Tag: Nukes

TBC: Morning Musing 11.17.14

I have two articles for ya; one not so good and the other pretty cool:

First, probably not the area in which we want a lot of incompetence:

Pentagon Review Says America’s Nukes Are FUBAR

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel is ordering a massive overhaul of America’s nuclear weapons program after finding that “we’ve taken our eye off the ball,” he said at a press conference on Friday morning. The Pentagon released a review of the nuclear forces that found outdated equipment, weak leadership, and abysmal morale among the men and women responsible for maintaining and launching some of the most destructive weapons on the planet. It found, for example, that the Air Force had only one wrench to attach and remove nuclear warheads on 450 ICBMs at three different bases. Maintenance officers would FedEx it among the bases.

The wrench fiasco, since remedied, “is reflective and indicative of a system that has been allowed to slowly back downhill,” Hagel said. “We must change the culture of the nuclear force, especially in the Air Force.”


Obama: Israel should sign NPT

OMG.  Obama is an Iranian tool!

When Obama was pressed on the question of Israeli nukes at the nuclear summit, he first hemmed, hawed, and balked:

“Initially you were talking about US behavior, and then suddenly we’re talking about Israel. Let me talk about the United States,” the president said. “I do think that as part of the NPT, our obligation, as the largest nuclear power in the world, is to take steps to reducing our nuclear stockpile. And that’s what the START treaty was about, sending a message that we are going to meet our obligations…as far as Israel goes, I’m not going to comment on their program.”

Well, why not comment on their program that they don’t even have?

He went on:

“What I’m going to point to is the fact that consistently we have urged all countries to become members of the NPT. So there’s no contradiction there,” he said. “And so whether we’re talking about Israel or any other country, we think that becoming part of the NPT is important.  And that, by the way, is not a new position. That’s been a consistent position of the United States government, even prior to my administration.”

Kudos to the president.  Wingnut heads will explode.

Update: Israel responds.

“The policy of ambiguity is the foundation of Israel’s security; it has always been and will continue to be. President Obama did not ask to change it in the current period,” Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon told public radio.

Nukes?  What nukes?  Israel who?

NYT falsifies IAEA findings on Iran

The war-mongering NY Times continues its 57-year long smear campaign against Iran. NYT reports the patently misleading headline, Inspectors say Iran worked on warhead, which might be true, if you were referring to 2003, but the Times’ weasel reporters, David Sanger and William Broad, like Judith Miller and Michael Gordon before them, continue twisting and tormenting the actual facts in order to stove-pipe false intelligence to the American people, because apparently, American needs another monstrous war crime on its bloody hands:

“The United Nations’ nuclear inspectors declared for the first time on Thursday that they had extensive evidence of ‘past or current undisclosed activities’ by Iran’s military to develop a nuclear warhead, an unusually strongly worded conclusion that seems certain to accelerate Iran’s confrontation with the United States and other Western countries.”

Nukes and Iran

There’s a reason I’m posting these backwards, how any view is up to them.

No matter what is thought about the leadership of Iran, by the World, especially as to it’s treatment of it’s citizens, the fact remains, as pointed out in part three, they are surrounded by Nuclear Powers and Weapons. So if really seeking their own they do so as to defense of their threatened country and it’s citizens, and talks had ceased to disarm or rid the world of. New cold war mentality, yep!!