June 11, 2008 – Will The Real Obama Please Stand Up?
Aijaz Ahmad: Obama’s economic speech – Will Obama shift the economy away from big oil and arms?
With the democratic nomination under his belt, Senator Obama is riding high on invigorated public support. The task of effectively distinguishing himself from Senator McCain now lies ahead of him. Senior News Analyst Aijaz Ahmad explained to the Real News Network’s Senior Editor Paul Jay that while Obama’s candidacy itself is historic, Obama will still have to show the US public whether he will concentrate on bolstering the economy, or will, like McCain, prioritize oil/ military spending.
Tag: 2008 elections
Jul 24 2008
Real News: Who Is The Real Obama? (3 Short Videos)
Jul 22 2008
Why the American left is asleep at the wheel.
I have here three clips from a wonderful little film called My Dinner with Andre, wherein the main characters discuss the breakdown of human society.
Jul 18 2008
Fort Hood Town Hall Presidential Forum
The country’s wartime status has riddled this Presidential election year with added questions.
That’s why several non-profit military groups have come together to try to hold a Presidential town hall meeting at Fort Hood.
Sen. Barack Obama is the missing ingredient for a town hall meeting at Fort Hood.
This is a nobrainer for the Obama Campaign, especially as to recent remarks by Senator McCain, and he isn’t as great as he and others think as to Town Halls or other formats. The Obama camp have many like Wesley Clark and other knowledgable Veterans of our Military who have more than just his back, as well as the many running on the same ticket for federal offices.
Jul 16 2008
Jeff Merkley is Heading to Netroots Nation!
Oregon Senate candidate Jeff Merkley is heading to Austin to attend Netroots Nation! Jeff has always believed that the netroots is a critical part of how we make progressive change in this country. He also knows that upstart, passionate Democratic challengers like Jon Tester and Sherrod Brown need the netroots to defeat entrenched incumbent Republicans like Gordon Smith.
Follow me below the fold to find out more about Jeff’s visit to Austin…
Jul 15 2008
Bloggers demand more than sound bites and platitudes
Recently both leading presidential candidates have increased their outreach to Latino voters with appearances at various events sponsored by prominent Latino organizations. Not surprisingly, the topics of immigration and immigration reform have played a central role in this outreach effort.
As an issue where both candidates feel they exhibit some strength with Latino voters, they have both attempted to utilize this perceived strength to make inroads into what most believe will be a crucial voting block this coming November.
But what we have received from both candidates thus far are vague promises and pleasant platitudes about “A Nation of Immigrants.”
This is a complex issue, and as the history of failed efforts at reform clearly shows, it will take more than quick sound bites and quotes from Emma Lazarus to solve the problems with our failed current immigration system. In order to enact meaningful immigration reform that is practical, rational, fair and most of all humane, tough questions must be answered and problems dealt with.
Jul 15 2008
Midnight Thought on the Next American Revolution
Now in the Midnight Oil … also up at Agent Orange, so tipping and rec’ing that diary might help get the word out in a small way.
What do you do when you are a Congressional candidate … your Presidential candidate is campaigning on the basis of Potemkin Energy policies like drilling for an extra 100,000 barrels of oil a day starting a decade from now (when a Saudi announcement of an extra 500,000 barrels later this year did not move prices by any discernable amount) … and a gas tax holiday …
… especially when in the last contentious Ohio State highway funding fight, you as the Republican voted for Governor Taft’s gas tax hike, and your Democratic opponent voted against it?
Simple: you lie.
Well, of course, this is a Republican candidate for Congress we are talking about here … you don’t lie yourself, you have an “independent group” with a name like Freedom’s Watch lie for you.
Jul 14 2008
Edwards Evolution, New Revolution Round-Up: VP Vetting Edition
Good evening, and welcome to a semi-retro version of the EENR: the Edwards Evening News Round-up.
My friends, family, and acquaintances have all thought John and Elizabeth disappeared into the sunset since they are not on the MSM nightly news or in national newspapers. Not so! John and Elizabeth have been traveling and speaking at venues this past week about the issues Democrats care about. Included are video clips from TV and radio appearances (courtesy of NCDem and other outlets).
