Tag: 9/11

Swashbucklers911truth upset with 9/11 steel used in us navy ships

Over nine tons of 9/11 steel was recently recycled in building a new navy ship. However, the use of the steel was controversial, according to a number of 9/11 truth groups including swashbucklers911truth, nauticalengineersfor911truth.org and seamensittingonthedockofthebayfor911truth.org.

The President of Swashbucklers for 9/11 Truth explained, “While using 9/11 steel may be patriotic, swashbucklers are very concerned that the steel is not strong enough. We don’t want to be in the middle of the ocean when the engine falls apart.”

However, these strength concerns about 9/11 steel were quickly dismissed by General Don T. Trustnist who was quoted in a recent Popular Navy Mechanics article. He said, “There are no problems. When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. We found that the 9/11 steel melts very easily, so we were able to use it for intricate designs where it is much easier to pour into molds.” As for concerns about strength, the General made it very clear that the steel was not used anywhere steel would be heated. General Don T. Trustnist said, “There are many useful applications for this steel including railings, chairs and flagpoles. What is more patriotic than a 9/11 steel flagpole?”

Why Propaganda Trumps Truth

Paul Craig Roberts was a prominent member of the Reagan administration.  

He served as an Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration earning fame as the “Father of Reaganomics”. He is a former editor and columnist for the Wall Street Journal, Business Week, and Scripps Howard News Service. He is a graduate of the Georgia Institute of Technology and he holds a Ph.D. from the University of Virginia. He was a post-graduate at the University of California, Berkeley, and Oxford University where he was a member of Merton College.

In 1992 he received the Warren Brookes Award for Excellence in Journalism. In 1993 the Forbes Media Guide ranked him as one of the top seven journalists in the United States.[1]

Smart guy, right?  Smarter still that he turned on his masters and now speaks his mind, and the truth (as he knows it) to anyone who will listen.

Check out what he’s saying about 9/11, and propaganda.

An article in the journal, Sociological Inquiry, casts light on the effectiveness of propaganda. Researchers examined why big lies succeed where little lies fail. Governments can get away with mass deceptions, but politicians cannot get away with sexual affairs.

The researchers explain why so many Americans still believe that Saddam Hussein was behind 9/11, years after it has become obvious that Iraq had nothing to do with the event. Americans developed elaborate rationalizations based on Bush administration propaganda that alleged Iraqi involvement and became deeply attached to their beliefs. Their emotional involvement became wrapped up in their personal identity and sense of morality. They looked for information that supported their beliefs and avoided information that challenged them, regardless of the facts of the matter.

In Mein Kampf, Hitler explained the believability of the Big Lie as compared to the small lie: “In the simplicity of their minds, people more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have such impudence. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and continue to think that there may be some other explanation.”

What the sociologists and Hitler are telling us is that by the time facts become clear, people are emotionally wedded to the beliefs planted by the propaganda and find it a wrenching experience to free themselves. It is more comfortable, instead, to denounce the truth-tellers than the liars whom the truth-tellers expose.

This is why we see the extreme emotions displayed at a place such as Dailykos, where people get absolutely hysterical when anyone brings up the facts of 9/11.  That is the power of good PSYOPS, and it is why the military has a PSYOPS division.  

9/11 was a trauma for everyone.  We were all wedded to what we thought happened that day, and our minds and our brains adjusted, as best they could, to what we thought was the reality of it.  When we start to learn that what happened that day may have been completely different than what we not only believed, but what we mourned and grieved, we get angry.  

They’re like the emotions you’d experience if you found out someone you loved, who you thought was dead, who you had mourned and grieved, had actually staged their death.  You’d be pretty pissed.

The psychology of belief retention even when those beliefs are wrong is a pillar of social cohesion and stability. It explains why, once change is effected, even revolutionary governments become conservative. The downside of belief retention is its prevention of the recognition of facts. Belief retention in the Soviet Union made the system unable to adjust to economic reality, and the Soviet Union collapsed. Today in the United States millions find it easier to chant “USA, USA, USA” than to accept facts that indicate the need for change.

Or to change “Obama!  Obama!  Obama!” than to recognize that Obama is just another one of “them”.  

