Below the fold you will find 9/11: The Day The World Stood Still, a film that was produced for the 2008 Republican National Convention.
It’s only 2:48 and this copy played correctly for me twice, but you don’t have to watch it on my account, indeed I never want to watch it again; but I do have some observations I’d like to share.
The first is that if this really is the one shown live (and I can’t prove it myself as the whole dreary affair tonight put me to sleep, thank goodness I set my alarm otherwise I would have missed TDS/TCR entirely), there are no images of people actually jumping out of the World Trade Center that I could see although it does show the second plane hit in slow motion and the voice over talks about it.
A more disturbing observation is that the opening line is- “The first attack occured in Iran. 444 Days, America held Hostage.”
Flat Fucking Not True!
Are we having a McSame Senior Moment™ again? How many times do we have to say that Sunni’s (like Al Queda) and Shia’s (like Iran and most of Iraq) are as different as Irish Catholics and Protestants!
There is no relation between 9/11 and the Iran Hostage Crisis AT ALL!
It’s as big a lie as the one that Saddam Hussein had anything to do with 9/11.
It is THE SAME LIE as a matter of fact!
Now I hesitate to read tea leaves, but to me this indicates that the Republican Party wants to commit another war crime and guess what? This time we lose! There is absolutely no way we can keep the Straits of Hormuz open however much damage we inflict on Iran and the likelihood is that we isolate and destroy our occupation force in Iraq (basically our whole Army and Marine Corps) and mobilize the entire Islamic world against us.
And that’s an optimistic scenario, could be that the whole world gets together to put us down like the rabid mad dog Nazi’s we are.