Tag: struggling

Rudy G: $250k+ people are “struggling”, ignores tent cities and class war. I say “Eat the Rich”

Crossposted at Daily Kos

Exemption for Eating the Rich will be allowed for those who earn abovve $250,000k on proof of empathy.

Fact 1 – Rudy 9/11,9/11,9/11 Guiliani says a massive wealth transfer from “rich to poor” is taking place and that people who earn $250,000 + are “really struggling”. He also hopes health care reform fails.

GIULIANI: We already have major distribution of wealth going on in this country. … Redistribution of wealth, from rich to poor. The rich pay – the so-called rich. We’re talking about $250,000 or more in New York City. I know this is hard for people to understand. These people sometimes are two-earner families. They’re really struggling


So, Rudy G declares more class war.

   My suggestion: Eat the rich.

   The fact is, the Wealthy Corporatists hate spending because it leads to taxes, which they can easily afford, but never mind that. I got mine, you can go fuck yourself. That seems to be the GOP plan, and it has been for the last 90 years.

   They don’t want health care reform, or anything at all, since they can afford it, so why can’t you.

   They have NO IDEA what real Struggling is.

   Go cry me a fucking river banker boy. You want to see struggling? It ain’t paying more for first class, it ain’t having your taxes go up 3%, it ain’t having the taxpayers pay for your bailout bonus. It is living in a tent under a bridge.

   Jeeves! Get me my tiny violin!