the first “45” I bought was “Yesterday” by Paul McCartney. I was age seven, or so, and had a phonograph, and that song ripped me apart. It must have been the rapid descent from major to relative minor, because I had no idea what “yesterday” and “troubles” and “far away” meant. Frankly, I doubt Paul, as a young adult, knew either. Perhaps there are musical emoticon archetypes to which every human responds.
Here’s another that ripped me up (and still does). Unlike Yesterday (either straighforwad major/minor stuff), “Sunny,” with its G9s and James Bond intermezzoes was a whole other realm of ambiguity, somehow mixing sincere gratitude and loss in one idea, and then amplifying that idea via consecutive transpositions.
All I know for sure is that the song always got to me. I didn’t need to learn how to appreciate it.