Tag: Debate

Should We Vote for Democrats in a Post-Constitutional Country?

The contrast, stylistically, of the two Party Conventions stuck me very powerfully. The Democratic Convention had each evening main speakers offered one brilliant speech after another. These speeches were well-put together, well-delivered and proved to me that the Democratic Paty (DP) is fit to rule the Empire. Here are people with skillz–compared to the lame-ola speeches the Republican Party (RP) trotted out that could only appeal to the very stupid or the very greedy. The contest should be over right here right now but it isn’t. Why? Because we live in an authoritarian society that is in danger of devolving into tribalism and this seems to be the historical trend.

The contrast was clear. Exclusivity and tribalism on the right, inclusion and a constant plea for unity and civilized behavior on the “left.” Yes, I believe much of what the Dems were saying was clear bullshit but it was bullshit based on some facts even if they were cherry-picked. The Republicans had no argument to convince anyone to vote for them unless you were one of “them.” The Dems offered good reasons (even if most of those reason hid deep corruption) why any of us should vote for Obama and the Dems and this coming from someone that genuinely mainly revulsion for the DP.

There is only one party in the United States, the Property Party … and it has two right wings: Republican and Democrat. Republicans are a bit stupider, more rigid, more doctrinaire in their laissez-faire capitalism than the Democrats, who are cuter, prettier, a bit more corrupt – until recently … and more willing than the Republicans to make small adjustments when the poor, the black, the anti-imperialists get out of hand. But, essentially, there is no difference between the two parties.

Gore Vidal

What Vidal describes has been the case for much of our post-WWII history. But quite honestly, I think the quote no longer quite works for today’s Republican Party (RP) has changed dramatically since Vidal wrote the above though the essential political arrangements are the same-both are part of the Property Party and very specifically the Property Party of the very, very rich, not any of the rest of us who happen to won a little property. The Property Party is the only political party and will always be the political party barring environmental disaster of the worst kind with galloping positive feedback loops which is possible.

A Life’s Work Speaks Louder than a Million Words

As we often lament, every minority or marginalized group can be easily stigmatized,  slandered, or reduced by what is not factually correct.  How one personally deals with it is a matter of individual preference; I would not dictate terms to anyone if I could.  Tactics may differ, but the response does not.  Sometimes, despite our best attempts, as the context changes, we wait our turn to be vociferous opponents as well as allies.  We live in an age that has good reason to be cynical, but we often go too far, applying it heavily to everything, particularly that which we take offense.  Passion is not at fault here, but the volatility of debate is.    

Using Reasoning, Facts, Cash, and ShowBiz, to Answer Questions like: Is Barack Obama a LIAR?

Using cold, hard cash and entertainment to smarten up otherwise dumbed down, American voters

The following diary is a quote from a long response of mine to a diary by Nathan Aschbacher at FireDogLake, “Define President Barack Obama in One Word”.

It stands on it’s own OK. For context, see Nathan’s FDL diary  

The responsibilities of a good political blogger

This is just a short list of what I think the responsibilities of a good political blogger are.  I know we fill up the physical world with garbage:

Here I just wish to suggest ways of producing not-garbage in the political blogosphere.  Opinions below are merely the product of the author.

(Crossposted at Orange)

‘I Am Not in the Entertainment Business’

and Other Rules of MacNeil/Lehrer Journalism

As the PBS Newshour once again changes it’s name and enhances it’s News gathering and presentation of using the tools of expanding technology in the 21st century Jim Lehrer closed the friday show off with the following:

The Flat Earthers have a Right to their Opinions, But That does NOT make them Right!

If you heard this on the TV, would you sit and think, interesting Opinions?

“The facts are simple,” says Charles K. Johnson, president of the International Flat Earth Research Society. “The earth is flat.

Nobody knows anything about the true shape of the world,” he contends. “The known, inhabited world is flat.


the stars are about as far as San Francisco is from Boston.”

As shown in a map published by Johnson, the known world is as circular and as flat as a phonograph record. The North Pole is at the center.



Or if you heard this loudly stated Opinion, would you think, “Well, They have a Right to their Opinions”

Mr. Johnson, who called himself the last iconoclast, regarded scientists as witch doctors pulling off a gigantic hoax so as to replace religion with science. He based his own ideas on the Old Testament references to a flat earth



This is, and always has been, a Non Issue

Those who Serve the Country Serve the Whole Country and Thus Should Be Given the ‘Honor’ and ‘Respect’ Due Them when Returned to this soil after Dying during that Service!!

There are some groups of people who welcome home the returning soldiers in airports and other transportation points.

We organize rallies for the families and communities on the return of locally based Units of the Reserves, National Guard, and on Army and Marine bases.

We have returning men and women soldiers surprising their young children, and school classmates, and we readily show these surprise homecomings while we watch them with the same tears of joy as the kids.

Some will give a “Welcome Home” and a Handshake when meeting soldiers wherever.

Vegas – the Highlights

This is just my take.  I’m sure others saw it differently.