Tag: pony party

Pony Party: No Talent Edition

As I take a deep and sweeping inventory of myself in the prime middle of life I have come to realize there is an astonishingly long list of talents I lack.

Some deficiencies bother me more than others.

Despite being in the kitchen with my 85 year old grandmother many, many, times my roast beef still does not turn out as well as hers. It is good but not quite there yet. Heck, I even took notes once.

Pony Party, Riddikulus Edition

my sincerest apologies to alan rickman

If you don’t know what “Riddikulus” refers to, this might be a good time for you to scroll your way past the body of this Pony Party and jump right in to the comments…though you’re welcome to stay and be entertained anyway. 

Ok, now that we’ve gotten rid of the Muggles (and any stray boggarts, thank goodness, because they always turn into Dick Cheney around me, and who needs that late on a Friday?), I submit for your approval 4 “better” Harry Potter endings.  They are roughly and amateurishly animated, contain loads of cartoon violence, and in the end have really no real redeeming qualities whatsoever….( /disclaimer)

Better ending for Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire?

Better ending for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince?

Pony Party, bereft of alliteration.

And I’m not feeling at all wordy today. Must be a weekend coming up.

Let’s see if this will embed: 

Well, it’s not showing up in my preview, so how ’bout a picture? I can do those:
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Pony Party, the Help Desk(s)

this vid purports to have been made in response to the ‘medieval help desk’ vid below…
poetry help desk…

Pony Party: One Little Mistake Edition

Somehow, the Pony Party I’d posted got nuked.  It’s not showing up, so I’m recreating it, under my own account ’cause I’m in a hurry.  Hopefully it wasn’t nuked ’cause our leader really hated it or somethin’.  But it has a real pony!

Pony Party: What’s Right With America (Opera Edition)

Thought that title would get your attention.  It’s easy to see the cruelty and injustice of American power, at home and abroad, to feel the country is in the hands of…er…let’s not go there.  This is about what’s right with America!  What’s beautiful and laudable and grand. 

Please don’t rec the pony parties!  Another one will be along soon…

Pony Party, Happy (belated) Birthday Sam!!

  Believed to be born on September 26, 1722 (though other sources use Sept 16th), Samuel Adams lived his entire life in Boston, Massachusetts.  He died on October 2, 1803, in a state and a country which he helped to create.

Samuel Adams is one of your ‘Founding Fathers’.  Leader, activist, brewer. 


“Without the character of Samuel Adams, the true history of the American Revolution can never be written. For fifty years his pen, his tongue, his activity, were constantly exerted for his country without fee or reward.”~ John Adams

Pony Party, Spoiler Alert

Oh, so you’ve braved the ‘Spoiler Alert’ and peeked inside to see what I’m spoiling…

Well, according to The New York Post’s page six, an extra has revealed some of the previously top-secret details of the upcoming “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull”.

Dare we explore??

Pony Party — Paper!

So I knew I’d be doing a couple of these, and I thought “Make it an exercise in improv!” Sit down, pull a topic out of the air, publish!

Um, yeah.

No recs, please. Ponies is allergic…

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Pony Party, Morning Metal

Heavy Metal in Baghdad is the title of a movie premiering at the Toronto Film Festival.  The YouTube description as well as the website (linked above) for the film and band describe their struggle to survive as a heavy metal band, having suffered from an oppressive regime, having a glimmer of hope for freedom after Hussein’s fall, and then feeling ‘trapped’ between an occupying army and the ‘terrorists’ (word used by band member in trailer) now.

The band is called Acrassicauda, here they perform:

Pony Party, “not enough for a separate essay” edition ;)

Jenny McCarthy, the beautiful actress you may remember from movie appearances in ‘Dirty Love’ or ‘Scream 3’, or numerous television appearances (oh, yeah, and the whole ‘Playboy’ thing…) has recently gone public about 2 aspects of her life.  She has a 5-year-old son who is autistic, and she has been dating actor Jim Carrey, whom she calls an ‘autism whisperer’.

From the linked Yahoo!News article:

“He’s actually helped Evan get past some obstacles I couldn’t. I sometimes call him the autism whisperer. He speaks a language Evan understands, and Evan feels safe with him.”

Pony Party, the Piano

Animation:  The Piano

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