This is no jibe against folks who are passionately involved with the candidates of their choice in the Democratic primaries. Frankly, I wish the present environment of our 2008 national elections were worthy of this amazing committed passion.
This isn’t even a jibe against the candidates themselves.
This is, however, a jibe at the 2008 elections.
There are folks who say it might just damned well be better if we stay home and let Republicans have their way with America. I understand the reasoning behind it, I do . And if our world were solely mechanical and mathematical and the heart had no place in it, I might even agree with this logic.
Trouble is, those folks calling for this strategy won’t be the ones suffering and most likely dying as a consequence. And although it’s argued it is ultimately noble to be careless with folks’ lives that might just be blown away no matter what we do (both here and around the world), I’d just as soon avoid lending my hand to that endeavor. If I were one of those vulnerable folks who reside at the bottom of the ladder to be considered for sacrifice, I’d be a little annoyed that my life was not even being considered in this equation. I dunno, most folks, no matter how miserable, don’t want to die. It seems to be something we all have in common.
So I’ll vote for the Democrat and I’ll vote in the primary. I’m not a damned fool. But no, for me, the heart of America is being broken by this reality, by there being virtually no opposition to these criminals who walk the halls of power in government and commerce, and it’s not even about political party at this point. It’s just about regular Americans, not angels or devils, but flawed folks, as are we all, who are being shown nothing to aim at, feeling no genuine confidence. Because no matter what our candidates say, our present national conversation is being held against a backdrop of criminal acts being committed the entire time, lawbreaking of such breathtaking arrogance and abuse of power that it renders all “national conversation” absurd.