Tag: vintage

Will Love …Or Rage… Save the Planet?



As the Senate gets to work delaying and watering down Climate Change legislation, all of course for the sake of the greed of their American and International Corporate Owners, I am spurred to ask…..what will do more to save the Planet, Love or Rage?

We are after all activists because of Love. We love the Planet and we love our fellow human beings, we love justice and we love equality, and that is why we fight.

Or is it perhaps that because when we look around at all the greed, at all the torture and war, at all the hatred and intolerance…..we are filled with Rage. Filled with rage at all of it, because the more we investigate, the more we learn, the more of our own ignorance we dispose of as our eyes open to how the world really works….and especially how it is really run, how can we feel anything but rage?

When we find that it is mostly greed that is causing the worlds problems, greed and incompetence and the willful ignorance and in some cases petty malice that are preventing us from traveling down the road to the progress, justice, and equality that we seek, how can any feeling human feel anything but rage?

Sometimes the rage even drowns out the love, overwhelms it and pushes it into the background. And in the worst cases, the rage can shove the love right out of peoples hearts and they become the rage, and love is a forgotten memory. Sadly, this is the process that can turn a well meaning love filled activist into exactly what we set out to fight against. Unfeeling except for the rage, too focused on the fight to remember what we one is fighting for.

On the other hand, and I suppose this is the real question, can love alone change the worldly mechanisms, aspirations, and nefarious greed of those who would deny justice and equality to all beings? Or is rage necessary to activate the activist?

In what balance is it most effective to hold these two forces of activism, as we try top change the world we love so, but that so enrages us?