The current mantra in the conservative circles of California government is those darn employees with their “cadillac pensions and benefits”. When painted with a broad brush, as the story goes, its these same government employees that are bankrupting the state and local municipalities.
In order to combat a crushing budget deficit of $450,000 the City of Maywood last month planned to layoff all of its employees and outsource its operations to a neighboring community.
Maywood, a small working-class community south of downtown Los Angeles, plans to lay off all its employees, disband its Police Department and turn over its entire municipal operations to a neighbor – an action that appears to be without precedent among California cities.
Maywood a largely hispanic community has a population of 28,991 people. Maywood’s cost of living is 13.60% Higher than the U.S. average. The unemployment rate in Maywood is 18.20 percent.
So who was handling city services for Maywood?