as well.”

Jesus and John McCain

Some days I feel like I’m living in Bizarro World.  I’m reading the news from the usual sources, and I come across this beaut from ajc.com, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

“John McCain is kind of like Jesus Christ on the cross,” Everhart said as she began the second day of the state GOP convention. “He never denounced God, either.”

John McCain is like Jesus?  Really?  uh… in what way?

Let’s see here.

Jesus on peace and war: blessed are the peacemakers.

John  on peace and war:  bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran.

Jesus on marriage: May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.

John  on marriage: At least I don’t plaster on the makeup like a trollop, you cunt.

Jesus on sacrifice: go, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, follow me.

John  on sacrifice: Since the beginning of their marriage, Senator McCain and Mrs. McCain have always maintained separate finances.  As required by federal law and Senate rules, Mrs. McCain has released significant and extensive financial information through Senate and Presidential disclosure forms.  In the interest of protecting the privacy of her children, Mrs. McCain will not be releasing her personal tax returns.

Jesus on respect:  do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

John  on respect:  Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly?  Janet Reno is her father.

You get the idea.  Feel free to add your own observations.  Add your own spiritual advisor, deity, or scientific principle in comparison to the Maverick.  Have some fun.  Otherwise, in Bizarro World, we’ll all go mad and O.D. on Woolite.

Presidential Tech debate liveblog from CFP

Liveblogging a presentation at the 19th Annual Conference on Computers, Freedom, and Privacy by tech advisors to the Obama and McCain campaigns, entitled the Clinton Campaign was invited to participate, but declined. The official title of the session, Presidential Technology Policy: Priorities for the Next Executive

In attendance a blend of academics, dotgovs, corporados, civil liberties orgs, cyberpunks.

Opening, Conference Chair Eddan Katz of Yale reminds that the only tech question of the 2000 Predidential debate cycle, asked at the MYV/CNN debate, was “Mac or PC.” Apparently, the questioner had a more sophisticated question in mind, but was told to use the softball by debate organizers.

McCain fundraising in the tank. Republican Party to have to foot the bill.

John McCain is having some serious difficulty getting the big Republican doners (you know those guys; the 1 percenters with all the money) to give money to his campaign for the Republican Presidential nominee.

It has gotten so bad and his funding is trailing both of the Democratic Presidential Candidates by so much that McCain is planning to tap into the Republican National Committee to help him fund his campaign.

From The New York Times:

Pivoting toward the general election, Senator Barack Obama is turning again to his history-making fund-raising machine, which helped to anoint him as a contender against Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton and then became a potent weapon in their battle for the Democratic nomination.

To confront the Obama juggernaut, Senator John McCain, whose fund-raising has badly trailed that of his Democratic counterparts, is leaning on the Republican National Committee. Mr. McCain’s efforts to raise money suffered a blow this weekend when a key fund-raiser, Tom Loeffler, resigned because of a new campaign policy on conflicts of interest.

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