I’ve been watching the Prop 8 trial…except not really, since SCOTUS disallowed us folks who couldn’t be in the courtroom to watch what may be the most important court case ever for GLBT people. So I watched the transcripts instead, as they were posted by the people at the Courage Campaign Institute and FiredogLake.
One of the assertions made time and again by the defense was that Proposition 8 was not based in animus.
What? No strong dislike of GLBT people? No enmity? Are we seriously expected to believe that there was no hostile attitude?
I’d like to think that one could discount those assertions as being false on there face. But this was a court of law. I am no lawyer, but as a writer and a mathematician, I know words and logic.
Having followed the trial closely, I have to ask the following.
When you deliberately choose not to learn about people who you wish to discriminate against, what is that if not animus?