The staying power of the Big Lie is the barrier through which the 9/11 Truth Movement is finding it difficult to break. The assertion that the 9/11 Truth Movement consists of conspiracy theorists and crackpots is obviously untrue. The leaders of the movement are highly qualified professionals, such as demolition experts, physicists, structural architects, engineers, pilots, and former high officials in the government. Unlike their critics parroting the government’s line, they know what they are talking about.

Here is a link to a presentation by the architect, Richard Gage, to a Canadian university audience.  The video of the presentation is two hours long and seems to have been edited to shorten it down to two hours. Gage is low-key, but not a dazzling personality or a very articulate presenter. Perhaps that is because he is speaking to a university audience and takes for granted their familiarity with terms and concepts.

Those who believe the official 9/11 story and dismiss skeptics as kooks can test the validity of the sociologists’ findings and Hitler’s observation by watching the video and experiencing their reaction to evidence that challenges their beliefs. Are you able to watch the presentation without scoffing at someone who knows far more about it than you do? What is your response when you find that you cannot defend your beliefs against the evidence presented? Scoff some more? Become enraged?

Another problem that the 9/11 Truth Movement faces is that few people have the education to follow the technical and scientific aspects. The side that they believe tells them one thing; the side that they don’t believe tells them another. Most Americans have no basis to judge the relative merits of the arguments.

Now he brings up something I’ve written about here, more than once:  The Lockerbie bomber case.

For example, consider the case of the Lockerbie bomber. One piece of “evidence” that was used to convict Magrahi was a piece of circuit board from a device that allegedly contained the Semtex that exploded the airliner. None of the people, who have very firm beliefs in Magrahi’s and Libya’s guilt and in the offense of the Scottish authorities in releasing Magrahi on allegedly humanitarian grounds, know that circuit boards of those days have very low combustion temperatures and go up in flames easily. Semtex produces very high temperatures. There would be nothing whatsoever left of a device that contained Semtex. It is obvious to an expert that the piece of circuit board was planted after the event.

The Lockerbie case was similar to 9/11 in that people swallowed the government story, digested it, integrated it with their horror and grief at the tragedy, and now what they believe about the case is part of their actual belief system.  To throw evidence at them that their belief system is actually flawed makes them angry.  They feel insulted.

And now he gets to something that has confounded me for quite some time:

What I find puzzling is the people I know who do not believe a word the government says about anything except 9/11. For reasons that escape me, they believe that the government that lies to them about everything else tells them the truth about 9/11. How can this be, I ask them. Did the government slip up once and tell the truth? My question does not cause them to rethink their belief in the government’s 9/11 story. Instead, they get angry with me for doubting their intelligence or their integrity or some such hallowed trait.

The problem faced by truth is the emotional needs of people. With 9/11 many Americans feel that they must believe their government so that they don’t feel like they are being unsupportive or unpatriotic, and they are very fearful of being called “terrorist sympathizers.” Others on the left-wing have emotional needs to believe that peoples oppressed by the US have delivered “blowbacks.” Some leftists think that America deserves these blowbacks and thus believe the government’s propaganda that Muslims attacked the US.

I think he’s right about the emotional needs of people being a part of this, but he stops far short of the emotional truth of it.  Like I said above, people mourned the event, they grieved it, they emotionally digested it until what they thought was the truth about it became a part of them.  

To hear something that suggests that your very reality, that which you think is literally “the world that exists around you” is actually not true, is going to be met with fierce emotional resistance.  There’s going to be a knee-jerk emotional response of “no!”  To use the word “denial” to describe this would be somewhat accurate, but this is actually something far more powerful than simple garden variety denial.

And this is what the propagandists understand.

And that is why they have power over us.

It is, perhaps, the greatest power you can have over people.  It is greater than the power of force, because people will fight force.  Force is obvious.  Using force against people results in a similar knee-jerk emotional reaction, but against you.  Good propaganda results in them cheering for you, as I saw somewhere else (here?) it’s like the chickens rooting for Colonel Sanders.  

Now THAT’S power.

In the next section he talks about this power, but he attributes it to the power of the government.  I attribute it to the power of the media.  For most people, their window to the world, quite literally, is their television set.  Their sense of reality beyond their little tiny slice of the world is the television.  If they don’t see it on television, it’s not “real” and it didn’t really happen.  We all know what I’m talking about because almost all of us, whether we care to admit it or not, experience this to some degree or another.  I know I do, still, to this day (conditioning is hard to lose).   People simply do not question the media.

