Tag: Regina Spektor

Quote for Discussion: I’m Older Now edition

So, during the last week, at an undisclosed time and place, I turned 31.

Things I’ve learned since turning 31: Who fucking cares?  Thirty-one is a dull signpost.  None of the sentimentality of turning 30.  None of the whatever I expected being in my thirties would mean when I was younger.  I met a girl who had been on The Real World this week, and she told me that I looked like I was her age.  I have no idea how old she is, but that was quickly forgotten when she got pissed that I had no idea who she was, having not watched MTV in something like a decade.  I can remember discovering The Afghan Whigs when I saw the video for “Conjure Me” on 120 Minutes in high school.  See, I can date myself.

Here are some quotes which speak to me now that I’m 31.