Tag: suspicion


There’s a post over at Firedoglake I stumbled across in the community diaries, where the  non front pagers post, and their work is gathered together under the title The Seminal.  I dunno, that name is just … ah, I probably just have a dirty mind.

Why are you looking at me like that?  Go away!  Go away, I say!


Anyway, not to sound insufferably smug, but no blog in the vasty reaches of the intertron has a better Suspicious Theories Knight (of the fifth veil) than Docudharma’s own Lasthorseman.

No!  I’m not going to link to him because he has booby trapped all access to his data!  I am not a fool!  Go away!



The author of the diary, BillWalker, notes that over at Daily Kos the Obamacrats are not the political flavor of the week.

This heady news sends him into raptures of demonic glee!  And after he turns up the siren for a citizen uprising, he is finally able to reveal the truth:

Why would Obama want to stick a thumb in the eye of his base at this stage in the game? To me, it almost seems like a Psy-Op designed to increase the likelihood of social upheaval.

Does anybody have a better explanation? Is it even possible for the administration to be this politically tone deaf?

Please join me below if you are into intrigue, yes, political intrigue.  And speculation, dark political speculation.