Tag: Federal Register

Brothers, Agent Orange Filing Rules Changed, Today!!

Just going to give some updated news on Agent Orange without much commentary, but wanted to get out this information, especially related to the just released, today, rules for compensation for the Brothers of the Vietnam Conflict but also continuing, and growing Action as to contamination from Agent Orange and Defoliants sprayed near bases here in the United States as well as Overseas.

The Kristen Renee Foundation Continues Its Fight for Frederick, Md.

FREDERICK, Md., Aug. 31 PRNewswire — Angie Pieper, President of The Kristen Renee Foundation will be holding a second press conference to release remarkable information that has transpired over the last four weeks, including the foundation’s future plans in its fight against Fort Detrick on behalf of many residents in Frederick County who have been affected by what is believed to be a cancer cluster. {read more}