Tag: Conferences

Where socialism was in the air


This was quite the conference (I attended…YAY).  As always, Haymarket Books ( http://www.haymarketbooks.org/ ) had their bookstore open (I bought 10 books and 4 DVDs), and they have many good titles you should look up.

Wearemany.org ( http://wearemany.org ) already has some of the talks up for your edification!

If you haven’t been to a Socialism conference before, I would say go if you get the chance.  You can keep up to date at http://www.socialismconference… to see when next year’s conference is scheduled (usually announced Feb or March and held in June or early July).

Socialism 2011 Conference in Chicago – July 1-4, 2011


This will be the third conference I’ve attended! It’s $80 for early sign-up, and the rooms at the hotel are $115/night.  It’s well worth the time if you have any interest in socialism.

Socialism 2010 – Chicago and Oakland.


Chicago: June 17 – 20

Oakland: July 1 – 4

With the economy in shambles and with wars and occupations continuing, the challenge to change these conditions confronts us all. More than a year ago, millions placed their hopes in Barack Obama and the Democrats to solve these problems. But after months of broken promises and concessions to conservatives, jobs are scarce, the banks are unregulated, and full equality for LGBT people remains elusive.

Emergency Conference on the Social Crisis & War

Original article via World Socialist Web Site:

The World Socialist Web Site, Socialist Equality Party and International Students for Social Equality are holding an emergency national conference on the social crisis and war, to be held April 17-18 in Ann Arbor, Michigan. We urge all of our readers and supporters to register and make plans to attend today.

You should go to Socialism 2009!

Wow!  What a weekend.  I just go back from Socialism 2009 in Chicago!!!

There was a point last night where there were 1,000 people chanting “Obama, don’t lie to us!”  It filled my heart with such joy to hear that.  The whole conference was like that.

You still have a chance to attend! 🙂