Our potty mouthed Brooklyn neighbor, Vic DiBitetto, is ticked off about sayings that contradict each other, he really hates hypocrisy. To Be or Not to Be… What? Warning: Language is a little salty. NSFW
Tag: Rant of the Week
Jan 17 2021
Rant of the Week: Amber Ruffin – Black Heroes
Why Do Black People Always Have to Save America?: Week In Review | The Amber Ruffin Show Last week, a video went viral of Capitol police office Eugene Goodman being chased up the stairs by a crowd of pro-Trump rioters during the attack on the U.S. Capitol. Goodman knew that the floor of the Senate …
Jan 10 2021
Rant of the Week: Joe Scarborough – There Has To Be An Investigation
I am not a fan of Joe Scarborough, or “Morning Joe” as a whole, as he was an enabler of the Orange Traitor giving him a platform to spew his hateful agenda to destroy this country every time he called his show on MSNBC. Since then Joe has woken and smelled his coffee, realizing, but …
Dec 27 2020
Rant of the Week: Keith Olbermann – After Trump’s Pardon Orgy, we need a Special Counsel to prosecute them all.
Our angry friend Keith Olbermann has something to say about the Squatter’s pardon spree. I revere Joe Biden. I admire his call for healing. I applaud his desire to keep The White House out of the Justice Department. But after this second night of Trump’s orgy of pardons and commutations, can there be any doubt …
Dec 20 2020
Rant of the Week: Ticked Off Vic – Leave Santa Claus Alone!
Our very funny but fouled mouthed Brooklyn neighbor Vic DiBitteto is ticked off about some folks who think Santa Claus should be a female or neutral gender – whatever that is. He wants people to leave Santa Claus alone. Be warned Vic’s colorful language is not exactly safe for the work place, young children or …
Dec 13 2020
Rant of the Week: Jon Stewart Interviews George Carlin
Since George Carlin’s death in 2008, YouTube has been a treasure trove of his comedy, social criticism and political insight. This interview from 1997 with Jon Stewart isn’t so much a rant but insight into how George thought and evolved. Even now, his wit and wisdom is still relevant.
Nov 08 2020
Rant of the Week: Stephen Colbert – Quarantinewhile
Quarantinewhile… Stephen gets a sneak peek at a human-like robot under development at Disney and previews NSFW named British pastries.
Nov 01 2020
Rant of the Week: Bill Maher – New Rule: Skip the Civil War
In his editorial New Rule, Bill Maher urges Americans to skip the post-election civil war and go straight to reconciliation.
Oct 25 2020
Rant of the Week: Bill Maher – American Ninja Warrior: Democracy Edition
Bill Maher, host of HBO’s Real Time, addresses voter suppression, a strictly Republican tactic, in his New Rules segment. “Elections were meant to eliminate candidates not voters.”