Tag: Democrats

The Soft Under-Belly of the Bush-Loving Democrats


The Democrats in congress are almost all alienated from us bloggers.

They think we’re crazy and only good for use as an ATM during elections.

The incumbents don’t give a rat’s ass what we say.

They are alternately ignoring or insulting us while giving Bush everything he wants.

This gift to Bush includes at least thirteen more months of hell for our military and the people of Iraq and many billions more of our cash.

alex-ross_bush-liberty credit: http://www.alexrossart.com

How can we damage these arrogant, constitution-shredding, Bush-loving DINOs?

They have three dumb candidates hanging out in the open, just begging for our wrath.  

Myths: Does your candidate believe them on Health Care

Health Care, not health insurance.  It’s not too hard a concept.  Universal Health Care, not universal health insurance.  Did the concept get any more difficult?  Universal Single-Payer Not-for-Profit Health Care, not universal mandated health insurance.  It’s still not too hard to differentiate between them.

Kucinich on Randi Rhodes Show plus more! w/poll

It’s already been a good week for Dennis!

NPR: Democrats Drift Toward Kucinich w/poll

Via the Bryant Park Project.

Here’s the thing.  We all know Dennis has been right the first time from the start on so many of the issues.  Forget Markos, forget the naysayers, forget the ones who want him gone.  The Dems are moving toward Kucinich, the progressive’s progressive.

Climate Crisis Future: Danger for Democrats

In a previous Kos post as well as on my Dreaming Up Daily, I speculated on the emerging Republican plan for the Climate Crisis. Basically it is to mix denial with assertions of doing something, in order to essentially do nothing (or not enough) to stop greenhouse gas pollution, while waiting to use the opportunity of a climate-related disaster in the U.S. to shift attention to their version of crisis management, which is disaster capitalism.

The Democrats are much different, yet there are also two sets of problems I foresee for them–one of which has pretty much the same result for the future as the Republican plan, and the other involves a lack of preparation for near-term crisis, and how the Republicans are likely to try to take advantage of that.

Crucial to this analysis is my insistence that the Climate Crisis has two very different parts: the threat of truly catastrophic changes in the future if we don’t stop greenhouse pollution now (the “Stop It” component) and the need to address serious problems and disasters that are going to happen in the relatively near future because of climate change–problems it is too late to stop (the “Fix It” component.) Follow for the analysis.

Kucinich: NIE Shows Bush Administration Tried Again to Lie Us into War, This Time with Iran w/poll

While others have bought into the Bush administration Meme on Iran, including not taking anything off the table for their supposed going going after nuclear weapons, Dennis Kucinich has been proven to be right the first time again!

Kucinich: A Kid, A Question and More w/poll

Dennis is coming off a strong week, where he shined in Iowa and battled in New Hampshire!  And tomorrow from 2-4 on NPR he’ll be debating again in Iowa!

Representative Dennis Kucinich at the Iowa Heartland Forum – video w/poll

In case you missed the live stream of the event, Dennis Kucinich spoke along with four other candidates at the Iowa Heartland Forum.  This was a forum where each candidate was allowed to answer questions by themselves, as opposed to the debate format we’re most used to.

Kucinich: Making the Case for the Democratic Party at the DNC

As always, Dennis Kucinich gave a barnburner of a speech, this time at the DNC meeting yesterday.  While standing in solidarity with Hillary due to the hostage situation, Dennis makes the case for the Democratic party to return to it’s roots as a champion of social justice and full employment.


Kucinich on Paul as VP: “It’s not going to happen. Next.” w/poll

Ah…the Dennis haters are going to hate this one!  And the sunshine former ‘supporters’ are going to hate it, too!  Good!

Dennis is not going to ask RP to be his VP.  Period.

Worried about the Constitution? Join Dennis Kucinich for a Dialogue for Democracy Today! w/poll

Coming off an Impeachment Teach-in (info here) and a strong Constitution own Hall Meeting (info here), Dennis Kucinich is holding a day-long Dialogue for Democracy Today!

Defending the Constitution Town Hall Meeting w/Dennis Kucinich

I live blogged this over at Big Orange: http://www.dailykos.com/story/…

My diary (what there was of it) below the fold:

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