Tag: Port Huron Statement

Port Huron Statement

I would imagine anyone under the age of 40 hasn’t bothered to read the Port Huron Statement of the Students for a Democratic Society, 1962 .  I submit it’s worth a quick read.

Much of the document is outdated, much of it is naive, some of it is foolish, but there’s some meat there and a ‘sense’ that, I think, is too often missing from Left Wing discussion today: Hope.  Hope in what people could do for themselves when they got off their asses and did it.  Hope that is summed-up in the old New Left saying, “Have a little patience.  Have a little faith.”   And I’ll point-out it was when the New Left lost its patience, rejected faith for turgid authoritarian Old Left dogmas that it dwindled into irrelevance.

Anyway, take ten minutes, or so & read the thing.  At worst you’ll get a smug sense of superiority over those dummies who wrote the thing; at best you’ll learn something.