Crossposted at Daily Kos
Be it resolved: The Executive Committee of the Broomfield Democrats on this date, on behalf of the party members, the county declares it’s support for President Obama’s call for a Robust Public Option health care plan . . . one that is an intergal part of comprehensive reform that all Americans have access to quality basic health care irrespective of health conditions, socio-economic status or employment status. The present opportunity for true health care reform that meets the above objectives is too fragile and omportant to our nation for it to be lost to the politics of special interests.
It should be clear by this proclamation that all elected officials and candidates for office desiring support of our party, either by financial or by ballot must evidence clear support for this resolution as stated. This applies to our Democratic colleauges Sen. Udall, Sen. Bennet and Representative Polis as well as any other candidates seeking office in the city and county of Broomfield, Colorado.
We’re hammering Colorado Dems into line today.
Join me below the fold to get in on the action.