Tag: abortion rights

Crime Against Humanity: Forced Pregnancy

The United Nations defines “forced pregnancy” as a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY. It’s right there on the first page of the official UN page. The United States is a signatory to this treaty on human rights and the Constitution defines the Constitution, then ratified treaties, then federal statutes as the supreme law of the land. https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/crimes-against-humanity.shtml …

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The Trump Regime’s Handmaids

There are no words for the disgusting policies of the Trump regime but this one really will make you stomach turn: In November 2018, Scott Lloyd was removed from his post at the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) after an ACLU lawsuit revealed he was reportedly mishandling abortion requests from migrant teenagers. Elite Daily reached …

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The Personal Face of Abortion

The current squabbling over whether or not abortion would be government funded in some kind of back door fashion accentuates how conflicted we are as a nation regarding the procedure.  When many private plans cover the procedure, I find most unfair to expect somehow that government coverage would not include the same provision in the spirit of strict parity.   If some are holding government to some kind of moral higher standard than the sainted private sector, then I guess I can’t understand why anti-choice legislators are attempting to impose their will upon a supposedly evil, fallen entity whose name is government in ways that they are unwilling to extend to business, whose radiant goodness is known to all.  This discrepancy continues to show how much of a shill certain politicians have become for the rich, the powerful, and the well connected at the expense of sense and even their own stated convictions.