Tag: Dan Hamburg

Doing the Work of Electing Genuine Progressives

In my previous entry, I posted about Green Party candidates who are running for political office in Ohio.  Before proceeding to the topic of this entry, I want to point out that a non-Democrat left-winger is running for U.S. Senate in Ohio.  His name is Dan La Botz, and he is running as a member of the Socialist Party of Ohio.  His web site is here.


Committee to Elect Dan La Botz

P.O.B. 19136

Cincinnati, OH 45210-9998

Rossl has, in his turn, posted about three Green Party U.S. Senate candidates who stand a real chance of doing well this year and who can certainly use your help to pull off wins or, failing those, enough of a showing to send a clear message where voters want Democrats to go.  I should also point out that John Gray is running for U.S. Senate in Arkansas, and has a chance of winning as well.


John L. Gray

Candidate for U.S. Senate

P. O. Box 434

Greenland, AR  72737

Take action for 3 important Green candidates

Dan Hamburg, LeAlan Jones, and Jill Stein are running three races that are very important to the Green Party this year.  In California, Hamburg is a former Democratic Congressman hoping to be elected as a Green to Mendocino County Supervisor.  In Illinois, Jones is the only African American in the Senate race and has polled as high as 14%, in a state where the Green candidate for governor got over 10% in 2006.  In Massachusetts, Stein is less than $1,000 away from qualifying for the rest of the debates, and about $38,000 away from qualifying for matching funds.

I’ll make this as simple as possible.  Here’s what each one needs from you: