Tag: Wasila

Van Flien and Palin can go blow it out their a$$, we will say what we like

Crossposted at daily kos


Sarah Palin and Thomas Van Flien are lizard people from the planet Trafalmador disguised as human beings, the Palin children were hatched in an incubator, Todd Palin is a mutant whose super power is to remind us of Kevin Federline, and Thomas Van Flein engaged in sexual acts with a donkey and a snowblower.

    I will say whatever I damn well please about Sarah Palin, Ann Coulter, Michael Wiener (Savage) or anyone else, because I have the right to do so. If Sarah Palin and Thomas Van Flien don’t like it, they can go blow it out their a$$.

    I say a$$, because, much like $250,000 of Ex-Gov Palin’s wardrobe, I know someone is paying her lawyer, and I doubt that it is her.

ABC Shits on Bloggers, and quotes John McCain saying

    “She will continue to play an important leadershiprole in the Republican party.”    

– Sen. John McCain

    This is clearly a victory for John McCain

    A hat tip to DKos user Walt starr whose diary Palin’s Attorney Threatening Lawsuits helped make this story public.

    In what amounts to an attack on free speech as well as blogger’s rights, Thomas Van Flien wrote a letter on behalf of Ex Alaska Gov and possibly soon to be indicted Sarah Palin (R) which threatens lawsuits specifically against Blogger Shanynn Moore of The Mudflats.net and citizen journalism.

    I reserve the right to speculate the potential indictment of Ex-Gov Sarah Palin for illegal involvement with contractors in the building of the Wasilia Sports Complex, as well as the illegal firing of an Alaska State Trooper who had ties to the Palin family, as well as the possible poaching committed by Sarah Palin’s Father In Law for hunting big game without the appropriate hunting tags, and any other potential illegality or conflict of interest engaged in by Sarah Palin during her 30 month tenure as Governor of Alaska.    

    Further, I reserve my first Amendment right to speculate that Sarah Palin and Thomas Van Flien are lizard people from the planet Trafalmador disgusied as human beings. I have the right to speculate that the Palin children were hatched in an incubator and that Todd Palin is a mutant whose super power is to remind us of Kevin Federline, and I reserve the right to speculate that Thomas Van Flein engaged in sexual acts with a donkey and a snowblower.