As far as I can tell, most Americans have far greater confidence in the government than they do in the truth. During the Great Depression the liberals with their New Deal succeeded in teaching Americans to trust the government as their protector. This took with the left and the right. Neither end of the political spectrum is capable of fundamental questioning of the government. This explains the ease with which our government routinely deceives the people.

Democracy is based on the assumption that people are rational beings who factually examine arguments and are not easily manipulated. Studies are not finding this to be the case. In my own experience in scholarship, public policy, and journalism, I have learned that everyone from professors to high school dropouts has difficulty with facts and analyses that do not fit with what they already believe. The notion that “we are not afraid to follow the truth wherever it may lead” is an extremely romantic and idealistic notion. I have seldom experienced open minds even in academic discourse or in the highest levels of government. Among the public at large, the ability to follow the truth wherever it may lead is almost non-existent.

The US government’s response to 9/11, regardless of who is responsible, has altered our country forever. Our civil liberties will never again be as safe as they were. America’s financial capability and living standards are forever lower. Our country’s prestige and world leadership are forever damaged. The first decade of the 21st century has been squandered in pointless wars, and it appears the second decade will also be squandered in the same pointless and bankrupting pursuit.

Joe Wilson waxes Palinesque against Net Neutrality, invokes 9/11, Iraq and Iran

Crossposted at Daily Kos

    Yesterday, South Carolina Congressman Joe “YOU LIE” Wilson gave a speech condemning Health Care Reform as a “Greater Control” on American lives. The video can be seen here, but the main event is below the fold.

      Fear mongering over health care reform is nothing new for Congressman Joe Wilson (R-SC02), but the speech he gave on the House floor a few days ago that was mocked by Jon Stewart should stand in the Wingnut Hall of Fame of insane, disconnected rants that have nothing at all to do with the reality of the issues being discussed.

    It is, in a word, Palinesque.

    More below the fold.

9/11 Redux (Part 3)

Part 3 of Real News Network Paul Jay’s interview of former FBI agent and whistleblower Coleen Rowley about the leadup investigations to the September 11, 2001 WTC attacks.

Part 2 of the interview is here.

Part 1 of the interview is here.

9/11 Redux (Part 2)

Part 2 of Real News Network Paul Jay’s interview of former FBI agent and whistleblower Coleen Rowley about the leadup investigations to the September 11, 2001 WTC attacks.

Part 1 of the interview is here.

9/11 Redux (Part 1)

Real News Networks Paul Jay interviews former FBI agent and whistleblower Coleen Rowley about the  leadup investigations to the September 11, 2001 WTC attacks.

Part 2 of the interview is here.

9/11 and the Revolution

Crossposted at Daily Kos (Ya, right!!)

What do we have to work with here?  We’re faced with a federal government that is corporate owned and leading our country to third world status, relative to a large percentage of the population.  U.S. imperialism is unchanged from the previous administration and actually expanding.   Greed has completely taken over all facets of our controlled existence.  The entire system has been set up and manipulated by a very small minority of people who have no interest in the welfare of the common person.  The comparison of serfs to nobility is more apt than ever.  The political party duopoly is so ingrained that any third party challenge on the national stage is easily brushed aside.   Our supposed democracy is certainly no longer that.  

We have to find a way to bring the common citizen to the table.  Our current system of government, not unlike most in the world, is simply too skewed toward the wants of the few versus the needs of the many.   What do we have to work with?   The common citizen is still too apathetic to get involved in pressuring our politicians.  That task is left to a small percentage of activists.  Phone calls, petitions, whatever efforts are made, are simply too small to make any difference.

We know our government systems are corrupt.  We know Wall Street, big banks and the Federal Reserve have effectively stolen the wealth from the majority and given it to the few.  We know the illegal attacks and occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan were mounted for corporate and imperialist interests, not because of terrorists.  We know the reason we can’t get single payer health care reform is because of the corporate plutocracy that has completely taken over the Congress and Senate.   We know the reason the term “jobless recovery” was floated in the first place was to get the populace accustomed to the fact that it will indeed be, a jobless recovery, i.e, the rich get richer and the rest of us take a step back, or two.

