Tag: Rep. Alan Grayson

Is Anyone Minding the Store?

Want to know what an Ivy League education will get you?  

Apparently nobody at the Federal Reserve has any clue where the trillions of dollars that have come from the Fed’s expanded balance sheet have gone. Additionally, nobody there seems to have any idea what the losses on the Fed’s $2 trillion portfolio really are.

Here’s a question? Have you done anything or is it your job to just get in the fucking way? Have you ever just wanted to grab one of these SOB’s by the throat and just shake the truth out of them?

Sometimes a picture says more than words.

This was the FED’s balance sheet up until 2007.


This is what has happened to the FED’s balance sheet from 2008.


For all you defaltionists out there … this Bud’s for you.


Nuff said.  (:o)