Tag: Democrats

Etheridge: “I think that this ABC debate is nothing but an infomercial now.”

Melissa gets it right.  We know that the big three and Richardson are all pretty much the same as far as substance goes.  The media, party and most of the blogosphere have what they want.

Kucinich: The other choice! w/poll

Thanks to Iowa, we have the big three having thinned the Democratic field somewhat.  Dodd and Biden, both honorable public servants, have dropped out.  Mike Gravel, my second choice, hangs in there though he’s been thouroughly marginalized.  Bill Richardson will be on the stage tomorrow with the big three, and to be honest, he belongs with them.  From my perspective, electing HRC, BO, JE or BR will pretty much get us the same thing.  The differences among themselves are window dressing, and the differences they will bring to the White House are window dressing.  Yes, better than the Repugs, but window dressing none the less.

Majority Leader Dodd Must Be Replaced

August 3, 2008

Chris Dodd’s ascension to Senate Majority Leader after Harry Reid resigned that position in February 2008 was a time of great hope for the netroots.  His Presidential campaign was strong on the issues; while it did not catch fire with the public it brought him great esteem among the netroots.  When he defeated Joe Biden for the position by one vote, we expected great things from him.  Instead, the past six months have brough bitter disappointment.  It is time for him to resign.

Chris Dodd campaigned for President calling for an end to the occupation of Iraq and a restoration of the Constitution.  And yet, Chris Dodd has failed to prevent yet another appropriation — albeit a smaller one than requested — to keep troops in Iraq through the end of the year.  And he has been unable to prevent passage of a FISA bill that, while it does not offer immunity to telcos, also does not state unequivocally that the President was violating the law.  Finally, he called for funding for programs that would fight global warming, and none has been forthcoming.

We had the right to expect more.  Dodd didn’t deliver, and so he must go.

Iowa: Winners and Losers. w/poll

So, Iowans has gone to their meetings and the results are in.  With all of the analysis that’s going on, I thought I’d throw my 2 cents worth in.


Kucinich: Vote for Yourself

Originally posted here: http://www.dailykos.com/story/…

For those of you who read me, for the past week or so I’ve been changed the sign-off on my postings a bit:  Where I used to have Choose Peace, I’ve gone to Vote your conscience, choose peace.  You’ll see what I mean at the end of this diary should you have not noticed (I don’t suspect many will care one way or the other).

2008 Year of the Mouse

Anytime the aspirations of Andrew Sullivan, George Will and Markos all congeal around the same Ivy league lawyer the rest of us have cause to pay attention.  Is a new day truly about to dawn in America?

Let’s hope not.

Dennis Kucinich: NYE Party…Watch Online!

Live from the studios of MCAM, Ch 23 in Manchester NH, you’re invited to bring in the New Year with Dennis and Elizabeth Kucinich at the Resolution for Peace!

Dennis Kucinich: A peace-seeking idealist to the core w/poll

Washington – To understand the importance Dennis Kucinich places on spirituality, scan his generally spare Capitol Hill office: a white cloth from the Dalai Lama, a bust of Gandhi, and a picture representing “conscious light” – a gift from Brahma Kumaris nuns.

There’s a Tibetan dragon washbowl and, on his desk, two heavy crucifixes once worn by Catholic nuns who taught him and who, he says, “saved my life.”

By Amanda Paulson via csmonitor.com

Kucinich: Candidates Must Answer for Their Foreign Policy Stands on Pakistan and the Middle East

MANCHESTER, N.H., Dec. 28 PRNewswire-USNewswire — The assassination of Pakistani opposition leader and former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto not only underscores the dangerous and heightening political volatility throughout the entire Middle East, it should also send a message to U.S. voters about the importance of electing leaders whose foreign policy records and pronouncements reflect sound judgment in mitigating hostilities, not contributing to them.

From PR Newswire

Kucinich wins VA Democratic Party Poll w/poll

Yes, Virginia, there is a Kucinich candidacy.  In fact, the Democratic Party of Virgina has held an online poll of the six candidates who have qualified to be on the state’s ballot.

Kucinich ‘comes closest to embodying the ideals’ of The Nation

Progressive Democrats for American know it!  Democracy for America konws it!  The Readers of The Nation know it!  Dennis Kucinich is the candidate that represents their views, and each have voted for Dennis over the other Democratic Candidates!

Kucinich on the Issues: It’s All There in Black and White! w/poll

One of the small joys of being a Kucinich supporter is that we know where Dennis stands on most issues, and we know that, as a scrapper, he will do is utmost to see that those issues are supported/defeated as they need to be.  It’s a strong point, knowing that your candidate doesn’t turn at the slightest change of the political wind.

Now you, too, can see what Dennis supports by going to his Issues PDF Library!

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