How can we possibly break this system?  What do we have to work with?  Challenging a government requires big numbers, on the same basic page.  Challenging this government would require nothing short of a full spectrum dominance from the citizens.   The small numbers on the internet, working to spread the word while preaching to the choir,  are not going to have enough of an impact to do anything but delay a decision that we won’t have a public option, let alone challenge the entire premise of modern day U.S. government.  

American citizens by and large like the soap opera, action hero, drama thing as trained by our media.  Perhaps a full frontal assault on 9/11 resulting in a revelation of the true story would wake enough citizens from their acquiescent slumber to demand an end to business as usual.  What better drama could capture the audience than one that includes a conspiracy of global proportions.  I come to this with an air of impatience and a realization that something spectacular needs to happen before citizens can reclaim their country.   My impatience comes from reviewing other options.  Those such as working locally to elect more and better democrats, urging more citizens to get involved in contacting and pressuring politicians, or working toward third party legitimacy seem like peripheral efforts of no consequence when considering the state of the country and the world.   My realization comes from knowing those efforts are by and large fruitless.  

The only other possible option I’ve seen is waiting until things get so fucking bad that the citizens are forced into a revolution.   Wait until conditions get so bad that people will finally fight back.  Personally I’d prefer not to get to that point.  That would mean much suffering and I have children and grandchildren who I would prefer not have to go through something like that.  

What we know is our government is corrupt and our politicians are controlled by money.    Most citizens already inherently realize this but don’t have a common issue they can focus on.  Perhaps if the truth was revealed for all to see that our government was involved in the intentional murder of 3000 American citizens to further the agenda of imperialism and wealth transfer, the citizens would finally have had enough and avoid a revolution based on desperation.  

I’m throwing this out there because of Charlie Sheen.  I watched a video of him tonight and he seems to be  sticking to his guns on his questioning of 9/11.   Considering his high profile and that he could easily stay silent and enjoy his money, I have to applaud that.  It’s not like I needed convincing by Charlie Sheen however.  I’ve read pretty much everything out there and watched all the videos, so I already have an adverse opinion of the “official government version”.   But he made me think again about the whole deal.   Based on what I’ve learned, I can’t accept the “official government version” and believe those involved included our own government.  And if our own government was involved and it can be proven to the citizens of the U.S. and the world, that just might be the path we can take to challenge the machine that controls us.  


Richard Engel in Afghanistan at a “Tip of the Spear”

The Video below, not a trailer, is the first video of this series that aired the night of 10.11.09 in an hour special, MSNBC broke it up online into six parts, the rest are linked below the video.

One of many of the articles recently written as the focus, after seven years, once again turns to the Afghan occupation as does the debate on being there, occupied now going into the ninth year. It was not secured after ridding the Taliban government and al Qaeda was put on the run when we invaded, destroyed and occupied the innocent people of Iraq where we still have tens of thousands of soldiers and private contractors, some being of our now mercenary army.

Crumbling Towers, Crumbling Ideals

Or should I say:

Crumbling Towers, Physics Upside Down?


Crumbling Towers, Let’s Think After Praying

At any rate, being astonished to find a blog where I could post some of my thoughts about the tidy, near-instantaneous crumbling of the three (3) World Trade Center Towers… I wrote this in a comment the other day. Two people suggested I post as essay, I asked Budhy about it, got an OK. Any help with tags appreciated, but if you would be so kind as to leave the “Thinking” tag, I’d appreciate it. (Apologies, there’s some compare and contrast with DK here, I can’t justify the time to edit it out.)

After you read this, what I want to know is, “What do you think?” And, “Any hidden thoughts you’ve harbored, that you haven’t feltl safe to discuss, due to the prevailing thought-paradigm on this issue?” Again, “What do you think?”

It begins:

I doubt there’s a unified theory about 9/11 among the diverse posters, and it seems odd to me to think there would be.

I’m not the scientist, but I’m intelligent. Here are a few of my thoughts.

–I had previously watched videos of buildings being “pulled” or destroyed by carefully placed charges. A hired demolition, where weeks or months of work placed charges in advance, because the goal was to have the building collapse into its own footprint and *not damage buildings that surrounded it.

They create a simultaneous explosion, that reduces the entire building to small pieces at the exact same moment. People gather around and take videos of those buildings from various angles, to see how successfully the company hired was at placing charges, and if they achieve the near-impossible, making a building collapse in seconds into its own footprint.

