Today’s events in Honduras certainly seem to have a US OK stamped all over them.
With Obama suggesting only that:
any disputes must be settled peacefully through negotiations
And the administration saying that they know nothing of Honduran constitutional law–they’re at the least saying it’s all OK, and at most that they knew about it and approved beforehand.
Reminds me a lot of Bush in Haiti.
It’s disgusting, and a lot of people could will get hurt.
On the so called left, the excuse that this is justified by a Referendum on extending or removing term limits seems to be fooling many, but I mean c’mon, how do you justify lies in the press (the main paper in Honduras is claiming that President Zelaya has resigned, which is a lie) , shutting down media and electricity, curfews and Honduran troops in the streets with teargas, and a few reports of much worse.
But the sad state of todays Obamabots is “He’s got this.”
I’m afraid he very well may have “got this”.
Just like other US presidents of the past also “got this” all over Honduras.
The reason we won’t have change is because the American electorate doesn’t want it–they’re totally fine with death squads in Central America, if Obama says it’s OK.
(can’t get images to post) but see: