Tag: Performance

The Good School; Principals or Principles

copyright © 2012 Betsy L. Angert.  Empathy And Education; BeThink or  BeThink.org

A few organizations have attempted to answer The Good School Question.  Each asks, “What epitomizes a great learning center?”  “How might we, as a society, give birth to quality institutions?” The solutions are many.   All of  the associations speak of guiding principles. A few also strongly favor Principal or Teacher Leadership.  The various alliances advance the premise; our first and foremost priority must be our children.  In prose, beautifully composed, mission statements submit, adult wants cannot come before the needs of our offspring. Yet, after careful examination it is difficult to discern this truth.  Many aspirations. Many a mirage.  How might we know which is which? Once reviewed, every one of us will decide what works well in education and how might we execute a plan. Will principles, Principals, or pedagogy lead learners to salvation.

Not Motivated? Good!

So… you get up and go to work everyday, if you even have a job, and you’re teetering constantly on the edge of financial catastrophe. The bills are overdue, you’re nervous about answering the phone, and you inspect the sidewalks and alleys everyday for soft spots in case you might end up living on them one day?

Then you get to work, if you even have a job, and you spend all day pissed off at the unfairness of it all and wondering why the brainless conforming moron in the next cubicle takes home four times what you do on payday while operating on three brain cells, asking how high everytime the boss says jump, and performing rote repetitive tasks all day long that a hampster could do faster?

The answer is simple, obviously. You think too much! You’re too effing smart for your own good!

theRSAorg | 01 April 2010 This lively RSA Animate, adapted from Dan Pink’s talk at the RSA, illustrates the hidden truths behind what really motivates us at home and in the workplace. www.theRSA.org

Dan Pink’s full 41 minute talk “Drive” is here.