9/11: A Fictional Theory ***UPDATEDX2***

At precisely 2:12 A.M. Eastern Time this diary was deleted from the Daily Kos despite the “Fictional” tag I gave it.  It has been labeled as a “Truther” diary, yet it says right in the tags AND THE FUCKING TITLE it was fictional. So not only does the new Kostapo (trained at this very facility :::shakes fist:::) have a response time of 13 minutes for banning your handle and 2 hours and 12 minutes to delete a diary….but they are also illiterate.  That is all.

(Cross-posted from Daily Kos)

It was the best of times, and then, it was the worst of times.

In June of 1997 the Republicans found themselves marginalized by the prosperity brought about by a slick politician they would later impeach for having “sexual relations” with a woman that wasn’t his wife.

They were bitter, defeated, and were preparing to ascend…with a little help from their friends.

I Guess I’m Banned, Unless I Acknowledge (Updated)

This is SO weird!  I am a 54 year old Vietnam Era Vet, career federal employee now retired after 29 years, father, grandfather, brother, and all around good guy.  At least most of the time.  Sometimes, my inner anarchist and CTer comes out and I say things I obviously shouldn’t.   Consider today for instance.  

It was a typical morning.  I woke, got some coffee and turned on the internet. Read a little news, then starting perusing blogs.  I saw a diary on DK titled “FBI Whistleblower says Neocons Negotiated Iraq Invasion with Foreign Agents in Summer 2001”.  


In a particularly egregioius momemt of insensibility, I responded to the following comment:

“Well, if you go by Some of the more interesting detailing and wording in the Project For the New American Century, as well as the infamous Rumsfeld napkin writing to the CIA….this opens up one hell of a Pandora’s Box…and I’ll just leave it at that”

with this:

“Ahem.  Quite interesting that 9/11 happened not long after this.”

I didn’t think anything about it and went about my day.  Later in the afternoon I went back on DK and noticed a reply to my comment from Meteor Blades.  

“Edmond’s comments do not include saying that 9/11 was an inside job. And you shouldn’t be saying that on this site either if you want to keep posting here.”

Well, that just irked me.  Good grief MB, grow a spine for criss sakes.  So I responded back in my best diplomatic manner:

“Ban me for that statement?  Go ahead, I’d be proud”.  

No more than ten minutes later I got the notice:

2009-09-23 19:20:03

If you write commentary expressing a MIHOP or LIHOP theory, you will be banned. It’s a longstanding rule. Four months ago, people weren’t even warned about it. Now we give a single warning. This is yours.

I understand the above warning (posting is no longer allowed until this is acknowledged).

First off, unless I acknowledge, it does appear I’m banned, which really means I haven’t been given a single warning.  I have no history of CTism on DK.  I’ve thought I’ve been a fairly good contributor all things considered.  Sometimes I’ll play along the edges like with the statement I made today.  But I don’t see where that statement I made today is at all detrimental to that blog.  

So I have a decision, to acknowledge or not to acknowledge, that is the question.  My inner being is telling me to not acknowledge that sort of bullshit.  It just seems like giving in to the man.  I don’t give in to the man.  Interesting isn’t it, DK has become the “man”.  At least to me.  

UPDATE:  Here’s what I’ve concluded.  To acknowledge this warning or reprimand for my behavior would be the same as acknowledging I went over the line of the rules established.  I didn’t.  Not only that, but the same thing happening everywhere is happening on DK, the continued oppression of anything.  So I can’t accept it.  Therefore, I will not “acknowledge” and I will have been banned from Daily Kos for saying this (without previous history of “bad behavior”):

“Ahem, quite interesting that 9/11 happened not long after this.”  

I can’t explain it any better.  

TeaBags in DC and Afghanistan: McClatchy’s Nancy Youssef

Yesterday, 9.12.09, in Washington, we had this: Tea Party Protesters March on Washington extending their purely political use of the tragedy of 9/11. I’ll guess not one at the podium or with the megaphones, nor any in the crowd, even mentioned this: 5 U.S. troops among 50 killed in Afghan violence Sat Sep 12, nor much was said about all the soldiers who’ve died, or are physically and mentally injured from the occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq. I’ll guess also nothing was mentioned about the monetary, in billions and billions, cost of these still operational theaters of occupation!

A friend at facebook also asked the same I’ve {many have} wondered these past eight years:

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