Tag: Of Thee I sing

Obama’s New Kiddie-Book


The President of the United States is about to publish “an inspiring marriage of words and images, history and story”, says Chip Gibson, president and publisher of Random House Children’s Books.

From the “patriotism” of America’s first president George Washington to the “artistry” of Georgia O’Keeffe and the “courage” of baseball player Jackie Robinson, the 40-page book is  “an inspiring marriage of words and images, history and story”, said Chip Gibson, president and publisher of Random House Children’s Books. Illustrated by Loren Long, who has previously provided the artwork for bestselling books including The Little Engine That Could, the picture book’s cover shows Obama’s daughters Sasha and Malia walking their dog, Bo, through a sunny, grassy field.

Children need to know! The Father of Our Country was a “patriot!”

But do they also need to know that this “patriot” led an armed revolution against his own country’s government from 1775 to 1781?

Those pointy-headed bureaucrats want to tax our tea!

Kill them! Kill them all!

Obama’s secret agenda is obvious enough on the cover of his book, which shows Sasha goose-stepping across a “sunny, grassy field!”

Mussolini would be proud!


Give those girls some machine-guns!

And those militant children should also know that George Washington was a totally unscrupulous war-profiteer!

When Congress offered to pay him $500 per month, he declined, instead asking only that his expenses be paid. Washington used his expense account to indulge lavishly in food, drink, and other amenities. In the end, the bill he presented to Congress was $449,261.51 (far greater than the $48,000 he would have received in pay.

$449, 261.51! In constant dollars, that would be more than $11 million today!

For “expenses!”

And Barack Obama understands that lesson all too well!

Five days before being sworn in as President, Obama secured a $500,000 advance for an abridged version of “Dreams From My Father” for middle-school-aged children.

And that’s only the most recent publishing payoff for Obama’s career in “public service,” which now includes multi-million dollar royalties from Dreams from My Father and The Audacity to Profiteer.

But before Obama got his face on TV at the Democratic National Convention in 2004, Dreams from My Father had only sold about 10,000 copies and gone out of print, after a final small edition from a Japanese publishing house way back in 1996.

Politics pays, children!

And that’s really all you need to know.