Top stories:
1. John Edwards Interview in Rolling Stone
2. John Edwards Speaks at USW Conference
3. John Edwards Talks to Campus Progress and NPR in DC
4. Elizabeth Edwards Jumpstarts Healthcare for America Now
5. John Edwards Travels the Northeast for Half in Ten
6. Elizabeth Edwards Discusses about living with cancer on NPR
7. Is John Edwards on the Short List for VP?
More after the jump..
Jul 10 2008
Win ’08: Then withdraw unless changes are made.
Rasmussen reported that 9% in a poll said that Congress is doing a good to excellent job.
That’s down from a 15% high of this year. Merely 3% of the all-important independents approve.
Further, only 12% of voters feel Congress has passed important legislation in the last six months. 62% say NO important legislation has been passed. We keep hearing from the Democratic leadership that they should make no serious attempt to protect the Republic. This would, apparently, displease the public. Instead, they tell us, they are focused on important legislation.
Add this together and here is the answer to the question:
“Is it that Congress thinks the people are stupid; or is it that Congressionals are actually the stupid ones?”…
Well the answer can only be a resounding “YES”.
It’s not just the liberals held hostage to the Democratic leadership that understands big changes are needed. America wants it, and wants it big time. If you think politicians will volunteer to make the changes we need, you might consider quitting dope.
Practically speaking, here’s one thing we might do:
Jul 10 2008
Progressives Face Tough Truths and Tougher Choices
Things are looking bleak for the Progressive Movement. We’ve been saddled once again with a corporate-conservative Democrat whose willingness to drop popular policy positions to placate the far right will likely cost his political party — and, by extension, the rest of the country — the presidency; we’ve been threatened and bullied by increasingly uncritical sycophants from within the Democratic Party who refuse to acknowledge that their candidate isn’t what far too many Americans have pretended he is; and we’ve been denied by the corporate establishment any and all presidential candidates truly representative of the Progressive Movement.
Our options are few and dwindling by the day. On one side we have Republican John McCain, who represents plainly and simply an extension of the Bush regime. He is unacceptable. On another we have Barack Obama, who has tacked so far to the right from the mythical “center” that his policies now show little or no practical difference from his opponent’s — or, for that matter, Bill and Hillary Clinton’s. On yet another side, we have independent and third party candidates running for president: Ralph Nader, Cynthia McKinney (on the Green Party ticket), and Bob Barr (for the Libertarians).
Perhaps the single biggest limitation on our options is the elimination and marginalization of candidates whose records and rhetoric go against the status quo. The establishment, from the corporate masters to their propagandists in the media to a large portion of the very electorate itself, actively discourages the voicing of that dissent which is expressed in the form of votes. We are threatened with another Republican regime if we dare “waste” our ballots, if we dare presume to think that voting our beliefs might truly make a difference. After all, the brainwashing campaign dictates, Democrats are better than Republicans by far. By what standard, though?
Of the two major political party presidential candidates, McCain and Obama, which one has moved to the right of the shrub — let me repeat and emphasize that for you: to the right of the shrub — on Jerusalem as the undivided capital of Israel? Obama, that’s which one. Not even McCain or the boys holding his leash have guts enough to state that position publicly. On this issue, is Obama better than McCain or worse? The answer, of course, is “worse.”
On a host of other issues, an Obama administration offers the following:
No end to the occupation of Iraq on his watch,
Continuation of NAFTA and other disastrous trade deals,
All hope for a return of the Fairness Doctrine dead, and
Continuing erosion of civil liberties.
In what way is Obama fundamentally different from, or better than, his Republican counterpart? From where I’m sitting he is absolutely no better, and in some respects he is much worse. Why, then, should progressives throw away their ballots on him?
Desperate times require desperate and drastic measures. Democrats blew their chance to hold Barack Obama accountable during the primaries, but it’s not too late to force him to run to the political left and stay there, lest he cost us the election like John Kerry and Al Gore before him.
