Crossposted at Daily Kos and The Stars Hollow Gazette
Feb 01 2011
Crossposted at Daily Kos and The Stars Hollow Gazette
Feb 08 2010
Crossposted at Daily Kos
This weekly diary takes a look at the past week’s important news stories from the perspective of our leading editorial cartoonists (including a few foreign ones) with analysis and commentary added in by me.
When evaluating a cartoon, ask yourself these questions:
1. Does a cartoon add to my existing knowledge base and help crystallize my thinking about the issue depicted?
2. Does the cartoonist have any obvious biases that distort reality?
3. Is the cartoonist reflecting prevailing public opinion or trying to shape it?The answers will help determine the effectiveness of the cartoonist’s message.
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Jan 28 2010
In light of recent discussion of national economic issues, I would like to revisit Bill Clinton’s 1992 slogan, “it’s the economy, stupid.” Here I will look at the rhetorical clout offered in various promises, against the background of economic and political history, while arguing that it’s the entire capitalist system which needs to be revisited.
(Crossposted at Orange)
Jan 28 2010
Crossposted at Daily Kos
President Barack Obama is a superb orator. If anyone can make an rousing speech, he can. He has proven it time and again. For him, words matter. He is calm, rational, never gets too emotional, and always tends towards the logical. Display of emotions is for losers, many an analyst has observed about his speaking style.
Tonight, he had the crowd’s attention all the way. Talk about a “captive audience.” Oh sure, the Republicans booed him and refused to stand up and cheer. That’s what they always do.
Imagine the president’s surprise when he thanked the GOP for its invaluable contributions to our national discourse and, instead of screaming “You lie,” members of the loyal opposition stood up and cheered him when he uttered the following words of wisdom…
RJ Matson, Roll Call, Buy this cartoon
Jan 26 2010
Now that the “Plouffe You, You Dirty Effing Bedwetter Brigade” has taken over the public communications again for the Obama administration, we are treated to the Trial Balloon of the State of the Union address, which says the President wants a 3 year spending freeze which would exempt the Pentagon, Veterans affairs, and Homeland Security. Of course, the senior Administration official spoke anonymously.
I don’t think this is a good idea.