Rarely is it all black and white. In my world…. it’s a lot of shades of gray.

Although innate dualities are certainly acknowledged across many philosophies, religions, cultures.
Feb 06 2010
Good morning everyone!!!! It’s just after 9 AM eastern and its snowing hoots and gails, can’t give an estimate on depth other than to say the dog I’m dog sitting, Titan – and 82 pound lab, went to the door to take his morning constitutional looked out swiveled looked at me and went back to bed. supposedly here in the Kentucky of New Jersey (Ocean County) were expecting up to 2 feet or so; a depth we just don’t get here.
Anyway, that being said I started the coffee, kicked the dog in the butt, toasted some cinnamon raisin bread and turned on the tube. What a waste, CNN gave so much time to the TeaBaggers and there circle jerk I remembered why I dont watch CNN. After Tancrado’s comments regarding a civil literacy test and “People who could not even spell the word ‘vote’ or say it in English put a committed socialist ideologue in the White House,” I mean Lord Pasta Monster who the f*&k is this nut and even more importantly who are his followers. The FBI should be infiltrating there organizations for fear that they are traitors, terrorists, and generally nut cases.
Then again Adolf was sent into the National Socialist Party as a spy and ended up taking over. We all know what happened then. The similarities are striking though. A small cadre of loons, thugs, disaffected loosers, racists and ‘patriots’ are the core of what could become our version of the Brown Shirts. Hell I’m just waiting on the the first lynchings.
Oh well BIO has Stevie Nicks on, she’s still soooooo Hot. and I’ve got cleaning to do. Shoveling can wait till we get the last 12 inches they are calling for.
Read more: http://www.denverpost.com/poli…