A couple of weeks ago I received junk mail from the Obama campaign in the form of a contribution request. Instead of enclosing money (which I don’t have anyway), I instead inserted a note stating that until Obama met certain requirements, he would receive no money or vote from me. Those requirements were:
– Immediately demand that Pelosi allow impeachment proceedings against the shrub and his gargoyle to proceed,
– Stand up to the shrub on FISA, filibuster the amnesty bill, and filubuster all of the shrub’s nominees,
– Push for single-payer health care, and
– Push for cutting off funds for the occupation of Iraq and bringing our troops home.
You might share my positions on these and other issues. I declared my intention to vote for Dennis Kucinich as a write-in if Obama does not get his act together. You may wish to vote for Nader, McKinney, or the write-in of your choice. The point is not to try to win the election for these independent and third party candidates, but to send a message to Obama that his cynical political games will not be tolerated by progressives. This is the last, best chance we have of holding him accountable.
Democrats will only take their party’s progressive base seriously if they know in their hearts that alienating it shall only cost them more and more elections. If they choose not to learn their lesson, then we progressives must break from the Democratic Party, abandoning it to its Republican masters, and start anew. Either way, unless we act, Obama will surely blow it for us — and America — in November.
Jul 09 2008
Dear Congress, Come November…[Don’t FISA things up on us.]
Call, fax or email. It’s too late now to send a postcard to stop this heinous capitulating “cave-in to be” but it’s not too late to start letting them know that gutting our fourth amendment is not cool.
Why is it necessary, why is it politically expedient, to set in stone and make yet another law that falsely legitimizes the crimes of the Executive, of Congress, of the Department of Justice and the telecom industry? In light of the FACTS that Bush Committed 30 Felonies and did not do so alone, did not act without support and protection from Congress — what makes it so important that this must be passed today? There are ongoing cases that this would shut down — more reason, not less, to send this disgraceful veil of faux legitimacy to an early and ignoble grave.
Jul 08 2008
Voodoo Economics Redux
You gotta love Republican economics. It flip flops like a fish on a dock. Is it supply side or is it deficit hawk? Is it for profligate spending and no taxation? Will it claim somehow to balance the budget by decreasing taxes? What kind of crazy voodoo economics is it this time?
An early example of fish thrashing on wood. When he was trying to be the Republican presidential nominee in 1980, George H.W. Bush (George Pere) derided Reagan’s supply-side policies as “voodoo economics”. Later he promoted those policies to become the Republican nominee 1988. Famously pronouncing, “Read my lips, no new taxes”, he ended up eating his words. He imposed tax increases. He was for tax increases before he was against them and then he was for them again. Mostly, he was for rich folks’ benefit and winning the election. That seems a fairly easy idea to fulfill. Not.
And now you have John McSame who is dancing to the same Republican economics pipers. Today’s New York Times reports that McSame’s economics policy is not very pleasing at all to the rich folks:
As Senator John McCain began a week of economic-themed campaigning here on Monday, it was apparent that some of the underlying tension between the two schools that guide his economic thinking – supply-siders who want to cut taxes and deficit hawks who want to balance the federal budget – remained unresolved.
Mr. McCain is pledging once again to balance the budget by the end of his first term as president in 2013, his advisers said Monday, reverting to an earlier pledge that the Arizona senator had abandoned in April when he proposed a series of costly tax cuts for corporations and high earners, and said it might take two terms to balance the budget.
“American workers and families pay their bills and balance their budgets, and I will demand the same of the government,” Mr. McCain said at a town hall-style meeting here.
But it is unclear how Mr. McCain plans to balance the budget, given that fiscal analysts who have examined his economic plans say his calls to extend the Bush tax cuts while cutting corporate and other taxes would likely increase the deficit significantly.
This tension between steep tax cuts and deficit reduction has been a recurring theme in the evolution of Mr. McCain.
Jul 08 2008
Humanity’s Last Chance
This is not a criticism – it’s a plea.
We are at a time unlike any other in the 250,000-year history of our species. What we do now will determine the fate of our kind. We may soon know whether or not we deserve the name we have given ourselves, homo sapiens sapiens – wise or knowing human.